The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 20, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, MAY, M, 1109.
! '...' ,
j.rom. wan,. t
I. . 7. r
II... .7 T P -f
........ - ii bwu cnuauiria
hilar seed
Wins of Cardul oures nln out of over ton ease of tba dlsordon
mnttruerioa. Those cuius srs psrmaaeot, whether the troubla b
wnnplloatod or .ot. t , , t 4
, WIm of Cardol oare ths iIcVoom of yoanf flrb, rsUsrw W
weakness of adulu, banUhss leaoorrhs, beadsobes, baek aches ana?
wrvwDtM u oases us emu aiu -
? '..... j. .
, , iwminaf di man OS tide Root'i sister Wft
to4 grateful rsllef tram the pains of eaildblrth sod bsvo
ks4 ft quick tad happy recovery from In bm. You uim(
i afford to suffer wbsa 11.00 bottles art sold by all '
il G '
i:. M
::; .:.R'-
If you
Dttltntrs and Mtaifactarcn of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
CORRESPONDENCE SOUC1TE0. Foot of Fourth Street Aatorla, Ore
The Fincit Hotel In the Northwest ' f
Astoria's Best Newspaper
Csiot ( Hale a" Ie a lw
m's Teaerejet.
Many people believe that blonfle. of
Itiht hair denotsa affeotion and dark
talr eonaunoy. A person without half
is not devoid of charaoter; far from it
the dlapoalUon of the averaia bald
headed man la to show such solleltuds
for the welfare of others, that he neg.
leets hlmaelf. A erm causes baldne.
I'rof. Babouraud. of Parla, France, in
eocoulated a rabbit With Dandruff germ.
cauilng It to thorns totally bald In five
weeka' time. To rid the sealp ot the
4anrous arma it to neoeaaary to sppiy
Newbros llerploido.
"Destroy tfts cauae-you remove
6old by leading drugalata. Send 10e la
atampa for aample to The Horplclds Co,
Drg Btor., m-S5S Bond St,
ift-i. vene Btors. Bll'Com, Bt, T. J.
Unrln. "BpacW at'" ,
Effective Remedy
mMi lews, April , MHL
tkl I hit Ik (no4 f Ik tM4-
WMM nw Will IB Ml
mtaal en ths change of lift.
. -
eesjMtaS M4 mMklut I old So U
.' Tto ethoMire "WX I foots M WIM
Has always in stock a
fine assortment of C;
Boots and Shoes
and See. Bond Street.
wnt x gaoI, clcai meal or if you
are in I hurry you ihould '
go to the '
Astoria Restaurant
Thii fine restaurant is thoroughly up-tol
date in every detail. , , ;
W arstnorougbly prepared for making
, estimates and executing orders for
i , all kinds of electrical installing and
repairing. BnppHea in etock. Wa
Mil the Celebrated 8QELBT LAMP.
Call up Phone 1161. '
Terrific Rao. With Death.
"Death waa faat . approaching,'
writes Ralph F. Fernandes of Tampa,
Fla... deacriblng hie fearful race with
death, "aa a result of liver trouble and
heart dlseane. which had robbed me of
aleen and ot all interest In life. I had
tried many different doctora and aev
eral medtctnee, but got no benefit, un
til I began to use Electric Bitters. Bo
wonderful waa their effect, that in
thres daya I felt like a new man, and
today I am cured of all my troublea."
Guaranteed' at Chas. Rogers' drug
stort; price 60c.
Wher are you sick? Headache,
foul-tongue, no appetite, lack energy,
pain in your stomach, constipation
Holllster'a Rocky Mountain Tea will
nmke you well and keep you well. . 35
cent Frank Hart's,, drug store.
Oliver fltajiton. an American, U King
J.wsrd's motor expert and acta alto
a the same capacity for too Trlnce of
TbeodW P. 'boDU, the new bead of
lb I'anama -anal commIlon, ia of
Duttb deweut, but baa ttrals of
French Hugueaotjlu bbo.f
Mr. Harrlaon eerred lonf a maror
If (lilcago tban did ioy of bis prod
rpsiiiora eiwjit bla fatlx-r, and during
Ma four trriua be never nlaaed a coutv
; ell meefiug. ii 14 .';!' ' ' I
Booatorvi. B., Brewer of AbllenO,
Kin.; to kiwo i th egf king-. Uet
jrear be ahlipd more tban 100 care of
Hi. llla niaue 0)0,000 dowM, Of
; RMO.0UO . , I
Fn-dprlok Falrbaukl', rclatlte r
(he vke prutldi-nt, la wlnnlnir fame in
i tbe uiunli-al world of Loudoo, wlire
bla tine ablllt aa a plautot baa called
forts bigs eucotulnma. ".
