The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 20, 1905, Image 1

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astoria; or eg on. s a t t) fib a ym a y'2 o 1 9 o 5.
Explosion Inures Number
of People. v r ;
IJ v.
I Two Workmen and Two Detec
tives Literally Blown to
Wrkmn Wh Wr Trying t Avoid
..Obrvtln f Tw ; DeteetW
Stwmbl M Curb and Bomb I
pldd Killing Fur Othra Hurt
Warsaw, May lV-Workmsn who
win trying to avoid bwrvatk from
, two, dnectl vef on M W ."treat ' td
day tumbled on the curb of tha side
walk and the bomb which he wa car
ryinf In if 'pocket exploded, killing
th workman7 and both 'dftcUva and
VJalurlng 11, other. A schoolboy wss
. dutained .it. lh .PHta station. h(vin
n mitli'wt wrtiln people umlnil
jfolftf' 'lno'ltIdwii '(rtrl. ' s.
Imltar hruUr hub bu 0ruurr4
In Wrw ifnot (ht January dimorb
nca Th mn ) u "crry!tn
tht bomb idtntintd a Poll.b
hue mVer nmm'it '0olroo!oik1,
nrmlM-r of th vlulsni afiion of the
rtX-UMt.; H'
i It U bttllcVM thnt the bomb wl
1nttiilid for Clovornor QDneral Mnxlm
ovluh, who wia xpHHid to pnM th
iKt on hl wy from ft rnthlrHl
Mrvlc In honor of the cwr'i birth
day." Th bodlea of th vlrtlml wtrf
literally blown to plrcei.
Wr CerrttpandanU Hava Lett Traok
of th Ruttitn Fltat
Pari. May II. Tht apparan'ly
complete Jlaapp-arnc of tht Runilan
far aaatarn fiai Ivada to th bltf
Ithar that a battle la Imminent or
Rojeatvenaky ha succeeded In eatab
llahlnf a naval base. On the other
band, H la pointed out hr that th
Iosltlon of the fleet1 on May If In lut
Otud U.H an4 lontltade 111.10 Indi
cated that it might hava bn decided
to follow k fours north of Luion Into
bo J fscltlu Instead of going through
' ihe straits of Pormowi, where Togo Is
believed to be awaiting development
and where ho expects to meet Ro
Jestvenaky. ' " ' '
. Vice Admiral Blrlleff, who has been
named for fuprema naval command In
tha Paolflo, will leave for Vladivostok
on May 25 to assume charge there ana
make preparations for repairing and
refitting the vessels of Hojustvensky's
fleet when they arrive. By Imperial
-command Itlrlloff will have all rights
and powfrs of a command of th arm?
and the commander at the Vladivostok
garrison will be subject to hit' orders,
thereby avoiding a possibility of con
flict of authority as In the case of th
aelge at Port Arthur.
"1 hava "no Intention of relieving
Rojeatvenaky of Immediate command
of his fleet If he la well and able to
perform, hit duties on his arrival at
Vladivostok," tald the admiral.
All Hop for tha Sueeeta of Pending
Negotiations Gone.
Washington, May 1. All hop of
the success of the pending negotia
tions for th new Chinese exclusion
treaty bat for th present ben aban
doned by tha Chinese offlclula. as a
, result of a wav of resentment tha'
swept over China since ; It became
known that It was planed to transfer
th negotlatloni to Pekln and that the
partment of commerce and (abor
wat Insisting upon Its own Interpreta
tion of th exclusion law. The oppo
Ition of the Chinese to the proposes
move to transfer the. mutter to Pekln
It I pointed out here, arises from the
belief that the minister at Washing-
ton was more capable of knowing ti
.fhv of jk'hlnes In this country thir.
wwir, 7w sovfrniu'm ana mi in ne
gotiating an Immigration treaty witb
tha Amsilcan mlnttr at Pekln fli
Chines negotiation would b at:
great disadvantage.
;' nti "
Oafaultinf i ink , Pftaldent
. , , .Ovar, $1,000,000.
