The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    tUNOAY, MAY 21, 1909.
Solid Packed Tomatoes, 2 cans 25 cents.
Extra Sweet Corn per can, 15 cents.
A trial convinces and demonstrates the true value
of these goods. Each product is packed directly into
the cans when in prime condition, ane when you pur
chase a can you can depend upon the contents being
perfect. Solt Agents Chase & Sanborn'i Coffees.
Local Brevities.
It'l tht water Olymala Beer.
Owing to Ihe inclement weather y
terdar very few farmers were In tho
city. -
The Btandard Oil Company tut com
plete the erection of the new oil tank
at tht foot of Kifth street.
Wise's May Salt
Draw (he Crowds. '
i Cut Prices Data HI
Nlrk Clinton announces (hat he does
tint blin lo (he Ai'nrlB' soda work
and never takes soda In bin.
A. W. Kinney fif A.IorU has bn
granted a dtntit certiorate at the rfr
nt examinations in Portland.
Mr. and Mia. I. H, Mount announce
ln engagement nf tb-lr daughter Klith
la A. C. Hum of Milwaukee, Wis.
Palronlse horn Industry by buylna
Owl eitrain. manufactured In Astoria,
All 0rtt claa groceis carry lhm,
Th A. B. C. nine and the t'omtnrf.
rial club nine will cross outs today
on lha recreation ground. A good
game la anticipated.
Arrangement have been about com-
(rifted for the smoker to b given by
Astoria Labor Council at Logan's hull
next Thursday evening. An appro
prluta program ha bfn prepared.
R. M. Oaaton carrlt full Una of
farm lmpltmente. also waaons. buc-
gla and farming toola of alt kinds.
106 Fourteenth street.
Tttrday was a oulet day In the
county clerk's office, and alde from
tha recoidlng of several convey aitcea,
no othr business waa trsnsucted.
Mra. W. M. Qrtgg, sister of Mra. C.
A. Oearhart, her husband and aon from
Iwa ere vliltlng Mr. dearhart and
will epend the aummr In Atorla.
Th Owl flavoring extracts art con
sldered th best and strongest by all
who hav uJ (hern. Ak for tha Owl
at your groctra and take no other.
Tht last alenmrr brought a ship
ment of tlon Hrand Lemon. Ex
perts claim (hey are tha finest that
aver cam to thl market.
Ton can get. at Prank Hart'a any
thing In photographic supplies. W
Juat received full lln of Eastman's
Kodaka, ate.
The neat grand lodge of th OdJ
Fellows will b held In Portland on
June 1 The Rebekahs will convene at
th asm time.
i' . . . '- i - - -' m
Hervlces at tha Pirt Lutheran today
tin uaunl. tfunday achoul at :J0. Mom
dig rvlc In Hw4lh at lu:40. Keen
lug a-rvloe In English at 8. l'lvm-hlng
by the pastor.
P. U Firker has the lumber on the
street fur replanklng the east aid ol
riurtnth street bMwewi Commercial
and run. The work will be com
m need next wek.-
A lurge- consignment of Oregon ber
ries were received In Astoria y.-aterday
and met with a ready aale at IS cnt
a box. Cucumbere were received and
aold at 10 cm each.
Thwe la conlderabl. unfavorable
nomment alout the gam of ball ached
uled to take place on Memorial day. It
la not conaldered an appropriate day
for aporta of thl character.
Rev, Q. M. Thorp will preach hla
farewell a rmon at the Methodiat
church at Seaalda today. He haa ac
cepted the pa t oral of th Methodiat
church at Coamopolla, Waah.
Lane Hnrrl. who haa been III with
nn attack of pneumonia, died at noon
yeatetday In Upper Aatorla. He waa
about 20 yara of ag and unmarried
and haa no nlatlvia In thla city.
CowomWy Trlb of Red Mn have
had plana prepared for their new hall
and expect to advertlae for bid nhc'.
week for building the new lodge hall.
