TUESDAY, MAY M, 1905. Hifi MORNING ... ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Patronize Home Industries , and uae Wgrrenton Clara Co.'i RAZOR BRAND CLAM NECTAR pure and clean. PRICE 15 CENTS PER CAN. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. Local Brevities. Mad from . puraj mineral Olympla br. wtr WIm'i May 11 , Drawt th Crowdi. Cut Prlo.t Dmi It! Th tamr Melvlll will lvo th Callender duck today at on' o'clock for Orenwood cemetery. Flavoring extracts, none better. mad het by th Owl Drug Co.. arid fur aal by first cluas grocer. When you buy lmn fr rndleni ua, :hut you gt Mlnxlon Hrand lemon. They are th bt that grow. All of the' public -hol, bunk", county and lty ofm will b closed today. Nearly all of I In store will alao close. The mother of Wilt Madison dM at her home at Independence, Ore,, lut tfaturduy. Mr. Madlaon waa at her bedside at the time of her d-ath anr will remain until after th funeral. Charle Lnreen. who hna leased tht premlae formerly occupied by Sven. aen' book ator, and has nearly com pleted fitting up the Int-rl'ir and ex pect to I. ready fur business today A. P. Power of Knappa la erectlna a etor building at Heaald and will open up a grocery store there In th near future, He will move from Knnp pa and reside at Bald In the future. A man iuml -t'harle Thompaon, to drunk to walk, was conveyed to the city Jull In an xpr wagon ya-tt-rday efirrnoon. A man named Vic Anderson waa or rrtd yesterday for stealing a boat, Hla examination will com up tod.iy in the juatlct court. & M. Geaton carrlti a full Una of farm Implamanta, also wagons, bus etea and farming tool! of ail kind. 101 Fourte enth trtt. Th engagement la announced of K. A. fteaborg and MUa Mage Hunter, both of llwacr and tha wadding la to take place about July 1. Today ia Memorial day, and a legal holiday. The Aatorlan never mlnci an laau and th uaunl ppr will ap pvar tomorrow morning-. Imported Welch Coal Tar One Barrel Equivalent to Two of the Ordinary Grade. Crown Brand s Boat Oars. PURE MANILA ROPE COTTON ROPE TWINE NETTING Fisher Bros. Go. Paatmaatar Hnhn announ'-a thnl t'rt pirn nffli-o will b Itwicd all dny today with th mtptlon of th frrlra and annfrrnl dplry window, which will ! Opi'tt from 13:30 to 1 : 30, mull will b diatribumd by carrit-ra. . W. Andaron and-Dan Jarvl were arraigned In the pilke court yvatrday n a clutrifn of Mux drunk and dU orderly. In cr-atlnr a dlaturbnr on tha Khitmrock on hr trip from ln;p Klv-r and wer! flnd flO rarh. Bundny'a excuralon from Portland t. Kfaald, th bint of the amaon. wu on of tha lurgeat vr glvn vr th A. A C. road. Thert w-era two aectlona lirtvwn IHirtland and Aatorla, conalat Ing of U tara. A maaa mrtlng of tha cltlxen of Aatorut will b held tomorrow ren Ing, probably at Hanthorn'a hall, ti t&ke atvpa for the celebration of the Fourth of July. The announcement of the time and place w ill be publlahed tomorrow. Kuturdny, June 0th, will be Amorlu day at the Lewla i " Work expoaltion and for thl occaalon the O. R. A N. will aell ticket Aatorlu to Portland and return at the rate of one and on. third fur for the round trip. Belling date. June and 10. Ticket, good retum Ing until June 20. Peter Krauae, who left Ataorla laat fall with Chetfer, Vox tar Chicago, where he haa been engaged in tht manufacture Of the Jenrn can Ailing mnchlnee, teturrted to Aatorla, yeater- day. Mr. Krue waa married while In Chicago. Hla wife la vlaltlng frlenda In Ann Francisco and will come to A oi la In the mar future. HONOR THE DEAD The A'totbin lud a aptlul edi tion yeaterday of 1000 roplea contain ing the laf't nw of the Jianf victory, over 800 of which were ola on the etrevU. Conaldi-rnblf portion of the newr received yeaterdny appear In this in irnlng'a 1wue, with the very lateat repot t from the great battle. At a mering of the achool board laat Huturday It waa decided to clone the et'hoola oi Memorial day, and the mat' tor of closing the achoola on Aatorla day at the fair waa luld over for fu ture conaldnratlon. There la no doubt but the achola will be cload Thurs day, but tj, whether they will cloe on the Friday following hus not been determined upon. v There la probably no more delicious food than clam nectar. It la raay to prepare and la delicloua. Rose' Hlggine carry the very beat brand and if peo ple become accuatomed to It. they will rind that it la a great help In maklna out a ma). Hide were openi