The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 01, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    THUR8DAV, JUNK 1, 1901
Prudent Will Open Portland Ex
position Today.
Th Grsst Lswia and Clark Exposition
Will Opon Promptly at Noon Today,
and It it Expoctod Thr Will B
Ont Hundrod Thousand Prtnt
The national government, which
sanctioned the Lewis and Clark expo
sition by rwldin- buildings and
displays which represent an expendi
ture of $800,000. has fiven further evi
dence of Its confidence In the Pacific
coast's undertaking by providing that
a large and representative congres
sional party shall attend the opening
exercises on Thursday. June 1. Pres
ident Roosevelt, at Washington, will
start the fair by pressing a golden key
at the White House, and will be rep
resented personally at the opening ex
ercises by Vice President Charles War
ren Fairbanks. The congressional party,
which numbers 21, Includes some ot
the best known and most popular men
in national affairs. Hon. Joseph C.
Cannon, speaker of the lower house,
will be one of the orators of the day,
and the other national legislators who
will speak are Hon. Clarence D. Clark.
United States senator from Wyoming,
and Hon. James A. Tawney. represen
tative from Minnesota. Hon. H. A.
Taylor, first assistant secretary of the
treasury, and chairman of the United
States government board for the expo
sition, also will deliver an address.
Of the 31 members of the national
legislature, 10 are senators. The per
sonnel of the senatorial party follows:
Hon. Henry C. Hansbrough of North
Dakota, Hon. John W. Haniel of Vir
ginia, Hon. William P. Dillingham of
Vermont, Hon. Clarence D. Clark of
Wyoming, Hon. Louis E. McComas of
Maryland, Hon. L Heisier Ball of Dela
ware, Hon. Lee S. Overman of North
Carolina, Hon. P. O. Newland of Ne
vada, Hon. James N. MeCreary of Ken.
tucky, Hon. Robert J. Gamble of South
The vShirt Waist Season
is Here
And It Didn't Catch Us Napping
We have been preparing
ourselves for this occasion
for months past. Scarcely a
day goes by but that some
new merchandise doesn't ar
rive to brighten up our store.
Among the last to arrive
was another nice assortment
of those
Some New Japanese
Wash Silk Waists.
The Foard & Stokes Co.
Astoria's Greatest Store.
Where New Things Make Their Debut
Dakota, mid Panlel M. Ransdoll, sor-tteant-at-arms
of the senate.
The congressional party follows
Hon. James A. Tawmy of Minnesota,
wife and daughter; Hon. James 8.
Sherman of New York, Hon. Charles
U Bartlett ot Georgia and wife, Hon.
Joseph W. Babcock of Wisconsin and
wife, Hon. J. A. Beldler of Ohio and
wife. Hon. William A. Rodenburg ot
Illinois and wide. Hon. Janva A. Hem
en way of Indiana, daughter and son;
Hon. Joseph C. Sibley f Pennsylva
nia and wife, Hon. George S. Legare
of South Carolina and wife, Hon. H. C.
Adams of Wisconsin and wife. Hon. G.
N. Southwlck of New York. Hon. R. U
Henry of Texas, J. H. Small of North
Carolina, Hon. James McAndrews of
Illinois, Hon. Courtney W. Hamlin ot
Missouri, Hon. Lucius N. Llttauer ot
New York and Alexander McDowell,
clerk of the houes of representatives.
The official program for the opening
ceremonies has Just been completed.
The exercises will begin promptly at
noon, the assemblage being called ta
order by the president of the expos!
tlon, H. W, Goode. Following divine
Invocation by Rt Rev. David H. Moore,
D. D.. S. S. D.. Methodist Eposeopal
bishop ot Oregon and the rendering
of a march by the Innea band. Presi
dent Goode will deliver the opening ad
dress. He will be followed by Hon
George E. Chamberlain, governor of
Oregon: Hon. Jefferson Myers, presi
dent of the Oregon State commission
to the Lewis and Clark exposition:
Mayor George H. Willasm of Port
land; Congressman James A. Tawner.