It will Ve ti pne-'tory bulidlpg and coot
about $2000.
Thtre will be revival aervlcea thlc
afternoon at I o'clock at KUhera' opera
houae for men only. A male choir,
led by Mr. DUkaon, will fumlah mualc.
It la to be hoped that there will be a
large a tt'ndunce.
Mr. J. N. Jackaon and daughter
June of Olympla, who accompanied Mr.
nnd Mr. J. A. Munroe home lnat wek.
left for their home laat night accom
panied by Mr, dnckaon'e niece. Mia
Hazel Monioe, who will up nd tht
nunimt-r month with her.
Rcimrt from thai fihermn, can-
nerytnen and cold storage m"n yeater.
dny waa to (lie effect that Increased
ciitrhc wcrt rexi ted, the cold atorage
planta rec'lvlng the bulk of the flh
cNuglit, although ifveral ton were re
ceived by the cannrymon.
,Vi-ktinukum lixlffe. Knlghta of Pyth-
in at Hi'unlde, will celebrate the third
annlveraary ct th founding of th
aider In that town Monday evening. A
large delegation from Aator lodge will
go over. Dr. C. K. Linton haa been
Invited to deliver an addreaa.
On loneaome looking man, who
ahowed that he had b-n under the In
fluence of liquor, appeared before Po
llct Judge Anderaon yetcrday and a
line of $10 wa Impoaed.
RfV. Dr. Toy will prench at the
Methodiat church thla morning at th
Uuul hour. Mr. Dlckaon will alng and
Ml Lur"n will aait with violin to
the large choir. In the evening union
aervlcee of all the churchea will be
held to which the public la lnvl;ed.
We received yesterday a Carload of
Crown Brand
oat Oars
Especially manufactured for Fisher Fros. Co.
For Building Material ,
Lime, BricR, Wire and
Cement Coated Nails
Jo.-ph RohambergiT and W. F.
Schlmpft returned yeaterdny from a
duck hunting trip to Cray river. They
brought home a large number of fine
uck. but claim they could have
bought them cheaper In Aatorla. Any-
way. bo h wlll(enJoy a fins duck dlnnet
A very pleaaant evening waa rpent
laa. night In honor of Mr. and Mra.
U A. Laiaen'a wedding day, being the
15th annlveraury. Many valuable prea
enta were received from their many
friend. A uplendld program waa ren
dered, after which refreshment wort
We Guarantee Our Prices' Against Portland and
San Francisco, thereby saving our
customers the freight.
Wc may have local opposition but
no competition when you con
sider prices and quality of
our goods.
Just received a cargo of Portland cement which we
bought right and will sell right. A call
- - will convince anyone.
Sole agents for Roche Harbor Lime.
A rare tieut la In atore for Aatorla
muiicttl lover next Friday evening at
Flnhet' opera houfce, wlrn the grand
i concert given by Mra. Walter Red,
lllllTIIV Winn uvi.,vv.
Lawler, the well-known aoprano; Mr.
Dom Zan, the grenteat baritone 4n Ore
gon, and our former An tor Inn, Wm. 3.
neither, (he robunt tenor, will take
place, Theae well-known ar'.lata will
be heard In aoloa, dueta, trloa and In
quartet of hlg! and artlitlc merit.
Seat aal? open Thursday morning at
Orlflln'av bock etore.
peautlfy your complexion with little
out. If you wish a smooth, cl'ar,
ream-like complexion, rosy cheeks,
aughlng eye, take HolllstT' Rocky
dountnln Tea, greatest beautlfler
own. 35 cen. s. Frank Hart'a drug
Wis' May" Sale
Draw th Crowd.
Cut Price Doe It!
One of AsteHa'a Prominent rami lie
Will Greet Their Grandmother.
