WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, A&TORJ A, OREGON. mi Hft G I M R E BALL Call The Astoria Restaurant. j, a a. iritmi O. L 1'ETfcKHON, Vlm-rrtalilent The Palace Cafe. Astoria Savings Bank 1pltal Paid In I10O.OM. KHrplut and I'ndlvldrd Profit I3A.0U0. Transact, ft General Banltttif Bunlneaa. loterest raid on Time Depot tu. 1M Tenth Street, . , First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. :8TAUI.ISH1'I) 1HM. Capitol and Surplus $100,000 WeinharcTs Ilftflf vsiEriBag tiUfipiil Viiplng Eczsmi toon eurtd. I suffered with weeplns JCcnenia in Its Worst form for about two yearn. In whlcu tin I tried snrerul remedies and iwtpri. swrlmlont, until I hud spent about liuuanrt found do nnan'nt relief. Nntursllr 1 became skeptical and hull intra ben a new Trmnly wu offered ma, "You will bave to bow me," a. thu MlKSourlan saS. when Mr. McDonel, of the Pioneer Dru Ptore, elalmcd li. could cure mo with 1). D. I). 1 wan shown pbotoirraplie of cawM before and alter tnkliijru. D. U..toiretberwltb the story of a remarkable our. of ft mnn worklnir to the Valley At Work! at Aliixandrla. which mm. under tbe personal observation Of Mr. Jordan, t oommenoed uilnit the nicdiclne per direction. After ualnir the fifth bottle I was oured. I bv never bail any ri-turn of the dUrase, Many come to me aiklng whatD.D.U.dld forme, and lalwavs tall them It they want to be cured "Use D. D. D. M per directum." . J. K. WUERSTEN. Montneller. Ind.. Not. 1 19U. D. D. D. coats but 10 curt or money refunded. CHARLES R0GEK5, Druggist. Has always in stock a fine assortment of Boots and S hoes BRAND RUBBER BOOTS. J and See. Bond Street. o The Best Restaurant. Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace Catering Co. If you want a good, clean meal or if you are in a hurry you ihould go to the Astoria Restaurant This fine restaurant is thoroughly up-to. date in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. EXCELLENT SERVICE FRANK" FATTON. Cathlw J. W. OAiiNKH, AlUnl Cashier ASTORIA, OREGON Beer. 1oEB110 WE VOUCH FOR TillS la th cas. of ). E. Wuersten ihowo her., hit Ion was almost entirely covered with Weeping Eczema. It raged fur two years, and wu after ward entirely cleared away in about til week lim. by 10) H JD)h JD)b and no taint of the disease hat appeared tince. We know this to be exactly as stated. This result can be accomplished with any skin affection. Barrels of blood medicine can do nothing for a skin dis ease. Nine out of ten manifestations in the akin are local parasitic in nature and absolutely curable by this new pre scription. D. D. D. Is a clean liquid prescription topped or atomized over the affected spots twice daily. This preparation hat our un auallfled endorsement. We are recommending li with most ex cellent reeulte. The curee already effected are having wlde-epread Influence In thle eectlon. If you have a akin affection-come to the atoro. It will be the meant of mak ing you a happier human being. tl.00 a bottle and It guaranteed 160111 NOTES FOR WOMEN Secret of Unrest and Furnishing Guest Chamber. SOME DOMESTIC DIFFICULTIES ef Intersst That May Be Useful to Atteria Women Who Ar Kngsflsd in Spring Hons. Cloning and ! tifying the Reldnes. . , "Thlt la certain! the age of unrest," remarked tbe bachelor aa be read of another woman wbo had encircled tbe globe. , "Only for women," put In tbe bache lor girt. "You men seem to care only for eaUng and drinking and elflsbnesa." 'Penonalltle again," observed tbe bachelor dryly. 'But I never aaw any thing to beat tbe modern woman. A few years ago man waa auppoeed to be tbe more volatile of the two, and motbr era, with bated breath, used to Instruct their daugbtera bow to keep him borne rrom the club and how to retain bla fickle fancy. Now It'a tbe man wbo baa to look out In a few moutha, accord ing to newspapers, woman Urea of matrimony and tbe humdrum exist ence It entails. She wants to travel, to keep on Improving herself, to see more of life. Naturally hubby objects. Why Isn't she content to be Just plain mar tied like bis mother before ber? Why should a woman want to compose mu sic and write novels and be an archi tect, a lawyer, a doctor, any of these unnatural things? Why not occupy her self right In vtbe bom.? And, do 70a know," went on tbe bachelor, thate wbst I atk myself, and tbst's one rea ton why I don't want to marry." "As to tbat-m'-ni'-" chuckled tbe bachelor girl, "I could tell you very easily tbe reason of woman'a unrest She hasn't as much to do as formerly, Compare tbe life of tbe present woman with that of ber mother before ber and her mother's life with that of ber grandmother and watch tbe difference, Life la being made easier for women all the time amj more difficult for men.