The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 25, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    THUMDAY, MAY 25, 1W1
Established 1871
, Published Pally (Except Mooter) 7
n un ir rf
Br mail, per month
By carrier, per month ....... .
By malt per jrear. to tdc w
; entered t the postofflea at Astoria,
Onron at eecond-class matter.
a fWiU. fa. tK. AltYna nf T Wo&Xm
mM ba made by poacai tmri r throuan
' om. An; Imirularity ia -Mwrr thwM
UawdiMt nvotm4 to the ofa of iNtblHaii
Telephene Main 1.
ment are the one tha,t usually become
permnnnt Institutions.
Many of these fact have been called
to the attention of. eastern Inevstors
from time" to Ume by The Aetorlan.
Scarcely ; a day passes but a rqus
ia received for sample copies of the
paper contalnlnr tome particular arti
cle descriptive. Of the city, oounty and
it. lsnources. In thla way, and In fto
other. v haa Astoria beerl aVrUsed
ahrona and that It ! havlna Itt effect
It attested by the number of people
romlna- here recently seeklnf Invert
ment' As.orU la one of the moat
prosperous cities In the Mate. It ha
grown more In population and wealth
Jurlna- the past three year than In
.n it em.r veara of it history. It
ia a substantial and permanent arow.n.
The people arriving almost dally are
the better tlement from the east.
home builder and business men. at
tracted to a treat extent by the mag
nificent climate, and the msny induce
ments offered for Investment. Astoria
will continue to grow and prosper and
has attained a position where petty
jealousUa and rivalry will no longer
be an Important factor In Its growth.
It haa surmounted many difficult ob
stacles and Is In a position to invue
ter for all concerned than for a part
to spend their time and strength try
ing to knock down somebody else.
The Oregonian Intimates that If pol
itic don't come Its way, the state will
be turned over to the democrat. Not
If the republicans get there first, but
If things do come Its way, and carpet-
batters dictate federal appointments.
It la a 10 to t bet that it win be turned
over to the democrats.
Next Annual Meeting to Be Held at
Among passengers on the sttmner P.
A. Kilburn, which sailed yeaerday for
San Francisco and way ports, wea K.
D. Hawkins, president of the Pacific
Coast Federation of Longshoremen,
who Just returned from th- conven
tton held In Seattle. Mr. Hawkins says
that there has ben so secrecy In con
nection with the organisation of the
Pacific Coast Federation of the Inde
pendent I-iOnfcslJwesnenfa 1'iOoiv, but
on the other hana. assorts tnt every
union Interested was Invited to attend
ten convention. Delegujei were.lnvlt-
Teh day for offering subsidies for
securing new enterprls'a la past. It
fcas been characteristic of new cities
t ,
and towns on this coast, the subsidies
visually being offered by the ownrrs of ,
the town site. Astoria is not a new
town. In fact. It is one of the oldest In
the state. Subsidies hav be:-n given
here for enterprises, but with one cr
two exceptions they have pr:ven dis
satisfactory. Astoria is drsirous
securing manufacturing enterprises
and its accessabillty to ocean and rail
make it a desirable business location.
The people will welcome any inv?st
merit and give ft their aid and sup
port, but it la not In a position to offer j
ed and urged to be present, he declare
.,.... hrnnd builders all and ao soon as ready a copy of the
,-f whom will be made welcome In the laws and constitution of the .federation
Venice of America.
The Capital Journal says; i
-Everv editor desires to make his
clearing houss for the Ideas a
well as the news of th day."
' It Is a Joke as old as the dally news
papers tha wnen an Englishman is In
trouble he writes about It to the Lon
don Times. He 'do, and this national
habit has centrtbutd more than any-
1.. . .nolrlnr 1V10 Time
0t lining tise, iu""" ..
Letters from readers are always wei
come, whether the wr!t r be InJIgnant.
pleased, sore, In trouble, or so happy
he feels the editor ought to know about
it. Long letters, or short le'.tera.
-anstlo avmnathetlc. written in
will be mailed to all labor orgunlsa
tlon on the coast.
