The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 01, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    f '
JftSDAY, JUNI 1, 1901
Let Me Tell
Traveler to the Et, I hve word for you j
There are through Pullman sleepere, both
Standard and Tourist, going Eaat from the
Coatt at frequent intervale. Over two routet ,
they travel via Rock Uland Syatem for a good
share of the distance.
You can go by way of Ogden, 8alt Lake and
Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco,
Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island
will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi.
cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at
all three cities for all important points in the
East and South.
Or the traveler via Northern route can take
the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul
to Chicago.
Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies
best meals on wheels.
a. h. Mcdonald,
Oeneral Agent, Rock Island 8ystm,
140 Third St., Portland, Or.
llvelyanticlpatluu oFifr. fniTy's quick
forgivem-ss for bl In fraction of the
rule when b Kb mild show bin preciotw
parchment, lie smiled complacently
M be oiened his bag to get out the
sheepskin. Horror and everything
eUel He bad left It on the train. "Mr.
Daly," blurted Winner, s with abrupt
confusion, "I am a ..roaster of art,
and"- ' '" ''' rt,:H
Daly wheeled alowly In bis office
rbalr and, without moving bis eye from
the newspaper be was reading, said
maater of arts 15.
Anecdotes md Incidents of The
atrial Lire.
The Preduetlen f Popular Dramas and
Effort to ftevate th Profession byj
Many ef the Leading Aetet of This
Country and Europe. "j
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co.
. V.
'f ' '' ' 1
I t ' v ' . J
y v. ', . f
cltdi nrca.
ltdIb nfen; w6
could aoll a play a
week tf be eould
writ with such re-
nltlf evaa iinVHlh;
' ' f
aging a budding
dramatist to per
fere. 1
"Keep on," said
Fitch. "Work r.
try day. Don't per
mlt yourself to be
Idles moment It Is
In our moments of
Idleness that the
numbing influence
of discouragement
come orer us. In
our bour of work
we never despair.
If you want a good, rlcan meal or if you
arc in hurry you should
go to the
Astoria Restaurant
Thlt fine restaurant is thoroughly up-to-.
ilate in every detail.
S, Q. A. IIKWIHV rr.-.lclou(
. I. I'KlMtMO.N, VI-fTt-nl
Kit ASK I'AIT'lS, CK.hiiT
J. W. OAlSNrti, Al'iiil Cuolilt-r
Astoria Savings Bank
('upHiil I'nlil In mm i'ii mi't rmllvlilrrt rnni ivum
Truii.H. l. i.nii rul ll inkinu l!ulm. laurel l'al'l mi Tiun' Drwll.
168 T.nth 8lrot,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
i:htaiilisiii:i ihh.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
V Y WII fll 1C41 U S Beer.
The road Is up
hill at flnt It waa uphill for Shake
spear, for Plncro, for Sardou, at first
All these men, like you, were once bo
lt In tiers and were eneered at and brush
til aside as beginners, amateurs, know
"It Is, Indeed, a tremendous under
taking to get a Crt play produced. 80
many are written; so few are put on.
An English playwright with a gift of
humorous exaggeration Illustrated this
fact once, lie told me bow he submit
ted a comedy to a celebrated actor and
how In the counte of the conversation
this actor said:
" 'Don't you think the room la rather
" 'It Is rather cold,' said the young
"The actor rang, and a servant ap
peared. 'James.' be snld, 'put three more
manuscript on the lire.' "
W. 8. Ollliert, who wrote "Pinafore,"
"Die Mikado" and other successful
operas, was recently sitting alone In
the smoking room of a London club
when a dergymnu entered ami came
across to htm.
"Iluve ymi seen here this morulug a
young man with one eye called
Juiihh?" be asked.
"What was the name of the other
eye?" replied ilHiert without the ghost
of a siul!t 011 his fare.
And with a glare his interlocutor
The late Aujrust'n Italy hnd an Iron
chid rule that no member of hi com
pany should le.ive the city whether
"out of the Mil" or nut. It was durlug
Otis Sklinier'n first sou -ton with Duly
that he was notified In an Iiiimh1iii
ilocnmeut from the president of. Tuft a
college that he had been choeen for
au honorary degree,
and It wns ouly a
few day later that
Mr. Skinner, being
ortt of the bill, took
the law Into his
own bands and
went to Boston for
the ceremony. He
duly received a
master of arts de
gree and returned
at once to New
York, where, next 0719 ".
morning, be promptly reported at Mr.
Dat's office with nntura) pride and,
i Like many other" successful Ameri
can, Reginald D Koreo fire bis wife
credit for being of material assistance
In bl work. Hi first opera, "The Be
gum," was written In collaboration with
Harry B. Binlth. "This we submitted
to Colonel McCaull to 1S8T," the com
poser said recently, "and because of
bis liking for Mr. De Koven be produc
ed It I do not think It would bar
bees produced at
tU but for tbla
fact, because at
that Urn Ameri
can manager
would not take
anything Ameri
can. McCaull made
a great deal of
money out of It
hnt Smith and !
did not" When
the De Koven-
Smith opera. "Itohln Hood." the most
ucceasful opera ever written in Amer
ica, was produced the lata Joseph Jef
ferson said to Composer De Koren:
"You'll always have to fight 'Robin
Hood' Just aa I bar alway bad to
fight 'Rip Van Winkle.' When you
writ a new opera your first success
will always loom up In front of you.
