The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    .TMUAMAV, MAY 11, 1901
M 8
Representative Norwegians Cel
, brite Independence Day.
ami May
$Two ounces 'make Vgalloh f aoup.
eerily prepared.. --.- v, i
Each "Can .......... 30 Cents
K3 Commercial St
Phone Main 681
A 1m t fit,
Ant shoe to wear
Must b aHected '
W Utt ttt ami care
That tickle your fancy, ia all
right. If it .flta your foot
Ninety-First Birthday of Most Liberal
and Most Democratic Constitution
All Europe, Honored by Vccal and
Instrumental Music.
We have a knack of selling form.
fitting footwear at prlcs that tickle
your fancy, from 3 up. For' men
aod women.
-rj-amrHftr'-r'r1'1 1 iiff TTiiTni 'niriiiiTI iLJliUillttMilllllll WIIMHwi1
21 Commercial Street.
for Shells
ae begun. We have just received a
fcrgf ahlpment, plain and fancy, pol
ished to aa to show nature's, gift In
afl Sta beauty. Some are hand painted.
ter are made Into pretty paper
weight i ,lnk stands, etc.
The shells are cheap this season,
rosaing from 10 cents up. We have
Tery pretty one at 20 cents.
105 Commercial Street
The 57
are made, the name- Heinz famous.
H.inx's Fermented Puna Malt Vine
foe i tends well among the ST. It
stands equally well with the house
wife who makes goo) salads. It Is a
Ittle costlier than ordinary vinegar,
toe aearly everybody knows that It's
worth ths difference on account of its
utriticut quality and its excellent
A ajuart bottle 25 cent
Hevnz'i Preserved Sweet: Gher
kins, a bottle 30 cents
Mainz's India Relish Delicious
1 35 cent
tfei z's Mustard Dressing ...25 cents
Heinr'a Prepared Mustard. ...15 cents
tteinzV Pickled Onions 25 cents.
piumpit delivery anywhere. Tele
phone orders, receive . best attention.
Special new feature: Dally delivery In
tppertown. Solicitor will call when
desired:. ' ' ' .
SLOO a week
buys a gold watch.
Any lady's or gentleman's watch
la the house, new or unredeemed
at prices as low as at any Jew
eler's. Quality, guaranteed prt
Wattham, Elgin Dueber, Hamp
den and" other popular makes.
Pay one-fourtn down, bal
ance, tl a- wfek-
Astoria Loan Office,
EJI Commercial street.
A large audience of our Norwegian
fellow citizens, their fsimlllea and
friend made the hearts of the talent
which appeared at Fishers' opera
house last night, throb with Joy. Th
applause so freely given and so well
deserved, must still sing In the ear
of the singers and all others who par
ticipated In the splendid program.
With the perfect assurance of doing
mat which was befitting the occasion.
I the audience had a right to be enthu
si?a;lc. With an equally befitting ap
preciation of what was good, the audi,
ence gave f-eely of its enthusiasm.
A trained male chorus Is a feature
at any ft me. A well-trftlned, malt
chorus of foreign singers is a treat.
Now and then you will find a chorus
of foreign-born men whose rendition
of vocnl music excels even these. Some
Norwegians In this city several years
ago formed the Astoria Norwegian
male chorus, and have since won dls
tinction. Last night's concert added
to their laurels and no Astoriatnwlll
be surprised if In August next he is
Informed that on Norwegian day at
the Lewis and Clark farr the local so
ciety has tarried off the honors In the
contest among the leading Norwegian
singing societies. So much was this
well trained body of 32 male singers
honored last night by the audience's
applause that In response they gave;
of their best. ; At the cfo.e of the con
cert they rendered In addition to the
scheduled numbeT one v?rs of the
Norwegian tiational hymn, and follow.'
ed it up with "America," the entire
audience rising ' and - Joining. The
chorus wr.s under the direction of
Ludwlg Larsen, Ita able instructor I
and leader. '
Following the first number on
program Dr. Mohn delivered .the greet
ing of welcome on behalf of the so
ciety. It was a happy rendition i
Among other thlmrs he said: "We
have invited you to celebrate wftft us
tonight the lst birthday of the most
liberal and most democratic cotmitu
ion in all Europe, the Norwegian
constitution of May 17. m."
