The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 19, 1905, Image 1

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;AJ5S flair Iff fflf
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i f Referendum Petition Fiica
f With Secretary.
1 Normal Schools Wifl Have to Do
t Rntntt nit th Credit
System. '
Theusandi ef, Signatures iM4 U
j th Rtfrwwidum fttitivn Submit
I ' Una th Otntral ApprfepHation lill
i ' to a VtU f tna Paosl of Ortjoo.
J ! fUl.m,, Mr ll.-Th Bltnf ef. th
I psillloni for tb tfprn4um upon tb
'tonrrml appropriation bill thla aTtrr
,non Kith th awraury l of
' throwa the autt upon eiftdlt until
'tha naat IffUla'.ur. maka good tht
5 ; deBclanc y, unlae th ' paoplo at fit
tp auataln tha iwtloita of tha 1ella
! tura and adopt tha maaaura at Ua
: i .i . taat
;Tba nrol appropnaUoa) tm r
riad a toul of tM&M7M0 ad Ui
voklnt Of, th rfcremlum .UX'0,t not
only blocka tha prttawna of tha nornuU
' rhooli, Inrlualon of which In lh bill
w.i tha direct cau of tha r!friilum
'movammit afml '1 ,,,0 'lo
if lmpd tha. Pontamplalad work of
s Improvamanti and anlaramoiit of tha
laayluin for the Inaana and other out"
lniltuUona which -iwnd uixm thj
'appropriation for maintenance.
J Tha referendum pctltlona fld con
tained tha algnaturea of thouannda or
'votera, prlwlilly from the VIIIm
''tta valley countlea, and muny mora
'could hava been acured In other coun
tla of tha atate had the pctltlona bran
fpreaentad. Tha conrenaua of ctlnlon
Iprevalla. that whm tha quei-tlon la
uhmltted to tba votera next June they
will admlnlatar a aerera rebuke to leg
ialattve axtravagnnca. Tr.e main ngm
la agalnat th normal athool traft. tt mnallred that four normal
achooU ara wholly unwarranted' by
I reaaon of tha population or. tn aiat.
If adopted It will hava a tanaency i
the neat aeealon of the" Jeglalatura 'to
do away with a leaat two and prob
ably three of the atate normal achooU.
' caaajaaaaMaaaaaat !
Taoewa Warkmaa Frightfully Injured
. .... hy Flying Fleoea.
Taco"m Waah., May H.'-Chaa. Did
rlkaen of Tacoma w frightfully In
jured by tha atploalon of an emi'ry
wheel at the plant of tha Tacoma Ice
Oomitanyj Bouth TweUt-alxth an
Adama atreeia. una innmcm u i
wheel tore open hla abdomen and an
other amnahed hie collar bone. Ha alao
.'auatalned numeroua cuta and brulaea
'on fai-a anl handa. Deaplta KM dread
ful Injurlea Dldrlkaen rtalned con
aclouaneaa and talked with hla aaao
clatea. Laparotomy waa found necea
iry ,anJ portlona of tha ahattered
collar bone wTe removed. The man
may die. Ha la married', but baa no
children. ; '
' - ! v
Reeuha Attalnea In Moreaaa Meat
With General Approval.
Berlin, May 18.-The German gov
ernment appeara to be well aatland
with the HBulta attained by tha mla
alon to Fei. The aultan of Morocco,
according to tha Cologne Oaaette, re
fuaed all French requeata, except that
2000 troona be placed under Fnsnch
Inatructlon. Count Von Tattenbach
Aahold, thaead of the German mla
lon la, content with tha reception ac
corded hla mlaalon aa being consonant
with the character of German In
fluence at tha Moroccan capital.
Violent Rainfall Retarde Movement!
. of Japanaaa: Troop a, vv .
Gunahu Paaa, May 1.-After aeveral
daya of ralo a violent downpour at
In "today,' whfchrulrfd tha roada and
will tiaveaaltat a period of mllltar)
Iriai'tlvlty, hlda Im-retmlng altkno
In th cainpa of the two armlea. Lux
urlent vegetation la aprlnglng up
which will furnUh, green fodd.r and.
ae favor future pperatlona of the car
According to Chlna rcporta, th
Japanaaa are ' atrengthenlng th-lr left
wing and alao tending Important ra
Inforcementa to Korea, but no change
In th poaltlon at tha front la noticed.
i: i ,ii
Cumberland Freabyterfaa Church Haa
Nat Elected MedVator.
