The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 21, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    3AY, MAY 11, 1908.
7 .
More Strawberries from Cat
, Ifornfi.
Ta ty Chickens Dealine. lags An
f r ported Iteady and Butter Firm
ith ne Other Important Chang in
I. Market
Th strawberry season In California
1 virtually over and no mora berries
r skpeuted to arrive In Portland thl
i- .t, tha Oregon crop being sufflcl.'iit
ii supply all dmand. Fancy thick
vi. took a tumbU and tht market la
w; stock!. Ftutirr and show
t .i ihnnira from yanierday's quotation
d S lit market la well supplied.
t . mmmm " .
3 Grain, Hay and Peed.
Wht.t-Walla Walla, IJOMc; Val
! 17c; blueUm. f0rlc.
Oate-Whlt. 121 2; ray, 121.
erley-nrewlnf. 121; feed, 122.
".lay-Timothy. I14CH80; flwer,
fill II; cheat, IU0U; alfalfa, til.
Mllluetufrs Barley rolled. 124.(0;
middling, 124.025: chop, lit; dairy
chr.p bran. llC20; shorts, 133023. .
Ilour Hurd Wh-st. straight. 13.15
4 CI; hard wheat ia.ente. .60t 0.
friUm, 14; rye, $5; whole wheat
four. I4.IJ, valley. 4,10.
Corn-Whole, craikel, 1:6.60
t ton.
Kye IMS lr cwt.
horse hides, salted, aacti, accordlnf to
slse, I1.B0JJ2; dry, tatfl, according to
aise, 1101.60s , colta' hid, ISplOr
each; goat akin, common. 10916c
each; Angora, with wool on, lie 0 11.10
Felts Bear aklna aa to slse, No. I,
IlloeiO each; euba, HOI; badger, It
CCOe; wildcat, wltk head perfect, $Q
Mc; house eat, 1010c; foit, common
gray, 60 70c; rad, tlGt; eroaa, IS 9
ISo; ailvtr and black, 11009100; fJih-
era, $501; lynx, Uo0; mink, strict.
ly No. 1, according to alio, 1191.(0;
marten .dark northern according to
alia and color, 1100 IS; marten, pale,
pin, according to via and color, (2.(0
94; muakrat, large, 1091Sc; skunk. 40
Mc; civet, or polecat, (910c; otter,
large, prima akin, ((910 panther, with
hr id and clawa perfect, 129 5; raccoon,
prim, 109 too; mountain wolf, with
bead perfect, tt.t09t; coyote, (0c9ll;
wolverine, 1101; beaver, . per akin,
large, Stfl; medium, I3Q4; arnall, 11
91(0; kite, 60971a
Caacar Sagrada (Chlttam bark)
flood, 4940 par lb.
Oregon grope root Per 100 1 a, 139
1 . .
V Produce.
Butter Fn my . areamery, lltfl 20e;
dairy, KHl7c; store. ItftUHc;
:! Oiegon ranch. 174J17HC.
Cbeeae Tounf American, HKjliC;
Oregon full cream, 15c.
Poultry Mixed chickens fr 'b- 1
JlIHe: iprlng. 14i01iHc; hen. 14
01Sc; fryers, Hfl20c; broiler, 269
I7Hc; geese, tc; lurkeya, live, lt917c;
turkeys, drewed. 1(920; duke, old,
14916c; pr!ng duck. IS.MS.
Honey-Dark. 1OH011C; amber. 129
31c; fancy whit. 15c.
Fruit and Vegetable.
Strawberrtea Oregon, per pounl
12 mi lie; Cnllfornla. per lb, 10c.
Cherries Crete. 11359160.
; arpa. i.25 r crate,
f Gooseberries, 4c lb.
; Orap fruit Crate. (3.6091.
i Apple Oretton. S0c& 12.10.
, Tropical frulta Lemon, fancy, II"
Choice. 13.7(91 per box; orange, (2.(0
92.75; banana, 5c per lb; plneaple
f 1.60 9 4 per docen. '
Potato. Oregon. 100 lba. 119106;
tomaloea, California, crate, 13.760 1;
turnlpe. sack. II; cabbage, per lb.. i
time; Oregon onion, '100 lb. 15.00:
new potatoea, It: awet potatoe. 1175
0 3 Tt 100; Auatrallan red, (3;
celery, per doaen. 70975c; aaparagu.
