The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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SATURDAY, May 27, 190S.
Common! known by the name of
It the beit iweet pickie on earth. We nave the mixed and the
celebrated burrcucum ber, both in bulk, you can get any quantity
25c the pint
Peopl who have good taite uie Tin Money Pickle.
Sole diitributon for Western Oregon.
Amusement' Tonight
Star Theater, Vaudeville.
Lodge Mooting Tonight
A. O. U. W Seajride lodge.
lUlhbone Slater. Aitor temple.
Lccal Brevities.
Mad from pure! minor water
Olympla br.
WIm'i May Sal
Draw th Crowd.
Cut Prlfloa Oooa Itl
Mr. Alfred fuamua presented ht
huaband !th a on yeaterday morn
ing. Dr. Auguat C, Kinney la pectd
home tomorrow from a Utile recreation
Willi Cole of 8vrnan taken to
the Voaa tunliarlum jterdny for
Lulcklnen and Harlaon, cigar deal
er at Ninth and Commercial atreel,
art preparing to move into the ad
julnliif ato.
Th Oregon auprtmo court ha de
cided that Mr, Fulling, a rlih woman
of lortlaiid, cannot put her pauper
brother on the county.
Th rhrtorlcal eaerclae of the Aa
torla high achool were held yerterday
afternoon and a very tntereailng pro
gram wa tarried out
Bom Z'O rwn art now employed on
the Columbia river jetty and 1500 ton
of rot k we Aflvor ind! handled
dully by th contractor. It l ex
pected that the delivery of rock will
be Increaaed to 3000 lone dally in the
near future,
A copy of the Westerner grace our
table It la a monthly tnagaxlne pub
llahed In Seattle at 2 to a year, or to
the copy. Edgar L. Hampton la edi
tor. The publication contain atorie
of for weetern life and coaet life and
la neatly sot up. , .
A I C Vt, Aberdeen.
Bunday, May it, DOS.
A. F. C, Ground
A B C v. Aberdeen
Qroeer Agree Among Themeelve to
take and Give Holiday.
A pnitlon I being circulated amonf
the retail grocer of Aatorla whlci
call for a uniform cloalrif agreement
on certain holiday. The petition wo
prepared by Mr. Johnaon of Johnson
Bros, and thua far has been dgned by
Johnaon Bro., 8. L, Kanthrup, Geo.
JJndatrom k Co, Aatorla Grocery,
Foard A Stoke Co., Roas, Hlggln Sc
Co., Flaher Bro, Bcholfleld ft Hauke,
Morrlaon at Johnaon and will no doubj
receive the Indorsement of other
Th petition tate that subject to
matters of great importance, the retail
grocers will close on Washington's
birthday and Labor day at noon. On
July 4 the atora will clo all day' If
celebrationa take place elawhere. If
celebration take place here, a'.ore
will clo at noon.
On Decoration day, Thankftglvlng,
Cfc-Itmae and New Year the twee
It. M. Uaaton carries a full line of
farm Implements, also wagons, bug
gies anJ farming tool of all kind.
109 Fourteenth street.
Hurry Mi-Dermott of Warrenton,
Ore., la now a member of th Heaal.l
bum-bull tram, for whom he will do
the twirling this season.
Flavoring extracta, none better,
made hr by tho Owl Drug Co., and
fur sale by first rlua grocer.
When you buy lemon for medical
us. s- that you get Mission Brand
lemon. They are the best that grow.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday to John C. Peterson of PacWe
county and Kmella Svensen of Astoria
Mra. Oscar OIn of Grays Rivet
preaented her husband with a daugh
ter last evening at Mrs, Voas' sani
tarium. Mlaa Ruth Mlnaker, of Knappa. Or.,
daughter of Mr. and Mra Geo, Caahel
of Knappa, waa married In Portland
last week.
Farmna report crops koklng fine
and a large yield Is anticipated. Grim
Is coming along- ami tn buy crop
promtaea to be unuauully large.
No. 2 Foldlrg Brownie Camera, for
2xJl4 pictures, S. Also full line of
other photographic supplies and kod
aks at Frank Hart's drug store.
Mrs, E. Pswaon of Skamoknwa. who
has been at the Voae sanitarium, cor
ner Commercial and Eleventh streets,
is reported very much improved.
Welch Coal Tar
One Barrel Equivalent to Two
of the Ordinary Grade.
Crown Brand
L Boat Oars,
Fisher Bros. Co,
Several reining grounds are In op
eration on the Columbia. Oeo. Kabolh
haa returned from his grounds, but
will not start up before the 10th of
Vanilla flavoring Is good only If
pur. Tou get it pure, wnen you use
Owl flavoring ntracte. Other flavors,
too. Ask your grocer for Owt extract.
