The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 19, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    thfeMoHNlKftUsTORrAN -Astoria, oiiegon.
'""WiC3 f'OAV, rMAY It,
Established "1t7S.
rabllsoea Daily (Inept lloBflay)
eSy mil. P rr W
By saatl. per month M
ty carrier. pr month M
By Kail per yew. la aaaea .
Catere4 at thi postofflce at Astoria,
Orcoa m Mcend'ClaM matter.
IVOMhirt for Um Mtra of Tn KcwtiM
iimm tp aitaf wmeaf or alt of aunuwi
jmjt b saada ay poil card or Utrouta Ma
, the- Asjr bniruWiiy la dftUrrry nkouM as
ImmrtMflnlT nr,pnm tit ttii ifflri tt imminr-a
Teteehene Main Mt.
Walter F. Matthews haa been re
moved from hia office aa UnlTM Statci
marshal!. No charget wpri Blf.l
, against him. It waa . not cofttendej
ilsat he had been guilty of any official
Misconduct or neglect of duty. h.
then, waa lit without notice or oppor
tunii to be hea -d. sun inisrlly re
moved? As time goes on the peopl
of Oregon will ask this question more
and more frequently. Indeed, the peo-
' pie are already slowly awakening to a
relixation of the fact that possibly a
" conspiracy more infamous than an
' charged in the land fraud cases is In
existence. That the purpose of the
, conspirators Is ' to disrupt the domi
nant wing of the republican party by
destroying Its leaders, and that every
Sort fair or foul will be put forth to
accomplish the desired result If Ma.
Matthews haa been derelict to no of
ficial duty. why. In order to properly
' prosecute Senator Mitchell, and Me
era. Hermann and Williams, waa It
necessary to dismiss him?
The first Mep taken by Mr. Heaey
In the prosecution of theea cases wa
to secure the dismissal of John H.
Ball, United States district attorne)
for Oregon. Next came afT the mar
ahaJTs head. The troblic is asking
why? Mr. Heney waa then appoint
United Slates district attorney for
. . Oregon. Ha, waa , appointed , by the
late Judge Beliingtr. not by Presl-
believe, for temporary vacancies in
defensible proceeding on the part 01
the prosecution! s It must be remenv
tared that th Pr-nUviit 4J.' not.
cannot know that he and his power
as chief magistrate of the nation are
being used to forward the scheme ol
the conspirators. Mr. Hen'y haa fal
len completely under the control of
Scott, McGinn A Co., who are ani
mated by two principal motives, flrs:,
hatred or MUcr.cU, Williamson ana
Hermann, and second, to destroy the
present republican . organisation and
erect on of their own that wilt b de
voted to the candidacy of H. V. Scoti
for the United States senate.
It the Indicted parties are guilty the
should be convicted and punished. To
that we all agree. But should they
not ba tried aa other defendants are
tried? Is it necessary to r organise
the enttr machinery of the court In
order to try them? Why. we ask again.
these most unusual, extraordinary pro
caedlngs. It simple Justice, not lnju
tica is desired, it Is a most strange
and unprecedented proceeding In Am
erican JurUprudence. It temlndsvon
of tha "bloody circuit" No cttlaen
of Oregon permitted to paitlclpat In
tha conduct of the prosecution. Mar
shalla and district attorneys removed
without cause, accusation or hearlna
and Jury lists confided to tha prose
cution long prior to tha trial. The
public Is awakening to the fact that
he Judicial machinery of the state ts
being employed In a most strange and
unusual manner and It asks. "Whvf"
According to the dispatches pub
lished In The Astorlan anent the Cht-
ed King Edward an admiral In tin
Spanish navy. Since the late unpieas
sntness with th Vnl.ed Slates the
English army la somewhat larger than
the Spantsn navy,
- ' c V ' " ,i .. . , v. r . ......
Capt. Hobsen la about ' to realls
that sinking coal In a furnace by tha
hodfull and connnlnghlsoscutatory ex
ercises to one fair woman require a
much higher order of heroism thai
scuttling a coal vessel and stnackln
ktssable lips In mlacellan ous fashion,
The Moros of the Island of Jolo are
irVvig thse numerous wards of the
nation which need a little less benevo
lence and a Huh mora axslmilatlon.
Unless sa is of the Chicago college
commencement creations settle -the
railway rat question, the "United
States senate simply will have to act.
At the meeting of the Woman's
Home 'Missionary society In Mobile
the other day, on? sister aald: "W
should mahf Increasing efforts to
Chrtttlanlae the heathen of America."
ThAy should have ant for Deacon
Rockefell r to head the movement In
A Portland man has invented a pro
cess to rata dough without yeast. Any
cheap appliance for "raising to
dough" should meet with a ready sat
anywher4 Possibly stock could bs
sold In Aatoria.
Those who were not ropped In by
buying stack In the trout farm wll
now have another opportunity to sub
cago strike, all the riots and disturb- L.rD,. T,lu do.t neeJ n ,0 C1,cn
ancea .all the killing of Innocent men. . out
is directly attributable to two causes
the n'wsboys and the yellow Journals.
