The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 17, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1901
New Ywk Trade Moving $fedily
Jo fifth Avenue,
Indication Art Thai a Lares Number
of BuiintM Housae Will Be Eret
in Close Proximity to the Exclusive
RseidefOS District, .e.'
New York, My II. Trad ha suc
ceeded in Invadlnc all the residence
in upper Fifth avenue which has bem
called the Buffer block, between 47th
and tSth sheet on the west side of
the avenue and there Is a feeling of
dismay over the discovery that the
barrier has again been broken In the
inarch of business houses northward
Jona that thoroughfare. An uphol
sterer Is reported to have secured a
lease on property in the block men
tioned and will build a six-story offlce
building. A tailoring establishment is
to occupy aa erstwhile fine residence
on the plot beside the offlce structure.
It has always been tacitly under
stood that the property on 48th street
ts restricted for all tlnw and it was
also assumed that the block south on
8th street was practically a barrier.
Columbia university is taxed with
losing the leash of trade. The univer
sity owns the solid block from Sixth
to Fifth avenue from 47th to 51st
street To rales funds (or buildings
now being constructed the university
recently began selling fees On some of
this land and It is stated that by what
may have been an oversight the prop
erty on all the cross streets was solJ
or leased subject to. restriction while
that on the avenue was not. The dis-
Correct Wes for Men
Fancy Vests
Bearing this label
first make your friends
envious, then curious
and then regular pur
chasers. The makers' guarantee, and ours,
with every garment. We are ex
clusive agents here.
of colors is more
a requisite in
home decoration.
We have all the perquisites that go
with that class of work: Novelties
In wall paper, burlap In dainty col
ore, lincrusta in pretty designs,
fancy mouldings, to set off exquisite
panel Ideas; paint of every descrip
tion and the workmen to carry out
your ideas in every detail.
Have you thought of
for your celling? That's where we
We are also agents for
Descriptive folder, mailed) on re
Well Psper, feints, Eto,
365-367 Commercial 8t, Astorls.
ir n
eovery has causeJ something of a tur
moil among the residents in the ex
cluslvo district
Oregon City Land Office to Be Moved
July First
The following notice has been re
ceived at this offlce from Washing-
Notice is hartby given that the pres
ident 9t h t'BU4 States by ex
ecutive order tUti March
has, pursuant to secUen till Of til
revised statutes ot th United sUatee.
and b virtus ot the authority there
in given, directed Uat tha" United
States land offlce now located at Ore
iron City. Ore, be removed, with Its
business, 'recofCl fW4 archives to
Portland, Ore, ti I; .,'.,'.
In pursuance hi aaid executive Or-
dert United States land offlce at
Oregon City, Ora, will be permanent
ly closed and discontinued at the clos
of business hours on June 36, 105.
and Us business, records, and archives
removed to Portland, Ore, on July 1.
MS. "
Given under my hand, at the city of
Washington .this 35th day of March
A. D. IMS.
By the president
CHmmIdottef ofj the General Land
: umce.
Hops Will Ba Lower.
The Indications are that hops will
be lower this year. Three 190S hop
contracts in Marlon county, aggregat
ing 50,000 pounds, wee Wed for rec
ord this week: They are: J. E. For
rest of Salem to T. Rosen wald A Co.
of New York, 10,009 pounds st 1 II
cents; J. E. Klrkland and others of
Independence, to T. Rosenwald St Co.
of New Tork 30,000 pounds at 1? cents,
and George H. Irwin of Brooks to
Valentine Loewl's Sons Co, of New
Tork 10,000 pounds at 17 cents.
Chemical Professor of Chicago
Wants to be Lonesone.
Don't Beliave in the Diet Prescribed
by Scientists But Belicvtt Every
Msn Should Est What His Appstite
Crsves and Ask no Question.
Chicago, May 16. Th dual desire
of getting away from neighbors who
annoy with piano playing and sing
ing, and of living a life which he can
fashion as he choopes, Oiar Eck
stein, an Instructor in chemical re
search at the University of Chicago,
has deserted the nHghborhood of MIJ
way Plaisance and now is living in a
fisherman's hut on the shore of Lake
Michigan, where he prepares his own
food, chooses his companions from the
few fishermen that live nearby .and
wears the greater part of the time, s
simple bathing costume.
Dislike for conventions of all kinds
and a wish to be allowed to live his
own existence in his own way the in
fluences which have led the scientist
to leave his pleasant apartments for
the lonely hut beside the lake.
The hut or cottage in which Dr.
Sksteln lives, consists of one room 20
feet square. It Is simply furnished,
consisting of a table and chairs, and
bed. There Is also a book cas, al
though the occupant does most of his
work at the university.
He rises early, takes a plunge before
brakfast and wears the ba.hing suit
most of the time while be Is at the
Laws governing the eating and liv
ing habits of the people, he declares,
are useless. He procures whatever
his fancy suggests and eats it when
ever his appetite desires.
Oscar Ekateln was born In Munich
J5 years ago and has traveled in many
out of the way parts of the globe.