.Mllwauk,. May II. Tha
F. J.' Blgtlow, a-bankr. carded
Insuranc of f 1,010.000 Instead of 0o,
000, a was generally supposed? Itf I
now said that over 1500,000 or th
uranc accrues for th benefi. of
FrtySI Theussnd Acres Withdrawn
in urn DIstHot i
Washington, May II. Portysli
thousand acre of Isnd In th Burns,
Or., Isnd district was to lay with
drawn from entry by th secretary of
th Interior on account of th Payette
and Hols Irrigation project
Van oar trok Hi Lef t Wrist and
' Lwi Given Delsin.
Baltimore, May II. In th first
round of a lS-round fight between
Bnny Tanger of Chicago and I tarry
Lewis of Philadelphia, Yangr brok
hit left wrist and Lewlt was given the
decision. ' at i-'f f 1
i; ; ' ; J I
I I Against Rao SullV ,
Boston, Mar 1 The common coun
cil lut abtd a, reioluilon rotv
demnlng disc rlrrH nation by landlords
against famlllr with children, and in
viting th legislature to take om ac
tion in the matter,.... . m -.vr
H-t '-A .
Indications Point to an End ol
Teamsters Strike.
iters' strike within th next 24 hours,
Union and th Employers' Assooia
tion That th Probabilities th Strike
Will End in Twenty-Four Hur.
Chicago, IttH II. Th. Indication
tonight point to an nd of th tam
will be over within that time. To
It being predicted by both employers
and' labor lad.bsj that the) trouble
will b over within that time.. To
night President Shea of th teamsters'
union and Attorney Meyer, who haa
full authority to sett I with th strlk
ers for th Employers' Association,
wfre locked together In the room o(
tbe Auditorium annex. They refused
to state what matters were under con
slderatlon,. but from other sources It
Js learned that Shea was rooking an
effort to Secure the best terms pos
sible for his men before consenting to
recommend that the strlk b called
off, . ,
Upon the shoulders ot th managers
of th exprr con.punl resident In
New York test thi possible tetile
ment of th teamsters' strike In this
Ity. ,After a nlgtb spent In confer
ence th member of th Employers'
Association and th-xecutiv com
mute of th International brother
hood of teamater reached an agree
ment upon all point except the rein
statement of th dlrvers of seven ex-
pfeas companies. Whn these men
went out they were warned by th 1c-
cal managers of the express compa
nies that if they went on a strike
without a grievance of their own not
on of them would ever aga'n be em
ployed by the express companies.
Jtstous Railroad Switchman Killa Mis
Stall Brio.
Pueblo, Col May II. In a fit ot
JeaJdusy, Franjt Cowills, a railroad
wltchman, shot to death Miss Stella
Brlce, his former sweetheart, and Im
mediately afterward sent a bullet Into
his own brain that resulted In hie
death an hour lat"r. Both are com
paratively rangers in this city. " '
Noted Bigamist Guilty of
Verdict Reached in Half an Hour
the Quietest on Record ' 1
in Chicago.
CHm Upon Which H Wss ConvloUd
Wa for th Murdc His La it
Wife, to Whom H Had Im Mar
rled tut a Few Day.
Chicago, May II. Johan Hoch, who
by hi own confession, la several time
a bigamist and who waa charged by
th polle with having married at lat
40 women ttt th past II years, waa to.
day 'found guilty of murder find th
ovath penalty recommerweO. by th
Jury In Judge Kersten's court Tb
crime for which Hoch will be led to
th gallows wss the murder of hia last
known wlf, Mrs. Murle Walckw.
Hoch had been married to this wo.
man but few day when so becam
suddenly 111 and died. He then
formed an alllanc with a sls'er of
th dead woman, aecuring all of the
tatter money and fled from Chicago.
