The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY II, ,1908.
YTnii ...... t-! J KT '.. II ' . 1 I,.-! i J XT-
juu iricu .cot, me sew orcsKisBi ivuu. ing i
, cooking required. Always ready and makes a
delicious lunch any time, day or night.' .
Are you satisfied with the Coffee you are getting?
Our Chase & Sanborn's Coffees have national
reputation. .
Amusemant Tenlght
Star Tbtr. Vulvlll, -..w
Ldg MMtlngt TtnlgKt
Dear ot Honor. Charily lods. "
i. a o. r vr iodi.
Royal NlKhtKrg of America.
Tounf ' Men Institute,
International Longshoreman' union.
Local Brevities.
Mail from pu4 mineral watnr
Olytnpla tKr,
Tht cabl to North Hnl-but that
has been published before.
Two dd wer fll4 for rrl In
tht county clerk's offline- yesterday.
Business In th police court and the
udltor'a ofllv wr blow normal yesterday,
Oalng Best 1 1
Cutting Clothing Prieatll
New crcp. Mission Lemon ar now
In th trtarktta. Thty, art th BEST
that grow. Tb-y rttall at 2Sc a dosen.
Th um of tHMT aa paid' out by
City Treasurer Dialy yesterdM for
th redemption of street bonda and
A marring llctnse wi (ranted yes
terday to Alfred Punstl and Mian
Itt: Lamrnlmft by County ClerlJ
All th ordlnanrra and warrant
drawn at fh last meMlna; of th com-
mon council wer approved by Mayor
Burprenant yesterday,
R. M. Oaston rarrlra full lln of
farm Implement. alo wagons, bug
gies and farming tools of all kind,
10S Fourteenth street.
Th Ilea restaurant, on Eleventh
etreat, I considered th family rtau
rant of Astoria. Tn best meals and
th best aervle In Astoria, ISO Eleven,
th street
Notwithstanding H was Quiet yea
terday, Foard V Stoker dry good de
partment waa crowded by ladle tak
ing advantage of th splendid bar
gains ottered.
Hearing of th final account of J. E.
Pantlaj a administrator of the
estate of Nile Mattaon was examined
and approved by Probat Judge Tren
chard yeafrday.
f' P MeasBMeBM -
In the probate coutr yesterday John
Huhn waa appointed guardian of Wil
liam, Matilda. Dora, Water, Lulsa,
CI urn and Hut tie 8, Brown, heirs of
William Drown, weasea.
The seiners up the river continue to
make fair catch' considering the light
run of unlmoii. " Old time nhrmen
predict th it the usual spring iun w ill
ppesr about the first of June. Y
The revival services at the Presby.
terlan church were fairly w4l attend
ed laet evening. The usual services
will be held this evening.
Cutting eff the timber has the effect
of producing leas rain and Atsorla la
feHIng the effecta of It.
iA number of Portland fishermen
went to fleaalde yesterday to flah for
trout In the Necanlcum,
Patron! hom Industry by buying
Owl extracts, manufactured In Astoria.
AU first cIsm grocers carry them.
What la needed In Aatorla la some
enterprising cltlaen willing to lake
hold of the Aatorla, regatta. Busi
ness men and other are willing to
Th Owl flavoring extract ar con
sidered th best and strongest by all
j wba have used them. Ask for the Owl
at your grocer and take no othr,
Oeorge Steven returned Tuesday
evening from a fishing trip and
brought home a fine mea of moun
tain trout, and he caught them, too.
Oregon strawberries appeared In
the market yesterday and brought IS
cent a box. California berrlea were
of poor quality and soldi at 14 cnts.
Going East II
Cutting Clothing Prices! I
Jnck Johnston of the Bureau re
ceived a handsom setter pup from
Ad Waddel of Portland yesterday. It
Is a thoroughbred and one of the On
es! murlwHi setters ever seen In. this
On June 10th the people of Astorlu
will hnve an opportunity! to go to
Puitliuid pnd attend the fair, blow In
their monry, nnd show their apprecia
tion of the niuny fuvors shown Astoria.
Th circus Uceti 'In Astoria Is 1100,
but AtsorU didn't need the money and
Norrls & Rows were allowed to give
two performances for $35, There ar
more mugnanlmou people In Astoria
than any other city In the world.
George Lindstrom A Co. of Upper
town report an Increased buslnesa and
the people living In the vicinity of
their store, and even from Alderbrook
take advantage of the many bargains
off'red. They are building op a good
business. ' "
We received yesterday a Carload of
Crown Brand BOAT OARS
Especially manufactured for Fisher Eros. Co.
For Building Material
Lime, BricK, Wire and '
Cement Coated Nails
Wt Goarantee Our Prices Against Portland and
San Francisco, thereby saYing oar
. , cttttomers tht freight.
We may have local opposition but
no competition when you con
sider prices and quality of
our goods.
Just received a cargo of Portland cement which we
bought right and will sell right. A call
will convince anyone.
Sole agenta for Roche Harbor Lime.
HSR mm&
A number of fishermen are becom
ing dlcouraged at the llfht run of
Ash. There Is no complaint at the
price paid and If a good run would
come In It would make quit a differ
ence in the circulating medium of the
city were aalmon more plentiful. "
Jamea W. Belch-r. formerly of this
city but now a resident of Portland
and a welt known professor of music,
will manage a concert to be given In
Aatorla at Flehera' opera house on
Friday evenln. May 2. Among the
artists who will take part ar lira
Vnlter Ree, the well known con
traltos Miss Kathleen' Lawler, the
colloratum soprano; Dom Zan. who
has a beautiful baritone voice, and Mr.