Saturday by An drew Ap for the conetructlon of a new wagon and bluckamith ahop on the lot eaat of hla preaent location. Several bldg were received, but no contract hue ben awarded but prob ably will be In a few duya. The committee on atreeta and public waya filed their acceptance of the Im provement of Fourttenth atreet be tween Commercial and Dunne yeater day with Auditor Anderaon. The Im provement waa done by F, I Parket and UenJ. Joung at tlulr own expenae. Newa waa received In thla city Sun day that J. Norman Callaway, who went eaat laat week for Elmore ft Co., had been atrlcken with heart dlaxe. Mra. Callaway received a meeaugc I from Mr. Callaway yeaterdny In which he atatea that he ha a fully recovered and will proceed on hla journey. The firm Information of the great Jnpnneae victory in Aatorla waa bulle tined at The Aatorlan oftVe. While many dlacrcdlted the report. It la ! never bulletlna any grent event unlesa It hna been confirmed by the htgheat uthnrltlea. Thla la what make The lAatorlai reliable mid the aame pollc) I will he pureued In the future. Km Brner and C, O. Riley, the two men rrted Kundny for break ing Into the Tongue Point aaloon and White Sw.in aaloon. were given a pre liiulijiry hi-arlng In the Juatlce court ypatTday afternoon. Both men were hi tttinVd j the pf-reon" linpllcuted In the rubbety and were bound over to the circuit court with bond fixed at 1250. Not lelng able to fuinlah bond they were taken to the county jail. U:tle Mnrlon Atwtter. who with her father and mwtlier and little brother ia vlaltlng her grandpurenta, Mr. and Mra. W. U Col. waa immrdlately upon her arrival here Sunday, placed unde the care of Dr. A. J. Fulton, owing to a fracture of the left arm. Marlon left the train at a way atatlon Saturday morning with her brother to talke a little, exerr.iae, and allpped and fell, fracturing the arm between the elbow and the wriat. Rev. William Seymore Short, recto of Grace church, leaves this morning for Portland, where he will attend i preliminary meeting of some of the clergy of t" e dioceae which takes place today. The clergy rrvt In orJer to arrange th routine work of the dio ceae convention to be held on June IS and to diecuea the election of th' blahop coadjutor. Rev. Mr. Short la a member of the examining chaplain of the dioceae, a member of the standi m committee and a member of the hos pital board. He expects to return to morrow. Memorial Day to Be Appropriately Observed in Astoria. GENERAL ORDERS ISSUED Apprepriste Exareiaes to 8 Held To night at Fiahers' Opera House to Pay Tribute to th Living and Dead and to Perpetuate Their Memories. There was a large and enthualaaflc meeting of the Eaglea lodge Sunday. A large number of the Seaside lodge, which has recently united with As toria lodge, came up and were royally received and entertained, Joseph Orlbler delivered the addreaa of wel come and it waa responded to by Ed. Abbott of Seaalde. Th Eagles orch- fstia furnished music. Imnromntu speeches wer made by many of the members; refreshment were served and enjoyable time waa had. The ac cesalona from Seaside lodge brlnga the memberahlp X Aatorla lodge up to S50, and It Is In a most excellent financial condition. 80N8 OF REST. We are now showing a number of elegant pieces of ission Furniture IN WEATHERED OAK. Which we have recently received direct from the east. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY CMS. HEILBORN SON Complete House Furnisters. Hobo Camp of Petty Larceny Thievea Nesr Tongue Point. Chief of Police Hallock and Capt. Gaminel went to the. "Hoboea" Re treat" last Saturday, where they ar rested three men believed to be lm- pllcattd In the hold up of the Tongus roint ana White Swan saloons. One of the men -was positively identified In the seaich for the criminals they (Uncovered the camp of the hobo and criminal element who not during to com to the city, Jump oft the cars ns the train slows down going through the Tongue Point cut. This gang of ex-convlcts, hoboea and pef.y larceny , thievea migrate bet we: n Ooble, where I there is nnother nesting place, and between Portland and the sound. They 8tal everything they can lay their hands on In the vicinity of the Hume mill, and live off chickens they steal from the residents. Some davs there are only a half doxen In camp, whin o.her days there are over 10. The Lewis and Clark fair has brought many of thees criminals to this