- Demestie Diffioultie.. "More difficult for the man. Will rou kindly eznlaln that?" "It's very easv. I said life had boon made easier for woman. 80 It has by CRTUia BEB BYES OCT. apartment botela with all convenience, by department stores, which keep ev e-ythlug from a needle to an automo- blis, and by countless other devices. Eut these all cost money. The cost of living is now twice what is used to be, dress is more elaborate, dressmakers and tailors charge more. What used to be considered luxuries of the table are now necessities. We eat lettuce and tomatoes ami strawberries out of sea son because they are lu the market and we cannot realm the temptation. Tuo price of sn apartment In a skyscraper Is many times that charged for the reut of a house formerly, and, uulike the bouse, It gives Its mistress no occupa tion whatever, for everything Is done almost automatically tor ber. Now, what Is she to do? Sit at home and cross her hands? No, Indeed. She tries to find some means to pass the time that will uot bore herv It is eveu worse with the woman who has married a poor man. Hout, fuel and the comforts of life are the same price for her as they are for her more fortunate sister. There Is practically no way In which she can save materially. Home dress making, that great economy of our mothers' time, Is almost denied to her because modern dress Is too complex to be attempted by tbe amateur. 80 she determines, to help make money In- ttend of watting time trying to save It. Fhe does not gain anything by staying quietly at borne, for tbe work there is almost all done for her, and It worfM not bo much of a gain if abe did the lit tle there was, but she does gain by earning a fat salary and increasing her money making powers just like a man." Th. Guest Chamb.r. . Haw few. women kjipwhow t fnr- nlsb'a gVesf cTji mtjer! Fur Instance, there should be coat bankers In The elowt. They sre liidlapensable, and It Is bard to make room for them In a trunk. A soiled clothe bag Is another necessity tbe visitor does not And In one room out of ten. A small desk, with papir of assorted sixes and Dens. Is simply a blessing, and a hot water Don i. ass orten been very often appre ciated on cool nights. . ., MAUD EOBINSOV. THE OVERAMBITIOUS WOMAN be Mm Xet k. r.l.s f Wall -'.'' ": rv Tblasa, ' There are plenty of foolish people in tbe world, but among the most foolish must be counted those women wbo, to use a vulgar expression, "bite off more than they can chew." Too see tbsm on every band. There la little Mrs. Fooraan-sbe married roormaa with ber eyes open, fsbe knew be bad a tiny Income. Now, why on earth does she stretch that Income beyond all powers of endurance by try ing to Boat along with the Bichly set? Bbe belongs to a dinner club, for in stance, and baa to give a awell ban quet when she has only one maid, wbo doesn't even know enough not to pass plates in front of the guests. And she STaTS WaKK StOBTS WOXSEBI50 WBXTBXB 8BX CAJf AFFORD IT. rorrles herself very nearly Into the grave In the effort to "keep up appear ances." Then there Is Mrs. Vanity. Bh lives' for clothes and stays awake during iho wee small hours planning whether she really can scrape enough from the household money to have that extra dress of palo blue eollenue. The re sult Is that she becomes sallow and wrinkled fretting about It all, and the pale blue eolleuue, when she gets it doesn't help her appearance much. And there Is Mrs. Proudinother. She sends little Giudys to a fashionable school, which she can no more afford than she can afford to keep a horse and carriage. And why? In order that little Gladys may have a chance to learu more? No. She will learn less lu the fuKhiouabie school, but she will make fat.hlonnble friends, associate with little girls who are worth twice as much money as she is and conse quently Imbibe ideas of discontent and of living beyoud ber means. Of course It is a good thing that In America we have no limitations of rnk, but It is also a bad thing because it breeds discontent Every woman in the land, regardless of ber own or ber bus band's limitations, wants to do the same things thst the most wealthy wo men in ber town da BEATRICE MILLER. BALCONY EFFECT. A Terr