2 THE MORNING ASTOR1AK AfcTOMA,ORK(?N . SUNDAY, MAY 28. 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN titsblishsd 1873. rsblUhed Dlty (Eiorpt Monday) ky HI J. . DELLINGER COMPANY. SUtSCRtPTION RATES. tttf wfl, wr yw M M fcr man. ht month ............. M By outtar, ptr monU WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By bmlU, psr yssx, ta advtnc ..It M Inters at ths postofflc at Astoria. Orsoa aa second-class matttr. ; tVOdw for Of Mtrwm of Tni Hounse AsTosits MttlxrrioraMorplSf W hmuw SMty ke sasde by pnsui owd nr throuch M rkoo. Aoy trnwukrity ia 4hry thonM be fatawdlateiy rond to the osVse ot sabUosliaa. - Telephone Main ttt SABBATH REFLECTIONS. v ' Soma one has said that the true test of love is the willingness to endure and suffer for another; that it it the is from this class principally that the suffering tlement that measures love, penitentiaries anJ asylums are re and that characters that . are great cruited, for whatsoever a man soweth. must of necessity be characters that that shall he also reap. ; T I 5 ; shall be willing, pattent.and strong to The Astorian has called attention to endure for others; that to hold our the condition of fobllc burial places, nature In the willing sen-ice of another public schools, and the conditions of Is the divine Idea of manhood. Vn-' the homes of the city. A home that Is questionably the average parent would attractive; whose surroundings are successfully meet the tst, even as it was met by the father of Nan Patter son. An l'lustration of this was the devotion , displayed by the distracted father toward his wayward daughter. Whfn during her first trial, Nan Pat terson stepped from the witness stand after having passed through the ordeal of a relentless cross-examination, the old man put his arm affectionately around his child and said: "You did splendidly little girl." No human pea can acurately de scribe that love. It is wonderfully elastic, and as child after child is born into the family, covers them all giving the same portion to the new bornj, while testing nork . of tXat njkyd by the cithers. The good mother when asked which of her chil dren she loved the best said "the one who ia sick," pointed out in a happy way the only difference a parent can feel in his attitude toward his chil dren. We love best "the one. who Is sick; we love beat the one who is crippled in body; w love best the one who has some weakness, for which he Is not entirely responsible; we love txt thjei one who bas fallen, even though be fell as Nan Patterson did, even though the doors of society ar closed against him, even though all but Jhe hope of heaven has been denied Tilm. ' "Don't worry, little girl, It will come out all right yet," said Nan Patterson's father .and will all her faults she was bis "little girl," then, now and she will i be bis "little girl" unUl the end. The faithful father best remembers his, daughter as she was when indeed a little girl. Although she has grown into womanhood there is always a picture of the little Innocent plaything, or praying at, the mother's knee. That little girl may have met the world and been .conquered by the world; her friends one toy one may have turned from her; she may have fallen even as Nan Patterson fell; but at the critical moment the majesty of' parental love asserts itself; "the divine idea of man bood" is manifested. At the critical momf-nt the love of the parent for the child is supreme and arm in arm the dfvotel father and the wayward daughter face a frowning world and walk together through the dark valley, the one loving as he always loved, the other appreciative of tiie majestic af fection perhaps for the first time in her life. All the world loves a lover. It smiles at the swr-ethearts gathered at the trysting place. It nods approval when the husband and wife grow day by day Into a fonder and holler union; it admires the manly devotion of brother and sister; It respects the af fection of friend for friend; it is in spired by the lovelight In the mother's eyes when she bends over the cradle f the babe. It must stand uncovered in the presence of that parental love, for that Is the" true reflection of the love shown by the Savior of men; that is the spirit which hovered over the manger at Bethlehem: made Gehsm ane endurable and Calvary possible. "Greater love than this hath no man." Painters have sought to paint love upon canvass; poets have tried to pic- ture It In verse; dramatists have en- I deavored to describe it in play. But It j is not a thing to show in picture or in words. It was manifested in all its majesty when the Nazarene cried: "It! is finished." And Mnce thtrri it has beri ! shown In the palaces of the rich and in the hov?ls of the poor whenever a I good parent's love for his child has j been put to the tst. But It would be worth