Freano, May tl-TiW Cumberlantl
Pretbytorlan church failed today t
lect a moderator for thc Irk genera
aaeembly beauae of a conteat over
aatlng aome of th. detegatea. It la
curantly rtported that th antl-unlon
lata are aeeklng to prevent an election
of a moderator until they can get
more mn on the ground, and the un
tonlata alao expect an Increaae. It !
atlmatad that tha unlonlata hava a
majority of over 10. ,
Ambe.aador ta Great Britain Given a
Grand Ovatian.
New Tork. May H. Three hundred
oromlnent cltlaena attended a farewell
banquet glvtn to ,'WhItelaw; Held. .the
Unltedl 8iatea ambaaaador to Great
Britain, by tha lotoa aub tonight-
.Among thoae at the Ubla with Rd
were aenatora Depewl Clark, Howett,
vr-ir. DeTouhg. Edmund Clarence
8tdman. Prealdent f utler of the Co
lumbia 'university and former Mayee
Phldetphla City Council Votes to
Lease Cas Works.
Whan tha Preaideat of the Council
Announced1 the Vote a Great Uproar
Started, In the Gallery and Hiaeee
and Crlee of "Thievee" Heard.
Philadelphia, May II. Amid acenee
of dlaorder unprecedented In the an
nate of Pliiladclphla'a leglalatlv body,
th city council tonight voted to leaaa
the city's gaa worka to tha. United
Oaa Improvement Company for a term
of "5 yeare. The council chamber and
committee roome were crowded with
eaclted clttiena- proteatlng agalnat tha
leaae all the afternoon and until I t.
m. when the aelect council paa.ed the
bill Tha climax waa reached whan
the' ote In the common council waa
announced. "
The moment tha president., of the
council., announced the" vote av great
uproar atarted In .the gallery, which
was crowded to the door. From . aft
Aver the gallery cam h and crlea
of "thievea."
A detail of police cleared th gal
lery. Mayor Weaver la expected to
veto th bill and In that event both
chambera 111 probably paaa It ovej
hla had. The vote In the common
council etood 4 to and In the aelect
council a: to 4. There la only on.
democrat In each body and both voteo
ngalnat tha leaae. There la aome talk
of taking the matter Into th court a.
Monatrealtiwa to Be Prohibited by
Coney laland Autheritiea.
Nw York. May II. For. tha flrat
time in th hlatory of Coney ialand. a
cenaorahlp haa been eatabllahad ovei
tha exhibition of freaka and arrtuaa
ment ther. An employe of th Brook
lyn llcenae bureau will exercla thla
functNon. , He haa aleraif withheld
permlta from tha manager of aeveral
monatronlttne which he declared to b
Miaraading of Ordana Cauaaa Death of
Eiqht Mart.- )
Loulavlll. Ky.. May II. In a col
lision today between two IUInola Cen
tral freight tralna two mllea aouth of
Kchola, Ky., eight men were kllleJ
and lour , Injured. '. Misreading of lt
ordera by aouthbound crew) It la aald,
cauaed tha collision. '
Senate Committee Taking
Commissioner - Prouty of Inter
SUte.Commerce Commission .
Break Adama Representing the Spa.
kanc Chamber ef Commerce, Taati
lied That Rat Injuatleea Ware Prae
. tieed Against Spekane by Campania
. v
Washington, May 3.-Comrnl.loner
Prouty . of th interstate cbmnMrce
commlaalon today gavs testimony be-
for -. the vaeiiate committee on conv
mere on,' the subject of the regula
tion Of federal rates. He said that
neither the commlaalon .nor any court
had the power to flMermine' reason
able fates for tha future. " He aald ha
would create a department of railway.