Tb verdict abs one of th quUJt
est on reco d In Cook county, the Jury
having r.iched a decision In lata than
half an hour. Thro , ballot were
taken. Ilcch't attorneys will ask for
new trl.'U, although th condemned
man, arter reaching nis ceil, aeciarea
h waa rady to dl and would, fee bet
ter satisfied If th attorney did not
make th" ffort ' ' ' ' '
Ogdsn Hudson Killed at Lebanon Pa
per Mill.
Lebanon, May II. Ogden Hudson.
an employ at McNeil It Callahan
paper mill her, waa intsantly killed
at T o'clock yesterday morning. 'H
waa working under th digester
cleaning th cog-wheels and carrier
chain, when Ralph Ooodrlch, hi
brother-in-law, started th machinery.
Hudson' left arm waa drawn Into th
wheel and both hi arm and hi neck
Justice of the Pete O. Lovete. act'
Ing aa corner, held an Inquest vaster
day afternoon, when a verdict of ac
cidental t. death was rendered. No
blame waa attached to either the em
ployes or the mill company. The body
will be embalmed and shipped to Ster
ling. Col., tor Interment.
Mr. Hudson weighed about S50
pounds, and did th heaviest work In
th mllL He was aged 45, and leavs
.widow and several children. His
brother-in-law It prostrated over the
result of hit Inadvertent move.
Eastern Syndieat Buy Seeding Raia
in Machinery Patents.
Fresno, Col., May II. A bomb bas
been thrown Into th camps of th
leading' rait In packing firm as well
a th California raisin growers' com
pany, by th announcement that a
company had secretly bought up alt
tha patent rights ort ratstn selln
machines and would nereafter mono,
polls th seeded raisin business ol
the United States. It Is feared that
thts consolidation of patents will
prove a severe blow to the raisin grow
ers company.
Chicago Grand Jury Investigating th
Bef Trust.
Chicago, May II. Th grand Jury,
which has been Investigating the teef
Industry, adjourned today after hav
ing been In session exactly thrs
months. They will reconvene on June
7 to vote on Indictments which In he
meanUmi ulll be prepared in the of-
- ,
lie of th United States district at
torney. .. ,
Jessie Pi l,ym.ir5, formeti', president
of thi National Packing - C'oitipany;
Hector 8tr-:yckmats, former conftd-n-tlal
enogiapber, for Armmr A -Co..
and Ousur Preunde, former head of
tb Aetna Trading Comoany. have
been placed 'under bonds to assure
their fttfndanc a witnesses at the
Pullman Csr Cempsny Refuted Ll-
n by Stat Chart BaroVij
Topka, May 1-The ata'a charter
board baa refused th application .of
th Pun man Car Company for a li
cense to do busln'ss in Kaaaa. Tae
company sent a f of, f 17.00 with the
application. , v . , ,. "'
Th board announced that an aldj-
tlonai fe of 11027 wi-uld have to be
paid, which it tb charter fe reiulred
under tb taw n the Pullman Com
pany, at It It capitalist at ITLOOO.OOO.
War n Small SaU Carriad n
falaslca. May II. Fighting bar,
been going on tine Wednesday be
tween Turkish troops and a large
Oreek band near Basillka Reinforce
ments of 200 men and two guns pro
ceeded thero today.'
LtavM With Firm Mny.
Rainier, May Walter Isbell. a
member of the Arm of Butt A IsbelL
aloonmen at Coble, left town Mon
day, It is said, with about 1300 of the
firm's money. Hit wife accomplned
him a tar aa Rainier, and ther all
trac of the missing man stops, while
Mr. Isbell refuses to divulge any In
formation to .his whereabout. Of
fice ts are looking for hint.
Three Young Men Enter Jewelry
' Store and Make Haul.
Th RobUry Wa Committed Whil
th Stress Wr Brilliantly Lighted
by Sam Parti That Rebbtd a
Jwlry Store en Madison 8rL
Chicago, May II. After cutting tht
telephone wire leading to the Jewelry
store of Louis Antolne, In North ave.
nue, three young robbers last night
fastened the front and rear doors ot
the place t Ith Iron bars, then smashed
In a large plate glass window in the
front and escaped with diamond ring
and gold watches valued at 12300. The
theft waa committed in exactly the
earn manner as the robbery r-f the
Jewelry store of T. D. LanJe, Ja West
Madison, ttreet, last Tuesday night,
and the police are convinced the same
men were engaged In this robb-ry.