Th Cole will have a family min
ion In June. Mr, and Mra. At water
and family of Waterbury, Ct, are ex
pected here early In 3une Mr. and
Mr. Frederick, another daughter and
aon-ln-law, will probably arrive from
Palouai City, Wab on or about June
I, while W. U Cole, a aon, who recently
became manager of the Portland office
of the Ullnola Pacific Glaas Co., haa
aaked for a vacation In time to rn'et
them and also attend the wedding of
hla aUter, Mis Lucille, which takea
place at Orance church on June 27.
. Mr. Lucy Cole, mother of W. E
Cole, is expected to arrive here about
July 1, with her daugnt?r-ln-law, Mra.
Rose Col, although It I HopedJ that her
plan may be changed to permit her
to be prent at thf wedding. The
children arid giondrhlldren are all anx
loua to meet their grandmother, Mra.
Lucy Cole, who la now In her $7th
year. Khe resid e at Tulare, Southern
California, . ....
Railroad Completed.
The new logging railroad running
outh from Benslile about three mile
haa been completed and the new road
given a trial thla week. Commencing
Monday the company will commence
hauling toga to the mill. Sufficient logs
have been cut to keep the mill running
for a month and active work will be
continued In the logging camps. New
and Improved machinery ha been In
stalled in the mill and sash and door
factory. The company shipped two car
loads of doors to Chicago thla week
and haa many orders ahead. The doors
are th. finest ever manufactured anc"
meet with a ready aale in the eaa'.ern
The name of the winner In the prize
essay cont"t of Hsrman Wise's atore
will be announced Tuesday. Owing to
the fact that the gentleman who haa
the matter In charge Is a very busy
man It ha been Impossible for him to
xnmln? all the papers in time tolnake
he announcement earlier.
Expansion seems to be the ordr of
the day. The dim of Geo. Lindstrom
V Co., grocers and dealer In house
hold utensils on Upper Franklin ave
nue, expect shortly to add a new de
partment, which will make theirs one
of the best equipped grocery stores in
.he northwest. Their business, as It la.
haa bfen growing steadily. The firm
does business In all parte of the city
and In adjoining towns. Their adver
tlsement which appear In thla paper
regularly offer many advantages to
housekeepers, gee their ad today.
U a Delicious Toast
Baked by Special Proctn
Only to be had at our store.
Good in health or sickness.
Good for Babies and Adults,
A pound, 15 Scents.
Prim Swedish Potato Flour. Im
ported and packed especially for
American trade.
Better than corn starch. 15 cents
a package; 2 plug for 25 cent.
That good Java and Costa Rica
Cortes we eell at 25C A POUND,
Is a winner. Try it.
We have three wagons and cater
to your trade. A large, up-io-dat
store with a full line of good gro
aria& Tdlenhnna if you cannot
come. We will call for your order.
Telepnone Main .si.
Franklin Avenue, Upper Aitoria.
We are now showing a number of
elegant pieces of ,
lUIission Furniture
Which we have recently received
direct from the east.
Complete House Furnishers.
Worse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Liies to Trade, i
" 508-510 Commercial Street. ".
Mail orders solicited. T, New Idea Patterns 10c.
' ; 1 ; 1 1
' , : .
Plumbers Steamfitters
Ncre tut First Clsss Wcilxrcn
W. C LAWS & CO.,
A Few of the Good Thing's
Martin's Full Cream Cheese.
Imported Swiss and Fresh Tillamook cheese.
Norwegian Primost just received.
Large Spanish Queen Olives.
Nice White Bloater Mackerel.
A full line of Lunch Goods,
Ahlberg"s Swede Pork.
Creamery Butter.
Delicious Wild Blackberries in quarts and half gallons.
Homemade Pork Sausage, fresh lot just received.
Old Fashioned Fruit Cake, put up in pound packages.
Heinz Pickling Vinegar.
Boiled Hams fresh every day.
Pure Apple Blossom Honey, from Kamm's farm at
The Foard & Stokes Co.
Astoriats Greatest Store.