Following officer were chosen at the
convention: E. D. Hawkins, Eureka, j
president: A. Blackburn, Hoqulam. j
vice president: C. H. James, Brattle, ,
secretary and treasurer. Before ad-1
lournmen: was taken the members ;
derided to hold the next convention at
Aberdeen. In May. l!0. So fur litht
branches have ben establiBhheil be-!
tween the sound find San Pdro. and
several other branches are said to be
about to come in.
subsidies or bonuses for the establish- iblood. ink or charcoal, all are cheer
ment of any enterprise. If it was an 'fully received, eagerly perusjd and
... n-,r rAana. ani a rw tnun. hmnarttallv considered. . In a sense
with m?n owning the town sl.e who
expected to sell property by th estab
lishment of new lndust:les,r. would be
different. But It is an old etsabllshed
city. Its natural advan ag?a are worth
jnore than all the monled subsidies
that could be offered.
Astoria has warehouses, wharves
and docks for the convenience of man
ufacturers for -shipping purpos'a. It
rjai virtually a transcontinental rail
road!nar all kinds of manufac
tured products to be shipped to all
parts of the United States without
breaking bulk. It la at the mouth o!
one of the largest rivers in the world.
Vhere ships from every country cornel
every issue of the newspaper Is a let
ter from the men who make It to those
who read It. It to mle UP of
artless, editorials, business and other
announcements. Soma of these Inter
est you; some do not. But when you
are Interested, a whole lot Interested.
the newspaper letter to you becomes
personal and calls for a reply. The edi
tor sends you his views and Informs -
jtlon every week, every day In the year.
Very properly the health officer of
Spokane announces that all goods and
articles at "rummage sales" must be
The steamer Roanoke arrived at
San Francisco yesterday.
The steamer Toledo got away for
Gray's Harbor y sterduy. She wus
one day late on her schedule.
The steamer F. 8. Kilburn sulU'd
yesterday for Pan Francisco via Coos
Bay. She had 8000 sacks of barley.
The steamship Columbia arrived In
yesterday from Sun Francisco with a
full cargo of freight and large pas
senger list.
0. M. McBrlde has leasfd the gaso
line launch Larenio and Rover ana
they will leave for Portland shortly.
where they will ply between Marrlan
atret and the fair grounds.
The steamships Vlcomedla and
Ferndene bound for Yokahoma sailed
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. As
.f.BmM rrii awav tosvthef
a i a.1 Kelnv nffored
m iv. it, .."""" ... . I.. . i- - nh In
to it wnarves KeKing n w'9At jjjg idea la that in the old cio n- jtneir arnvaj win uv -
the raw material for the manufacture , 'and other Casts-off offered at these ' terest. The N'lcomedla Is suppos-d to
rmA,irt asjillv acceasabie . v . 'k. n.Marahlv fuatvr than the Fern-
l;il' illi
that people come here for the finest ready-to
wear Clothine. We won first position for best
qualities years ago.
- But don't think us "High Toned" just becanse'
out Clothes look and are so much superior to others.
Our Suits at
look equally as good and wear as well as those you
pay twenty to twenty-five dollars for elsewhere."
No difierence except in the price.
Goodlqualities are ao low in price that to boy
ilhe unreliable "Just-as-good" kind is a real extravagance.
. . . ... . nre showing very strong
OUltS line At - - -
SlQeOO Per Suit.
Htm a Dressy Shop for Dressy People.
Coma to Hundreds of Attoia People.
There are daya of dlsiluess;
Hpella of headache sldeache back
Sometimea rhumatlc pains;
Often urinary disorders.