In order to increasecirculatlon among
the ' disreputable element the Chicago
yellow Journals pander to the lowest
"Horse Heaven," In Washington,
wants Its changed. The name l
not pretty, but It la suggestlce of na-
I urn I aaaiAtiM-au wA tuJ.lna a.MBU u.ks
dregs of humanity. The newsboys are ' . .
permitted to re-d these paper, and !?ev CnPm" about ma b-
they become Imbued with the sentl-t;"" '
ments therein contained and their in
fluence and sentiment Is In favor ot
mob law and violence,' all of which Is
charged up to the labor unions. .
There are newspapers published In
the eastern atatea and cities, most of
which are known sa the "Hearst or.
tans," that are unlit to be read In any
respectable family and whose Influ
ence ia contaminating the youth of the
land and making criminals out of our
boya. Such pernicious literature ought
to be denied admission to tha malls.
Mammonth Sunday editions are pub
lished, which, although they contain
many good articles on Important top
ics, most of the pages are teeming
with scandal and filth which do more
to mate 'mmoraU'.y and vice than at)
the office of district attorney are filled jth magaslnes of the United States
1.t the court. Henev's aoDolntment was Cn overcome. Newspapers that pan-
made In direct violation of the United
States statute, which prv Id tnat
such official shall be a resident of the
district f
Much has been said since Judge Bel
linger's d'ath of his Judicial fairness.
It la usual to eulogise the dead, but we
shall speak plainly. It is well known
that while Judge Bellinger .was hon-
der to this element are not deserving
of support " and th? sooner they ar
eliminated from ' the households of
America, the better win It be for the
rising generation.
If the people of this land would glv
their preference to newspaper con
ducted on a higher moral plane. Im
bued with the Idea of benefiting hu
manity . and purifying sotMy. th"re
eat of purpose, his mind was that of;
the advocate rath'r than the be no necessity of Increasing the
He was an Intense partisan and sel-i number of Judges and courts; no ne
dom waa a case trie 1 before h'm when I cesslty for establishing courts for
he did not openly espouse the caus? j youthful criminals. Yellow Journals
of one side ot the other before the 'are a menace to civilization, a dis-
trial clo?ed. In the cases in question j grace to wnai ougni 10 o? me mwt
honorable ond elevating profession In
heaven Is about as near as the Wah.
Ington people will get to ten real thing.
After all. what Rojestvensky really
wants is a new ocean.
It Is thought by a Ut le more exer
tion and telegraphic personal opin
ions, the war correspondent may yet
succeed In getting up a real llv naval
battle between Russia and Japan.
veil, for it is certainly to your interest to
know that we are selling the finest Hue of
BOY'S CLOTHING in town at the lowest
prices., Just now we have a particularly
Jne assortment we are selling at
$3.QO $3.50 a swt
Double Breasted Suits
sizes 3 years to 1G years,, all weaves and patterns,
an excellent fitting garment
$3.bO to $10.00
Boy'o - Norfolk - Suits
Neat, nobby, Snappy patterns made for boys
ages 3 years to 10. years, goods that will stand
all the strain a good, healthy vigorous boy will
put it to
$3.00 to $10.00
we. have the best line of' suits for men at
$17.60 that was ever shown in the town.
Keeps a Dressy Shop for Dressy People,
he very early sided with the prosecu
tion. But the question Is, why Is It
necessary to resort to these unseem
ly practices and extraordinary pro
ceedings In order to prosecute these
cases according to the law? Or ia
the purpose to convict regardls of
the law? Must there be a marshal who
la willing to selct Jurors who will
convict regardless of the evidence? It
It now said to be a fact that the namea
of the Jurors on the regular Jury list
have been delivered to secret service
agents who are traveling over the
state making careful inquiries con
cerning them. Haa any such list been
furnished the defendants? What
would be thought of them were tbey
engaged In that character of work?
Why these strange unusual and In-
the world.
Ep'rteme of A need etas and. Incidents
- With (Comments by a Layman.
People of Astoria do not take kindly
to Astoria day at the Lewis and Clark
fair. Of course, everybody Is welcome
who haa the price.
There Is a good field for missionary
work among ten newsboys of Chi
cago. It will require one thousand
missionaries to one yellow Journal.
King Edward has appointed King
Alphonso a general In the English
army and King Alphonso has appoint-
Now is Oxford Time
To our customers who know the character and
quality of our goods, the prices quoted below will
appeal very strongly. To those who are not our
customers we can only say this is a good chance
for you to become acquainted with us and our goods
and save yourself money. Just notice the prices we
have made,
.Women's Tan Oxfords in calf skin, made with
welt, new lasts, $3.50 and $.00
Women's Button Oxfords, made with welt, $3.50
Women's Tan Oxfords, bluchcr cut - $2.50
Oxfords for Children and . Young Ladies, the
famous Steel Shot line $1.75 to $2.25
Girls and Children's Tan Oxfords in calf and
kid, - - - $1.50 and $2.00
Barefoot Sandals cut in new patterns, that will
not cause sore toes, Children's, 90c, Misses, $1;
Women's $1.35.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
Spring Clearance
Sale of
Shirt Waist Suits.
good quality changeable silk. Sev
eral colors to choose from.