A. V. AHfn 1 contemplating to Im
prove his grovery store, corner 10th
and Commercial streets, at an early wll, remal , d ho
date. The wareroom adjoining th dayi fa 0 gundal, may r,.
ator on the Commercial strn 'Bln cJoff, on Monday following.
la to be joined wan ine srore ana m Eyery houwkeeper ought t0 flnd lt
whole Is espected to make quite an prftcUcttbl(, ,0 guPport this spirit of
the employing grocers to give their
employes and families a holiday, by
shopping early the preceding day.
Impressive retail grocery establish
The glllnet fllierm-n have notified
all the cannerymen and cold storage
planta that they will not deliver flh
to any cannery or cold storage plant
that employe Sacramento river flsh
rrmen. They believe thla to be the
Chuich 8arvies,
Baptist church: The themes of ser
mons at th Baptist church Sunday
will be "Soul Health and Soul Rest"
AJI the othr services will' be
moat effective way of stopping these served as usual
non-residents from Hailing on the Co
lumbia river.
First Lutheran churc'nj There will
be no servlses Sunday. The pastor will
be In the Nehalem. The pipe organ
will arrive nixt week and will be put
up in good time for the recital June 8.
An lH-trlo9l window display of
uiilue character may be seen any
evening at R. R. Carruther'e store at First Congregational church preach
545 Dunn str-et. The Idea, which Is iiig at 10 a. m. and 8 p m. by the pas
well carried out, represent a fort by tor, Luther D. Mahone. Morning sub-
nltiht and a battleship approaching the
Ject, "The Christian Walk." Evening
in miniature.
A movement Is on foot to get up a
Fourth of July celebration in Astoria
There are no doubt hundreds X peo
ple In i the surrounding country who
would come to Astoria on the Fourth,
many of whom cannot afford to at
tend the Portland fair. The Fourth
of July Is chlldi en's day and ought
to be obacTved,
fort, lt Is very effectlev and almost ."Christian Patriotism." At the even-life-like,
hut for th fact that it Is Ing service the Grand Army of the
Republic will be preeent, with the
women of the G. A. R. and the Ladles
Relief Corps, escorted from 'the G. A.
R. hall by the Boy" brigade of. the
church. Special music under the direc
tion of Mra Geo. C. Watklns. Sunday
school at 12:20 p. m. and the regular
weekly services.
The Hess restaurant, on Elevonth
street la considered the family restau
rant of Astoria. The best meals and
the beet service In Astoria, 120 Eleven,
th etroot,
HunUrs license were Issued yes
terday by County Clerk Clinton to P.
A. Stokes, J. II. Smith. A. M. Smith.
W. A. Ooodin, W. T. SchoM'ld and
J. W. Johnston.
The retail grocers will close nil day
Tuesday. May JO. the occasion being
Dec oration day. Better do your shop
ping Monday for anything which you
ordinarily leave for dnlly delivery.
Mr. W. U Col leaves for Portland
this morning to meet Mr and Mrs. At-
wnter, who are on their way to visit
her from thlr home In Connecticut.
Mr. Atwater Is Mrs. Cole's daughter.
A B C Vs. Aberdeen.
Sunday, May 28, 105.
A. F. C. Grounds
A B C vs. Aberdeen
Thevangellatlc metln)KS In Astoria
i m,i vttrv ailfrpffful.
;Rev. Dr. Toy left yesterday morning
i . . , . t.t
ifor Wyona, ind., ana wr. uicason win
lrtve for Snn Fronclsco on the next
At 8.05 Inst evening a still alarm
was sent In from the Louvre, corner
Seventh nnd Aator strreta The fire
started from a defect In fne of the
chotndtflefs, but wag quickly extin
guished. Danwire waa nominal
Mrs. Charles Richardson and chil
dren, and Miss Lucille Cole left yes
terday morning for an Indefinite stay
at the Richardson's summer home,
near Seaside. But a messenger was
sent after them poat-haate In the aft
ernoon, when the telegram waa re
ceived announcing Mra Atwater's ar
rival In Portland.
Wise's May Sale
Draw the Crowds.
Cut Prices Does It!
Som 20 of the men employed In th
W. P. ft P. camp on Gta river, cam
to town In a body Tuesday packing
their belongings with, themi. They
complain of the Jap cooking, which
they characterise as "something very
fierce." The boys admit the company
furnished Miy quantity of good grub,
but the Jap cocks spoil U. Skamok-
awa Bugle.
The public school closed here last
Friday after a successful nine month'a
session. The teachers and pupils have more ,n cUy
made n excellent showing ror m- Hugh McCormlok nnd brtd. have re
term. The closing day was celebrated from Sellwoo(1
by outdoor sports, consisting of races, Mrrieilan of Lona: Beach was
a ball gamo and other sports and ln-lJn cUy yester,lay
dcor exercbf consisting of reclta-j s w Detx and wife of Houlton are
tlona, dialogues, etc, wore neiu.
Cathlamet Gaxette.
J, C. Barclay of Long Beach is In
the city.
L. Fltcher of Deep river waa In the
city yesterday.
Olof Olsen of Chinook la registered
at the Parker.