! After making $1,600,000 in the laat
i fourtn jrearaout of tlio aoll I. V,
Kraitbr of Madlaon, 8. D., tbe rlrbeat ii
vduiitre farmer lu tbe United BtaUM,
baa retired from active life.
Mayor George H."Willlama, -gnai
Otl,! nJan, of rortland, Ore., tbe laal
aurrlTlug member of Prealdeot Granfi
cabinet, celobratisl bla elgbtr-aecoOd
birthday recently. He waa attorney
general of tbe United States from 117.
to 1H75. , i
Jobn Frynn of Broadbead. Ky, to
track walker employed by tbe Loola-
vllle and Naabrllle road. For thirty
yearn be baa never been more than
few mllea from bla borne, but In that
time be baa walked over 135,000 mllee.
Tbougn ality yean old, be aOU patrol
bla aectkto dally, doing about fourteen
mllea. '. '
- General IJnevltcb. now In command
of tbe RuaaUn Mancburlan army, to in
bla ality-alztti year. He aaw bla first
fighting when be waa twenty-one yeare
old. took part In tbe war with Turkey
In 1877 end waa In command of the
Ruaatan trootw In tbe relief of tbe le
gations at Peking In 1000. For hto
servlcea In China be waa congratulated
by tbe oar. J
Church attendance among American!
In Manila Is small during the rainy
son, ss the city bss no street cars.
Old Trinity, Newport, R, I, to one ot
tbe most famoua churches of America.
Waablngton'a pew to there, furnished
as It was when be attended.
Tbe grand Turk does not approve j
of and forbids the faithful from giv
ing any attention to Its evolutions ot
ministrations. General Booth recently
visited Jerusalem, 'carrying a new and
peaceful cruaade thither, but no Turk
would come near blm. ;
llev. Dr. Henry March Warren naa
come to be known as the "midnight
msrrylng parson" In New Tork city.
He lives In Ninety-fourth street and
has a telephone at bis bedside. Dr.
Warren thinks no more of a midnight
call to marry some couple then a doc
tor thinks of a night summons to a
Acceptance from an Inaolvent debtor
of part payment In full satisfaction of
a claim Is founded on such considera
tion that tbe entire debt la thereby sat
isfied. (08 N. W. Rep. 810.)
Tbe binding effect of a compromise
cannot be abrogated for a mistake of
law, there being no fraud, concealment
or mlHrepreseuUtlon, and both parties
having ample means of Information ar
to the facta. (09 N. W. Rep. 1123.)
A chattel mortgage, though Improper
ly acknowledged. Is good aa between
the parties where the mortgagee baa
taken possession under it Tbe defects
become Immaterial except as to cred
itors having a Hen on the goods. (70
N. E. Rep. 641.)
Roentgen rays are used to detect
flaws in Insulated cables. ,
Mice exposed to radium for twenty
days lost their hair, and when tbe hall
grew again It waa quite white. ;
Tbe Lick obaervatory, California, has
discovered a crack or rill in the moon's
face eighty miles long. It Is only yto
Ibls when the sun to shining at a cer
tain angle.
Trofessor Mollsch of Prague says
that photographa can bo taken by the
light emlttod by raw potatoes and hard
boiled eggs In which phosphorescent
germs have been artificially cultivated.
New brooches are heavily carved of
rose gold In fanciful scrolls, leaf or
flower patterns.
A platinum chain aet with diamonds
Is shown in a fine necklace, with pend
ant of pearls and diamonds.
The useful book and eya of unusual
slse Is shown as a novel collar orna
ment of gold set with brilliants.
Very fine flat links are seen In a
fancy watch fob of two aectlons con
nected by open scroll work In polished
gold with heavy roes gold seal. Jew
elers' Circular-Weekly.
Cleared for Action.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plaine, Mtniu, writes that
friend, dreadfully Injured; his hand,
friend dreadfully Injured his hand.
which swelled up like blood poisoning.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the
poison, healed the wound, and saved
Ms life., Best In the world for burns
and sores. 25a at Chas. Rogers' drug
A Mlaa Cyan to a Canadian govern
ment official In tbe arctic regions, being
an nspector of gold duet'
8! tftior a Duee baa offered a prise of
5,000 lire ( 1,000) for tbe beat play by
an Italian author submitted to br f or
performance. '
Ella Wheeler Wllcoi's buaband to
Robert M. Wlk-os. lie Is an editorial
writer on the New York Journal. Ella
Wheeler waa born In 1&5 In Johns
town Center, Wis.