I, t,. hi,.K ttiformal romnlalnta
""""ir""" -r . ,j
could be filed and alao a coromJealoU
which would decide all queatlona of
rate .to go Into effect at once to b
revjewed.'by tbt eatirt'Jf '.. f 3"
In his opinion railway raws are iuw-
er now that they would be if fixed by
a commlaalon. Competition In rail-
ways he dnlared, had ceasd ot
would ceaa In a very short tlnw. Dla-
crtmlnatlon. h predicted.. would be a
greater evil than rebatee In the fu
Ilrooka Adama, reprea?ntlng the
Spokane chamber of commerce, aald
that rate Injuatleea had been prac-tlced-
against Spokane. On six staple
articles the discrimination was 80 pet
cent. Where the rate was 11.80 to
Spokane fiom Chicago, the rate waa
II to Puget aound point. This waa
effected by the auspenelon of the long
and ahort haul clause or the law be
cause of water competition. Railroad
classification In aome caaes, he said,
had closel, manufacturing establish
ments In Spokane. 3. f r '
Oregon Agricultural Collage Defeat
Washington University.
Carvallla, May 18. By a decisive
ecore of 71 to 81 th Oregon Agricul
tural college defeated th Unlveralty
ot Washington In th field and. track
meet today. The Oregon s ate record
for dlacues throw waa broken by Stout
of Oregon who threw the metal 114 feet
and I inches. ,
McCrary of Washington tied ti
Oregon record of a mile run In 4:43 l-S.
The aurprlaa of the day waa the de
feat of Tom McDonald of Washington
by Walker ot Oregon in the hammei
throw. .'. i
Oregon Wheat Crop Will Be th .argr
eat In Ita Hlatory.
Portland. May J8. From present In-
dlcationa Oregon's yield of grain this
year will be an Immense one. ' Tha
equal of anything ever raised In this
state," Is the wsy tt Is put by thoss
who ara making estimates of tha prob
able crop. The crops are no win good
condition, and If normal weather con
dition are encountered from this time
on a record-breaking yield will result.
It Is gratifying to note that In thla
fair year, when Oregon. Is expected to
da her best, the grain crop will be suc
cessful. : ' TsTTCT
Both aprlng and fall grain la now In
good condition, and the Indlcationa for
a full yield of both la very favorable.
The seasons were most favorable foi
seeding purposes both last fall and
last spring.. Weather conditions have
been satisfactory for the crops In
every respect, rain always coming Jus)
when needed.
There Is an Increased acreage In al
grain this yearalso, considerable ne
ground having been devoted to gralnn
ralsmc' this spring' Ie Jbs estlmsix
(.lat there la an I in r ease-of I pec,eoi
In the wheat acreage and an licrease
of 10 per tent in the acreage of 'oats
In the nor.hweet this year, This In
creased acreage, "combined with favor
able prospects for a good yield, should
lend to make th crop th. largest In
the history ef the stats, , '
General Manages e Harriman, Line
Tenders Resignstien.
Portland, May II. The Oregonlan
received a dispatch from General Man
ager B. A. Worthington of tit Har
rlman lines stating that be had ten.
dered his resignation to take effeo
Jun 1. Th message was dated a(
Pleasant Valley, . Or. Worthington
will arrive In thla city tomorrow.
city admit any Idea as to who will be
city admit any Idet as to who will be
Wortningtoq's successor. J. P. O'Brien,
superintendent cf the O. R. k N Is
spoken of as being In line for the ap
pointment, but past history seems that
the policy of Harrlman haa been to
aend men from the outside to taka
cbarg of the Portlaad office and Pa
cific northwest territory.
Have Signed Articles for a Fight te
Tak Place at Tacoma.
Tacoma, May lt-Charl-a Mitchell
and John L. Sullivan have signed arti
cles for a lS-round light In Tacoma on
September II for the gale receipts, te
as divided II and ii per cent.
Teamsters Union Refuses so Agree
to Any Arbitration.
'' '
President Gompsrs Left Chicsgo Ysa-terday,-
Stating- That He Had Been
Unable to Accomplish Anything, But
Believed Difficulty Will Be 8ettled.