The raid, occurred whlla the street
was lighted brilliantly, aud while many
persons were passing.
New York Teamster' Dcid Not to
go on a Sympathati Strike,
New Sork. May II. The Brother
hood of Teamsters has decided not to
strike against , the contractors' pro
tective association In sympathy with
th rockrrwn and excavators, thus
averting a repetition In New York ot
the Chicago disturbance.
At th time the rockmen and exca
vator suggested tjhs' present strike
they were confident of the co-opera,
tlon of the teamster a whose action
irobably. will prevent a strike of th
21,000 members of th excavator
Msking Slow Time.
New York, May 19. Since leaving
th tartlng line of the yacht race at
Sandy Hook Lightship at 12:34 p. m.
Wednesday until sighted by the Gro
ser Kurfurst at 10 p. m. Thursday the
Apache has sailed a dtstanec of ap
proximately 121 miles eastward. Dur
Ing this time she has averaged a little
over $.05 mile an hour. Continuing
at this rate of speed It would take h
almost 25 days to cover the dlstanc
between Sandy Hook and lizard head
Slow, Speed7 Across i the
t. I
t .
Reported Hamburg and Atlantic
Are Making Excellent s
' -'- ..'...Time..' .' 'V"
Returning Yaehtsmm Who Fallowed
th Yacht for a Long D rats no Are
f th Opinion That It Will Bo CIom
Between th Two Yachts. "! ; !
lit it Jl.ijf, A i . i
New York. May If. Th German
schooner Hamburg was leading tbe
ocean race for the kaiser cup early
Thursday, mornlna 'according to re
ports brought In by the steam yacht
Oneida, which followed the racers ISO
mile out from 8andy Hook. A mll
and a half behind the .Hamburg,, wai
the Atlantic on the same tack' and
footing at a great rate. Both boats
were crowding on all the sail they
could handle close hauled, and were
beating against the 15-krn , brerezt,
blowing from the. northeast. : I
E. C. Benedict, owner of the Oneida,
was on board and whn he haadea
back to w York at dawn Thursday
the weather wa so thick that nothing
could be seen of the other contestants
In the trans-Atlantic race until 19
o'clock yeaterday morning when tht
Atlas was sighted. So waa only fi
miles out and th Oneida wai not
able to learn what had delayed her,
She arpeared to be making good head
way and to be driving hard to make
up lost ground. The other vessels In
;h fleet scattered early In the race,
and are probably hurrying In widly
divergent courses.
In the time elapsed from the tart
of th ra.e until the Oneida turned
back th Hamburg and Atlantic had
made good progress, footing fast all
th way. Both boat were admirably
handled and took advantage of every
possible point.
The showing made by the Hamburg
waa a big surprise to those watching
her and the opinion waa expressed by
the returning yachtsmen that If the
German yacht and the Atlantic have
equal luck with the weather, they win
furnish as pretty a race a could be
wished for. the issue probably depend
ing on th choice of a course. Both
are) likely to go well to the north,
I . ..
winiHiug ganger to me limit or reas
onable safety, hoping to get strong
winds in the northern circle.
As to the Allsa It is urmt.ed ;ati
must have met with an accident hav
ing maa only 75 miles In 22 hours.
Whatever the trouble was. It had been
repaired for no sign of disability Waa
apparent to the Benedict party.