When a nation reaches the roal.
freedom, there is Joy among stwtPr
nations; King Charfeg John, lastead
of conquering Norway and making- hef
a province under Sweden, had -to swear
allegiance to the Norwegian ran-sti-tution
on B!ay 17. While strlfV and
bitterness has been prevalent at times
In regard to the coumry'B welfare dur.
Ing tlrentf 91 years, tdiiy all NVn-way
is again united in defense of Its- cnn
A violin solo byJItss Elsie tarsen,
the poptjlar Portland roloist, wh so
successfully appeared" here at tii Ep
ping concert, was heartily applauded
and encored. Wkt Larsen wtm th
hearts of the audience when at the
close of t!)e regular program sfie val
unteered addl'.luiml solo.
.,Tneo adi.aa of Senator Fulton was
one of unuxual jnerfti Patriot imn rana
through his every word. Tt could
feel yourself anxious to don the? uni
iorm wnicn snouia convey to all
cared" to ree your patriotism.. Didn't
yci quiver with! anxiety, Imrt you
might not be permitted to 3wke part
in some nation's warfare If not your-l
own, Just to give vent to that feeling
cif patriotism yon have acquired?
Does It surprise you that there are
mn born to lead" and others to follow.
Would you hesitate to follow the lead
er if he were a Senator Fulton. Nay.
of course net. Tou have followed him
at the poils tfid you would not fall
him, when facing the cannon's month
Among other things the senator said
hat those wno love thtrlr fatherland
will. love their adopted country. Pat
riotism is cue of the most powerful
passions of the human heart; affecting
affairs an J destinies national With
out It vast domains and tnlgbty na
Hons avail nothing. Trat patriotism.
has always been strong in the men of
me norm, ana otaequontiy tne sc.
called noi semen had much Influence
upon the civilization of the world.
Senator Fulton says that "it Is prac
tlcally established as a historical fact
that the Norwegians not only dlscov-
red Greenland in th ninth century,
but that they penetrated to the east
ern coast of this country in the 9th
or 10th century. Unfortunately they
!ost sight of their opportunity, thus
jiving Columbus the honor of the dls
covery of America. Owing to th? fact
that a work such as this is tonight
Tiakes beUtr, greater and truer cl I-
;iens, I am glad to be with you."
Miss Poniot ably rendered a 'song.
Mrs.. Pedensen won honors with
-ecltatioh, while L Larsen and 8. L,
Am olnrj east In about three
weeks to buy fall and winter
clothes. Want to buy for cash,
To raise cash I will
fl aLL JLJL jiftf
on every suit or overcoat
on hats, shirts and tics, on
trunks, umbrellas etc..
On everything, except
Carhartt and E. Q W. goods.
Don't pay more elsewhere
while Wise cuts the price.
' " k ' -x .
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
N'jmhrup rwelved moch applause for
their duet in EhgI:i.
The adifreas ca Rv. Pfrs''n In
Norwegian repeate.Ily elltSed ap
planse. AC the raruloslon of the Nor
wegian aiitfeHS, H spoke hrtefiy In
Etv'lih, .i1ng jitnong oth' r tlilngiii
Tou Americans tire better to us than
to youmelv; but yon need nt worry.
We will uke cai of the trrt. We
are not en-JeavorlDg t build np a new
Xtirway l this country, bur to stir
up" enthusitiifm ftsr- our adopted' country."
The manr waf scheyfaled U -r an ad
di-en, but was cor.irpic-tious by Ills ub-
swee, whh wai clvrly n-fwreJ tn
by Rev, Frdjrsn,. wfi said that we
lfKe to vwe for such men as Senator
Folton and our president,. Teddy
Kbosevelt Abstntnes are s-Mdum
counted when It wrniM to a wte. But
f.vr the "neglect ef the mayor.' the en
tire evening was not marred! by and:
dlagreeb" feature. On the ntniry
it was a- complete success.
where she had many friends. The fu
neral will tuke place this afternoon at
i o'clork from the family residence and
he Interment will be at Greenwood.