Gn Idea row m Lara;. Hall or Recptloa Roam. Very often there Is a large entrance hall or a square unlovely room In an old country house which will not admit of artistic furnishing. The picture sug gests a balcony treatment, which is at tractive, particularly for entrance halls. The woodwork of this room Is white, giving It a light, cheerful appearance. Thero Is a large window composed of T "aa.tM, ,lPf I -1 w a 1 i.'it,sr,i nit 1 u 1 . ..1 IM A COUNTS T B0U8B. , five smaller ones, and across the top of this there is the balcony, Just wide enough. tj acco!ugiwlntenfxff plants FAttw tea or musician fiTtle'e'venf; of a Jance. An oriental rug bangs over the ratling and with Its deep red and green tones give a touch of color to the room. Tbe window seat Is upholstered In green, and the window draperies sre of tbe same tint. A round table or two and some easy chair are furnishings saffl- clent for this sort of a room, together, if desired, with a piano, which Is placed with its back to tbe room. ' The general effect Is simple, without small rugs or many picture to break op tbe walls and without any bric-a- brac whatever. J B. DB LA BAUMK. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS, The rank of knighthood In tbe French Legion of Honor has been conferred upon Adeline J'attl Tbe daughter of Captain John Mal ta n, U. 8. A are running a laundry la Washington and are making a success of th. venture. Marquise Oyama, wife of the Japa nese field marshal, while In this coun try In 1870 embraced Christianity and was baptised In tbe historic Christ churcn. Upper Merlon township, oear Norrlstown, Pa. Miss Bailie Heath Whit Carroll, a Baltimore belle and one of tbe Carrolia of CarroMton, graduated from tbe New York university law school recently la brilltsnt style and will begin th. prac tice of ber profession there shortly. Mr, jane Oermon, cousin of Joseph Jefferson, wbo Uvea In Baltimore, la the last of the old line of Jeffersons and one of tbe old school of actors and ac tresses. She made ber debut when ah waa seven year old aa little Albert. to Edwin Forrest' TelL It la remarkable that Julia Ward Howe, now In ber eighty -elith year, re main so decidedly a figure of the pres ent She still la active In the move ment for tbe legal and political rights of women, at whose birth ah assisted and whose growth aha fostered and chsmploned. Ellen Key, one of the foreign leaden of the movement for equal right for women, expressed ber regrets in a re cent Viennese lecture at the' "Ameri canization" of that movement While radical In some respects, she is con servative In regard to the domestic du ties of women. Tbe American Library association. composed of the beads of tbe most not ed and largest libraries In the country, hss recently elected a woman aa Its vice president She la Miss L. E. Stearns of the Wisconsin Free library commission and Is the first woman chosen to fill tbe office. CHURCH AND CLERGY. Tbe pope has bad a magnificent new organ constructed In bla private chapel In the Vatican. ' Bev. n. L. E. Lnering, the German M. E. church missionary to Malaysia, will shortly visit tbe United States. Be has lived for years In the recesses of the Bornean Jungle. ? , Father John Ilenry Tlben, a Roman Catholic priest of Wichita. Kan has been appointed chamberlain to Tope Pius X. The office carries the honorary title of monslguore. ? It costs money to live In South Af rica. A woman resident in Johannes burg pays $00 a month for ber cook and $;55 a month to a Hindoo servant In India she would have bad to pay only $5 a month for the Hindoo's serv ices. ' Justice Harlan urges the Presbyte rians of the United States to build in Washington a great Presbyterian church a "minster.". With the church be wants a fitting manse for the pastor, a parish house, a (small) clergy house, a staff of assistant ministers and lay workers and an endowment WRITERS AND PAINTERS. Joseph C. Lincoln' new novel, "Part ners of tbe Tide," ba been secured by an English publisher. Jules Verne did not write' his mem oirs and disliked having his person allty brought forward In the newspa per. A monument to Rembrandt Is to be built at Leyden, Holland, on the site of the windmill owned by the painter's father. Miss Arrla S. Huntington, daughter of the late Right Rev. Bishop Frederic Dan Huntington, has under prepaia tlon a literary work dealing with the life and letters of her father. Mensel, the famous Berlin painter, wbo has just died at the age of