all the tears and all the grief , and all the toil and trouble If the plain ! moral presented could be written In- j dellibly upon the heart of every other man's "little gin in an tnis wide, wide world. o BOWING AND REAPING. -Tor whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatlans, vt:7. Truer, words w?r never spoken. Tny apply with equal tore to the home, to business avocations, to public nter prists. Th ctfat mn and women of today sad th seeds of their founds lion sowed around the family flreslds. Pure thought, etninatlnt from a kin and devoted . mother and father. In stilled - into the youthful mind, ur- rounded with environments of higher and nobler ideas; reared In tha highest standard of manhood and 'womanhood; taught to honor thy father and thy mother; filial devotion to brother and sister; love thy neighbor as thyself; and that boy and girl will grow up an honor to the nation, an example worthy of emulation, and the father and moth er will be blessed with the words, "well dona, good and faithful servant" , ft what a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Dissension and strife at home, abuse instead ot kindnes; cuss words In stead of praise; kicking, beating and culTing, Is productive of loathing for the home, and boys and gills are only too anxious to Wave the parental root end serk solace In the ezcltment of the busy world, often choosing asso ciates and companions from the very element that toe father bas chosen. Drunkenness snd dissipation. )n the fa.hsr Is an excuse for the son, and It made beautiful, where roses and creep ing vin?s supplant rubbish, Impresses "upon the minds of the boy and girl. In after years, a desire to have Just such a beautiful and attractive home, and In this way the true ideals of civic Improvement Is instilled In the minds and hearts of the rising generation. Homes that are unkempt; the yards strewn with rubbish, no flowers, no trees, no shrubbery, makes an impres sion upon the children of that home that will not tend to- a desire for the acquisition of homes of refinement and culture. : Beautiful school grounds, such as do not exist In Astoria, have a wonderful effect upon the minds of the children. When they see the school grounds beautified with flowers and shrubbery they evince a desire to make their homes more attractive and It Is In culcating a knowledge of importance that makes a lasting impression upon the young minds. What is taught In the youth, is almost always carried out In manhood and womanhood. The condition of Hillside cemetery creates a bad impression upon the youth of the city. Why should the last resting place of those once near and dear be neglected? Are they so soon forgotten? Go back to the day when death Invaded the home, causing de lation and sorrow. Death Is a blrter thing, even to those whose faith In Im mortality teaches that earthly passing has no sting, that the grave can win no victory. Even to such the pain of eternal parting, the untranslatable sor row and bitterness of "bidding a long. last farewell to a loved one Is not eased. Such a fith s:-wes but to make the pain transitory brings In time the healing balm of religious phi losophy to the heart bowed down. Abstract' theological dogma, biblical philosophy. Buddhism, spiritualism, Mohammedanism, none of these can dry tht tears shed at :a grave side. Days, weeks, months, years afterward when the vision of a white face star ing uneeeingly toward heaven through the lid of a casket, has faded In the memory and ias given place to a dull heartache of lonllness, when the be- BRUSH TINTS are the daintiest effects produced by artist's brash reproduced in wall tapers Step In and see the pretty patterns Just received. FIGURED INGRAIN A paper having the elegant shades of plain Ingrain with pretty figured effects. DUPLEX A pretty and service able wall pjaper, shbwlnjg double tint effects on Imitation Ingrain stock. On defective walls it over comes annoying shortcomings, so often noticed In other papers. Cloth Effects IN WALL PAPER are smong the Istest productions of lesdlng manu facturers. Designs spprosching in btsuty those of the slegant tailor made suitings. Step inard see them all We are also agents for PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINT8. Devrlptlve quest. folder tnaJledi on re- B.F.ALLEN OLSON Wsll Psper, Paints, Etc, 365-367 Commercial tC, Astoria. reaved on sits silent and In solitude, g nil us; Into the stern and Inscrutable eyes of fate, It It then that fttl'.h come stealing In to mend tha broken heart and to hold up trembling Hps, the sweetest cup known to human Una and yet. when viewing or visiting the Bluets where frlenda art laid to rest, and noting the conditions prevailing, on Is prone to ask, it It true they have been so soon forgotten? t It Is no credit to those whoss duty it