The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 28, 1905, Image 1

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    r ft j
"' ' UlUtHKt PULL
Northern .fSlBcTPassS
: , get Train.
: ?
Express Cat Blown to Pieces
With Dynamite and Train
Sheriff of Mittoult With Bloodhoundt
and a Poet of Offieart Start in Pur.
ault Nana of the Patttngtrt on tht
Train Were Moleited.
I MlasouK ' Mf H (Sunday )-Th
Northern' ratine jaiawnger train, rati
bound. u bald up toH bight at 11. IS
t Jiwinnouih cut, about 0 mllM eaat
ff thla i ity, and tha jexpre-ia car wat
't,lown to pleceaj Three ioo are known
to have b.m concerned, but the dWalle
.f tWlr etkn -irtoWiir. "K
latittva n imported."' "-- -
,Tb trala left MtMoul behind lime,
1n charge of CuM'twlor Hujer. and I'.n-
jjtnwp Wilson' lft4 man walking
shetd of tb tfli carrying ,' valla.
Hgiuil lights I wet diaplny. at the
button and" .train ('! down.
'Knglnecr Wiiitfirt wa covmm1 with
Bu fay on w whll the ihr two
Wn an ordered the enlnor to pu
-FhIwm; 'W)itn'out out tht cm re'
h ixilnt thrw mtl- t IHnrmoUih
nation In dlt wet Ion nn.l the
nli wai utopM nnd uikUt th
,uv..r of suim, tlie mtcnr d nr,.
nwn w r onlfn-d to tfll thr ftrei
''iiieUKprttT tn opn tynnUi
h pliti'l unl;r the rnr nnd ilmrge
txploited, wlwklnic th rnr. but
'''whether th nrwngr ewntvd l not
known thin tliuf.
MMgr word w nt hero and to
Drunrtnond. Sheriff Ortlmm Wired f
Pr Lodga to hvo bloodhound rnt
from tht wnltontlry and Immediately
organlned a A apwlal waa made
up and five, horaea laktn with the
party from here. , ...
Twonty men r under armt at
prummond and will Join the alwrlft at
the aeene of the holdup. From the nt
' tura of tha work It la believed that ex
railroad men are Involved. Tht m-
clala here have no Idea how murh coin
wat In the aafa or how much booty the
lilKhwaywen awured. None of th p
anrerk were moleated, although aev-
ral ahott were fired.
New Cog Road Hat Reached tht Sumit
of Famout Mountain. .
Colorado Spring, Col.. May 27. The
-og road hat reached lha aummlt of
I'tke'a peak with ltt firat tmln W
year. In order to pen the track a force
of 100 men have been kept at work for
alx weekt and hava removed 4.000.00
cubic feet of Ice and anow fiom the
a-lght of way.
Million Dollar uil InetituUd by a
Beooklyn Man.
New Tork, May 87.-Jeremlah Fl'.
Patrick of Brooklyn, formerly an ex
tenalve glaaa manufacturer with large
Intereata hero and In Wettern Penn
sylvania, baa brought ault agalntt his
eon, Jarrvea and the lutter'a wife for
the rettltutlcm of over 11.000,000 la
bondt, aecuriUea, and realty, which, he
clalma, hava been wrongfully taken
from him.
An attack of tha blttereat nature I
mad by the father on hla ton and
For flvt daya patt the country home
of the ton at New Suffolk, L. I., hat
been barricaded agalntt the fruitiest
efforta of proceae aeryer from thlt
city to aerve Mr. and Mre. Flttpatilck
with aummona in the ault. The alege
waa abandoned when ewvlce of the
pa pert waa acqeptod by trouneel. The
father) retired tcven yeara ago and
inrnad over hla bulnae to Jamea to
AuwJ gtva power of attorny. H
riiiw chargt-t that at Inual $1,000,000 of
tha propei ty h bn conveyed by the
will to tb lutter'a wlf and atlegea ht
Jlwoverod thla after .haying arranged
ilia tile of I1W.M0 worta of real eatatt
tiobokan. - I
Tha dtcWtaht demanded an
iK oouiitlng lu.t eoelvtd no aatlafactlon
(rom tha a'oii kn& . that, the ault waa
then "brought; Counael , for tha ton
ilxnouhret tlie other rnembart of tht
fumlly who art well known In Brook
lyn and ,New Tork, a being back ot
iha faihai'a action, i t ? j .
Marktt Somewhat Efftcted by Rumar.
1 ad Railroad Changee, ,
Ntw Tork, May 27. Th'rt waa
tubtuntlal midweek rally from tht
prevailing dpreaaton In prlcea On tht
ttock txchange but It waa not main
talned. Tht advanao waa Need upon
official Inllmatlona that tkt danger ot
hoatllUitt in tht nbrthwettern- railroad
field al an 6utem of tht Northern
Securltlea dlmolutlon haa btn averted
by agreement among tha railroad own
era concerned. Anxiety over tha Iron
and ateel outlook, report of deteriora
tion of t h wheal crop and of unfav
orable wtalher for corn planting have
liifluencrd apeculatlva aentlmenl
Money haa been extremely eaay but
th failure bf the Merchanta Truat Co.
and aotne minor financial etubllah
menta outald of New Tork haa tended
towurd Inducing a uplrlt of cautlun. .
