The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 21, 1905, Image 1

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    ; v - '
ublishis run. AttootATio prisb report
President Shea Agrees to
f Conditions. k.
,WiU Probably Reinstate All Their
Men Under New Con
- dltlont Named.
Tfm Provide Thl th Tssmiters
Shall Rtoognli th Employer' At
eolation Pmnnt Institution
With Non-Union Tmtr.
Chlcgo, Mar SO Lacking only an
official deolnratlon, th. great teamster'
trik In Chicago cam to an end to
night. Tha executive commute o( th
International Brotherhood of teamster
th only body within th organisation
that baa . th power to declar th
strlk at an nd. waa in aVsslim all
through th early part uf 1 night
and the strike will tut t "called off
until that boJy. haanjiiuiu..lS tb
fight ha waa.!. 4 4 '
It ha beeir ft Uy of cfriic and
c oiwuftatloti." The r wr proposl
tlnn and counter proportion and at
tilghtfall the altuatloit i prartliiili
tit anm a In th tnornlng.
Th tonmattra hav arceptd all th
term of th 'm ploy era. with th ex
ception of that Mutlv tt th reln-
tat-went of th drivers of Hi. seven
express cftmpshlc. Th.a tnn wcr
lnform4 that wh'n they went out on
a aympHlhPtlc atttk thi-y vr vlcilnt
Ing their contrntt with th rompuny
In an dorm, and tliut nun of thmn
would ovrr b rp-pmployd aauln In
nny capacity. It la poaalbl that th
xcullv commltte of th teamitur
may dtlr tonight In fnvor of con
tlnulnr th0 atrlk afalnat th rxprca
To protect thmlvea agalnat auch
a contlngonry, howvr. th mmbn
of th Kinployora' Aaaoclatlon thla aft-
crnoon Inalatcd that If th atrlk waa
; called off In all plac except th x
,pra companlea, the drlvei of othr
i bualna houaea ahould not refut to
Vlllvr good to th rxpr oompanlea,
Th union gtd to thl and th x
pr driver will b compelled to mak
their own fight If th atrlk la called
off In th o'.hr place. The term
nounceJ by th employer follow;
Teametera ahall recognlx the Em-
ployera' Aaaociatlon aa .a permanent
I Inatltutlon, mploylng non-union drlv
1 er ftJid th Vopen hop" win prevail.
I All atrlkera to b relntatd whnver
ivacancl exlat, xcept that employer
j we not to cotialder their application,
I that bj of men who have been guilty
-f lawteaa conduct during th atrlk.
Th aettlement of the trlk wl h
other concarn not to Include the x
Pi companle. -' '
' The union driver muit deliver good
to th xprea compople Irrespective
-"of the trlke condition. '
Working condition to b the ame
I a befor th atrlk. The In fact
i wer never an Uu In th atrlke.
i The term were verbally accepted
I by th leadere thl afternoon, anJ wer
ubmltUd to th executive committee
' of th tmatr tonight. It la under
stood that thl body will ratify tie
Agreement and their decision will be
submitted to a local convention tomor.
row. They will aleo accept the terma.
I Laterp-Strike of the teametera In
tead of being declared off, will be
1 aorcad to greater proportion. Thl
wa decided tonight by the member of
th teamater' Joint council, which wa
In calon until midnight. The council
met at o'clock to hear the report ot
negotlntlona In progre with th em
ployer throughout the day. They
agreed to all the atlpulatlona of the
employera with the exception of that
which declared that the driver of th
exprei companle would not be tiiken
buck. Thl wa th rock upon wnicn
the p nee program epIU and oftor pv
ernl hour of debate It wa decided by
th teamster' union not to leav the
Mtpies driver t muk, a Ion fight,
but to Stand by thtm. It wa decided
t't cull off hII iiftgn.lullciiii ami pre
pare for h further fight.
