The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    IUNOAY, KAY ti, Wl
Rapid Growth of Uniontown in
Business and Population.
! . ' ONE
Two ounces make I gallon of soup,
wily prepared.
PRICE: Each Can 30 Cent
623 Commercial St
Pfcon Main 6S1
A Nhn to fit,
And a tb oe to wear
Mut ba neleetetl
With taste ami care
That tickles your fancy. Is all
right. If It fits your foot.
We have a knack of selling form
fitting footwear at prices that tickle
your fancy. From Z up. For men
sji1 women.
521 Commercial Street.
Modeled after famous painting.
Subject are of noted authors, poet,
itc. Sacred subject and model of
animal painting. Thi statuary i(
heap at regular price. But thi week
v offer it.
Com quickly and select your Beeth
. even, Lincoln, Venu of Milo, Etc.
05 Commercial Street
"VIM" the Flour
jhat malies
Balling Easy.
Milled f om th best Eastern Ore
gon wheat, producing a flou equal to
the best in th market
is a new flour, made at St. John', Or,
Save drudgery and worry.
Your oven will tell the story better
than w can.
A 8ACK. $1.30.
A BARREL, 14.85. 1HI
Eat bread mad of VIM.
It will put you in trim.
Prompt delivery anywhere. Tel
rbone order receive bent attention
Special new feature: Dally delivery in
fppertown. Solicitor will call when
Improvement and Opening of Streets
Has Stimulated Building and Hun
ia. nf Nw Houses Have Been
Built and Ar in Contemplation.
A visit to Uniontown In the west
end ot the city discloses the tact that
the people residing there have a city
ot their own. The population is com
nosed of Finns who are a frugal, in
dustrious people, horn builders and
with progressive tendencies. From
Second street to SmUht colnt la a
' nt about I5G0 oeople. A
large majority of them are flshernm
although many are engaged In other
avocations. There are a doen stores.
nearly all established within th past
two years. Almost every business Is
repressed. Two grocery stores, A.
V. Allen and the Suomalalnen Co-ope-
rative Company, one dry good3 store,
one clothing store and general mer
chandise stores. A saw mill, the As
toria Lumber Company, under the
management of Carlton B. Allen, with
a daily capacity of 10.000 to 15.000 feet
of lumber .all of which meet with a
ready sale, giving employment to 11
There are two boat houses, one
owned by Palo Bros., giving employ
ment to five men, and one owned by
Wilson Bros., giving employment to
12 men. Wilson Bros, have built 4
fishing boats since last fall and are
building a gasoline boat for W. T.
Chutter of Seattle. The men em
ployed are experienced boat builders
and the work turned out Is first-class
and meets with a ready sale. Palo
Bros, have built Zi new fishing boat-
this year. There are two blacksmitn
shos, four cigar stores and many other
Industries, but no saloons. The peo
ple of Uniontown are opposed to the
existence of saloons and they took ad
vantage of the) local option law to
close them up. They are d.-termlned
to raise their children without having
to counteract the degrading Influences
of saloons. They are unanimously op
posed to gambling and appreciate th
efforts of the county officials In clos
ing it up In Astoria, and make no hesi
tancy in saying that they will remm
ber their friends In the coming elec
Hanulla Bros, have erected a four-
story hotel 'and lodging house at a
cos: of $6000, facing the river on Tay
lor avenue and is modern in every de
tail. There are SO rooms in the house
all furnished and occupied mostly by
laboring men and fishermen. During
the past five months. 23 new houses
have be n erected and fully as many
more are In contemplation. Since last
fall over 50 new buildings have been
built In this end of the city. The peo
ple have a large hall, built by tn
t?mperanec socie.y, a large new
church which Is crowded eveiy Sun
day, and one of the finest school build
ings in the city, situated on a high
emtn.tice overlooking the Columbia
river. So fast has the population In
creased that the board of school di
rectors are compelled to fit up two
more rooms. They will also improve
the grounds and make other needed
improvements. The Kite for the school
houes was donated to the dlstilct tor
the benefit of the resides of Unton-
own by the Taylor heirs.