Mrs. IWmJamln Harrison widow of
ei-Prealdent Harrison, and ber daugn-
for recently tailed from New Tork for
the Mediterranean. Tbey will spend
several months In Italy.
Malll Makaroff, tbe only daoirhter of
tbe Ruaalan admiral who was drowned
by the alnklug of the warship Petro
pavlovk,hbcen chosen maid of honor
to the czarina and to the dowager em
press of Russia.
Mrs. Mary Clark Thompson baa erect
ed a memorial chapel at WllUamstown,
liana., In memory of her buaband,
Frederick Ferrto Tbompeon, costing
$500,000. It will be dedicated at tbe
Williams college commencement In
Mrs. Harry B. New, wife of tbe act
ing chairman o! tbe Republican nation
al committee, la one of tbe social lead
ers of Indianapolis. Although abe does
not open her borne for frequent enter
tainment, those she gives are noted for
elegance, fine Is one of the best-gowned
women In the city. ,
As a cbutvb cbolr alnger Mrs. Freder
ick B. RuNbnell of lnnlsvtlle, N. J to
believed to bold tbe record. At seventy-
fire years of age she la still a member
of tbe cbolr of the Methodist church at
Dennlsvllle. Her connection with tbe
organisation baa eitended through two
decade, and for a long time she was
tbe cbolr leader.
Compulsory education will become
general In Cape Colony In three years'
Professor David Eugene Smith of
Columbia university bss recently pur
chased the library of Professor Feri
ne udo Jacol! of Venice and has added
It to bla own collection for tbe use of
bis students.
General William F. Draper of Mas
sachusetts, former ambassador to It
aly, haa juat establlabed In the George
Washington university. In the depart
ment of politics and diplomacy, a schol
arship carrying $300 annually to the
t4K?lgiwd)tv mj-.nm-'mt'- .. r.b,4;it
..Word baa been received la Boston
that Kmperor Wllllsm will send to
Jlarvard net year a lecturer, Profess
or Ostevald of Lelpttie, whose specialty
Is physic, and In that line be has no
superior among the scientists of the
comment . .
v r f-7 ;
... Any objection to resuming tbe discus
sion of a noiseless Fourth of July T
Burlington Hawkeye. , ,
Sir Thomas Llpton says be to coming
over after the cup once more.' There
were some fears that Sir, Thomas bad
groa n discouraged and had decided to
leave the cup where it la. Washington
Pout. ; - f
'ihe German emperor says be early
vowed "never to strike for world mas
tery." It is Just ss well for his peace
of mind that he did so, because be
would never have got It anyway. To
routo Globe.
If you want to send a package cheap
ly from Boston to New York and are
In no hurry, forward It by parcels post
to your friend In IJverpool with ln
structlons to remsll it by tbe next
stesmer to New York. Tunny 1 And
this Is a free country. Boston Tran
script - ? 1
Dawn to the day smiling at night
Humility Is often a cloak for batted.
It la better to believe tban to' sus
The weak chain wastes the strong
Many bravo men have been shot In
the back. , ;
Few people are atrong enongh to en
Joy themselves. f
The song that reaches the heart sel
dom stays there.
Wherever there Is a victory there
must be a defeat i
The center of dramatic emotion la
usually In the gallery.
All ahorea are fair when the tide la
full.-New York World. ;
Mrs. Carter Harrison, who Is at pre
ent In California, to writing another
book for children. .
prlvste letter recently written by
Slenklewlca, the Polish author, abows
that be haa become a convert to the
revolutionary party. '
Robert W. Chambers, who at times
uses startling Incidents In the construc
tion of plots for bis novels, is constant
ly receiving "crank" letters.
Marion Crawford's sister. Mrs. Hugh
Fraser. tbe widow of tbe British min
ister to Japan, la making her first visit
after many years' absence to this conn
try and to now receiving much atten
Uon In New Tork, where her fame aa a
writer la well known.
Get rich quick schemes are usually
the shortest cut to poverty.-rhliadei-
phla Press,
The recent failure of tbe get rich
quick concerns ami tbe" ImraedTaCe "rl
leg of on on nfothers ashes show the"
propriety of a national celebration of
aa all fools' day. Baltimore Americas.
Hosbond Why In too world are too
always borrowing trouble? ,
Wife - It's the neighbors' fault
They're always out of everything else.
-Detroit Free Press.
The Lover Cee, Pro blotted bar let
ter! -.,.