The firm effect of the aprrnd of th
Hike will b In th building trade
unluni an.) (rouble la looked-for In this
direction. 1 expected that Ilia drtv
r of lb association
numbering 1006, men will walk out
and thai th team owner' association
will com out for deliveries for boy
rotted fir ma. In tbla case lhlr men
will probably b out within ft few day
They tmploy about 1900 mn.
War Cerretpendtnt Ttylng t Rgl Off
Fight In Manehuria.
New Tork, May 10. All new from
Manchuria Indicate th Immlnenc of
a battle, according to th view of the
Time.' Toklo correspondent.
Th Russian occupy a lln 4J mile
In length, strongly Intrenched.
Th Japanese ar advancing In thre
column. Th Russian main position
la at Ilaillung, whr General Matorll
off command.
Chilian 0vrnmnt to Step Important
New Tork, May 10. Th cabinet
ministers are doing their best to pr
vert a deficit In the present year"
budget, ay a Herald dispatch from
Valparaiso de Chile. Thty hav re
solved to suspend th appropriation ot
11.520,000 for public works. Flan and
estimate for th construction of
great lngltuJlnrt railroad from Tftcha
to Santiago hav been delivered to th
mlnlsler of publlo works, r
Gigantic ' Scheme . lor Fleecing
j Taxpayers.
Connived With Tax Seslpers by Charg
ing Erroneous Assessments Agsinst
PropMy Enforcing Payment and
Dividing th Swag Among Thieves.
Ban Kranclaco, May JO. Th Chronl-
cl today says: .
A chem which ha been In opera
tion In th tai collector office for
many months, ha just been unvor-
ered by which nearly 11,600,000 of prop
arte ha been secured for ilitl mors
titan f 100,000. Th victims ar th
city tai payer who ar charged, in
som Instances, It appear, wrongly,
with dellnqulncle. Th profit have
gone to a ring of tax acalpera, who
were assisted In every polbl way by
th alleged defaulting Tax Collector
Smith, and hla ubordtnate In office.
Record have been manipulated to keep
th truth from coming out and man
poor peopl hav had their home
placed In Jeopardy without so 'much a
knowing that a hortag I chargeo
against them.
A thorough investtga Ion will ; b
mad at once Into the matter, to de
velop If possible, th extent to which
these .h regularities have been carried
on. i ' ;
An Important Industry That Ha Been
Overlooked, . .
An enterprls that promise to ome
day becom an Important on for As
toria, but which as yt la In Ita In
fancy, la th manufactuer of a new
quality of brick. The new brick is
mad entirely of sand and cement No
burning is required, and the brick en
joy a decided advantage over the or
dinary building brick In that It hard
ens with age. Ordinary brick muat
be cemented to keep out th watr. but
no such process la required with the
new brick. At present th manufac
turer, the Astoria Fuel and Supply
Co., hav but two men engaged In the
work of manufacture, but the output
Is 2500 a day. Th supply on hand is
1M00. Th brick 1 a decided im
provement over the old brick. It doe
not warp or otherwise lose It shape,
and Us perfect shape makes It lay one
third more a day than can be laid ot
ordinary brick. The company Is pre
pared to meet the demands and It Is
expected that eventually an Important
Industry will be built up, ,
Bookmakers and Gamblers
Five Thousand Dollars Received
From Bookmakers Clven
Cvry Retiring Association In Nov.
York Has Announoed th Absolut
vrno f BusittM Rltiens
MVith Metropolitan Aeeltin. ,
New Tork. May 80.-On of th most
Important step since racing in New
iork stat ha be'n conducted under
th present- law ha Jut been taken.
Every retiring association, in th ute
na announced the bolute everanc
of all business relation, dlrct!v and
Indirectly with th Metropolitan Turf
AMBoclatlon and all ,tf.her or gam I xa
tiona or Individual bookmaker. '
Hmafter whll there may be lavam
of oJd and a betting rlng a of old.
it will be. absolutely without reatris
tlon, fre of admission to any oerson
purchasing on ticket, known to the
track polUe a personally r nutahU
and financially . tlabl foe th amount
or their wager.