Many of the residents of Uniontown
holo in greatful rememberance Col
James Taylor whos kindness and li
berality permitted them to acquire
homes, the lots being sold at low price
and on easy terms, and many times
rented to men for $1 a month. Th'
name Uniontown was given to this
section of the city by the plat of a
town site by A. V. Allen Joining the
Taylor prope:ty on the east, but this
name ought to be eliminated and th
place designated as Taylor's Astoria
as a perpetuation or tne man wno
made It possible for the industrious
people to acquire homes and make th"
west end one of the most prosperous
sections of the city. If the newspapers
of the city In referlng to this locality
will call It "Taylor's Astoria," will be
known and designated as such by
common consent
$1.00 a week
burs any
gold watch
In the house, new or unredeemed
at prices as low as at any Jew
eler's, Quality1, guaranteed prt
tValtham, Elgin, Dueber-Hamp-den
and other popular makes.
Pay one-fourth down, bal
ance. $1 a wek.
Astoria Loan Office,
jf 61 Commercial street.
Arc you a person who tlirows away your money? If not why will
you pay more elsewhere when Herman Wise offers clothes for less?
I am going east next month to buy Fall and Winter goods. In
order to buy for cash I offer reductions in all departments.
Men's Suits
All f 10.00 Suits now$SoO
All $12.50 Suits now $10.05
All $15.00 Suits now $12.75
All $17.50 Suits now $14.90
All $20.00 Suits now $17.00
All $22.50 Suits now $19.15
All $25.00 Suits now $21.25
All $27 50 Suits now $2:5.40
All $30.00 Suits now $25.50
50c Ties and Sox now 33c
25c Ties and Sox now 3 for 50c
15c Ties and Sox now 10c
Hats and Qaps
20 Per Cent Off
Boys' Clothing
Underwear and Ovcrhlrt
On Trunks, Suit CascsLadlcs'
and Mcn'w Unbrcllas, on Over
coats on Outing Suits.
All Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed free of charge whenever you say so.
W W m m
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
Wis' May 8a I
Draw th Crowd.
Cut Prices Doe It!
relatives In California for the post
month, will return to her home in mis
city in June.
vr. Beard will be tne aei-
gate for Charity lodge. Degree of Hon
or at the convention of that order In
Portland during June.
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Walker ana
daughters have returned from a sev
eral months' s.ay in Rfiiunua anu
Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson are expect
ed to be in Astoria some time In July.
The ladies of the Friday Afternoon
Club spent a pleasant afternoon with
Mrs. G. C. Fulton on Friday.
Mrs. Swep.ion Mor.on entertained
the Saturday Afternoon Club on last
Saturday and Miss Iymclle Cole won
the orlze for the games play d.
The members of the Semi-Monthly
Euchre Club will be enH-rtalned by
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton on next
Friday evening.
Mrs. Robert Thurber and Mrs. Wal
ter Aldrldge of Rosland, B. C. are ex-
Dected to arrive In the city on Monday
and will be the guests of Miss Marlett
The ladl !s of Charity lodge. Degree
of Honor, anticipate spending a pleas
ant afternoon with Mrs. J. V. Porter
next Monday.
The numerous friends of Miss Car
rie Bozarth In this city gave here
linen shower on Friday evening at the
residence of Mrs. A. V. Pendleton. Mrs.
N. B. Pendleton of Portland furnished
the roses that wre usd for the deco
rations from her garden in Portland
and they . were very pretty. Gumes
were playd by those present, after
whlfh Ice cream and cake was served.
Th china shower given on Thurs
day evening by Mrs. John E. Gratke
for Miss Lulu Estes was one of the
most enjoyable events of the week.
Ferns and cut flowers were used for
the decorations and shoit musical se
lxrtlnn wpr rendered by Miss Klr-
choff, Mr. Graf and Will Gratke; an
auction game wus the principal event
of the evening and caused much mer
rlmept. Mrs. Gratke was assisted In
en'ertalnlng her guests by Mrs. O. B.
Estes and Miss Hael Estes.