ninety, left aside from his sketch books, about 5,000 drawings In black and colors. These are valued at 1,000,000 marks, and the Prussian government has tbs first bid. GLEANINGS. Stockholm has slot machines which for a copper yield a glass of milk. Official figures show that about a hundred lives were lost In making the Slmplon tunnel. It It estimated by the commonwealth statistician that since 1802 the popula tion of Austria has gained 27,558 by new arrivals and lost 20,000 by depar tures. Tbe king of Italy hat ordered the Is sue of new postal stamps for the king dom. The new stamps will show views of the principal Italian cities, famous monuments, churches and other objects of general interest The German dally, General Anzetger. publishes an editorial announcement that in future two of Its dally editions will tie printed In Ink which will not Injure any meat or butter which house wives may wrap In the paper. A Crpini Dssth. Blood poison creeps'up towards tbe heart causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plain., Minn., write that a friend, dreadfully Injured, hi hand. fri.nd dreadfully Injurad his band. which swelled up like blood oolsonintr. Bucklen' Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed th wound, and saved , his life. Beat In the wotld for turn. and sore. , 2Jc at Chs Rofsrs drug '.or. , THI ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and aouta, Maklnr close connections with train of all transcontinental lines, paMenrers are tiven their cholc. of route to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far Prospective travelers desiring infor mation as to the lowest rates and best routes are Invited to correspond with the followlns; representative.: a H. TRUMBUUU Commercial Agent, 141 Third St. Portland, Ore. J. C LINDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent, 14 J Third St, Portland, Ore. PAtt, B. THOMPSON, Pass'gr. Agent. Coleman Building. Seattle, Wash. Terrino Rsee With D.ath. Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandas of Tampa, Fia., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all Interest In life. I had tried many different doctors and sev eral medicine, but got no benefit, un til I began to use Electric Bitters. 80 wonderful waa their effect, that In three day I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my trouble. Guaranteed at Chas. Roger' drug tore; price 60c Are you lacking In atrength and vi or? Are you weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? The bless ing of health and strength come to all who use Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. IS cents. Frank Hart's drug store. OutingSuits Labelled like this jljredj)enjaiiiin5t MAKERS AEWyoRK retain t their .shapes, style and distinguished .appearance until WORN OUT. They're out , of the ordinary. "t i The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment V are ex clusive agents here. wtam THE PEOPLE ALL ta Case Cried, Give TJ Ntwbrs This word of late haa bean In mn. one's mouth, and many are wonderinc what th. word signifies, though no on nas yet been found, who will deny that NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE does the worst. Welt for th information of thousand af people who like to know all about a good thing, w. would say that HERPICIDB means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes." Now "Heroes" is the family nam. of a disease caused by various vegetable par asites, a similar microti, causes dan druff, itching scalp, and falling hair; this Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S H RUPI OIDE promptly destroys; after which th nair grows, sold by leading druggists. Send Inc. in stamps for sample to The Herplcld. Co.. Detroit, Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 151-851 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, E Com. St, T. T. I-aurln, Prop. "Special Agent" The Crime of the Amalgamated. The June Everybody's has the climax of this Terrible Story, as told by Thomas W. Lawson, If you have been following the story you have probably rushed to the store and bought your copy already, so much was your interest in the remainder. However, if you hav. not, the story- is very plainly set forth in this num berPractically a summing up of the story without the detail, so that on. can easily see hom the people were ruthlessly robbed of thousands upon thousands of dollars." Price 15c, J. N. GRIFFIN Correct Gotks f Of Hen 1 1 Show window full of them. -