All tell you plainly the kidneys are
Doau' Kidney Mils cure all kidney
J. Csrson employed at the Portland
Lumber Co., fott of Lincoln etre;t.
who resides at J Flist street, Port
land, Ore., says: "I was feeling mis
erable wl.h a depressing lameness
around the small of my bHik all last
summer. At first I did not pay much
attention to It. but It continued to
wic and Otner caSlS-on onereu ai hkw i . ...j
Products, easily scceasab,e mige m more 0r conslder.bly fater than the Fern- grow worse flna y became bad
and cneap in price, n na ai Ieg8 COntagious matter, as people are dene.
any kind of a manufacturing business particular about making old
and a market for the output With , garment, absolutely clean when put
all of these advantages, there Is no ganH 0r olner 8tore rooms,
necessity of offering subsidies, because
these are more valuable and are perm-
Ment The Oregonian wants to know, says
"ttls anticipated that hundreds of in-'the Salem Statesmen, if it is worth
tending Investors will visit the mouth jwnue to era more ruU.a..
of the Columbia river this summer and! nee in Oregon. It certainly Is worth
an examination of location and grand while, an! they will continue to bt
natural resources will no doubt be an , elected in Oregon. However. It Is
incentive for some of the eastern capl- itreshing to see the Oregonian take the
tal which will pour into the state toi"tand it does for the maintenance of
invest here. Astoria has quite a num. j the republican organization in this
ber of manufacturing, industries and state. Xow If It wlU speak a few
ev?ry on. cf them Is a paying Invest- words against turning the fruits of ,e
ment There has never been a failure jP.ubHe victory In the tate over to the
in this line, and the fur.her fact that carpet-baggers, It will aid in further
there has not ben a business failure estaoiismng party ieany in viC...
In a recent issue of the Coast Mall
the editor speaking of the doctrine of
the "Survival of the Fittest." in con
nection with the advancement of the
Interests of Coos Bay, mak's some re
marks that apply with conslderabl?
force in Astoria. There Is room enough
for all the people In any, town to
work for the welfare of the town and
if all will pull together to sfdvance the
Interests of the place, they can accom
plish much more and make things bet-
that I thought I would have to lay off
Ki,l tr mAVf mili-Wlv fiiuaeil
Upon the arrival of the, Sun Ftan- t ftflen attacked
Cisco steamer yesterday the officers k. ap.ttred be.
discovered there were a number ot . . . ambll,,w ot
the ship's blankets mUsIng and helw,ergy. tht( I arose a
police were notified. About 30 I,,r!tred , whn I went to bed. In fact,
were discovered in the possession otj ha(J H fhf ay,toms of a very se.
in the city during the past 10 years
Is proof of the stability of the city and
'Its business " Interests and industries.
These are facts that are always con
sidered by intending investors. A a
rale, people who desire to locate in a
community upon the payment of a
c?rtain amount in land or money, ar
not productive of much good and are
more of a temporary Institution that
a permanent one. Those who come
bere because there Is an opportunity
to realize a good profit on the Invest-
Now is Oxford Time
To our customers who know the character and
quality of oirr goods, the prices quoted below will
appeal very strongly. To those who are not our
customers we can only say this is a good chance
for you to become acquainted with us apd our goods
and save yourself money. Just notice the prices we
have made, '
Women's Tan Oxfords in calf skin, made with
welt, new lasts, $3.00 and $3.00
Women's Button Oxfords, made with welt, $3.50
Women's Tan Oxfords, blucher cut $2.50
Oxfords for Children and Young Ladies, the
famous Steel Shod line t $1.75 to $2,2.
Girls and Children's Tan Oxfords in calf and
kid, ... - $1.50 and $2.00
Barefcc: oandals cut in new patterns, that will
not cause sore toes, Children's, 00c, Misses, $1;
Women's $1.35.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
that number of Sacramento fishermen
who arrived on the st umer. They
Drohably suppoaed that a pulr of the
blanke s went with each steerage
ticket, as none of these people were
ev.r known to take anything that Jld
not belong to them.
The Columbia will leave for Seat
tle tonight, weather p rmlitlng. S"?
la taking on supplies for t:ie varloun
lightship stations in southeast Alaska.
A stop will be made In Sea tie to com
plete her cargo of supplier and als
to take on a?veral light house keeper,
who have been transferred to the
northern station. Mechanics will also
be taken along to make certain re
pairs, at th lAlaska station. Th
Columbine Is making a flying trip, as
she Is expected to arrive in Seattle
on her return trip about June II.