Regular, $12.
8pecial $9 60
quality figured silk, pattern bring
a broken stripe, dainty design. In
blue, brown, green and gray.
Regular, U.
Special H 20
SAME STYLE SUITS of a b;-tter
grade of material.
Regular, $18.
Special $1440
fine, heavy quality changeable
in various colore, wen nn
Regular, $22.
paeial 117 60
We are pressd for room. The
season Is still before us. But we
will give you an opportunity. Spring
and summer shapes of street hats,
at SO per cent reduction. Shapes
worth 62H cents to f 1.26 will be'
sold for hslf price. No need to
wait until July.
For this week we continue the 19
per cent reduction on' Ladies'
Und rwear. Only a few values are
mentioned below. Step In and see
the others. A grand May opportunity.
CORSET COVER, Made r( long Cloth,
with three liiwritonn of Valeti.
elennes lac and nnlihd with '
VslenrtenneaMlirlnt;. fWuisr oe. '
price 42". Thl wef k. asch......JOt
DRAWERS, Made of Cambric '
trlmmfd with lurks, embroid
er Inwrllon and erirlnv.
Uegularffic Tbli week, each.
Made of Good Quality Lang Cloth
liay lure flounce Regular Qrt
M M). Thin wwk. each "wt'
467 Commercial Street.
Dell Springer of Grand Rapids Is In
the city.
A. Q. Mills of Portland It registered
at the Parker.
Wlhlam Parsons of Stella was In the
city yesterday,
B. W. Thorp of Cathlamet was In
the city- yesterday.
Frank Cook Is up at his seining
grounds this week.
Francis A. Lord of Portland Is reg
istered at tfie Parker.
a. O. Oberg of Tucon registered at
the Parker yesterday.
Mrs. Kulnkl of Ilwaco vlsl:ed friends
In Astoria yesterday.
J. A. Rumford of Portland vlnlfd
In Astoria yesterday.
H. T. Rydell of Rochester Is rg-
istered at Hie Occident
Henry Mathews of Portland Is reg
istered at the Central.
Fied Oman was up from Warrentoii
yest'rday on business. .
T. A. Llttovy of Seattlo rrglsterec
at the OccMerit yvsterdny.
F. 8. Hatch of Por'.land rg!tered
at the Occident yesterday.
Vic IlTtiwii of Heuside wss In th
city venter lay on busln s.
J. T. Child of Portland was In th
cl y yesterday on business.
George Carr of Ilwaco was In thf
city yesterday on business.
Miss Taylor of Warrenton visited
friends In Astoria yesterday.
Q. W. Adams of SkamokaWa visited
friends In Astoria yesterday.
Al Schroder of Ross, Hlgglns St Co..
returned from Portland yesterday.
W. O. Forsyth of Chicago was reg
istered at the Occident yesterday.
F. P. Llenenwebber returned from
Portland on the r.oon train yesterday.
F. A. Fisher and wlf came u from
Seaside last evening and will refuYn
i. V. Burns went to Claskanlne yes
terday on business and returned last
Andrew B. Dalglty returned yester.
day from attending the Foresters at
State Senator Geo. C. Brownell of
Oregon City vlsl'.ed frl nds In Astoria
Mrs. R. P. Habersham has returned
from an extended visit with friends In
8. Wylle of Nas;l wa In the city
yestjrduy on ' business. He will re
turn home today.
Manager Gervurti of the B ar the
ater leaves this, morning for Portland
on a business trip.
Capt. Chas. Richardson and family,
Miss Peart Cole and Mr. Onslow re
turned yesterday from an enjoyabl"
trip to Setislde. ,
Chas. E. Dulles, a prominent cltl-
sent of Seaside, was In the dty yes
terday and attended the entertalnnvnt
of ihe Eastern Star. .
Miss C. N. Van Valkenburgh of
Xew York, who fin been spending th
winter In California, arrived In the
cl:y yesterday and will spend the sum
mer with Miss Km ma Wrrn. ,They
are old schoolmates.
to our new quarters. In order to make! 'moving easy
we place on Special Sale our entire stock
of Clothing, Men's Furnish
ings, Shoes, etc.
Goods Sold at Cost Dorl&g the Month ofliiy.
, WELCH BLOCK; 6$t Commercial Slreet, comer 131k.
G. W. Morton and John Fahraao, Proprietors.
54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
The TROY Laundry
la the only White Labor Laundry ia the City. Does the Best
of Work at very reasonable Priowi, and ia in every way worthy
of your petronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Tlione 1991
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Lodging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
i :
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
First National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus $100,000
R. M. Oaston carries a full line of
farm implements, also wnfons, bus
fits and farming tools of all kind.
10S Fourteenth street.
pit-ltlClirl -Laser