Ier box, 1,1.60; artlchokea, per dottn.
760 10c; r'adlhea, per doten, 15c;
green onlona. pr doten. 15c: rhuborb,
lt jiound, tc; cucumber. pr rten.
1191.25; Ut. 11 21 per 100 lb, car
tot. 11.25 per 100 lb.
Fre.h Meat and Flth.
Freeh Meata-Val, t'i 94lc;pork.7
beef, bull, tOt'iC". ,v
eteer. 405c; mutton, 7c;
Jamba with pclta, (1.5093.50
'each. ,
F1h Craba, per doten. 11.25; snoai
ater Bay oyatera. per aaca, h up: ox
ater. gallon. 12.25; halibut, 6H; oiacK
cod. 7c: ba, per lb.. 13Hc; herring,
' 6c; flounder. 6c; catflh. 7c; lobter
!. .iiui am Alt ahrlfnt).
llOc; perch, 6c; aturgeon. 7c; chlnook
almon, to; teelheada, 7Hc; aa trout,
'13HC; ahnd. IH94.
' Oytr Bhoalwater Bay. per gallon,
13.35; per sack, It net; Olympla, per
pack, 15.16.
r clam-HarJhell. per box, 12; rami
clam. II pr box. '
: Hop, Wool, Hid, Etc,
Hop 23024V4C per lb.
I Wool Valley, 30921c; aatrn Ore-
gon, 149H-
Tallow Prime, pr lb., IQlKc, No.
nit frilM. 2(11 2 He.
MC-'r Choice, 10914c rer lb.
Fekili'ii-C"-'' white, 351? 40c:
geeae, gray or mlved. 25 9 20c; duck
.kin iRWSOe! duck, mixed. 12916c-
Beerwnx Good, clean and pure, 20
9 23c pr lb.
Hldea-Dry hide. No. 1. 1 lh.
up. K9KHC rer lb.; dry kip, No. 1.
t to 15 lb'.. 14915c Pr lb.; dry calf
No. 1. unJer. 5 lba, 179 Kc; dry alted.
bulla and atag. one-third lea than
dry flint (cull, motheaten, badly cul.
acored, murrain, hnlr-Hpped. weather
beaten or grubbey. 39 3c per lb I');
alted hide, atcer. ound. (0 lb, and
,. . ka nih uOi
inur 971 1UC VVT
e rer lb.; under 60 lb, and cow,
a. r. ih alteJ tag "d
aound. c per lb.; altd kip. aound. 15
.., ia ih. ic ner lb.; aalted veal, aound.
10 to 14 lba.. tc pr lb.; aalted calf,
.nnl under 10 lba.. 10c per lb. (green,
lb. lew: culla lc per
ik fiheeo kln: Shearling, o.
- '. -,v esiitsoe each: rhon
v t hutchera' , atock. 40 9 60c
wool. No.l butchera atock 09
.a-.. wool. No. 1 butchera atock.
RA urh. Murrain pelta. from K
Coal oil Pearl and aatral oil, cae.
20V per gallon; water white oil. Iron
I barrel, 16c; wood barrel. ITHc; co
jcena oil, caea, 34c; elatn oil, caaes,
27c; extra atar, caaea, 31c; headllgh
oil, 17S degrees, caaea, 33 Vic; Iron bar
rel, 17ttc. (Waahlngton atnt test
burning oils, except headlight, Vic per
gallon higher).
Oils and Lead.
Banxlne Sixty-three degree, cae.
33c; Iron barrela, 16Vic.
Llnaeed oilPur raw, In barrel,
tic; genuine kettle-boiled, In barrela,
etc; pur raw oil, In cares, 60c; geun
ine kettle-boiled. In cuc, c; lota ot
210 gftllona, lc lea per gallon. .
Turpentine In rase, 17c gallon; In
barrel, 79c; In wood barrel. 14c. .