Uollected $13,JI.T. leuvlng a delln
quemy of l,S2t.:. Of this amount
over 110.000 Is due from those who
paid their first Installment In April
and the second Installment Is not due
'until October. This Is an evidence of
(prosperity and that times are good
In Astoria.
Linen and China Showers, and Club
Social th Important Event.
Capt. and Mrs. Charles JorJan of
Cathlamet were In th city Monday
evening to attend the circus.
Mrs. Nelson Troyer has returned to
her home In Portland after a week's
visit with Mrs. G. W. Lounsberry.
Mr. R. P. Habersham has returned
from a several week's visit In Cali
fornia. Mrs. Ewadivater, who has been wltl-
I th Cheapest in th End.
There nre fw matters of more Im
portance to, or so II tie understood by
uronerty owners, as lire Insurance.
Some men give more attention to se
lecting a tlgar than to placing their
Why buv fire Insurance from an
aa-ent and a company you know noth
Ina- about? Your policy m,m
time stand between yu and pover'.y.
Your insurane policy is nxt In tm
portanc to the title deed to your
home. Buying cheap Insurance from
f..nnn in nnv nremlum Is like
stopping a clock to anv time.
Buy the best of K. 05BURN, w
Commercial St., Astoria.
Amumnt Thi Wk.
Without exception the greatest bill
ever presented on the vaudeville stage
In Astoria will be the Immense bill to
be presented at the Star. Three of the
greutest attractions ever In the city
has been secured. DeMora and Oraceta
are recognised as the greatest acro-
jbatlc performers In this country and
ar the highest salaried artists on me
stage. Their performance I most
wonderful and elicits enthusiastic ap
plause everywhere. The Helm chil
dren have also ben secured for this
week and are recognised as the great
est children performers and they are
certain to become popular favorites.
Creatore, the celebrated 'musical spe
cialist, will entertain the people this
week. Weston and Whalen will fur
nish the fun In their grent sketch en
titled "CDonavan Dunn, M. P.." A. J.
Ellsworth, who mude such a hit last
wek, will render a new popular pic
tured melody. The bill this week cer
tainly eclipses anything of the kind
ever produced tn this city.
Are your spirits drooping ? Do you
feel thnt tlrsd feeling? Does your p
petit need coaxing? Then your blood
Is poor. That Is nature way of tell
Ing you that you nd our
It la an ldal tonic, bracing, strength
enlng and exhl'.aratlng. It purifies th
blond, tone up th system and will
tnuke you feel Ilk yourself again In a
FRANK HART, Druggist.
Comse 14th and Commercial
Wis' May Sal
Draw th Crowd.
Cut Prices Do Itl
Collecting Tax.
Taxes continue to come In at the
sheriff' office, at the rate of ovr
ICS a week. From present Indications
the delinquent roll this year will h"
less than $5000, the smulleRt In th"
hlftory of the county. Out of a ota'
roll of $:'00,H0.54 Sheriff Llnvllle has
U Becenlty to perfect Health snJ in etsentld element
of mppweu.
To prevent tirkneu and enjoy
comforts of life you ihould equip your
ilcepinj apartment or drewing chamber
with s mowy white, one-piece
$Miatf Porceliin Enameled Lsvs
tory and have running hot snd cold
water si dcilred at your touch.
We have lamplci In our ihowroom
and will gladly ouote you pricet.
the S
J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
Schilling's Best meant
kWafwdr '
cf good-enough quality at fail
prices. ,
Al rw ftvtm'H irW
FlsheFs 0era tase
M a m m . a as
L, t. otLiUi - - Lessee ana manager
FRIDAY, "MAY26, 19Q5,
BY .
Four Well Known Artists
Solos, Duetts, Trios and Quartetts,
Mrs. Walter Reed, Contralto
Miss Kathleen Lawler, Soprano
Dom Zam, Baritone
Wm. J. Belcher, Tenor
ADMISSION, Reserved Seats 75c; Gallery 50c
Seats on sale Thursday morning at 9 o'clock atiGriffiu's
Book Store.