The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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THE MntilWTWP .CTATMAItf whatever In the management of the
Established 187J.
IbmhH Daily ta4l(oBay) by
etr Mil, per year w
By scan, but month
carrier, ptr monf
Br hmO. per year, la advance ,.tl
Jtetr4 at Use po-tofflce at Astoria,
ftgon u second-class matter.
&TOrn ft the Mftvfla til t Aour.xa
4u toettker IwsKteoea or pav of Swbbms
m or mw Cftra nr wrottpn iaia
fc. T tmgulwrtty ia d?HTW should he
leportes to t cacti of pnoueMM.
affairs and never ntr it protest
against municipal'. extravagance, and
although a newspaper owea It to th
community to call attention to these
matters. It never receives any thanks
for It, and the only way to do In tht
future la to quietly submit until tht
end of the rope la reached.
One fact that baa been conclusively
established by the strike of the CM
cago teamitera ta that they wilt not
endure negroes as strike breakers and
competitors In labor. More than s
thousand negroes from the south,
chiefly from Kentucky and Missouri,
were carried to Chicago to take the
places of striking drivers. The negroes
dtiwtmlou and strife, Walking dole
gates, l ho who are often puld by
corporations to Invoke , and settle
strikers I a curs to sll tabor organ
tlons, and It Is this class that usually
Incite riots, destroy lives snd property
In order to reoeleve compensation for
sfittlnf strike andf bringing a bo.
amicable adjustments of existing dif
ficulties. Haplly for Astoria none of
these conditions exist here.
frfcos. As
fiss itlsanly
Tstepkens Main Ml
It Is evident that the common coun
m avooui au in, juaging irom a
statement made by A. M. Smith, Judge
Advocate general of the common coun
cil, last Tuesday night, "when he' stat
ed that the four small street improve
ments now under consideration, would
' be all that the city could make until
swnt of the old stre assessments
were collected in. As It wll ltake near
ly four months, and possibly longer,
to collect tn jthese delinquent assess
ments, it is very doubtful If any more
street improvements will be made In
Astoria this year. This Is to be re
gretted as there are two or three
streets that are almost an absolute
necessity. Exchange from Seventeenth
to the CUitsop mill is one of them.
The people residing along Irving ave
nue wire very anxious to have that
street Improved, but will have to wait
smother year. This will put a stop to
the building of several fine residences
which were in contemplation.
Tke common council is not to blame
for this condition of affairs, so far as
the improvement of streets ls con
cerned It Is to- be admitted that
more economy could be " exercised la
natty of the departments and many
unnecessary bills done away with, but
the fact that there Is not sufficient
money for making street improve
ments is due to the refusal of the
property owners to pay their street
-assessments. Many of them have taken
advantage of the lax methods of the
city officials to enforce prompt pay- j
Spireme ef Aneesstes an. Incidents
With Comments fey a Layman,
The weather bureau Is getting very
accommodating. It gives the farmers
one day of rain and the mechanics one
pleasant day for work.
A Los Angeles man Is ealJ to have
way to make It rain. He
living at
I copy bookT
from the- wintry districts art Pearly
All (rood drivers, and they surpass all Llm.ovemi ,
WOOT "lu,T- couldn't make much of
ence of these negroes tn Chicago was 0f gwmie.
a cause c extreme irritation ana re-
-enuncm. not n, w .mr i d yoU v nottce that those men
to all classes of whites. The negroes wh0 wrU, gpnWin fM(hrry
were treated with great ferocity and hmna wldom get a change to sign
lu. n. ui ux """their names on anything outside of a
Although this may be the remit In
. p.. .... n U aald that young Mr. Hyde has
u, w ave v.s " j Uvwers on his .tuff. If that I. the
trik hraafcahra will remain. rhv irlll I .
... - - lease Hyde stands a fair chance to
gei emp.oytnent ,n one way or sn- out ju,t ,he 0
viutt, .iui nicj vviiiiww n mi I them
wnites. Employers or lanor, as a rule,
n, .. .... ,u- Boston Man What kind of climate
ineni. in.j tne cnape ot tayt , x.tortoT
iney con S"U ui roww. rcunuimy ' I . j, . ,. .
j . van. a,v
you th inr.rmatlnn. Thai la u
X m .. .i I. ... I" - " -
... u.iW... u.c. ..u .-.- concernlna- whloh th.r, i. a n
antee against s'.rikes, and aa the ne-
guess coming every 24 hours.
groes seldom do strike of their own
.v. .,, ... .w. . I Th Prldent will hear the case of
. . , T ZXL . . P0" vs. Loomls this week. It is a
ious fields of labor in northern states L. ioh , . . . ,. a,
t . -la- aa. . V I - fr--m, V 'IV IV CT4S 1 1 1
m ronimui; mcrawni nummra. lofflrlal f-mllv
1 n negropa as a ruie win unaer-
wn'k th whilaa heesuiw thv llva nn
a lower nlan of comfort and aoclal Smith-Jones is still saying that he
MimMttono. This .interior rhr,nrihM tB "marjent baby In the world.