Since he came to the western conti
nent he lived) one winter with the
2row Indians in Montana and he
passed the winter of 1)03-04 with the
Pueblo Indians in New Mexico.
Tsrrifio Race With Death.
"Death was fast approaching,"
writes Ralph F, Fernandes of Tampa,
Fla., describing his fearful race with
leath, "as a result of liver trouble and
heart disease, which had robbed me of
sleep and cf all Interest In life. I had
tried many different doctors and sev
eral medicines, but got no benefit, un-
cll I began to use Electric Bitters. So
wonderful was their effect, that In
hree days I felt like a new man, and
today I am cured of all my troubles."
Guaranteed at Cha. Rogers' drug
itore; price 60c.
Where are you sick? Headache,
foul-tonsne. no aDDetite. lack energy.
pain in your stomach, constipation?
HolllBter's Rocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well, 3
cents. Frank Hart's drug store.
Owen Moran of England Secured
Decision on the Hudson.
The Bout Wsi Past and Furious from
Start to Finish and Was Witnessed
by About One Hundred and Fifty of
psw York Sporting Fraternity.
New Tork, May It In a tO-round
bout held secreteiy in the shadow of
the Palisades on the Hudson, Owen
Moran of England has secured the de
cision over Monte AtteU of 8aa Fran
cisco. The bout was fast from start
to finish and was witnessed by about
150 persons.
In the fifth round Attel got home a
straight left lunge on the Jaw and be
gan to force the fighting but, Moran
got Inside most or his punches and
beat him away. Th;y were both .very
tired In the sixth round and ta the sev
enth Moran hooked his left so fierce
ly oo the Jaw that AtteU Staggered and
fell against the ropes. The call of
time saved hint,
The Callfornlan was strong In the
eighth round, but Moran swung his
left to the' Jaw and drove him almost
through the ropes. Again the call ot
time saved AttelL In the tenth round
Moran failed, however .and AtteU held
his own by clinching and stalling the
Englishman's rushes for ten more in
nings. AtteU was still on his feet at the
Enterprising Citissns Rsise Money to
Advsrtise Town.
As a result of concerted actions or
the leading citizens of Ashland work
ing through the board of trade, a fund
approximating 32000 has been pledged
for the promotion and publicity of the
resources and attractions of the city
and vicinity while the big exposition
is on at Portland. Fifteen hundred
dollars of this sum was subscribed st
a big mans meeting of cltlsens held
under the auspices of the board of
trad?, at which time there was a very
large attendance and much enthusi
asm manlfes ed. The greater portion
ol this money will be paid to the home
papers for a writ up of the city. That
Is the kind of fnterprloe that counts
and brings results.
Stesmer Sandhurst to Return to This
Steamship Sandhurst, which left As
toria th Z'ii of las: month, is reported
under charter to the Pacific Export
Lumber Company to return to Port
land after delivering a cargo of oat
and hay at Hong Kong to load lumber
for China.
She is hardly due at hr destination
before the end of this week, and her
return to this port may be looked for
the latter part of next month.
It Is also reported that 3, J. Most
& Co. of 8an Francisco have charter
ed the British ship Uinmore to load
lumber for Melbourne or Adelaide,
Australia, The Plnmore Is due to ar
rive here soon 'with a general cargo
from Hull, part of which was dis
charged at San Francisco. She ar
rived at the Golden Gate on April I.
The Plnmore will make the second
vessel to be dispatched for Australia
with lumber this summer.
The schooner Jennie Stella, bound
for San Francisco and the barkenUne
Park tad Washington, Portland, Oregon
The School of Quality"
Opea sll the year. Catalogu Irse
8tudnts Msy Enter at Any Time.
In life Is yours If you meet us half
way in your work. Our graduates art
all employed. We will place you In s
position upon graduation. We have
the reputation of being the leading
Business College on the Pacific coast
and the most thoroughly equipped west
of Chicago. Open all the year.
Eend for our illustrated catalogue
Business College.
Stearns Building, Portlsnd, Oregon.
Tortlnnd bound for 8n IVdro, were
towfd to sea yesterday.
The steamer Klmor anils tomorrow
morning for Tillamook.
The steamer Alliance arrived In
yesterday from Eureka and Coos Bay
with a full yrgo of freight and pas
senger list. She made a quick trip
up the coast
The steamship Columbia sails this
morning for San Francisco and the
steamer Redondo expects to sail on
Friday for the same port.
German ship Emilia sailed yesterday
from Shields, England, for Astoria,
with general cargo consigned to Bal
fcur Guthrie A Co." ' v "
MaJ. Langfltt, United States engin
eers, Is1 preparing rleclflcattona for
the extension of the north Jetty at the
mouth of the Cooullla river, tor which
work an appropriation, of 150.000 was
provided by the Uat river and harbor
bill. The extension will measure lit
feet and It la to be completed this
summer and fall. .The Jetty at tbt
present measures 1065 feet.
Th light house board , of the 11th
district has Issued notice that the bell
buoy off Humboldt bar. California,
has been capsised. It will be replaced
as soon as practicable.
The steamer r. A, Kilburn left Ban
Francisco, tor Astoria yesterday.