'; 4 ' t I
SUtttt Flooded With Water, But Nt
i x Oamag Repotted.
Bulat, May 11. A cloudburat In the
hllla above own aetit a flood down
Cottonwood gulch through the military
poet and Into tha town, Aa far a
leartwd no atrioua damage haa, been
doi, but tlje uppfr rmrt of tha town
la afloat and the flood la pourltqr'down
all "the atrwia aa far (it Main tare-t. ;
Building Trades Unions Refuselo
Assist Striken.
Numeroua Small .Riott Occurred In
DawnTawn Streeta and Lumber Die
triott But In Butineti Center Every
thing it Moving Along Quietly.
Chicago, May 27. While numerout
n'limll rlott wer In progreae today,
both in the downtown atreeta and in
the lumber dlttrtct, tht leadera of tht
atrtkltig teamatrra and offlclala of tht
building tradea council have been en
gaged In quarrela of their own. The
action of the building tiadee yesterday
In withdrawing from tht t?amtera
financial nnd moral support angered
th tenmNiert and they lost no time
today lit culling upon the repr"enta
tlva of the building tradpe and d?
nmniling to know what they mean by
"going back" on the tetmetere In ttu
thick of the fight. It wat mada plain
to the teamttera that In the opinion
of the building tradea they had over-
atepped their Jurladlctlon In causing
member' of "their union to do con
structive work. " " """"
The particular cause of complaint
waa that the teamstera employed In
handling anfea and vaulte placed them
In the bultdlnga. Thla part of the
work, the building tradea contend, be
longs to them. Prealdent Bhea of tne
teamstere' union declared that he
would order out every eafe mover and
machinery rigger In the city on Mon
day morning and atop work on all the
building vhere members of the build
ing tradea were employed. No atten
tion waa paid to thla threat by the
building tradea representativea and
finally a committee conalstlng of Mich
ael Casey of San Francisco, John
Sheridan of Chicago and Ed. Oould of
New Tork, all members of the team
stera' executive council of teamstera,
were appointed to confer with the
building tradea over matter of Juris
diction. No time wt specified for th
mooting. ' fiflveral nfw eftul tfl; were
made during the day- to settle the
strike but none of them amounted to
Iron Bridge Blown Uy By
. " " Dynamite
- ':ir . - 1.
New Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge
Across Harensack River
is Destroyed.
Company Have no Definitt Information
at tt tha Cauta of th Explotion at
Thort Haa Been No Trouble With
Labor, But Believed to Be Maliee.
New Tork, May 27. -A new Penn
tylvanla railroad Iron bridge acroea the
Hackenaa'ck river In Jersey city waa
blown up. apparently by dynamite,
early today. The noiae waa beard.
throughout Jersey City. No one waa
No definite information haa been ob
tained aa to the cause of the explosion.
Minor officers were in chavge at th
scene. They said there bad been no
labor troubles of any kind recently and
they believe the explosion was caused
by an accident.
The bridge spanned the Hackensack
meadows from the foot of Newark ave
nue, Jersey City, and when completed
would have been 400 feet long. The
old bridge now In use stands 200 feet
away and waa not damaged.
While there is no motive for the ac
tion otherwise than pure malice. It is
believed by the police, who are now
at work on the ease, that the explos
ion waa caused by tome person who
SUNDAY, MAY 28. 1905.
rowed out,, under, the atructure Jn a
boat. No extlmate of tha damage haa
yet b"n made.
Hawaiian Sugar Plantar Diet and Hat
Left' Valuable Property.' '
CMkland. Cal May 87. The ettate
of the late fiamurfl T. Alexander, tht
Hawaiian augar plantar; who died Uuf.
fall In Boufh Africa haa been apprala
ed at IM21.M1. Under the wilt 1109,
900 It to be diatfibuted imong rela
tive e. The .remainder of the aetata It
to be divided among the widow and
flva children, - :
MiHen i. Palmer Otad. ,
Chicago, May t7MHton I. Palmer U
dead at hla retldenee here, aged 11
yeara. He waa a brother of the late
Potter Palmer and for many yeara waa
hla partner In the dry good bualneee.
After the1 great Art ha confined hla at
tention to the management of hla real
ettate, f
Belief Exprttttd That Stock Exchange
Will Not Mev There.
New Tork, May 27. There la every
Indication that U movement to or
ganise trading In atock exchange se
curities In New Jersey in order to avoid
th New Tork state transfer -tax ef
fective June 2, will be Indefinitely
postponed. Neither the ' New Tork
Stock exchange nor the consolidated
exchange management will retort to
any subterfuge, but It la understood
will at once take steps to test the law's
validity The consolidated, exchange
managers bava retained lawyers to
take Immediate legal action, posaibly
(n the form of an Injunction. Only tl
S HomM .(smmm house A
members of the consolidated have so
far signified their intention ot Joining
the New Jersey exchange thus far and
the project appeart likely to be held in
New York Friends' Preparing Dinner
for Ambassador,
New Tork, May 87. A dinner to
welcome Ambassador Joseph H. Choate
on his return from London haa been
arranged by the Pilgrlma of the Unit
ed States. It will be given June at
th Waldorf-Astoria. Prestdent Roose
velt and bis cabinet officers have been
Invited and many other public men
are expected at guests.