Hon. R. A. Taylor. Hon. Joseph G. Can.
non and Vice President Fairbanks.
Most Rev. Alexander Christie. D. D.
Catholic archbishop of Oregon, will
pronounce the benediction.
Terrific Race With Death.
"Death was fast approaching."
writes Ralph F. Fernandei of Tampa.
Ha., describing his fearful race with
death, "as a result ot liver trouble and
heart disease, which had robbed me of
sleep and cf all interest In life. I had
tried many different doctors and sev
eral medicines, but got no benefit, un
til I began to use Electric Bitters. So
wonderful was their effect, that in
three days I felt like a new man. and
today I am cured of all my troubles.'
Guaranteed at Chaa, Rogers' drug
stere; price 60c.
Biz prpclncta returned) their cen
sus enumeration to County Assesso.
Cornelius as follows: Seaside, Wt
port, Elsie, Mlshwauka, Jewell and
Push. The enumeration appears In
another column.
Jaunty Little Town
and Country Shirts
that everybody is wearing.
Come in and get yours; we
have your size and a price
to fit your pocketb'jok.
Renewed Activity In the Chicago
Strike of Teamsters.
Large Number of Tsamattra of th
Employers' Association Sent to the
Lumber Distriets to Paoilitato the
Handling of Lumbar Products.
Chicago, May II. Afttr 24 hours'
true occasioned by the genera) clos
ing down of buslnesa for the Decora
tion day holiday, employers and team
sters resumed the atrlka struggle to
day with the situation at It was Mon
day and little prospect of Immediate
The Employers' Teaming Company
sent out between 2S00 and 2400 team
ters. Every driver that could be
spared was sent to the lumber district
in order to facilitate deliveries.
A further spread of the strike among
a number of the firms will be called
today. Firms connected with the Mlll
in am" Union are pledged to make de
liveries in strike bound houses and it
was expected that several firms would
be uffected today.
Hon. H'"nj. Young went to Portland
last evening. '
Elmer WarnstaR of Olney was In the
city yesterday.
J. T. Ross was in Portland yester
day on business.
Captain Goodale visited friends In
Portland Sunday.
C. K. Stein and wife of Chicago are
visiting in the city.
W. N. Meserve of Grays rlver was
in the city yesterday.
Hon. C. F. Lester of Warrenton was
in the city yesterday.
William Anderson of Deep river was
In the city yesterday.
J. M. Allison of Pillar Rock Is reg
istered at the Parker.
J. C. Boruirbrg went to Portland
last night on business.
W. R. Williams was a passenger for
Portland lust evening.
Harry B. Dukln of Portland Is reg
istered at the Cential.
Mrs. A. A. Cleveland has returned
from a visit to 8' a: tie.
J. Pragg of Portland registered at
the Occident yesterday.
Rev. W. S. 8hort returned yesterday
from a trip to Portland.
District Attorney Allen has returned
from a trip to Portland.
M. R. Pomeroy has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
G. W. McBrlJe has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
Jas. Palmer of Svenson was In the
city ytsterday on business.
F. A. Kinney of llwaco was In the
city yesterday on busliicHS.
Morris Wise of Portland was In the
city yesterday on business.
M. J. Kinney of Porthwd was In the
city yesterday on business.
Robt. Gray of Hammond was In the
city yesterday on business.
John McGuIre went to Portland last
evening to attend the fair.
Dr. H. L. Henderson has returned
from a business trip to Portland.
A. S. Reed was a passenger to Port
land last evening on the Lurllne.
C. F. WhaUy of St. Paul was reg
istered at ;h Occident yesterday.
J. T. Hrooks of Minneapolis reg
istered at the Occident yesterday.
I Dr. Mohen was a pussenio-r on the
i Lurllne last evening for Portland,
j Capt. Simpson was a passenger on
the train lart evening for Portland.
Insprtor Larrvr r4urn"1 jfedter-
day from a business trip to Portland.
J. A. Ferguson and family went to
Portland last evening on the Lurllne.