will nut hn in H.miind. Th whites Mr Cayenne Tea. there la a unl-
will either have to admit them to '"er,,1 ttnincy mw' the fathers and
the unions, or they will have to or- V" c 1 t,V ,n,r ch,1ir" cmiIU
ganlse them Into nea-ro unions. In ,OT 0"a"' aiscrtmlnatlon In the
either event thev become a cart ofl"'-""T P"""-
tkdl tiArrhit Ket tvf am , Tint ssll Sa
ssme the nearoes wiU connate with I rrw njamin Andrews hss
the whites. cm oul ' his csnery cage long
It Is possible that the settlement of l"0" ,0 ln'"n the world confident-
the strike will result In the reinstate
ment of the striking teamsters, most
y mat Kockereiier's money i. ,
tainted. We think ourselvea that it
in dress can only be obtained by
the "timely tips" of those who have
devoted years of careful study to
the clothing trade for Men and
Boys. You need not worry about
the quality or correctness of any
thing you buy here in the way of
clothing. The manufacturers guar
antee and Ours go with everything
you buy, s
if you are not in harmony with your clothes you
should call on us and we will put you in
tune with neat, snappy suits at
5 O
Of course we can suit you to the tune of $10.00 to
$30.00 per suit but we would especially call your
attention to our single and double breasted
"Mannish Suits" at Seventeen Dollars and Fifty
. Ao STl
Keeps a Dreisy Shop for Dressy People.
of whom have families and -.ntHW.I"0' io ta Inted to be restored to those
to the various mercantile establish
ments and their children attend the
public schools. There is no question
but the strike wss Justifiable and
would have been a success were it not
for the lawless element that predomi
nate to an alarming extent in all the
large cities. As a rule labor organ
ibatlons are not to blame for the acts
Jy$ tSfia &jJL
ment, and the policy In the past of 'of violence and riots committed by
allowing a street assessment to run
three or four years and then throw
off the penalty and interest when re
quested so to da There is scarcely
meeting of the council but what
someone does not make application to
settle an old assessment providing the
this element, but they must shoulder
the blame.
Nearly every labor organisation I
represented In Astoria. The unions
composed of native and adopted
American citizens who love liberty and
obey the laws. There has never been
council will throw off the penalty. If a strike In Astoria, and If there were,
the penalty is to be thrown off, why! it would be a peaceful and quiet one
rot repeal the ordinance providing for and would no doubt receive the sup-
It? The ordinance was passed to com'- port and Indorsement of a large ma-
pel promptness in the payment of the 'Jorlty of the people, if their cause was j
street assessments. There his never jjusl In many Instance i.mantfs
een an Instance on record where any ! have been made for increased wages
person having a bill against the city and shorter hours and In every In-
offered td throw off anyth,tng, an stance the demands have been granted.
many of them know how to charge. Wages are higher In Astoria than In
The city frequently pays more fori any of the large cities, except possibly
supplies than Is charged anyone else, (skilled labor. When the unions of As-
. sitmply because every Tom, Dick and
Harry are permitted to buy what they
want, much of which is wholly un
necessary. Somebody once made a
remark about locking the stable after
the horse had been stolen, and it ap
plies with peculiar force to some of
the business transactions! and! soma
of the bills for supplies which come to
the council at every meeting. It is a
'waste of words and space to admonish
all of the city officials the necessity
f economy, but It will become evi
dent to some of them In the very near
The tax payers of Astoria are also
ta blame. They take ne Interest
tori a grow numerically and more
skilled laborers are In demand, there
will probably be a graduating scale.
so that labor will be paid in accord
ance with his skill and ability.
Labor organizations were conducted I
on conservative principles, with a de
termination to protect the lives and
property of the people during a strike
will revelve the sympathy of the pub
lic in any Just cause where remuner
ation and hours are necessary and I
where better results can be obtained. I
A faithful, honest laboring man in
any avocation Is worth more to em
ployers than the agitators who stanJ
upon the street comers and stir up
Spring Clearance
Sale of
Shirt Waist Suits.
good quality changeable silk. Sev
eral colors to choose from.
Regular, $12.
8peeisl to d
SHIRT WAIST SUITS of excellent
f quality figured silk, pattern being
uivuKii oinpe, auinty design, In
blue, brown, green and gray.
Regular, $14.
Spooisl Ill 20
8AME STYLE 8UIT8 of a better
grade of material.
Regular, $18.