Si Pctcrsbuug Believes
: ; Battle FonghL ; : r
Stated That Rojestvensky Has
j Clear Sailing lor Vladivo
stock Harbor.
Many Believe That If Battle la Not
Pending One la Imminent in the
Very Near Future, Which Will Prob
ably B Decisive of the Present War.
St Petersburg. May 27. The Rue-
flan foreign office and admiralty are
thus far entirely dependent upon the
Associated Press dispatches from To-
kio for news concerning the movement
of the warshlpa in the Korean straits
and up to midnight were in receipt of
-From Butte Inter Mountain.
no telegrams from the Russian fleet.
The Associated Press is able to an
nounce that the Vladlvistok cruisers
left that port and are now acting in
general co-operation with Rojestvensky
under plana prepared for the present
Capt. Brousslkoff, well known In' the
United States, commands the armour
ed cruiser Gromobol. Rojestvensky's
success in reaching the Korean straits,
the gateway "to Vladivostok aroused
something like genuine enthusiasm.
The showy Russian capital is arrayed
in gala attire and Illuminated In honor
of the anniversary of the coronation
of the emperor seemed a fete for the
occasion. " ' ' ' " , ;
For once St. Petersburg it not pesst-
mistlc. Everywhere rtporti are cur
rent1 that " Rojestvensky - has defektei
Togto and in the at recta the Rutelan
admiral's1 name fa on every tip,' In the
cafs and gardens h waa toasted ut
tn hero of the hour. Tet In reaUty,
St, Petersburg haa only ToWo ad vice,
bat perhapa for once the Russian peo
plv to easily av prey to despair, might
be pardoned for this premature Jubila
tion after an unbroken aeries of re
verse suffered on land And sea, Tha
authorities however, while elated over
tlttLjoewa. indulged irt jRQ unwarranted
rejoicing but Instead awaited almost
breathless Tor future news, lights in
ten admlraltle's office burned far into
the night and the tact that no other
dispatches arrived from Tokto, where
alona tht aeeret of the real attautloa
Is known, was considered reassuring.
There It no longer any question that
the Rusaiaji, war fleet under the com
mand of Rojestvensky haa entered the
straights of Korea on the final stage
of its long Journey from the Baltic sea,
whence it sailed In October last for lta
subsUtpted destination, Vladivostok,
Ita original objective point, Port Ar
thur, having now fallen into the hand
of the Japanese. Beyand the fact that
the Russians were yesterday In the
vicinity of the Tsu Islands, all la con
Jecture. Apparently the only avenue
of news transmission are held by the
Japanese and the authorities In that
country are exercising a rigerous cen
sorship. - Paucity Information, which
the censor permitted to paaa formed
the basis for the belief in high quar.
tera at St Petersburg that an en
gagement had been fought and the
Japanese bad! suffered defeat, the
theory being that were the facts other
wise tbey would have been Immediate
ly given to the world.
At all eventa the the course taken
bjr Rojestvensky's fleet through the
narrow walers eastward of Korea may
be accepted aa evidence that he is
bent in forcing a battle on Togo, or
the alternative of beginning the bom
bardment ct Japanese forts and ewep
ing the Japanese merchant marine
from those waters. ' "
Determined Stand by Phildelphia
Mayor Forces Opposition.
Gaa Company to Whom a Seventy-Five
Yeara' Lease Waa Granted Have
Notified the Common Couneil That
They Have Withdrawn.
Philadelphia, May 27. After a con
test, lasting Ave days, tha republican
"organization," led by Insurance Com
missioner Israel W. Durham, waa to
day forced, by public opposition ana
clamor, to abandon efforta to extend
the lease of the city gaa works to the
United Gaa Improvement Company.
Thomas Dolan, president of the com
pany, today forwarded a formal inter
to the president of the select and com
mon branches of the city council, with
drawing the proposition to advance
the city J23.000.000 In consideration of
the externum of the lease which the
company now holds. The withdrawal
of the United Gaa Improvement Com
pany's offer is undoubtedly a signal
vtctory for Mayor Weaver in his fight
against the organlxation, although it
does not mean the end of the fight ot
the injunction proceedings brought by
David Smyth, former director of pub
lic safety, and Peter Costello, former
director of public works to restrain the
appointees from conducting the af
faire of the two departments which is
still to come up for argument and the
leaders will make a determlnsd effort
to have the temporary Injunction made
Usual Everyday Rumors Rtgirding
Russian and Japantse Fleeta.
Tokio, May 27. It is reported that
four Russian warshipa passed through
Kurile straits to westward May 25.
The names of the vessels are unknown
but possibly they were light cruUert
from Rojestvensky's fleet
American Vetstl Sunk.
Toklo, May '27. News received hero
that Rojestvensky's fleet sunk an Am
erican steamer off Formosa about Max
21. The name of the steamer is un
known. The crew wat saved.