Mountain Min of Montana
Ar in Litigstion, I
Butte, May 1 J. A Boise, Idaho, dis
patch to the Miner aayt: ;
The noted Seven Devil mining suit
of Granville Stuart vs. Hauser ft Holt-
er, In which Stuart tuet th latter for
th return of a trust deed conveying
certain Interest in th Peacock, Hel
ena and White Mountain mines, has
been reopened In the United State
supreme court Th case wa fought
through the district court of Washoe
county, and appealed to th suprem
court of the state, where it was de
elded against Stuart Judge Peck
ham of th United States suprem"
court granted the writ of error, al
lowing th plaintiff an appeal from the
Idaho' supreme court The property
In dispute Is reported by experts to b
of the value of a million dollars.
Government Object to Alsska Gov
rnor' Advertising Schem.
New York. May 19. Governor John
0. Brady's membership In th dlrec-
torate of an Alakari mining concern
and the use of his name In the dvr
Isfng matter ha ceased, according ;to
a statement published .by tha Time. A
letter, to this effect. Is said, to have
been forwarded to tb' authorities ta
haa ben pending 9 -AA A
Th regular annual meeting of th
compzpt hat dust .been held at it of
fice in this city when the action note
waa taken,,. It, waa fated in the' let
ter, forwarded Immediately to WaB
v,,.,;v 11
."All literature mentioning Governor
Brady of Alaska baa been withdrawn
from circulation, and at . this, the' reg
ular annual election of officers John
a Brady waa not re-elected as a dl-
recior." ,. ' ., ,"k :
Hundred Thousand 'Pound Sold
fr'Twntyn Cents.' "
Butt) May U.A Wels-r, Idaho.
dispatch to the Miner says:
A record price for wool deals In this
county waa made this week by Crot-
ton Bros, at Mldvale. Crofton Broa.
arc large wool raiser. The clip,
amounting to mora than OO.aOir
pounds, waa told through a voot buy
er representing a Boston arm. for 21
cent per pound. Th clip is to be
delivered at Mldvale on th P. A L N.
railway, SO mile from Welter.
B. Allan' Plana Hatisat Dam
aged by Fir Yeaterday.
Ban Francisco. May If. Many thou
sands of dollar worth of piano, tha
property of Wllley & Allen Company,
and also two floors of toys and other
goods belonging to Halo Broa, were
destroyed or damaged tonight by a
flre.tathe julldinf l J25-4jrst-enson
street. The total loss is est!-
mated at 50,000
s ;:aaj 1
Report Jhat Paul Morton Will R
sign From Cabinet.! I
The Santa F Road Would Liks t
Hava th' Service of Mr. Morton,
and It I Thought Passible H May
Bo Induced t Aocept a Position.
' 1 f
Chicago, May If. The Tribune to
day says:
E. P. Ripley, president of the Santa
f railroad, when asked last night re
garding th report that Paul Morton,
ecretary of Ihe navy, and former vice
president of the Santa Fe, would re
new his relation with the railroad up
on hi leaving th cabinet, said that
nothing definitely was known yet that
the Santa Fe would be moat happy to
have Mr. Morton assume official re
lations "with the" road; that "Mr. Mor
ton would be in Chicago next week
and that some arrangement " might
possibly be made then. '
'I have been In California lately,"
said Mr. Klpley... "and have not seen
Mr. Morton for three months, and do
not know what hit plant are.
"The Santa F would be glad to
hav him back, and something may ba
done during his visit to Chicago next
week." . A
Work t B Commned Immediately
on Thunder Mountain Read.
Butte, May; II. A Miner dispatch
from Wetser says:
Vice President and General ' Man
ager Helgho and O. F.' Paxtoq, general
attorney for the P. A L N. railroad,
have given it out that work will com
mence immediately on the extension
of tha road toward Thundred moun
tain and will b extended as far a
possible before winter putt a stop to
the. work. An attempt will be mad
to reach Payette lake this season, 10
miles from Welter. From that point
a narrow gauge line will b? construct
ed, to th Big Creek ectlon of Thun
der mountain.
' o
President Cattro Arriv.
Caracas, May 19. President Castro
-irrlved at Laduayra after a tour ot
various states of the republic, and
was . enthusiastically w elcomed. Hv
has resumed th duties ot executive.