Bessie Sabo Msrrisd.
W, E. Clancy of Ilwa'co and Miss
Bt-iwle Saba of this city were mar
ried, yesterday at St. Mary's Catholl
church at McGowan, Rev. Father Wal
ters of this city officiating. Mla Ma
mie Coffey acted as bridesmaid and A.
Thiers of Chinook as best man. Mr.
and Mis. Clancy will make their horn.
In Ilwaco.
Sipols's Body Found.
The body of Andrew A. Slpola, who
waa drowned from a fish boat n?nr the
Booth cannery on April ti, was picked
up yesterJay morning In the net of
Sam Berg and Theo. Rlnnell while
they were drifting near Flavel. Coro
ner Pohl waa notified and went down
and brought the body to the morgue.
Aa It Is In a bad state of decompo
sition, no Inquest was hfh The fu
neral will take place this afternoon
from Pohl's undertaking parlora un
der the auaplcee of the Finnish Broth
erhood, of which deceased was a mem
ber. The Interment will be at Green
wood. - 1
Going Eastll
Cutting Clothing Prices!!
' WI..!l
H. lllggln of Eureka is registered
at th Central. - s,
Oeorg Carr of Ilwaco waa in th
city ystrdayv v; :
C. J. Trenchard returned from Pend
leton yesterday. -
F. W. Preaton of Warren ton waa In
th city yesterday. 1
D, A. Hlggln of Eureka Is regis
tered at th Central,
N. P. Sorensen of Portland Is visit
ing friends In Astoria, '
J,U Howard and wife of Portland
ar vlaltlrfg in th. city, ?
K. B. Har of Chicago registered at
th Occident yesterday.
O. C. Mcintosh of Tillamook I visit-
Ing friends In Astoria.
J, E. Ferguson went to Portland
yesterday on busln'sa. ,
O. H. Johnson of Tacoma registered
at the Parker yesterday.
J. Y. Simpson of Seattle registered
at th Occident yesterday.
Percy Ston of Portland registered
at th Occident yesterdsy.
Capt. Csnn ft for San Francisco
yesterday on a business trip.
w. 8. McOuir of Portland waa In
the city yesterday on business, .
J. O. Hanthorn of Portland was In
the -city yesterday on business. - . 5
B. A. Seaborg registered at the Oc
cident from Seattle yesterday.
Mrs. J. B. Welst of Skamokawa vis
ited friends In Asforla yesterday.
Judge J. O. Booth of Grants Pass
registered at the Occident yesterday.
John McCue, whols III In Portland,
Is reported as considerably Improved.
R. A, Abbott, a prominent contract
or of Warrenton, was In the city yes
terday. ,
. H, N. Carnahan, the Cullaby lake
canal builder, was In the city yester
day. . ' , , , -x , -
Miss Mabel Btnbb, postmistress at
SeaslJe, visited friends In Astoria yes
terday. al . .!:,.
Lane Harris is reported sick with
pneumonia at his residence in Upper
Astoria. : a- ,!' vr
Oswald West, state land agent, was
shaking hands with his many friends
In As'.orla yesterday. ' ;
J. H. Johansen of Seaside left on
the steamer yesterday for a two
weeks" trip to California, I
Wrr Tarranjt, a forme- AAorian,
but of late year a resident of Port
land, Is visiting friends In Astoria.
F. A. Fisher la at Seaside taking
car of th J. H. Johansen business
during Mr. Johansen's absence in Cal
ifornia, ,
Mrs. Kelson Troyer of Portland, who
ha been visiting Mr. O. W. Louns
bury the past week, returned home
last, evening. ,
A Weak Stomach
Requires Special
Attention at Meal Time.
Invalid and Bsbio alike may tat
without fear eur
Healthy Persons will enjoy It too
at breakfast or with coffee, etc., at
any time. Only to be had at our
store. Baked In Chicago by special
process. A pound 15 cents.
Prime Swedish Potato Flour, a
Swedish product, far superior to
corn starch. Good In health or In
sickness, for children and adulta.
15c a package, I pkgs for 25 cents.
That good Java and Coata Rica
Coffee, we sell at 25c a pound, la a
winner. Try It. "
We have three wagons and cater
to your trade. A large, up-to-dat.
stor with a full line of good gro
ceries. Telephone if , you cannot
come. W. will call for your order.
Telephone Main 781.
Franklin Avenue, Upper Astoria.
We are nowj showing a number of
v elegant pieces of
Mission Furniture
.Which we, have recently received
1 direct from the east.
Complete House Furnishers.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Way 18 19 and 20.
Ladies' Suits
Walking Skirts
$5.00 Skirts at $195.
4.00 to 15.00., " 2.95.
5.00 to 5.50 3.95. . .
. 6.50 to 7.50 " " 5.95. -
$ 8.00 to $10.00 Suits at $ 5.75.
12.50 to 14.50 " " 9.75.
17.50 to 25.00 " " 140.
r 1-
Morse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade.
508-510 Commercial Street .
Mail orders solicited. s New Idea Patterns 10c. f
Plumbers QStearnfitter.
Ncce but First Class Wcilnen
v. c uvs a co.,
. ' 527-531Ictl,Sliet.
Attemtioi 8
X" "
ri tiAiin a mir -
The Foard & Stokes Co.
Bxcluslvb Selling Agents