Authority haa been granted by the
department at Washington for the
charfr of a barge and tugboat for the
purpose of repairing the government
cable and E. A. Beal hus en ered intt
a contract with the Callender Xavlga-
j tlon Company of this city for the use
i of a heavv barg and a tug. Some
necessary repairs will be made to the
barge and It (s expected that work will
not be commenced on the cable before
June 1. but at that time the tides will
favor work In the day tlm?, and It Is
hoped to make the repairs then with
out much difficulty.
to our new quarters. In order to makej'moYing; easy
we place on Special Sale our entire stock
of Clothing, Men's Furnish
ings, Shoes, etc.
Goods Sold tt Cctt Durlnrf the Month of Mar.
WELCH BLOCK; 652 Commercial Street, 131.
wre case of kidney tiouble. When
was suffering the worst I read abou
Doan's Kidney Pills unci procured 1
box. I soi-ii niitlii'd an Impiuvvmeir
In my condition, and the puln and a .i
Ing across my back soon disappears''
About six we-ks ago I was laid up wit
a slfg of the grip for two week
Kvmt.Kiim nf kliliiiv complaint nia'l
their appeal unce again and I r-soMe
to Doan's Kidney Pills u second tlm.
They Just as thoroughly freed me ot j
thi troublu as In the former ciwe. 1
cunnot express what a change tney
huve made In me. I simply feel like a
different person."
Plenty more proof llk this from As
toria people. ChII at Chas. Roger'r
drug store end ask what his' customer
report. j
For sale by all deuler. Prlca CO j
cent. Foster-Mllburn Co Buffalo, N j
T., sole ag'nt for the Unl ed State.
Remember the name Doun's and
take no other
Cher Ca t Their Hair Falllag Oat
With HerpMde.
Ladles who have thin hair and whose
hair I falling out, can prevent the hair
falling out, and thicken ff growth, with
Newbro's "Herpicide." Besides, Herpl
clde Is one of the most agreeable balr
dresslnirs there Is. Herpicide kills the
dandruff germ that eat the hair off at
the rcot. After the germ Is destroyed,
the root will ihoot uo. und the hair trow
long as ever. Even a sample will con
vince any lady that Newbro' Herpicide
1 an Indispensable toilet requlalt. It
contains no oil or grease, It will not stain
or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send
10a In stamp for sample to Th Herpi
cide Co., Detroit, Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 151-161 Bond 91.
Owl Drug Store, Ml Com, 8L, T. F
Uiurls, Prop. "Special Agent"
It will wash and not rub off
This complexion all envy me,
It's no secret so I'll tell
Take thou Rocky Mountain Tta.
Frank Hart'e drug store.
For Next 30 days
Welch Block
will offer rome excellent bargains In
Ladies' end Children's Trimmed Huts.
Special Duck and Sailor Hats.
10c and 25c Hair Switches and
Come and see the nice assortment and
save money,
Mrs R. Ingleton,
WELCH BLOCK, Commercial and ttlhSlmU.
J$ Gfa fejjL.
1 BEEjggftflVEl '
e, . ' " '
Untrimmed Stapes
50 Per Cent
Just Half Price.
Don't Miss The
Spring Clearance
Sale of
Shirt Waist Suits.
20 per cent off .
Regular prim gives you an opportun
ity to get a suit early in the season at
oniisual priori. Come before tbey
are all picked over.
Made of good washable lawn in
many pnttnrua. Regular .$1.00 ami
41.15. NM'clal
Shaileil Bilk Ribban S inabei wide,
many colors, yard ZSc
Hilk Ribbon wiih embroidered polka
dota, per yard - X5
V.i inh Persian and 1 inch polka
dot ribbon for ties, per fml - IS)
New Arrivals in Millinery.
French Sailors with rolled
edge, turned np ra back.
Prices from
99c to $1.50
Untrimmed Shapes in Many Styles and Braids - 49c
Astoria's Best Newspaper