The Innovation will begin todav at
Belmont park. 15000 tecelved yeaterrinv
from the bookmaker for extra tickets
bought according to the orevalllna
custom, having been returned to them.
While there ha been growing friction
between certain element and the book
maker for some time, which recently
am to a head when an onenln weJr
waa driven by breaking the monooolv
th mookmaklng fraternity held tn the
big ring" at the eastern track by th
Metropolitan Turf Association, reason
for th latest move ar said to be two-
fold. On la atated to be that the own
era of th race track of New Torn
tat hav mnJ4 up their mind to
clear themselve of any alliance with
bookmaker, to th end that .they may
noi o attacked by any cruaad agalnat
racing or In any aults Instituted by
any Influence opposed to betting at th
whether th condition ha been
hastened by th fear of a determined
fight by pool room Interest cannot be
learned. The second reason assigned
1 that the racing association has de
clared themselves against further at
tempt to dictate by outsiJ organlia
tlon In the conduct of affair about
th track.
Just whit will b the outcome 1 a
little uncertain. One thins I. certnln
that the racing association had volun
tarily put oft dealings with th organi
xaed bookmaker,' have" cast aside a
revenue for racing day In season
amoun'.lng to nearly $1,200,000. Var
ious schemes rare , being? ' broached 'to
mak up for th lost revenue, but It' Is
generally expected that th admission
fee will either be raised to IS for men
and $1.50 for women of that race goer
will hav to pay for th privilege of
betting by purchasing at extra cost ft
ticket to the betting ring.
By refiutng to accent as heretofore.
the jockey club will be freed from legal
entanglement which ar said to hav
been carefully prepared by an old-time
pool room proprietor ho had planned
to begin proceeding against tha rac
ing officials the opening day at the
Oravesend track, May J6. The courts
have held that It la not a violation of
law when one man makes ft bet with
another. Th bookmaker have been
allowed to operate under thl ruling.
May of Actors Worth Mor Than Lin
coln' Speech.
New Tofk. May 20. At ft sale.her
of rare and autograph editions, togeth
er with several manuscripts chiefly
from private . collections, the highest
prlc wa fetched by an lllustrafd
copy of DavU Garrlck' life and let
ters, together, with th record of the
New Toik stage by Joseph N. Ireland
and J, 8. O. Ilagan, both of which be
longed to the collection of the lat
August) Daljr.f -v: .-
from a theatrical standpoint the
work was considered of great value.
It wa exten Jed to 4 folio volume and
cost Mr' Daly mor than 130,000. Af
ter som spirited bidding It wtnt for
Two hundred and seventy articles
wer sold for an approximate um ot
120,000. ' Next to the "Hurtory of the
Huge" the highest price pand was 15200
for th complete original manuscript
of ' Charles Dickens' "Sketches of
Young Gentlemen," published In 1121;
entirely In Dickens' own handwriting,
with many corrections and unpublish
ed writing.
Th original manuscript of Abraham
Llncoln't speech on the formation o(
th republican party wa o!d for $2o.
Th buyer largely represented private
California nd Stanford Vanity Craw
Lsav for Viotoria.
San Francisco, May 19. Th vanity
crew of th university of California
and Stanford unlveralty left for Vic-
torla today, where they will row
against th crew of the Jame Bay
Kowjng Club on May 24. From Vic
toria tney will go to Seattle to race
th Waahlngton crew.
Baseball Scores.
San Francisco, Portland 10, 8an
Francisco 7. ,
Los Angeles, Tacoma 1, Los Angeles
4. ;
Police art Investigating Friday's
Bomb Throwing. " 1
Not Much Sympathy for Governor
Genawl Maximovitch, Who It I
Claimed, EvlneeJ Every Desir to
Aid the Pole to 8cui Concession.