Oaaollna Btov gaaoline, caaea,
34Hc; Iron barrela, He; 10 degree
gaaoline, caaes, I2c; iron barrel 01
druma, 24c.
Lead Btrktly pur whit iaa anJ
red lead in ton Iota. 7c; (00-lb lota.
7Kc; U than 500 lba, tc.
Ropt Pur Manila, 14c; standard.
Ulic; Sisal. 10c; Itle brand Sisal.
Wire nail Present base at 12.70.
Qroeerlaa, Provlalon,' Etc.
Sugar-Oolden C. 15.15; powdered,
14.06; patent cube, 11.30; can. D. O,
15.91; fruit eugar, 15.96; beet sugar,
15.15; extra, cwt, 10c: kegs, cwt., 31c;
box, cwt., (0o (lesa o per lb If paid
lor In It days).
Salt Bales of 75-ts.bate, 11.10: bale
of 10-!. bale, 11.10: bale of 40-4. bate
pried fruit Apples, evaporated, 70
tc; per lb, aundrleJ, aack or boxes;
none; apricots, 10913c; peaches, 99
lie; peara, 10913Hc; prunea. Italian
495c; French. 3Vi9V: flf. California
blacka. 6ic; do whit, none; Smyrna.
30c; Fard datea, to; pluma, pitted, (c.
11.(0; bale of 15-10, bale. 11.40; bag.
50. fin, ton. 111; baga, 50 lba.
genuine Liverpool, ton, 117; bag, 60
lb. H ground, 100. ton. 17; R. S. V. P..
50 8-lb cartona. 13.35: R. S. P. 14 I-ll
101 "duint loodiaAfl 'Snl 'suojjao
nice Imperial Japan. No, 1, 15.37
No. 3. 14.25; Carolina" head, tc; brok4
bead 4c.
Coffee Mocha, 2 9 28c; Java, fancy
24982c; Java, good, 30924c; Java.
ordinary, 179 30c; Costa Rica, rancy,
11920c; Coata Rica, good, 16919c Ar
bucklc. 114.31 per 100 lbs. Lion. 114.11
Provision Hams, to alxe. 13c;
ham, picnic, to; bacon, regular.
10 V bacon, breakfast, 12917c;. dry
salt aid , 9 Vic; bas, dry aalt, 9V;
lard, kettle tendered, tlerced, 9 He
Nuta-Walnuts, N. 1, soft shell.
II He; No. 1 hard shell, ltV4c; Chile,
lie; almonda. 1791c; flibarta, 14915c;
Brasila, ltc; pecans, HViQltc; hick
ory. lc; Virginia peanuts, 797Vici
Jumbo Vlrglnl peanuts, 9c: Jspanesa
peanuts, IVi9c: chestnut; Italian,
ltc; cocoanuta, docen, 90c,
Flgs-Whlta, it, IVi0tc; black, 19
Date Gulden, 64-lb boxaa, I9t'ic;
1-lb. package, lc; Fard, 15-lb boxea,
11.40 box.
Ban Small white, 4e; large white,
IHc; pink, IVic; bayou. c; Lima,
(V&e; Mexican red, to.
Pickled good Pickled pigs' feet, V
barrel, 15; -barrels, 13.76; 15-lb kit
11.35; pickled trip, Vi -barrel, 15;
barrel, 13.75; 15-lb kit, 11.36; pickled
pig' tongues, -barrels, 16; V4 -bar
rel. 13; 15-lb kit, 11.60; pickled lamb
tongue, Vi-barrel. 19; Vi-barreti,
13.50; 5-lb kiU. 13.75.
Lard Kettie-rendered: Tierce,
9Hc; nub. 9! 60, 9c; 10. ie-.