People will alwaya Insist upon compar
ing whatever you do with It" Mrs. De
Koven. who Is a daughter of the lat
Senator Farwell of ,Chlcaij, has writ
ten erersl popular noref.
! A
Ills efforts iVoofalii a peaceful settle
ment of the difficulties between Tea-
uela and Euroean power when the
a rh Ids of European nations made
hostile demonstratlona off the Venezue
lan coast In Y.a. He succeeded In get
ting matter referred to The Hague.
Herbert Wolcott Bowen wa born In
Brooklyn In 1S.VS and studied at the
Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Yal
enlversity and the Columbia Law
school. At Yak) be wa la the same
(1am with William IL Taft, now secre
tary of war and also acting secretary
of state, who will conduct the Inquiry
Into the charge s gainst Assistant Bec
retary IxximU. President Harrison tp
polnted Mr. Bowen consul to Barce
lona, Spain, and the creditable record
be made there won him from President
Cleveland, a political opponent, promo
tion to the office of consul general.
President McKlnley mad blm minister
resident and consul general to Persia,
from which post be went to Venexoela
to succeed Mr. Loom Is.
naorsAi d Di
II. Ilaa a long .ad C rpdlble Ree.
or a. a Diplomat.
The affulr of Veueeuela have recent
ly received a great deal of public atten
tion, and the latent derolpment con
nectiHt ltU them direct the public gaxe
upou HerlM-rt W, Bowen, who was ap
pointed tiiiiiiMter to that country in
1001. ami Frnncla It. Itomls. his prede
cessor In tli nt orllce und now assistant
seoretnry of state. Throui Mr. Bow
en chnrges rerlectltig upon Mr. Ixiomls'
Integrity um an otfli ial while represent
ing the Tufted Statei iu Venezuela
bave been illeil at Washington. An In
veMtlgiitlon ban been ordered, and Mr.
Ilowen lias been suiiiuidikhI home to
testify at thin Inquiry. He will not re
turn to Venezuela, but will, It Is sup
posed, be tratufcrred to auother dlplo-
Caa( R.w likH HI. Owl Clklac.
- Sem. ( Htm BMeatHvttlM.
Count Leo Tolstoi carries hi Idea of
octal equality aud simplicity of life
to the loalcal limit This w smmogiy
shown In a picture which represents
hlrn earbed In attire of bl own nanai
work. It I a oeaant's costume and I
of coarse material and erode fashion
ing, but the grand old man of Russia
looks distinguished even In so rough a
a-arb. In maklnz bis own clothe the
count la animated by the desire not to
be derjendent on hired labor for any
thing. He believes in each person do-
. "
K 9 IL
matlc post If be can ahow that there
was no Impropriety In his conduct In
respect to the Loomla charge.
Minister Bowen jwon high praise for
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are
drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
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the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years.
G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes:
How to Find Out
You can easily determine if your kidney ax
out of order by setting ailda for 24 hour a.
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it fs cloudy or milky or ha
a brick-dust sediment or small particle float
bout in it, your kidneys ar dfseaaed, and
at one.
"About four yttrt ac I wtot. you stating that I hid b.o .ntiry
cured of a Uda.y treubl. br taklnt las tha two bottlM of
Pol.y's Kidney Cur. It entirely ttopped th. brick-duet eediment anal
pain and symptoms r kldner diteae. disappear. I am (lad t. aa that
I have never had a return of any of thoaa aymptooii during th. foor
yeara that hav. elepeed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, end
heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cur to any one suffering from
kidney or bladder trouble.'
Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00.
1 : i
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f 'a Xfi
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Our Dreams.'
m MATE to rear! of mllllonalr, -
11)iih eu h reading sem
To hypnotlx. rne utterly
And .tart m. dramln dr
It starts m. figuring at once
W hat I'd b apt to do
If I ware tit th vt ftlkrw's plae ,
And had a million too.
Of couree I'd my fortune well.
More aensibly than he, '
Pot I'd give ten per cent at laaat
To worthy charity. .
Another ten per cent would go
To help along few
i' -What bill, ere over lil. 1 i . '
And then my duty to the church-
Of course a goodly abare
Bay, twenty-fl per" cent of to
Would be devoted there,
rd give this latter qulelly, ,
' Inalatlng that niy name" ' f;
Muat b. withheld, that son. might
-." Whence this donation earn.
: Td only let th. pa.tor know
He'd hav. to know, yen ae- w -! '
BauM my nam. upon th. check
Would show It earn, from me.
Another twenty-tlr. per cent
Would do myself and wife:
The Income we'd derive from that
Would keep ua both tor Ufa.
Then after that-well, after that
I dream away and plan
To spend still other tea per cent. ,
To help my fellow man.