const, and their numbers will be increos d aa the) summer ad.ant,es. The chief of police has made a re quest that the people of Astoila uee more caution In fastening their door, and windows at night, and eclally ihe second story windows, as many of the members of the Sons of Rest are wlmt are termed "porch climbers!" Every man should carry a gun and not be afraid to exterminate this law less element whenever opportunity of fers. While the police hnve authority to arrest criminals within or without the city limits, It would s'em better for the sheriff to appoint a special deputy to arrest every man fouinl at this rendezvous, as a sure means or ex'.eiminatlir the evil complained of. Memorial day In Aatorla will be ob- served aa a holiday and Cashing post, O, A. R, th ladiea of the O. A- R. and the Woman'e Relief Corps will strew beautiful flowers upon the grave of the diad heroes and have arranged an appropriate program for th exercises thla evening to be given at Flahera opera 'houke. The national G. A. It. and W. R. C. have Issued special or ders for the observance of the day. Mindful of the deed and sacrifice. of our county's brave defenders w honor thlr memory and gratefully ob serve Memorial day. Each year bringt more slgnlflcenee to the hallowed lua- toms as the "myriad flags of the alien; tnts In the great encampment where dust and ach's sleep" are multiplied, and the ranks of the Grand Army which gather for this beautiful tribuie is rapidly thinning and closing up. Forty years have passed since th carnage of battle cleared and the ern- blcms of civil liberty were again re stored. But we cannot forget the fearful cost. the thousands who marched away with flying colors, down to the gl ry fields to die for eternat right. On this, the nation's sacred day. we recall anew their bravern amid the roar and shriek of burstlns shell .their voluntary sacrifice wher ever duty called, and their steadfast devotion to principle and loyalty tc thet flag. Worthy df special toonoi ar those men. removed from the In spiring activities of war, wasted thei lives In damp and noxious prison sooner than betray the country wMct- gave them birthwho prefered deaf rather than dishonor. Not only may we bring the fraaran flower to garland each soldier1 grave, out we can teach a younger aeneratlcm that love of country Is a noble passion and that brave ded are worthy of remembrance and emulation. Wi should bring some meaaage of com fort and cheer to the comrades who too aged and Infirm to take part In the exerciaes of the day, are waiting to croaa over the river and rest undee the ahade of the tiees, so shall we comfort the living as well as, honor the dead. The Grand Army of the Republic s-as organixed ln 1866. The maximum membership waa reached In 1890, when 40.m name were enrolled. For tha last four year th number of the organization have stfajlly dwindled. In 18SS, the annual death rate among every 10M) veteran wa 3. Now it I 152. In 1894 the membeishlp had ranen to rr,9,08j, an average of 10.000 diaths annually. In 1904 the member snip was 246,261. The army fades awny and It cannot be recruited. None but soldiers, sailors and marines who foaght in ti e civil war are eligible. The day I not far distant when the last of the Grand Army shall have an swered to his name. At t.V time of the laat annual report from various government officer in Washington 2175 veterans were employer, of whom 226 were over 70 years of age. But whn the time comes, when the Inst one shall have answered his las roll call, the rising generations will continue to observe Memorial day and will see that beautiful flowera are planted upon the graves of these brave boys in blue. Day by day their rank are thinning. one by on they disappear. And at each succeeding roll call, fewer .volets, answer, "heie." Still their regiments are marching. many march with noiseless tread. And no bugle sound "assembly" In the . bivouac of the dead. Glorious tales of gallant servlc echo still on every hand. Charge and seige and bitter hardship. comrades lost on sfa and land. Now a reunited nation joins to bles the honored dead. Though thoughtful of the living who have likewise fought and bled. Hats are 'evrrentiy lifted to the heroee lying he4-e; Lift them to the living heroes, hall them all with cheer on cheer. Not for long will they be with us: soon each regiment will be Tented here benea'h the blosoms of the Jund it helped to free. Out today the drums nre muffled and the ling at half-mast waves. Keeping green dead heroes' m inorie' as i.he grass above their graves Still another weary winter shrovd:a SHOE NEWS ' The sight of a woman crossing the street ' should convince every other woman that the finishing touch of any , costume is proper footwear. , ... . . .. . 