Warsaw, May 20. The explosion ot
the bomb In Mldowa atreet Friday,
which resulted In the dath of the Pol
ish shoemaker, Dobrowclskl, who w
carrying the bomb In hi pocket, an
two detectives and the injury of many
peraon,' excited general jindlgnatton
of th evident Intent agalnat Governor
General Maximovitch, who, it I con
r3ed, vlnced tvery deair to aid the
Poia to secur reasonable concession.
Th police ar conducting ft .rlgrous
Investigation Into th matter and there
have been many arrest.
Marbla Cutter Want Reduction in
, Hour and Output
New Tork, May 20. Trouble In the
marble Industry ha led to the closing
of a number of the large; yards In
thla city. It began with a strike ot the
marble mill hands In one or two yards
and has spread until seven yards are
now closed, "throwing several hundred
men out of employment. ,
The strikers demand a reduction In
the hours of work, 2S per cent Increase
In wages and 2H per cent reduction In
output. , ' v
Question aa to How Many Striking
Tmtr Will B Reinstated.
Chicago, May 20. Oplnfona vary aa
to th number of atrlker who will be
reinstated now that the teamstcra1
strike practically I ended, but th gen
eral belief I that IS per cent Is ft con
servative figure. This estimate comes
largely from union sources.
The employers maintaining that the
Employers' Teaming Col pan y was a
permanent Institution, placed the per-
centage of striker who would get thetr
old place back at even ft lower figure.
Th Employer' Teaming Company
will employ no union men at all.
The total number of men on strike,
Including 500 helpers, at the end, is
2772. From th moat trustworthy
estimates 1300 of these will get their
places back In the course of time, leav
ing 2472 who will hav to seek oth?r.
Oyama Preparing to Open
Hostilities. -
Russian and Japanese Armies Pre
paring for Greatest Fight
of War.
Tokio and St Petersburg Agra in
Their Opinion That a Great Battl
I Near, at Hand and Heavy Japan
Forces Ar Being Rushd to Sen.
bu rnersourg. May zo. Toe war
office confirm the report from Gonson
Pas that Field Marshal Oyama 1 on
th eve of taking th general ofren!v
and no doubt 1 entertained here thai
General Linlevitch will accept battle
In hla present poistlon. Th general
staff believe Oyama's advance was
preclpl.ated by the doubt regarding
the Issue of th coming naval battl
between Admiral Rojestvensky and
Toga With an unbeaten army In front
of him. Oyama' poslHoa might ' e
critical If hi communication witn
Japan were interrupted even tempo
rarily. ' j .
Gunshu Pass, May 20. 108 miles
norh of Tie Pass. Manchuria, May 20.
A general engagement is Imminent
Field Marshal Oyama Is deploying
heavy force against General Llnie-
vltch'a left, and is concentrating- hi
tioops along th center, but hi base
la opposite the Russian right It is
not yet clear which wing is making a
demonstration and which will deliver
the main blow. It Is evident from
Llnievltch's preparation that he in
tend to accept a decisive battle.
New Tork, May 20. AH new from
Manchuria indicates the Immlnenc ot
a battle, according to the vlewa of the
Time' Toklo correspondent The
Ruesiana occupy a tin 42 mile in
length, strongly intrenched. Th Jap
anese ar advancing tn three column.
Th Russian main position at HalU
ung where General Matorlloff coms
Yal Team Showed Superiority in Dual
New Haven, May 20. Tale's track
team won the annual dual meet with
Harvard today. Score: Yale 65 1-0;
Harvard, 28 5-0. In only one event wa
there anything like upset Thl wae
In the mile run when Alcot of -Tale
outsprlnted D. Grant of Harvard in the
last quarter. The game were' held
undT more favorable condition than
for many. years, a cold northwest wind
sweeping across the field. The wind
Is credited) with having helped the
sprinter to ' the extent of a broken
record in the 220-yard dash when
Shlck of Harvard won it in the final
In 21 2-6 seconds, one fifth second bet
ter than his own record in these gam:
two year ago. Th judge did not de
cide Shlck' new record and it will
likely not be allowed. In th 100-yard
dash Shlck equalled his own record ot
i 4-J seconds.
