The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MAY II, 1905.
4 2
Prominent Chicago Qtizea Killed
in Sou&a.
V : N V
Bandit EM.c" Thole Cabin an At
taokod TImm With Arm aoal Thievo
fUAssek the Hmn far Golei, tut
Fail to Diseevor Any.
tMay to elthor have the extract
complied lth, or purchuae the mater
ial (torn some other company. Port
land baa alwaya discriminated against
Aatoria In every possible way, except
whn Astortana vlait Portland to epena
their money, on Aetorl day, or any
Other day. j
Attaria'a Only Raaraaantattva Ratwrna
From Fandtatan.
The Oregon food roada convention
convened In Pendleton this week. Tha
only repreaentatlev from Clataop coun
ty waa County Judg Trent-hard, whll
very other county in tha atata waa
well rtpresonted. The meet Inf. say
Judge Trenchard, waa oh of tha moat
harmonious and enthusiastic aver held
In tha atata. Thar la considerable
Inter rat being taken In tha several
countita at tha atata In tha food roada
movement and thee meetings are Cvr
tain to he productive of much rood.
ata bt letter & irihterton. aa liTW W wa royally entertained
9f ma nospuaoie people or wai city.
Mr. Trenchard states that Pendleton
la growing and the cltlaena are all
Retracts Alleged Confession of
Denver Strike.
reautt of a niirht atiatk by Hallvt
bandits at tfidyhslfa MMaaR, hit
Wen received bv friends In Chlcaao.
Wntarton headed a prospering party working together to Induce home seek
which aurted frorn London averal nd capital to ocat there. Dm
mmth. r, th. Randan. w;t advertise! at
Accordlnf' to letter Juat received L"rU Cta'
from Wadyhalfa. Wlnterton and an anticipate ,hst tr'',1 Ur
urirt.nt n.m Ttnwnn ..wn Immigration to eaatem Oregon thla
In their hut. tha night of March i unwner. , , , , ,
when two native thlevea entered the I , ,
place and attacked them with axea.'
Wlnterton and Bowdon fought, deeper-
ately, but were knocked aJnselesa. The
U&leves then ransacked the house for
Cold, and falling to discover any, fled.
Bowdon recovered but Wlnterton,
whose tnjurlea were by far mora aer
'torn, died on April 11. He waa SI
Tear old. '
Wark Bainf Delayed an Aeeevat at
rVtian. Mill Man.
, !Wark on the aew city hall building
ta somewhat delayed by the Inability
to secure tha moulding! and Inside
finishing lumber, for which a contract
waa awarded to a Portland Arm. Th
Crm haa neglected to furnish the ma
terial according to contract, giving tha
preference to Portland contractors.
J. & Ferguson went to Portland yea-
Will Tike Charge of Defunct
Banks of Wikox&Co.
Ccssd Gdks' for Ea
Bearing this label
Are the richest, best
tailored, best fitting, that
ever a man put on.
The makers' guarantee, and ours,
with every garment. Wa are ex
clusive agents her.
i is-
of colors is more
a requisite in
homo decorations
Wa have all the perquMtea that go
with' that claaa of work: Novelties
In wall paper, burlap in dainty col
ore, liacruata In pretty deolgna,
fancy- mowldlnga to act off exquisite
panel ideaa; paint of every descrip
tion and the workmen to carry out
your ideaa In every detail.
Hare yon thought of
for your celling? That's where we
W4 are alao agents for
Desjcriptlve folder m ailed; on ro
juest. D.F. ALLEN QON
Wall Paper, Paints, Eta,
85-367 Commercial St, Astoria.
Bank Invested Meney in Nerth Caro
lina Farminf Lands Said ta Be Tar
tila. Gentry Rolling ana! Adapted la
Fruit Raising ana) Health Reeert.