10s. JOVic Ss, lOVic. StandarJ . pure:
Tlarcee, lc; tuba. ISc; 60s, c;
20s. lc; 10s, 9c; 6s, 94c. Compound:
Tierces, IVic; tubs, IVic; 60s, (Vie; 10s,
7Vic; 6, 7 Vic,
Sauwige Portland ham, II Vie per
ib; minced ham, 10c; summer, choice
dry, 17 Vic; bologna, long, (Vic; wlner-
wurat, lc; liver, 6c; pork, 9c; blood, 6c;
headcheeie, 13 Vic; bologna sauaage,
link. 4 Vic
Ralalr. Looae Mucatela, 4-crown,
tVic; 6-layer Mucatel raiains, 7Vic;
unbleached seedles Sultana. 6 Vic;
London layer, l-crown, whole boxes oi
20 lb, 11.(5; I-crown, 11.75.
Cereal food Rooled oat, cream, 90
fb sack. (1.76; lower grade, 159( 35:
oatmeal, te cut, (0-lb aack, It per
barrel; 10-lb sacks 14.35 per bale; oat
meal (ground( 60-lb aacka, 17.50 per
barrel; 10-lb aacks, 14 per bale; split
peaa, 14 per 100-lb aacks; 35-lb boxes,
lb boxo. 11.25 per box; pastry flour,
10-lb sacks, 13 60 per bale.
Canned aalmon Columbia river, 1
lb tall. 11.15: 2-lb tails, 13.50; fancy
1-lb flats, 12; Vi-lb fancy flats, 11.35;
11.11; pearl barley. 4 per 100 lbs, 25
fancy 1-lb ovale. (3.75; Alaaka tall,
pink. 15990c; red, 11.60; nominal. 2s
tall. 12.
Maaon fruit Jar Half-gallon, per
groaa, 19.90; quart. 11.65; plnta, 15.15;
extra caps per gros, 13.35.
Economy fruit Jars Half-gallons,
rer grosi, 111.35; quarts. 110.15; pints,
11.75; extra cap. 11.15.
fUning r?r fad art working In bar
money with wardens for the common
interest of all concerned In preserving
ten living thfngs In nature. ,
If the cloeed season were observed
for a few years sporting men bellev?
the forests will be replenished with
game birds and th s'.reams restocked
with fUh. R'sults so far Indicate the
wisdom of good laws prohibiting .tht
wholesale alaughter of wild animal
And birds. Thone living In the present
day can see the folly of killing gam
at all time and without regard to fu
ture extermination of the specie. The
public sentiment Indicates a returning
to nature. It I a sign of better sys
tems for handling game In the future.
The Hess restaurant, on Eleventh
atreet, Is considered the family restau
rant of Astoria. Tha best meals and
the best service In Astoria, 130 Eleven
th street
for Cathlumet, way landings, t p. m.
dally except Sunday.
for Gray River, Knapp'on and
landing. alDly as follows:
Friday, 19. 9:30.
Saturday, 30, 10:30.
Monday. 23. 12:30.
Tuesday, 33. 1:30.
Wedneaday, 24, 2.
Thursday, 25. I A, m.
Friday. 26, 1:30.
Saturday, 37, 4.15.
Monday 39. 6:30.
Tuesday, 10, 7:30.
Wednesday. 31, I.
Agents S. S. Roanoke for Coo Bay.
Eureka, Son Francisco and San Pedro.
Not a cent wanted, unlesa you are
cured. If you are alck and ailing, take
Holltster's Rocky Mountain Tea, A
great blessing to the human family.
Makea you well keeps you well. 15
cents, Tea or Tablet. Frank Hart
drug atore.
Law of Oregon Should Ba Enforced
the Sam aa in Washington.
Oregun hu Just aa effective gam1
law as does, but the gumt
warden hua never shown any Inclina
tion to enforce them.
The game warden of Thurston count
rnc.rts that more birds are noticed In
the fields and fret thla season than
for many years. He attrlbutea the
iapld Increase l the feathered family
to the strict nforc nient of laws pro
tectliiK" K.ime. S;frtsmen In different
section of the state are much elated
over the prospects for more game blrJs
and fishes. Farmers who once though!
all restriction pluced on hunting' and
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best
of Work at very reasonable Prices, ami is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991
.Wholesale ami Retail
Ships, LoKgmfi Camps and Mills supplied on short notice,
rivtj CTfirtv RfHTfillT aXD SOLD
Wo are thoroughly prepared for making
eatiniah and executing orders for
all klmUof pleotrical lustalling ind
repairing. Snppllea in stock. W
II the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP.
i Call up rtione 1161.