Tale's team showed superiority in all
the field event except the broad Jump
and shot put In pole vault Tai tooa
first place by ft tie between Dray and
Hlnton and third place split between
two other Tale men and Harvard
What Might Have Happened if Mat
ter Had Com Right
New Tork, May 20. Some efforts
were made to lift price on the tock
exchange early In the week but liqui
dation dsveloped on account of anx-
lety over the future ot the Iron and
iteet'' trade. '' The discussion of tht
letermlnatlon of the administration to
purcha Panama canal upp!le In
;heap?r market abroad aroused a fear
that th whole subject of tariff re
vlion waa to b opened. Confidence lit
he working put of plana for harmony
In the northwestern railroad field wa
Impaired by the dropping of the Hir
riman representative from the North
ern Pacific directors.
Unfavorable crop weather also con.
tributed to th depression and poli'kal
unea.ln-s abroad Induced som sell
ing her for that account' Th moner
market wa undisturbed by some large
Fur Peraon Ru Whil Attempt-
ng t era a Desert
8an Dl-go. Cal May 20. Georg W.
McKane, who has arrived from Im
perial .tell of the rescue of four per
son on th desert who wer aJnutat
dying for lack of water. The party
comprised Mr. Friend, his wife and
two sons, formerly of Boston, but more
recently living at Phoenix, Aria. They
undertook to cross from th latter
Plac to California. Their water snp
ply gave out. and at a point between
Ehrenburg and Old Beach they
almost ready to give up.
Just then McKane and R. H. Benton.
cattlemen, appeared on the cene, re
vived them with water and directed
them to th neatest well Their subs,
quant movements ar not known.
Thn Did a Good Act by Cutting Hi
.., Own.-
Las 'Tftgaa. W.'-M.. May" 20.- wor 1
haa been, received from Do Alamosa j
that Manuel Montoya, a rich stock-!
mai ent hi wife's throat with a mor 1
while in an Inaane (rage, jtore' down
part of hi hous. Wok much furn!- j
tur" and then severed his own juglar ,
War Eedared by Union Team-
! sters Against Negroes. '
Sheriff Barrett Will Call Out th Unit
ed 8tate Troops t Quell Striker.
Union Teamtr Arming Them
selves foe Non-Union Drivers.
Chicago, May 20. Seekfng to avenge.
the murder of Enoch Carlson, the I-,
year-old boy, shot and killed last Tues
day by K negro scores f men have
armed themselves with revolvers to
night determined to drive th non
union teamster ' from . "th. district
Negroe leaving the branch yards ot
th Peabody Coal Company at Twenty,,
sltxthi and, Canal street i were) roi- !
lowed: and assaulted and a a result i
two riots occurred1 "in which one man ?
was probably fatally wounded, ana -
many others were hurt Six men were
arrested. . 1
Sheriff Barrett said, after being In- f
formed ot th? actions of the strikers, '
that it simply meant that troops would i
be required and they will be called out :
at once. Barrett said that the present :
peace force found it difficult to main- .
tain crd:r and with an increased num- f
ber on a strike it would be Impossible
to handle the trouble w ithout the all
of troop. The governor w-111 be notiflel j
tomorrow and It is probable that Unit
ed State troops will be sent to Chicago
at once. . -;
All th River Out of Their Bank and
Raging Torrent.
Cheyenne, Wyo., May 20. The
stream of Wyoming ar carrying
large volume of water down into the :
Missouri through the Platte, Laramie,
Big Horn, Shoshone and other water
ways than at any time in the recollec
tion of, th earliest . pioneer. Every
stream Is out of Ita banks, white dry
creeks and canyons that have not con
tained running water for many years
re torrents.
Many bridges have been carried out
and most of the fords are'unsafe. Seme.
itock has b?en lost and hay meadow '
nave been damaged.