New Tork. Mar 17.-Judgt Holt has
named A. B. Conkllng of thla city as
received for the private banking Arm
of A. C Wilcox ft Co., which assigned
a few days ago. The receiver wilt take
possession of tha four branch banks
located In the farming village In thla
state and acquire whatever asseta the
branches had. Papera found at the
main office by the receiver Indicated
tfiat the branch banks had been u I-
llied aa banks of deposit for the Uttl?
up-sute communities and at the same
time they provided a means of rail
ing securities the value of which has
not yet been ascertained. Some of the
literature discovered in the office In
dicates that $50,000 in bonds had been
issued by one Wilcox concern on a
tract of land In North Carolina of
5000 acres which was "gently rolling,
sandy soil and adapted for fruit rais
ing or for a health resort,"
Besides the health resort the com
pany purposed, to "erect a sawmill on
the lanJ and cut the timber oft a por
tion of the same and make It into fruit
farms. Counsel for the receiver said
he would try to discover whether there
had been any proceeds from "cutting
the timber and making It Into fruit
Deelaroa That There Waa no Trust in
the Statement and That It Was
Maoe In Heoa of Seaurina Freed em
and Ha Waa Paid for Confeesleit.
. . .
- fernvar. May IT. In a latter to
newspaper correependeat of thla city
mada In Jail at Topeka, Kan last Sep
tember, indicating tha Western Fed
eratlon of Miners In tha Independence
depot explosion of Jane I of last year,
by which IS minora were killed and
a number of o.bers malned for life.
Robert B. Romalne retracted the con
fession mada at tha time. Romalne
now dec la its that there waa no truth
In the statement which ho made In the
hopee theieby of securing hla freedom
and the parllculara of which were fur
nished him by a man from Cripple
Creek, who visited him In JalL The
man gave him IS and promised him
more monty. Romalne la now aerv
Ing a term In prison at Lansing, Kan.,
for burglary. ,
Lauisa Benson, Led Astray and Sent
te Homo in Portland.
Assisted by her mother Louisa Ben
son, who Uvea near Toungs river falls.
waa committed to the Boya' and Olrl'a
Aid Society of Portland by Judge
Trenchard yesterday, A young man
named Hoegle la the party accused
of attempting to ruin the young girl.
Louise ha. always lived In the coun
try and was not accua:omed to the
wars of the world. District Attorney
Allen filed a complaint against the
mother and a' man named Johnson for
giving liquors to minora. The case
came .up In the Justice court yesterday
With, closed doors. Hoegle baa not
been arrested and If apprehended will
no doubt get the limit of 20 years in
the penitentiary which he deserves. It
may not serve aa a warning to aeveral
other young kids In Aatoria, who have
no respect for a girl's reputation, but
it ought to.
Terrifio Race With Death. ,
"Death waa fast approaching,"
wrltea Ralph F. Fernandea of Tampa,
Fla., describing his fearful race with
death, "aa a result of liver trouble and
heart disease, which had robbed me of
sleep and cf all interest in life. I had
tried many different doctors and aev-
era! medicines, but got no benefit, un
til I began to use Electric Bitters. So
wonderful waa their effect, that In
three days I felt like a new man, and
today I am cured of all my troubles."
Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers drug
store; price 00c,
Whar sre you sick? Headache,
foul-tongue, no appetite, lack energy,
nnin In vruir utomah. constitution
- . -
Hamster's Rocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well IS
eenta, Frank Hart's drag store,
Annual Tax Levy far Ceurt House
Puroeeee Can Bo Collected.
Some time ago Judge C. H. Page
fll-d a claim against the county for
lit claimed to have paid for
(axes, the amount being the S mill
tax levy for court bouse purposes. The
claim was rejected by the county
court. Attorneys .who have examined
Into the matter ar of the opinion that
the tax levy waa legal, and that the
county court haa a right to levy It.
Acting upon this, the county court will
continue to make a tax lavy for court
house purpose and aa soon aa there
are sufficient fund on hand an effort
will bo made to Inclose the court
house, but possibly not on aa elaborate
plana aa waa contemplated. The work
will probably b done by At for la con
tractors by day's labor. It Is not prob
able that any work will he done on It
thla year.