The steamer Aberdeen 1 due In to
day, as she left San Francisco Sun
day. As soon as she arrives here and
discharges her freight and cargo she
will go to Grays Harbor for lumber. .
The; barkentlne Tarn O'Shanter
soiled from Sun Francisco for Asto
ria yesterday.
The strainer Toledo Is scheduled to
sail this morning for Grays Harbor,
but it ts hardly probable she will get
away, as she ts being Inspected by
Edwards and Fuller at Portland and
may not arrive down In time to get
A great deal has been said concern
ing the craft's seaworthiness, and It
Is on this point that the Inspectors
will be asked to decide. The Toledo
Is a new boat' stanch In every re
spect but some declare that he la not
well suited for the rough bars of the
Columbia and Grays Harbor between
which points she is to ply, according
to present plana. .5
Capt H. C KUlman, Chi Engin
eer Welch and his firt assistant re
signed their positions upon the return
of the steamer after completing the
first round trip and say they quit be
cause the steamer was cranky and too
slow. Mr. Fry on the other hand says
the men were incompetent He has
engaged Capt Lelgbton of this place
t take the vessM out aa soon as In
spection has been mude and Engineer
RufTner will have charge of the engine-room.
The sfemshlp Ferndale Is about
loaded and Is expected down the river
this evening.
It Is said that In order to avoid run
ning the rlk of capture and denten-
tlon by the Russians her ip r and
hills of lading will be made out to
read Shanghai and way ports.
The light house tender Mnnssnnl a
has n bonrd a load of upillvs nnl
will If.ive out for a cruNe down the
coast as man as weather p rrnlts. She
fxpect to go u far south us Cape
Notice It given by MaJ. Langfltt,
engineer of the 13th light houes din-
.rlct. that the structure carrying the
Marchfield rear beacon light, a fixed
white post lantern light, on ths north
erly side cf the Marshfleld channer to
Coos river, recently reported carried
away, has been replaced and the lan
tern relighted May t.
The steamer South Bay Is schedule!
o sail today for San; Francisco.
C Ingalla and wife, Portland.
3. H. Wood, Portland.
Chaa. E. Fallond, Portland.
Miss Moore, Portlsnd.
A. 8. Froslld, 8easlde.
3. E. Ransom, TJtlca.
E. E. Oilman, Portland.
R, Penny, San Francisco.
Geo. Blakeley, The Dalles.
R. F. Fry, Portland.
8. Farrell, Portland,
F. M. Warren, Portland.
O. Wolf, Portland."
W. B. Potter. Portland.
C. R. McCormlck, San Francisco.
M. Sargeant, Kentucky,
3. T. Titus and wife, City.
M. Gorman, Cathanv?t
W. E. Albee, Oregon City.
A. V. Reeves, Cathlamet.
R. J. Young, McGowans,
C. Nelson, Portland.
F. McReynolds, Portland.
H, J. Lee, Portland.
Willie McNeill, Portland.
O. Omani, Ft. Canby.
E. D. Jamison, Indiana.
O. W. Tucker, Indiana.
J. A. Cooper, Portland.
Chas, Berg, Portland.
Mrs. A. P. Cashfl, Ilwaco.
Bert Ballwln, Hammond.
B. Gustafson, Portland.
Jho, Logan, Portland.
Warren Anderson, Dawson City. '
Rob. Wood, Claskanlne, '
Mrs. Koskl, Seaside. '
Harry Sussman, Ilwaco,
Wm. Armstrong, Westport "
W. Williams, Hammond.
Robert Baker, Chinook.
8. Gill, Ft. CoJumbla.
8. SmI.h, Chinook. ' ' ,
W. E. Hunter, Seaslds. ,
One Price to All, Goods MarKcd in Plain Figures.
About the quality of nil a $3 Hat,
you had beat ask somebody who has
worn one he will praise It more thitn
our modesty will permit tu to.
We have a new stiff hat that prom,
lsea to be very popular. It has) a high
taper crowu aud a medium flat set
Just the hat for yottiif men.
That present a natty, fetching ftp
pearnnce, allowjnf that easy, satisfy
ing freedom ot aetlononty fouud la
perfect fitting gariuenta.
$2 to $6
Astoria's Greatest Clothiers.
490-500 Commercial St.
Simple and Reliable. Latest Cot.
, r-u , miifo
fcf 1 I lM Pirtl 0 Ct Out
fZJ I M of Ordu.
1 5 i-, j . ) im VterlnrfPirti.
OL l 'i' C More Power with Un
I J I I VutlUu Gasoline.
est p .. jr""j Quid Exhsurt."
I I""") Any Ssd from 100
I v V Is 1000 revolutions
(' ) TH0RNBUR6
Rices 1 to 10 If. 1 Klnrle Cylinder. KNAFPTON, 1
Sixe 0 to 40 11. U., Double Cylinder. WASH. ff
I Telephone 221. ' . '
All goods chipped tooorcare will reedre special attention. '
709-713 Cctrctrclal Street.
Having Installed a Rabbnr Tiring Machine of tha
' latest pattern I sm prepared to do all Hods of work
In that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291.
Astoria's Best Newspaper