His Friend-Aw. Sect write tinder it,
"Ms to a kiss," an' tot it go at dat'r
Kew Tork World.
At Tint tick.
A few ef as wwe talking at the club tbe
etber atont
On bow aali eaaae to cheese the gtrl be
Brew vewed that Ms affliittjr he knew at
enoe aad aulta
At flrat sight fell ks lave with her. h
Now, be It known, with beauty Mrs. B. to
not endowed, (
And Jenes. la aa aside, eeeastoa took
Te whisper, "Brown's eonfeasixis; love at
8 rat sight done hiss proud
We'd hate to think he took a sseeod
-Iter FsjtsD Oreene In Kew Tork Press.
Business Inoreasing.
The leading merchants of Astoria
possess equal advantagea with those
of larger cities. This waa exemplified
yesterday when .Fisher Bros.' Com
pany received a carload of fine ash
boat cars direct from the manufac
turer at Baton Rogue, La. Fishermen
who saw them yesterday pronounced
them the finest oars that they have
ever seen in this city. Fisher Bro
make a specialty of the best obtain
able and no doubt this shipment win
meet with r ready sale.
Cures Illdnoy end Blad
der Diseases In Every
Form Many People
Havo lildnoy Troublo
end Do Not Know It.
It Is the function of the kidneys to filter
ind purify the blood which is constantly
passing through them.
When the kidneys are out of order the
ther organs are affected Immediately
and you may havo symptons of heart
trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and
ather ailments, which are all owing to the
kidneys being weak and out of order.
It you are sick Foley's Kidney
Cum will strengthen and build up the
worn out tissues of the kidneys so they
will act properly and the symptons ot
weakness, heart, stomach and liver
trouble will disappear and you will bt
restored to perfect health.
You can easily determine 11 your kid
aeys are out of order by setting aside for
H hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination it is
cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed
iment or small particles float about in it,
your kidneys are diseased and Fofoy't
Kidney Cure should be taken at once,
Foley's Kidney Cure u pleasant to
take and acts directly upon the parts
affected and you begin to feel better
at once.
It corrects slight disorders la s few
days and it has cured many obstinate
cases alter other treatment naa unea.
Doctor Sail Ha Would iol Lhre.
Peter Frev. of Woodruff. Pa., writes
"After doctorinor for two years with the
best physicians in Waynesbur, and still
fitting worse, the doctors advised me it
had any business to attend to I had bet
ter attend to it at once, as I could not
possibly live another month, as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
was recommended to me by a friend, and
I immediately sent my son to the store
tor it and after taking three bottles I be
gan togei oeuer ana couunueu ii ua'
prove until I was entirely well."
Two tlxss, 60s and 1.00k
CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist
A Pill in Time
will save a serious sickness, especially
td people subject to Bilious attacks.
Sick Headaches or who suffer from
Stomach disorders. A pill in need to a
friend Indeed, sod yen should never
be without a box cf
j. it
Soid Everywhere. In bow tfc. sad Be.
deadline eelI
" AT THE 4 'v.
All the Latest Attractions From the
.' ' . . . Best Theaters', ' ",
Week Beginning May 1&
Matinee Daily at Zfii P. M.
k McDf
. TTRE .
Pee.'less Singers and
Perfection of Athletic Grace. In tbe
8 liver Cradle
Singers, dancers, cake walkers Imi
tations from America to the jungles
of Africa '
Chicago Magnet .
. Pictured Melodies
( "Bunker Hill"
Showing latest Motion Pictures
Admission, Any Seat 10 cents.
Regular Line of Steamers from
San Francisco to Astoria &
The First-Class Steel Steamer ;
makes regular trips between - Saa
Francisco and Astoria and Portland,
Sailing from each end about every two
weeks., :
Has excellent passenger accommo
dations, both cabin and steerage.
For freight or passage apply to ,
General Agents, Portland.
S. Elmore (EL Co.
Agents, Astoria
or to tbe owners Swayne & Hoyt
.. San Francisco.
and he will
tell yea the
Electric Lighted. ;
Is tbe Crick Train of tben ill for
The'ticket ofhee at Portland is
5S Morrison St., Cor. 3d.
Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent
It your tickets read over tbe Den
ver and Rto Grande Railroad, the
"Scenlo Line of the World."'
There are so many scenic attrac
tlona and points ot Interest along
the Una between OgJen and Den
ver that the trip never ' becomes)
If you are going East, write for In
formation, and get a pretty book tbat
will tell you all about it
W. C MeBrlde, General Ajent. ,
124 Third Street
'"' ..':)tiWii