Chicago, May 18. Peace In the
teams. era' strike Is still hanging In
the balance and although it la gener
ally expected that a settlement will
soon be reached. It seems tonight
further away than It did 14 houra ago
It waa confldnttly aaeertet by the
team owners association that the
teamatera had consented to arbitrate
with them on the question whether or
not union teamsters would make deliv
eries to boycotted houses. President
Shea of ha teamsters' union today
upset this arrangement entirely, de
claring that he would never agree to
any auch pro position. Members ot
the team wners association, however,
stat- Just as positively that the offi
cials of the . teamsters" union had
agreed to euch an arbitration.
The misunderstanding caused a halt
in the Impending aeUlement and a
meeting waa arranged for tonight be
tween the team owners and the team
sters. At headquarters both organ,
lxatlons. It Is denied that auch a mee:
tng la to be held. It Is positively
known, however, that arrangements
have been made for a conference For
the first time In several days, a riot
broke, out today and there were num
erous figh'.s between . non-union men
and union teamsters.
President Gompers of the American
Federation oT Labor, who has been In
Chicago for the past two days nego
tiating for peace In the present trouble,
left for Dayton, 0 tonight Before
leaving the city Qompers said that so
far he had accomplished very little,
but that th prospects were that both
sides would soon be able to reach a
basis where a settlement of the dif
ficulties would be satisfactory to both
Later Team owners and officials of
ths teamsters' vnton held a protracted
meeting tonight. The team owner
demanded th drivers -make deliveries
at any place they might be sent The
teamsters accepted this, but stipulat
ed that th rule should not apply to
houses vfh( boycott existed, ( The
difference between the two proposi
tions really covered all questions tn
volved In tha present strike, and at
1:80 thla morning the meeting broke
up, members', of the teamsters; . union
announcing thatthay would reply to
th team owners tomorrow night
Gompers Discusses Strike
Situation. V
Employers Association of Chicago
and Samuel P. Gompers in
Although th , Strike , Situation Was
Thareaghly' Discussed at the Meeting
ne Proposition Was Submitted for
the Settlement ef Difference.
1 s
Chicsgo, May 18. Samuel Gompers,
president of the American Federation
ot Labor, and Levy Meyer, represent
ing- the Employers' Association Of 'CM
cago, held a four-hour conference last
night In the Chicago Athletic club.
When they aeparated they had not
settled the teamsters' strike, but thy
had arranged for another meeting to
day.1' " '"' ' 2 't.A
j. Present fclso la lb club were At
torney C. S. Barrow, and George Per
kins, president of thje Clgarmakers
At ths close of the long session be
tween these men, Mr. Gompers made
this statement:
"Mr. Perkins and I met Mr. Darrow
and Mr. Meyer and went over tne
strike fully. We discussed it causen.
results, and present condition.
"No propositions for a settlement
were mad by any of the people pres
ent We simply expressed the desire
of the partlclpanta that the matter be
adjusted tJ soon as possible.
'1 have aeen the mayor and many
prominent clttsena, and they have ah
assisted me fln arriving at an under
standing of the conditions, I have n
authority to act In the matter, but am
only an Intermediary aa It were."
Mr. Meyer left the club ahortly after
Mr. Gompt rs had departed.
There Is nothing to say," declared
the attorney for tha, employers' asso
ciation. "Mr. Gompers, Mr. Perklnv
Mr. Darrow and I had a long confer.
enec, during which we discussed every
phase of the strike,. It waa the first
time that J had met Mr. Gompers, and
I found him a delightful gentleman
and highly Informed. No propoaltlon
for the settlement of the strike were
made, by any people present" s
"Are the employers any more wll-
ling -to arbitrate the dlfflcul.les be
tween them and the teamsters," was
, "Arbitrate T" he replied, "that lm
pllea a controversy something open
to dispute. There Is nothing to arbi
trate In this matter."
Otto Krceschell's Remslns Found In
the Chicsgo River.
Chicago. May 18. The body of Otto
Kroeschell, a wealthy manufacturer or
boilers nnd machinery, has been
found by dredgers at work on the
Chicago river. The finding of the body
ended a oearoh by the police and rel
atives ot Mr. Kroeschell that has
laated nine days. H had been miss
ing since May I when he left his horns
to go to his office.