And after that my dreams would get
A bit confused, and then
Td take a tombl. and my feet
Would touch th. earth again.
My common sense would tell me, a
It stopped m. with a Jerk,
I'd wasted time enough to do
A dollar's worth of work.
e-T. A. Daly In Catholic Standard and
. Times.
Ins bis ovm share of the menial tasks
of life, and If a ditch Is to be dug or a
field cultivated he does not hesitate tc
soil his bauds In performance of the
work. The picture shows the great
tvriter and philosopher carrying a bag
of provisions destined for the home of
Rome poor family. -
Ijmg ago Count Tolstoi would have
given away everything he possessed
but for hi wife. The Countess Tolstoi
or Mrs. Tolstoi, a she prefers to be
called-bas been not only her husband's
Inspiration, but a necessary check upon
his career. To ber care of hla estate la
due the fact that there la still wealth
In th family and that h waa compell
ed to accept royalties upon hla book.
Australia's export of wool to tho
United Bute hare doubled within a
The supreme court of Australia baa
rendered decision recently which prac
tically render the compulsory arbitra
tion act inoperative.
One rubber company In the United
States last year manufactured 48,000,
000 pair of rubber boots and shoe, or
a dally production of 100,000 pair.
The salt Industry of Spain la dally
extending Its sphere of operation and
besides supplying domestic wants, esti
mated at 300,000 tons yearly, exports
considerable quantities, amounting la
1004 to &J0.C00 tuna,
Maude" Lillian Benf wears a hat to
ber "Mexico" song In "Humpty Dump
tv" which has been actually worn on
the other side of the Kio uranae. u
a genuine sombrero. t
Margaret Daly Yokes, comedienne of'
the Ward and Yoke company, will
star next season under the direction of
E. D. Stiilr In a comedy which ha been
especially written for her. ; ; .
"The verses that Wilton Laekaye
once scribbled about Maurice Barry
more," remarked a dramatic critic the
other day,, "would almost, make his
I talked beni-ath tk moon -
An 1 slept beneath the sun,
j I Ue4 a Ufa of going to do W
And died with nothing done.
f 4Celared for Action. f
When th body 1 cleared for aeUon.
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you cart
tell it by'the hloom of health on the
cheeks:' the brightness of the eye; the
firmness oC the flesh and muscles; the
buoyancy rf the mind. Try them. At,
Chas. Rogers' drug store, ii cents. J
Good advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, clear skin;
bright eyesfl red lips, good health, tak
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tnere
Is nothing like it. 35 nts, Tea or
Tablets. Frank Hart's drug store.
In the
Spring a young
Man's fancy lightly
Turns to thoughts
Of the three rear seats
On the car, where
Smoking Is permitted.
Don't It beat
Tou how the women
Always grab
These seats In
Summer, Just when
Your mind la made
Vp that you need
Them with your
Half smoked clsrsr? I'D
Tell you what let's do
We'll cast aside
Th. street car rules
And with a pulf
That's all together '
We'll smoke In
Any seat we choose.
And maybe then we'll
Oct a compromise
That will result In
Women moving forward
When they take
Th. car.
By Jinks, a
Man can amok. In
Any restaurant In town!
Why can't th. woman
Stand It on the can.
Where fresh air
And air that's more
Respectful stirs
Th. curling amok, and
Casts It on Its vaporous
It they
Want the spark to
Light their dresses
Let them take
The smokers' seats, but
If they want to
Rid. In comfort lat
Them move
Vp forward. If they
Want to spark, why,
Iet them com. with
IT. back In th. aid.
Seats, and we'll do
Our best to entertain them.
But w. must hav. our
8eata or perfect
Freedom for our smoke.
At least
That's what
Sh.ald Caviar. Erea the Heat Skep
tical at It Trath.
f v.u i . atta-Moee Anuht In the.
minds of any that Dandruff germs do not
exist, their Deiier is eompenea oy xn
tact that a rabbit tnnoculated with thai
terms became bald In six weeks' time.
It muat be apparent to any person
therefore that th only prevention of
baldness Is the destruction of the germ
which act Is successfully accomplished
In on. hundred per cent, of eases by
th application of Newbro's Herplclde. ;
Dandruff is caused , by the same germ
which causes baldness and can be pre
vented with the same remedy N.wbro
Accept no substitute. "Destroy th
canna vou remove the effect."
Sold bv leading drugirlsts. Sena toe. in
tamps for sample to Th Herplcld Co,
Detroit. Mich. ,
Eagle Drug Store, X51-S5S Bona St,
Owl Drug Stor. M Com. St, T. P.
Uurln, Prop. "Special Agent"
The Crime of the
The Jun? Everybody haa the climax .
of this Terrible Story, as told by'
Thomas W. Lawson. i
If you have been following the story
you have probably rushed to the store
and bought your copy already, so much
was your interest In the remainder, i
However, If you have not, the story
Is very plainly set forth in this num
berPractically a summing up of the
story without the detail, so that one
can easily see hom the people were
ruthlessly robbed of thousands upon
thousands of dollars. Price 15c.
Show window full of them.