'Shabby shoes spoil the smartest costume. Smart shoes give tone to the oldest gown. Be well shod or you cannot be well dressed. . We have beautiful styles in Peter's Diamond Special Oxfords at 2.50 that will set off your spring costume to ad vantage. Let, us show them to you the first time you are down town. lorse Department Store. The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade. 508-510 Commercial Street Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c. In the-anow they lay; Now we bring them crown and gar land of the lovlteat bloom of May. Let them ret In honored slumber, whlls their praise from hore . to hore, ' Eighty million throat are swelling, we ar fret for evermore. Vanilla flavoring i good only If pure. Tou get It pure, when you us Owl flavoring extract. ' Other flavors, too. Ask your grocer for Owl ex tracts. Baseball! Baseball! West Astoria vs. ' . High SchooL Today Admisaion 2So. Wis' May Sal Draw th Crowd. Cut Priee Doe Itl BURGLAR CAPTURED. Sharif Linvill Arrest Shrman Smith, Who Admit Guilt Word was brought to the sheriffs office Saturday by Dick Powv that a young man who had been working a few day with him at hi wood chop ping camp on the pipe line road, had stolen some personal property and be lieved that he had stolen some valuable paper from htm. Power asked him about the papers but he denl?d It, and he then asked him where he had slept the night before. Smith told him ln a small house near the ball grounds, and) Powers made him go there with him. When near the ground Power became aus picious and tried to arrest the man. who pulled a gun on him. and there Is no doubt but be intended to get Pow ers Into the wood and kill him. Sheriff Linvllle secured a description of the man .and went to Seaside Sun day. He found that the young man had been there and had broken into two houses, from One of which he had stolen a revolver. Not finding htm at Seaside the sheriff returned from there and hunted all over Toungs bay tor him yesterday. Last evening he and Deputy Watson Bender secured a rig and made another trip. They met the young man near Greenwood cemetery and Linvllle asked him to rid?, at the same time giving Hinder the rerns and Jumped out and held the young man up and took the gun away from him. He was brought to the city anil lodged in Jail. He admitted to the Rh'riff that he h id bioken Into several houses and stolen several articles. He will be given an examination tomorrow in the Justice court. . . The Hess restaurant, on Eleventh street, ia considered the family reatau raat of Astoria. Th beat meals ani th best ervice in Astoria, 120 Eleven, th stmt ' . Ml Learn to make your own dresses. We teach you cutting, fitting and designing quickly by latest method. Full course $3 system Included. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 458 Commercial SU Up Stairs.: Wise' May Sal Draws th Crowds. Cut Price Does It! EMBROIDERED DOILIES Every one like tho dainty bit of linen worked in many colored silk with ham stitched or button holed edges, but vry lady do not know how, and many hav not th time to mak th.m. Just get a SNEW ROYAL Sewing Machine and let It do th embroidering fort you. Th result will b a pretty a if don by hand and th work ia don in much less time. This is only en of th many thing this Up-to-D&te Machine can do. GOLDEN OAK CABINET. DROP HEAD EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MARKET. SOLID GOLDEN OAK CABINET, Regular, $30.00. OUR PRICE 124.00 GOLDEN OAK FINISH CABINET, Regular, $27.00, OUR PRICE $2i;00 We have three wagons and cater to your trade. A large, up-to-data store with a full line of good gro ceries. Telephone if you cannot come. W will call for your order. Telephone Main 781. GEO. LINDSTROM & CO.. Franklin Avenue, Upper Astoria. - REMOVAL - 5ALE WE MOVE ON JUNE 1st to our new quarters. In order to make moving easy we place on Special Sale cur entire stock of Clothing, Men's Furnish ings, Shoes, Tetc. Goods Sold at Cost Earing' the Month of May. CHARLES LARSON WELCH BLOCK; 652 Commercial Street, corner 15th.