H. R. Hoefler and family went to
Portland last evening on the Lurllne.
J. R. Morehead of Nahcotta. parsed
through Astoria last evnlng for Port
J. T. Rowley of San Francisco ar
rived In the city on yesterday noon's
M. Gormnn of Cathlanv-t re'.urnea
home yenteiday from a trip to D'ep
Frank Putton and wife went to Port
land last eviilng to attend the ex
position. C. R. HlKKlns Is In Portland to wit
ness the opening of the Lewis and
Clark fair.
E. Z. Feiguson and wife were pas
sengers on the Lurllne laHt evening
for Portland.
Mrs. Chllds and daughter of Chicago
are In the city, the guests of Mrs. C.
J. Trenchard.
Anita Trenchard and Miss Baldwin
j& P. A. STORES jz?
Keeps a Dressy Shop for Dressy People.
cam, down from Portland Tuesday
evening on a visit.
Chaa, J. Schnab'1. a prominent at
torney of Oregon City, was in A:orli
yesterday cn legal business.
Miss Edith Rutts left for Portland
last evening to visit friends and be
there for the opening of the fair.
Frank Hall, advance agent of the
John L. Sullivan company, was In the
city ytsterday, making arrangements
for the appearance of the company In
Astoria next Monday night.
A Crtepint Death,
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart causing death. J. E. Stearna
Belle Flame. Minn., writes that a
friend, dVaadfully Injured' hU hand,
rlend dreadfully Injured hjs hand.
which swelled up like blood poisoning.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the
poison, healed the wound, and saved
his life. Best in the world for burns
and sores. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug
A large quantity of India Lawns,
which we bought at import prices.
We give you th benefit of our op
portunlty. Price, the yard, from 10 CENT8
and up.
Valenciennes Fdglnj?
A lot of it. bought right. While
it lams, a bolt of 12 yards, 12 CENT8
COATS, In black, finished wl h Zi
Inch accordeon pleated ruffle.
We ssll them at each $2.00
ready to wn will be closed out AT
COST. This is your opportunity to
t a stylish hat at a bargain. No
need to wait until the seftwm closes.
PLEATED SKIRTS, made of good
quality alpacea, stitched below the
hip, In elth-r black or while. All
sizes, each 4.50
made of fine quality Wool Batiste,
in brown or Mack. A dressy gar
ment 900
t3 e
that people come here for the finest ready-to-wear
Clothing. We won first position for best
qualities years ago.
But don't think us "High Toned" just because
out Clothes look and are so much superior to others.
Our Suits at
look equally as good and wear as well as those you
pay twenty to twenty-five dollars for elsewhere.
No difierence except in the price.
Good qualities are ao low in price that to buy
the unreliable "Just-as-good" kind is a real extravagance.
C.,!i We are showing very strong
OUIIS line at ... -
$10.00 Per
accompanied by bis sparring partner
jim Mccormick
and bis company of athletic and vaudeville stars.
PRICES Reserved Seats, 75c.
Gallery, 50c.
Seat sale opens Saturdry morning at Griffin's Book Store.
Plumbers Steamfitters .
Ntr.e tut liist
W. C.
Now is Oxford Time
To cur customers who know the character and
quality of our goods, the prices quoted liclow will
appeal very strongly. To those who are not our
customers we can only say this is a good chance
foi you to become acquainted with us and our goods
and save yourself money. Just notice the prices we
have made.
Women's Tan Oxfords in calf skin, made with
welt, new lasts, $3.50 and $3.00
Women's Button Oxfords, made with welt, $3.50
Women's Tan Oxfords, bhtcber cut - $2.G0
Oxfords for Children and Young Ladies, the
famous Steel Shod line $1.75 to $2.25
Girls and Children's Tan Oxfords in calf and
kid, $1.50 and $2.00
Barefcc: Sandals cut in new patterns, that will
not cause sore toes, Children's, DOc, Misses, $1;
Women's $1.:!5.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
pera louse
Lessee find Manager
Class Wciln cn
LAWS ea CO.,
117.68 lti.i Mittl.