Warka a Hardship.
The street superintendent yesterday
fepceVl up Exchange a:re) east of
Foard A Stokes hall to where the Clat
sop Mill Company have lumber piled
on the atreet. This Is mada nrcessary
on account of the dangerous condi
tion of the thoroughfare.' It certainly
works a hardship on people who live
on the atreet and own property; who
are compelled to pay hih taxes for
maintaining a police' and fire depart
ment and receive no benefit whatever
from it. Not only that, but there are
five families living on the s'reet who
have chilj en golryg to school that
muct either take their chllJren out of
school or move to some other loca
tion. The property owners have p3
tltloned for the Improvement of the
street, and are willing to pay the aa-
sessment, but the common council Is
not able to grant their request on ac
count of having about reached Its
limit of indebtedness.
Astoria Mnrvh' 4 fvr Taku. with a ear
to of lumber, has arrived safely at
her des lmttlon. She carried nearly
3.000.000 ft of lumber.
Laldlay St Co. yesterday chartered
the British steamship Ellerlc, 1331
tons, to take a cargo of lumber from
Tacoma to Panama, , Th Kllerlc Is
welt known here. She la now In port
in Japan,
The atiamer Toledo leave out this
morning on Ita second trip to drays
Harbor, dpt. Arthur Lrlghton will
be Irr fommn'.d and J. 11 Day got at
first officer, floe carrls full cargo
of freight, . "i
'Africa. recettrVl yewterday siaie
that th Numantla sailed from Yoko
hama for Astoria on May IS with a full
cargo, 'ThcTAragonla reached ,Toko
bam on tha outward trip a couple of
day earlier.
Th steamer Sheridan arrived In
from San Francisco last evening. She
had t passenger for this place, and
after- landing hn and their bag
gag ah left for Portland. Capt. Kl-
ly report head wind.
Ther la a dearth of river pilot at
prevent, every ono working, and If
the Sherld'in would have wanted to
go up th river last night she woulJ
have been rhy a pilot, aa there waa Bo
on here. Capt Betts, the last man
out, having gone on th Rapalto.
Word waa received y ester Jay to the
efNVt tha th, German cargo ship
Oregon, en route from Antwerp to this
port, put Ir to Valparaiso recently b.
cause of being short of provisions, and
not because of having sustained dam
age In a atorm, aa previously reported.
J. 8impsrn, 8 aside.
K B. Hare, Chicago,
R. A. 8'aborg. Seattle.
J. O. Hantnorn, Portland.
Jaa. A. Uvitt, Portland.
J. O. Booth, Grants Pat. "
P. Storey, Portland. 1
C. W. Slmarah. Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mill. Buffalo.
C. H. Pfarsou and wife, Ogden.
H. M. Leonard and wife, Nevado.
C. H. Gillette and wife, Colorado.
C. H. Walcott and wife, Wyoming.
Mrs. VanTasselL Wyoming.
W. 8. Paige, Portland.
J. F. Buma and wife. Wyoming.
C C. Griffith. New Tork.
H. F. RvdelL Rochester.
J. A. Runford, Portland,
Saamshis) Rasslle Makes Fast Trip
From Japan.
The steamship Rapallo, Capt. Hey,
master, arrived In yesterday morning
17 daya from Mosl, Japan, She la In
ballast and her officers report an un
eventful passage. She will load 1,000,
000 feet on the Columbia and about
the same quantity will be furnished
by mill' on Pugot sound. Rapallo
flies the German flag and is on of th
largest carrier to load at this port,
hey length being 400 feet. She la of
th tramp type.
Park sad Wash In tea, Portland, Oragoa
Tho School of Quality"
Ope ad tas year. Cukr tree
Students May Enter at Any Tim.
in lif Is your If ybO meet us half
way In your wotk. Our -raJuates are
all employed. We wilt place you In a
position upon graduation. We have
the reputation of being the leading
Business College on the Pacific coast,
and the moit thoroughly equipped west
of Chicago. Open all the year.