J, G. Calhoun of AHoona was In the
city yesterday.
W. Hlndle of Portland is registered
at the Central.
I. C Read of Oregon City Is In As
toria on a visit.
W. H. Raymond of Portland was In
the city yesterday.
L. C. Burton of Cathlamet was In
the city yesterday.
W. M. Gnlther of Knappton was In
the city yesterday.
F. D. Keuttner and wife visited in
Portland yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A.. J. Singer of Bait!
Wo are now showing a number of
' , elegant pieces of
mission Furniture
Vhich we have recently received
direct from the east.
, Complete House Furnishers.
j registered at the Parker.
J, T. Healey of Grays river was In
'the city yesterday on business.
Henry Dick, the gentlemanly andj o. J. Gessllng of Hood River was In
populur repreweitfaUve of the Hart, tne yMterday on business.
Shurter & Marks, clothiers of Chicago, Gwt j jTall jeft yesterday for Al
ls In town on his semi-annual trip to!ll8ka (0 tnk charge of the Guard is
the coast. Mr. Dick Is expecting to do inn(j ignt (
the largest bualn-ss he has ever taken I
from the city, this year .owing to the
Immense popularity of his goods ana
the Increasing demand for good fitting
garments In his line.
The people of Grays river respond :d
nobly to the call of their pastor, Rov.
A. M. Brown, for money to build a
oai-sonna: at that place. As results, a
half acre of land adjoining the church
'l.t. Uasm Mt.pAVtnaA.f onit a hill of
dumber ordenj. ,the hoJ td cost;
about 8600. They also contributed:
J25 to the pastor, knowing his special .
needs on account of his late illness.- j
Skamokaw.i Bagle.
Rt. Rev. Benramln Wlstar Morris,
buhop of the diocese of Oregon, will
visit Grace church on June 11, to ad
minister confirmation. Thla will prob
ably be the last time that Bishop Mor
ris will visit Astoria In an official
caphclt,. owing to his greatlyj Im
paired health. At the diocesan con
vention to be held In Portland on June
IS, It Is the Intention to elect a bishop-
coadjutor. Bishop Morris has sign!- j
fled his Intention to relinquish all of
his official duties as well as to give ,
up his entire Wary to his coadjutor.
The blshop will, however, continue t
occupy Blshopcroft, the Episcopal res
idence, during hla lifetime.
Wise's Msy Sole
Draw the Crowd.
Cut Price Doe Itl
Every one likos those dainty bits
of linen worked in many colored
silks with hem stitched or button
holed edges, but every lady does
not know how, and many hava not
th time to mak them. Just get a
Sowing v Maohin and let it do the
embroidering fan you. The result
will be s pretty a if done by hand
and the work is don in much lea
time. This hi only on of the
many thing this
Up-to-Date Machine
Rogulor, 830.00.
OUR PRICE $24.00
Regular, 127.00.
OUR PRICE 121.00
We have three wagons and cater
to your trade. A targe, up-to-dats
store with a full line of good gro
ceries. Telephone If you cannoi
come. We will call for your order.
Telephone Main 781.
Franklin Avenue, Upper Astoria.
Grand -
Begins at lO a.m. Saturday
Here U a new one. The greatest sale of its kind
ever offered by any store.
200 boxes are filled , with seasonable articles such as A
Handkerchiefs, Waist Sets, Rings, Fancy Combs,
Perfumes, China, Pin Trays, Purses, Fans, Bead
Necklaces, Shoes, Gloves, Ladies' Neckware, Etc.
These Boxes Contain Goods Worth
. from 50c to $3.00.
Every box will contain goods to the amount of
50 cents or over. ' ' '
These 200 Boies are Now on display in one of our
windows and will be on sale .
SATURDAY. MAY 27, 10 A. M.
AT 25c v
1orse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Lites'to Trade.
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c
Plumbers QSteamfitters
Ncne but First Class Woika en
CS7-E31 IcinMiut.
THE wheat export shipping business for the
winter of 1004 and 11X)5 has decreased two-thirds
for two reasons. Short crop in the Dakotas and the
high quality of the Blue Stem wheat grown in Idaho,
Eastern Oregon and Washington, which is recognized
by the millers in Minneapolis, who are willing to pay
a high' freight rate on Blue Stem wheat to make their
best flour. ,
The land in the above states is of volcanic origin.
U. S. Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, had
some of this earth analyzed at the Smithsonian In
stitute at Washington, and thei report was that il
wa9 land like the wheat lauus of Sicily, where the
best o.'wheit has been raised continuously since the
time of Christ.
Knowing this we , have made arrangements with
an up-to-date mill, situated right in this favored
wheat belt to manufacture our Log CaUu Brand and
we can say there is no better flour made in the world.
When you buy flour get the best for economy
and health. The Log Cabin is the kind.
Our motto is: "If it does not give satisfaction
money returned."
The Foard & Stokes Co.
Astoria's Greatest Store.