For several months Mr. Kroeschell
has shown symptoms ot mental aber
ration, according to his family. It is
supposed thathe either fell accidental
ly Into the river whtle wandering or
committed suicide In a fit of derange
Object to Ruling cf Hsvana Collector
cf Customs.
Havana, May IS. The American ex
press companies who have been pro
testing against the ruling of the col
lector of customs at Havana requiring
that all merchandise Imported by ex
press be Teated as freight are now
basing their .claims on an order of
General Bliss, issued whi3 he wsa ad
ministrator of customs, authorising
the acceptance of the'companlcs bonds
directing tiie expedition "of express
parcels. ,
Th Cuban government has taken
the matter up- with Mlnla:er Squire
and the result is expected to be, that'
Cuba, will admit foreign expressage.
under regulations similar to those lov
force la th, United States. t
Babtist Anniversaries te' Be Held in .
. . . romiand next Yesr.
St Louis, May 18. Instead of fol
lowing the usual custom and allowing;
tha place for the next mee'Jna to be
selected by a committee, the delegate
to the 'Babtist anniversaries, today
practically unanimously voted Port-' '
land. Ore., as the placs for the Babtist
anniversaries of 1M.
Woman Trying' to Kill Fslinee ' Falta
and Kills Hsrwlf.
' New Tork, May IS. An effort to.
drive away noisy eats which had gath
ered tinder the window of her apart
ments In Amsterdam avenue, haa cose'
th life of Mrs. Anna Hlldebrand. Fil
ling a pan with hot water the woman
stepped out upon the Are escape and
dashed ths water on the feline in
the court vard below. Just aa she did
this the Are escape broke and Mrs.
Hlldebrand waa carried down ta In
stant death.
Theatres Have a Right to ForbiJ
.. . at v . i t n . t. T . . .. f
nt rros jar lvoxcj.: : i
l fx-?. -J. re
Judgrr3r ef Portland Rules .That
the Proprietor of Theater May Re
wko iTheate ' JtickctS Already 11 la
susd by Refunding the Money. ';
Portland, May IS. If the proprietor
of a theater wants to keep a n?gro or
any other person from sitting in a box
or reserved seat at his theater, he ha
a perfect right to revoke a ticket al
ready purchased and aend the person
from the theater, according to a de
cision handed Mown by Presiding
Judge Fraser In state circuit court
this' morning. The decision was ren
dered In the case of Oliver Taylor vs.
a Morton Cohn. and Conn's demurrer
to the complaint -setting forth that
there was no c&ues of action, waa sus
tained. ' -r - -. s-
Taylor, ts a negro, and ha purchased
tickets for himself sid jTattyf also col
ored, for a bo at the S ar -theater.
When ' he went 6 ' take the' seats ha
was not permitted to,, do so, because
ot a ruling of the theater that n-groes
are not ; allowed to sty, In the, boxea.
He waa offered the money he fcaid for
the tickets, but .rfus'd, to take It. and
brought suit for 1 5000 damagesi' The
court held that a ticket waa a license
which could be revoked at any time.
and a person sent, out of a
would have a right to recover the price
ot the ticket .but Old no have a
cause of action for damages. The rul
ing was not made because the plaintiff
was a negro, but would hold good In
any case.
Governor Chamberlain Appoints J. H.
Lewi State Engineer.
Salem, May It In accordance with
the provisions of the new state re
clamation act which goes Into effect
tomorrow,-Governor Chamberlain to
day appointed John H. Lewis of
Portland, atate engineer. The appoint
ment waa made upon the recommen
dation ot the director of the'bureau of
geological survey at Washington. The
term of office Is for four years at a
salary of 12400 per year. Under the
new law the state recUmatlon Tr
ice In the country Is operative with,
that of the government and under the
same system. '
Bsseball Soerea.
San Franclscoi Portland I, -gan
Francisco . ' ' ' " t
Los Angeles, Tacoma t Los Ange
les 9. - . " ' n. "
SesktUe.,.OaWan4,4, Seattle 1..,.
I .
' i