Is to se that these places are mads beautiful and the Impression gained by visitors does not reflect econlums of praise upon them, and It teaches tha rising genera tion that the drad are soon forgotten, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Epitome sf Anecdotes and Incidents With Comments by Layman. Only S persons hv been killed by automobiles this year. There were ST killed by football, so football is not as dangerous as automobiles. One man In Chicago testified that he didnt know who he had struck. He will probably have plenty of time to find out before he goes back to work. Now to make things worst for the poor wretches tMey aie going to put Mrs. Chadwii-k right In the same cell with those tn bankers. Miss Jennie Crocker of San Fran cisco dropped a $25,000 necklace over board while crossing the ocean. Prob ably the oyster refused to accept them on the ground' that they were tainted. f' o ' - - ' There will be lots of people who will figure after reaching heaven that most of the Atsorla people they see there must have crawled In under the can vass. J. Plerpont Morgan was much pleased with Vesuvius, but though h would let It stay there as It looked better than It would In his back yard, besides when It is In erruption It re sembles too much his future home. Mr. Jones Where Is your family go Ing to spend the summer? Mr. Smith It Isn't decided yet. My wife and the girls are still writing to find out which hotel charges the most. Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma has some carpets to beat; she's got all the furniture out In the road fiom the front porch clear down to the gate. The stove must come down and be put up In the shed, and th yard must be cWsred of dry grass for It's time to clean house and the devil's to pay and the front window needa a new laas. Father, dear, fa ther, come fcpme with me now and bring some bologna and cheese; it's most IS o'clock snd there's nothing to eat I'm so hungry I'm weak In the knees. All the dinner we'll have will be scraps, and such, and we'll have to eat standing up .too, for the tables and chairs are all out In the yard; oh, 1 wish house cleaning was through. Fa ther, dear, father, come home with me now, for ma ia as mad as a Turk; she says you're a lazy, old thing and she proposes to put you to work. There's painting to do and paper to hang and windows and casings to scrub, for l.'s house cleaning time, and you've got to 'come home and revel In suds and cold grub. A Baltimore man fired two bullets through bis brains and lives. There are people in Astoria who could fill then heads full of lead and not suffer from brain trouble, but the escape of hot air might blow their heads off. A bright Seattle woman will start a baby check room at the Portlund ex position. Her plan Is to take charge of a baby for a day ar a few hours, Issu ing a check which cannot be counter felted. This will Insure Astorian easy identification. Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandez of Tampa. Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed ms of sleep and cf all Interest In life. I had tried many different doctors and sev eral medicines, but got no benefit, un til I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that In three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles. Guaranteed at - Chas: Rogers' drug store; pries 50c. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago, LoulHville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation as to the lowest ratss and bst routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St, Portland, Ore. J. C LINDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. PAUL R THOMPSON. Pass'gr. Agent, Coleman Building, Seattle, Wash. HAMBURG IN LEAD Reports from Great International Yacht Race. THE LATEST SHIPPING NEWS Ingoing sad Outgoing ttssmtr. snd Vessels frsm Astoria. far Way and Coast Ports Including the Day's Ar rivals and Departures from This Pr4 Nw Tork, Jiay 27. The Qerman I yacht Hamburg was. leading the Ails by IS miles, with ht Atlantic, Flsur de Lys and the English clipper ship Val halla strung out In that order far astern, when tha yachts were sighted on May it) and 24 by the sieatnrr Ht. Paul. The Emlymlon also was sight- (ed by the St Paul on a course well to the north of that taken by (lis Hani burg and the Alls. The dispatch which came to the As soclated ' Press by Marconi wireless from tha St. Paul today Is as follows: 'Steamship, St. Paul, via Msrcunl station, S!aseonst,' Man., May 27. Hamburg leading Allsa by IS miles, then came Atlantic. Fteur de Lys and Valhalla, long distance astern. Ham burg's poaltloaMay 3J. 6: S3 a, ra UU. tude 40.80 north, longitude 60.33 west; May 24. :50 p. m. 3. M. T.). Emly mlon, latitude 40.20 north, longitude 43.45 west; May 24. 