R?v. W. S. urlm of tin- First Metna
dlst church will officiate.
Going Eattit '
Cutting Clothing Pries! I
Going Eil V
Cutting ClathwJg PricesIX
Rsaf Estste.
What has been, needed In Astoria. i
reaf. live, rustling real estate man,
one that con bring people hre to Ui-
catd. T. R. Da vies has I toned hla
barber shop, and Is now located in W.
L, Robb'a offlcfi wh're he will be
pleased t show Intending Investors
good barJns in city and coantry
property. Marine and ftre insurance
will be a prominent feature, renting
heuses ad collecting rents and a gon-
eral real estate business will be trana-
iscted. " '
Distinguished Visitor.
Hon. J. O. Booth, eounty Judge of
Josephine county, -wae baa been at
tending the good roads convention at
Pendleton, came to Astoria yester
day with Judge Trenchard. This Is
the first visit of Jodge Booth to A
tefla In several j!ari an h4 ax
pressed himself as surprised at the
great evidence of prosperity and the
many hew buildings being erected. He
waa taken on a drive around the city
by Dr. Alf. Kinney, who has been his
physician for many years.
Death of Mrs. Carlson.
Mrs. Addle Carlson, wife of Frank
Carlson, died at her home at 375
Thirty-eighth street Tuesday evening
of blood-poisoning after a short ill
ness. Mrs, Carlson had resided Ir
Clatsop county a number of years
Duane 8treet Imprtvement
The Improvement of Dunne strtxt
Ik nearly complet'de The last of th
erush?d rock covering Is being put on.
Cement sidewalks hare been con
structed on both sides of th s ret-t
and it will b one of the hanJsosiwst
residence streets In the city. If some
of the property owners would repair
the front of their yards and remove the
rubbish from the sidewalks It would
add greatly to the beauty of the street.
Ar your spirits drooling? Do you
fl that tired feeling? Dojs your ap
petite need cuaxlng? Then your blood
I poor. That Is nature's way of tell
ing you that you nBd our
It I. nit Idoal tonic, bracing, strfngth
enlng and exhCaratlng. It purifies the
blood, tunes up the system and will
make you feet like yourself again In a
week or so,
FRANK H4RT, Druggist.
Corner 14th and Commercial flta,.
Lewis and Clark Mail.
Nearly everyone on the Lwt and
Clark get' his mall at the Astoria post,
office, or It Is delivered at his resi
dence by the tnall currier. Mail ad
dressed to Melville or Clmdwell Is
often delayed aa few of the resident
go te the postoffico' oftener than one
a week. In order to Insure prompt
delivery of letters, they should be ad
dressed to the Astoria poatvfTlce.
CaWig East II
Cutting Clothing Prices) I
Cleared for Action.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plains, Minn., writes that a
friend dreadfully Injured) hla hand.
friend dreadfully injured bis hand.
which swelled tip like blood poisoning.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the
poison, healed the wound, and saved
his life. Best In the world for burns
and sore. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug
Baby sleeps and grows while mam
my rests if Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea ! given. It la the 'greatest baby
medicine ever offered loving mothers,
IS cents, Tea er Tablets. Frank Hart
drug store.
h Your Bathroom Modern?
Yoa cannot hive too mny ufeguvdj for the health
of family and elf, especUUr the growing children.
Bad or antique
Ing U u dangcrout to the'
health ai good or modern
plumbing U beneficial.
The coit of renewing your
bathroom with Jtesdsrd
Ware will In reality be
health iMurinre.
We have lamplci In
our show rooms and will
gladly quote you pricei.
J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
1 , - TT
These two words, Schniln gM
Best, are perfect assurance ol
getting your money'g-wrth.
At t via yaMT'si auuUefc,
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c '
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co
Subscribe for the Astorian
Guarantees to Its Advertisers
a larder Circulation than any
Paper Published In Astoria.
1 ;