Eend for our lllus.rated catalogue.
Bttslnees College.
Steams Building, Portland, Oregen.'
pits w
The Elmore leavea out this morning
at 4 o'clock for Tillamook.
Tne schooner Endeavor is loaded
and will arrive down tonight.
The steamer Alliance sails Satur
day morning for Eureka via Coo Bay.
The steamships Roanoke and De
spatch are due today from San Ped
ro and way ports.
The ste.imera Redondo, Aunslla and
Northland are expected to leave out
tomorrow morning.
Steamship Costa Rica left San
Francisco for Astoria yesterday In
stead of the Oregon.
Steamship Oregon left Sun Francis
co yesterdny for Seattle, whence she
will proceed to Nome.
-The steamer South Bay with a car
go of lumber Is scheduled to sail this
morning for Loa Angeles at 5 o'clock.
The Femden leaves down thla
morning and will probtlf go to a
tomorrow. She carries' 61,000 barrels
of flour and (12 tons of wheat.
Th German ship Carl, which hft
Bam boss saJering from laspnr Hood
for BBny rears, having Boil and other
Eraptlona. Having heard of ft 8. S. 1 4
dd4 to try ft, aod am (tad to aay that M
to6tomaTetdWaTofgnd. I intend
to cootiaa to ns it, as I-UUv it to b
the boot Blood Medicine on the market
Ovalaad, Tean. W. g. Dtnya,
For over if teen yean I bor anllarod
m m ki at a a -
or jess iron jmpur auooa. adowi
a ." -
roar ago I bad a boil appear oa piy leg
below the knee, which wa followed by
three nor on my neck. I saw 0. 8. 8.
advertised and decided to try it Aftet
taking three bottle all Boils diaappoaroa
end I bar not been troubled any since.
Geo. G. FaaTio.
114 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Xy.
Newark, Ohio, May s& 1903.
Front childhood I bad been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruption aod boils,
I bad boil ranging' from five to twenty ia
number each season. The burning ao
eompanyine; th eruption was terrible,
S. S. 8. seemed to be just th medicint
ceded in my case. It dxov out all imp
ritiea and bad blood, jiving me perma
nent relief from the skin eruption and
boil. This has been ten year ago, aod I
aav never bad a return of the disease.
Mm. J. D. Atuxtom.
Writ for 011
book on blood an!
skin disease.
Medical advice
or any special in
formation about
your case will coat
you nothing.
flf tftifl IfivoifU Coantajr, AUiaU, lav
One Price to All, Goods MarKed In Plain Figures.
(17) '
About (b 4fffl(f of If $3 Hat,
you h4 bttt ak somebody ftho bavs
worn one 1 be will prslao It more tbaa
our mo4tjr will permit ua to.
We bare a new stiff bat tbat prom
Ueg to be very popular. It baa a big h
taper crown and a medium flat act
Juit tbe bat for young men.
That present natty, fetching ap
pearance, allowing that easy, satisfy
lag freedom ol anion only found In
perfect fitting garment.
$2 to $6
1 .':. 1,
Astoria's Greatest Clothiers.
. 490500 Commercial St.
Simple and Sellable. Latest Cot
ni) aLn
J 'r V'Q
Um fuii to Ct Out
of Order,
Mr Power with Um
I'mOiu Caielln.
Under Mitt Co.
Quiet Exhutt1,0
Any Spttd rrom 100
te 1000 rtvotutleni
per minute.
V Tiinrtiinunt
Rice 1 to JOIJ. IVHlnrle "if) Under.
8lze A to 40 II. II., Double Cylinder.
roiHcruNDEW.TO orocr to iw;noRsqrowf.
' " r3 , TphonS3L '
703-715 Ccmssrcisl BtttzU
Havini Initalled a Rabber Tiring MachlD of tb
latent pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work
in that lln at reasonable price. Telephoo 291,
Astoria's Beist Newspaper