P'l 114 40
mm waist 1UIT. made of
fine, heavy quality changeable
silk In various colors, well fln'
Regular, $22.
ecial $17M
We are pressed for room. The
season Is still before us. But we
will give you an opportunity. Spring
and summer shapes of street hats,
at tt per cent reuctloi. Shapes
worth C2H cents to 11.25 will be
sold for half pries. N0 need to
wall, until July. , . .
Mow is Oxford Time
To our customer! who know the character and
quality of our goods, the prices quoted below will
appeal very strongly. To those who are nof ouf '
customers we can only say this is t good chance
for you to become acquainted with us and our goods
and save yourself money. Just notice the prices we
have made.
Women's Tan Oxfords in calf skin, made with
welt, new lasts, $3.50 and $3.00
Women's Button Oxfords, made with welt, $3.50
Women's Tan Oxfords, blucher cut " - $2.50
Oxfords for Children and Young Ladies, the
famous Steel Shod line $1.75 to $2.25
Girls and Children's Tan dxfords in calf and
kid, - . $1.50 and $2,00
Barefoot Sandals cut in new patterns, that will
not cause sore toes, Children's, 90c, Misses, $1;
Women's $1.35.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers. .
For this week we continue the 14
per cent reduction on Ladies'
Underwear. Only a few values are
mentioned below. Step In and see
the others. A grand May oppor
CORSET COVER, Made of Loaf Cloth,
with three inmrllonii of Vslea
clenoea - nl nnUhed with
Vsleoelenne edsln. Regular It
price 42a. This week, each.OC
DRAWERS, Mais sf CsmMc
trimmed with turku, embroid
ery luaertlon and ediflnr. X
' Regular 62c This week, eseb.90C ,
Made of Good Quality lonf Cloth
heavy lace flounce Kegular AA,
Sl-flO. Thli week, ench..,....,.."VC
from whom It was filched or to pay
court judgments with.
The situation In Oregon has several
peculiarities. One of them is that of
finding a public man not under Indict
ment qualified to succeed Judge Bel
lingerSeattle P. I.
Beautiful day! May ""woods"-are)
budding with spring flowers. Every
thing sweet and peaceful. Oh! come
to think of It there's one Mae Wood
who Is out gunning for a sparsely
covered greayhead. Opn season for
love letters.
Even if the circus did take four or
five thousand dollars out of the city
there is some satisfaction to know
that they were compelled to pay $35
for showing In Astoria.
A Chicago court hus decided that a
millionaire Is not an artist. Not in
Astoria either, as some of the mil
lionaire bills are pictures that no srt
lt could paint.
Dr. Osier says the trouble with the
college professors is that they have
to work so hard they haven't time to
think. It would be a good thing If they
were so busy they hadn't time to talk,
A monkey was arrested In Indiana
for smoking a cigarette. It's hard
lines when they, will not permit a
monkey -to follow his nstural Instincts.
There is a suspiclan that Rojest
vensky Is now waiting for those big
battleships that Mr. Schwab Is going
to bullA.
to our new quarters. In order to makej'moviog easy
we place on Special Sale our entire stock
of Clothing, Men's Furnish
ings, Shoes, etc.
Goods Sold at Cost Daring tht Month of Mar.
WELCH BLOCK; 65a Commercial Street, corner 151b,.
G. W. Morton and John Fuhraao, Proprietors.
54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Beet
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage., Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone mi
uii 1 iniimi i miiiFt ttttt 1 i yi 1 1 1 . . . w t T
Rid Yourself ef Unnecessary lunJene,
Don't bear unnecessary burdens.
Burdens of a bad back are unneces
Get riI of them.
Doan's Kidney Pills dure bad backs';
Curt lams, weak and aching backs;
Cure every form of kidney Ills,
Lots of local endorsement to- prove
Lee W. Mohr of Clackamas, Clacka
mas Co., Oregon, writes; -l have
used four bottles of Doan's Kidney
Pills or kidney and bladder trouble
from which I had suffered for SO years.
It was the first medicine I ever usej
during that time that gave me any
relief. It has rid me of a severe pain
in the bladder which caused me a
great deal of suffering, snd also has
regulated the action of my kidneys.
Plenty more proof like it Is from As-
torlrf people. Call at Chas. Roger's
drug store snd ask what his customers
report ,
For sale by alt dealers. Price So
cents, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
T., sole agents for the United Cta'.es.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Wholeiale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mill supplied on short notice.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best la The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
Monday and -Tuesday 'we will sell
sewing machines at absolutely unhesrd
of prices. Two I6S machines for 3S
snd $38 each. Second hand machines
for $3 up. First class repairing a
specialty, Call at the Binger Machine
First; National Bank of Astoria
wapnai and Surplus $100,000
Co, 121 Tenth street.
. 467 Commercial Street.
Subscribe for Tht Astortan.
. : Beer,