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co.
Gray S. 8. Co. Steamers to Cooe
Bay. Eureka and San Franclnco. Btr.
Toledo to Grays Harbor, Tuesday and
Saturday. '
C H. CALLENOER. Manager.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Korthwest
Horth Pacific Brewing Co.
G. W. Morton and John Fabrnjaa, Proprietors.
542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
r 1
Has always in stock a '
fine assortment of
Boots and Shoes ?
- a
Bond Street.
Call and See.
If you want a good, clean meal or if you
are in a hurry you should
go to the
Astoria Restaurant
This fine restaurant is thoroughly up-to-,
date in every detail. " ' y C
Everv season has its ovnx diseases, but Rheuma
tism belongs to all, for when it" gets well intrenched
mine sysiem, auu jumia iuu iuuivj nv. smumiMi
with the poison, the aches and pains are coming and
going all the time, and it becomes an all-the-year-round
disease: an attack coming as quickly from sud
den chilline of the body when overheated, a fit of in-
digestion or. exposure to the damp, easterly winas or
Summer as from the keen, cutting winds, freezing
atmosphere and bitter cold of Winter.
Rheumatism never comes by accident. 11 is m
Mnnd nnd svstem before a nam is telt. bome
;T,e.n'r a rfrmiir nredisoosition or tendency: it is born in them: but whether heredity i
back of it or it comes from imprudent and careless ways of living, it is the same always
and at all seasons. Tne real cause or Kneumausm is a poiiutea, sour ana acm couuuiua
of the bjood, and as it flows through the body deposits a gritty, irritating substance
or sediment in the muscles, joints and nerves, and it is these that produce the terri
ble pains, inflammation and swelling and the misery and torture of Rheumatism. No
other- disease causes such pain, such wide-spread ruraT IIFFFRER
suflering. It deforms and cripples its thousands, HIS WIFE A GREAT SUFFERER.
Mr Mrife had been troubled -with Rheum.
leaving uiem neipicss luvauus 7 ww. tUm f-r gome Um- wh6a gh, beard of 8 8 a.
When neglected or improperly treated. Rneuma- wmoh aha tried and which omad her 00m
tism becomcs&chronic, the pains are wandering or tSts!S& 1
shifting from one place to another, sometimes sharp onoiona. Miss. J. e. reedek.
and cutting, again dull and aggravating. The mus-
cles of the neck, shoulders and back, the joints of the knees, ankles and wrists, are
most often the seat of pain. Countless liniments and plasters are applied to get relict,
but such things, do notTeach the poisoned blood; their effect is only temporary; they are
neither curative nor preventive. The blood must be purified, and all irritating matter re
moved from the circulation before permanent relief and a thorough cure is effected, and m
remedy does this so certainly and so quickly as S. S. S. It contains not only purifyinff
and tonic properties, but solvent qualities as well, all these being necessary in eradicating the
poison and making a complete and lasting cure of Rheumatism. S. b. b. cleanses tne
6 blood of all irritating matter and the acid particles are
dissolved and filtered out ot the system, tnus relieving
the muscles and joints and removing all danger of future
attacks. Under its tonic effect the nervous system te-ra?n-
it normal tnn and the aooetite and digestion im
prove, resulting in the upbuilding of the general health.
q c Prtfsch nr minerals of anv descrip-
WJ VJ W. AV A - " - V .
tion, but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Old people
will find it not only the best blood purifier, but a most invigorating tonic just suctt a cemeay
as they need to enrich the blood and quicken the circulation. ,
Whether you have Rheumatism in the acute or chronic stage, the treatment must De
internal, deep and thorough in order to be lasting. Never be satisfied with anythuig less
than an absolutely perfect cure. This you can get by the use of S. S. S.,the Oiaesi
and best Durifiep ana greatest of all tonics. , ; , . . ,
Write fu fully anlfreely about your case, and medical advice will, be given without
chanre. and our special book on Rheumatism will be mailed free to all desiring it.
U 10 per cent la", or 13914c tt lb.;