7:89 p. m, Atlantic, latitude 41.4S north, longitude 45.02 west; all well. Endynvlon. 1SH5; At lantic, 1321 miles from Sandy Hooa lightship. .ST. PACU" WANT8 MORE CARGO. Schooner Cliss Is Shy 200,000 Feet ot Lumber. The schooner J. W. Cllse hss finished loading all the lumber that the gov ernment intends shipping to Manila at this time, but. Inasmuch as the quan tity is not sufficient to constitute a full cargo, Cspt. O. O. Haley does not care to go to sea. He says there lacks about 200.000 feet of being all that his vessel can carry, and his owners do not ap pear willing to send the carrier sway without a profit. The matter will be referred to tha quartermaster general's office at Washington. There are now 2S.00S feet of lumber on the Cllse. She Is a four-masted schooner, and her ca pacity is given at ISO.000 feet When she was brought sround here, a month ago the captain was Informed by the quartermaster that only 721,000 feet remain out of the original shipment of 2.200.000 feet. One lrg cargo had al ready gone on another tour-masted schooner, and 450.000 feet had b?n shipped on the transport Buford. The quart rmas er's office had received or. j ders to ship every foot possible In the first two loads, that there would be no chance of a surplus left behind sftet ' the Cllse had loaded. Tha order was obeyed. Portland Telegram. SHIPPING NEWS. The steamer Columbia sailed yester day for San FYanclsco. The steamer F. A. Kllburn Is due to- day from San Francisco. The British steam' r Dunbarton from this port arrived at Yokahoma Thurs day. The steamers Elmore and W. H. Harrison are due to arrive today from Tillamook. The steamer Alliance arrived In yes. terday from Eureka and Coos Hay. sh had a full passenger list and consider able cargo. r. The United State steamer Daniel Mannln gand the steamer St. Paul l-ft Manning and the steamer St. Paul left They are due to arrive tomorrow. The steamer Redondo Is due tomor row from San Francisco. She has about 100 tons of general merchandise for merchants here and over 100 tons of cement for Foard h Stokes Co. The U. 8. steamer Argo and barg are alongside the Ninth street fck awaiting favorable weather to make the trip to Siuslaw, Opinion is ex pressed by some shipping men that she will have a hard time getting her tow safely down there. The schooner Gerald C srrlved In yesterday from fiillts via Nehalcm. 8h ha4 a cargo of dairy products and lumber. She will leave out for halem and Tillamook on Tuesday and her cargo will conFlst of general mer chandise, for Nehalem and gasoline and dynamite for Tillamook. The sfamer ilazen arrived down from Kalama yesterday where sh went after a barge for Qeo. McBrlde which will be usej on his seining grounds. Cspt Hazen reports seeing a trainload of motor boats, three boatr to the car, at Kalama on the way to the Lewis and Clark fair. Wiss's Msy Ssle Draws the Crowds. Cut Prices Doss Itl One Price to All, Goods ; : You will Attend the Opening of the v LEWIS a CLARK EXPOSITION You Will TRUNK or We Have an As a Special Inducement we will Discount of FOR THREE DAYS ONLY " lO PERCENT OFF On all TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, BAGS; TELESCOPES SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY . Canvass Covered, Bran Trimmed, Leather Bound Trunks, fj.oo to I15.00 leti to er cent. Imitation Alligator, KaratoUnd Solid Leather Suit Gates,' I1.00 to $ jo.co less 10 per cent. Clow, Oxford and Gladstone llagi, 11.50 to I15; lesi 10 per cent. Canvat Telescope Cases, plain and leather bound, 30c to 4.so, , less 10 per cent. ' S. DANZIGER & CO. Astoria Greatest Clothiers. 490500 Commercial St. BENTON'S NEW GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple tnd Reliable. Latest CuL NIzcn 1 to IO II. l M. I, siiiplc 11.11., Double hires to 40 rout cylinders: order to ico:horse( power. PRAEL ft EIGNER TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221.J D RAYING G EXPRESSING UVERYSIAB1E, All goods shipped toourcsre will rseMvsipeolsl attention. 709-715 Commercial Stree.. Sherman Transfer Co. (HENRY SHERMAN, Mansgor Hacks, Carriages Baggag Checked and Transferred Trucks and) Furniture Wagons- Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, IN FOX, Prs. snd Suyt. BISHOP. Secretary F L ' Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished!. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . , Foot cfFourth Street, Asiorls, Ore- MarKed In Plain Figures. fflSE Ned a New SUIT CASE - . . . Immense Stock from Now Until June Jit, give a Ten Per Cent VALVELESS lINIfS Lu Fsrti to Cat Out o( Ordtr. liiWaHs:rb. Mere Power with Lsu wttfM UmOm GssaflM. Under; Prfc Con. troL Quiet fshsttstl Any Speed from WO is 1000 revolutions ptrmlnuts. ('lUniler. CjIIimUt. KNAPPT0N, wash. pped. Phone Main 121 A.I..FOX.VW Pros. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treas TH0RNBUR6 BENNETT