The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 17, 1905, Image 1

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    VOLUME LVIV. NO. 184
Another Russian Governor
j Killed. ,
v .
Seriously Wounded This Morning
V in Public Garden During
General Soktavosky, Governor General
f Vila, Russia, Attacked, Ho Hav
Ing Been Marked for Assassination
Bom Tl m Ago.
t'ffa, Russia, May, H. General Bok-
lavosky, tha governor general of lh
province of Uffa, ItunaU, was), ser
iously wound d thla morning In a pub-
lio gardro during an entertainment
Thrl jaMillont dlsappeadwV S4
vosky'e life la despaired of, though .tat
till retains consciousness. .
Tha shooting of Boklavosky yealer
lay l tho second crlm o( this nature
whlr-h hns ccurrtd In Uffa within two
years, hla predecessor, .General ,lttg
danovlch, having been assassinated In
OolavoakY waa appointed to restore
ordr In tha turbulent government of
I'ffa and adopted a reprrhinll)le pol
icy which long Ago caused him to be
narked for tha some fata a Iiogdano
SlxteenYear-Old Bey Arretted for
Larceny of Jewels.
Great Fall. Mont.. May 11 Jnme
It. Bouthwlck, . aged It years, la a
prlitonT In the county Jail, having
confeWI that ha stole $200 and $800
worth ut diamond and other Jewelry
from hla employer. Toung South-wh-lc
waa onr before In trouble for
a Pat Crowe kidnaping caae In which
ha secured a young aon of a prominent
merchant and held him for ransom.
It then escaped through regard for
Tihi parent.
Cattle Buy era and Commleelon Men
Meet and Fix Rat. ,
Chicago!, May;ll-An attempt waa
made at today a aeaalon of tha fed
ral grand Jury who are Investigating
tha affair of the beef packing con
cern to enow that tha cattle buyer
and tha 'packing concern and certain
1 commission men met' each morning
nnd agreed upon price for livestock
during the day.
Testimony Being Taken Againtt the
f General Paper Company. -
Milwaukee, May 11 Special ' Ex
aminer Taylor, appointed by the
1 1 fW Btatea circuit court of Mlnne-
li, began taking testimony today n
tka'case Instituted by the government
; :i behalf r.f the petltoner against the
Onera! Paper Company on the ground
t ? being a truat. Twenty-flv paper
-r iitpanle are Involved In the ault
t lea tha General Paper Company. The
. amlnatlon of witnesses la expected
i continue a week.
, rotary Hitohoock Approve Certain
. Land Seleotion. ', ' ,
Hutte, May 11 A Miner special
;1 Washington aay that 'Secretary
, hcock today approved the North
si Pacific railway land selections,
:, h include 11.000 sxree In North
ima, Bpokana, Watervllle and
sSi:: Walla dlsUlcta
- -.ur Car Lin Had Several Con.
tracts for Free Trsnsportation.
Waahlngton, May ll Before the
te committee on Interstate com
t, which, Is investigating the rail-
rnsd rates, President Oeorg It Rob
b'lnk'f the Armour car line company,
today admltf-d that the company had
.0 or 10 contract with the railroad
for free transportation buelneea and
acknowledged that there waa a mo
nopoly of that traffic In part of the
weat and south. Whenever these ex
clusive contract applied, he admitted
that ahlppera of fruit had to accept
the latea laid down by the Armour.
II claimed that hla company waa a
to Interatat commerce law.
Moat of thet exclusive contract
with the railroads, Bobbin aald, were
generally private contract, though
they were expldlted when requested.
When it was asserted that the Ar
mour do not get any advantage over
other ahlppera In these cars, wltnea
said hi company did not want to be
the subject of IntdrsMto' commence
Prominent Business Man Shot and
Killed by Newman Brother.
Toakum, Tex., May II. E. 8. Ma
son,' a prominent business man of thla
city, waa (hot and killed today by M
A. and , N. P, Newman, two broth
era, Several day ago Ml LI1H
ewman, aged tl years, died at
Rung and shortly thereafter Dr.
&I. Boyd, a highly respected physician
waa bound over to answer the charge
of malpractice In connection with her
death. Tho Newman brothers sur
rendered themselves. , -
Y f A CtoeeShsvo. ."
.Mew Tori, May 11 George Hack
enachmldt, the Russian wrestler, who
wa taken 111 Friday In Bt. Louis, and
appeared to be threatened with typhoid
fever, wis arrived here. Thyslclana
who examined hfttt said he merely waa
In need f a real, . , . .
Routed By Mob Sought
Refuge in Market.
One Man Killed and On Wounded by
the Polio After They Had Been
Driven Off the 8treeU by the Mob-
Workmen Deneunoa Agitator.
Warsaw, May 18. There were sev
eral disturbances In tha Jewish quar
ter In this city today. Tho police were
attacked by a mob and were forced to
taks refuge In the market hall. After
they had been driven Into tho hall,
they opened fire, on the mob, ahootlng
Into th midst of the workmen, kill
ing one man and wounding another,
It I expected that the crisis will oc
cur tomorrow. , The workmen' com
mittee Issued a manlfeeto today de-
nmiht'lng th agitators 'saying that
(hey baa deceived tne workmen.
Refusal of Owner of Vessele to Rala
Wagea Result In Strike. :
Seattle,' M,ay 11-r-A a result of the
refusal of a part of the owners of the
Puget sound fleet to Increase the
wage of tho men emplpyed IS a month
the crews of the eteamere Falrhaven,
Utopia and Capital City struck today.
It 1 expected that the crews of other
sound steamers will follow the ex
Boat Puller Drowned,
Ole Btrand, a boat puller In the em
ploy of the Columbia River Packers'
Association, waa drowned) Monday
evening near Peacock spit by the up
setting of his boat, His brother, An
drew Strand, had a narrow escape. The
boat drifted out on a strong ebb tide
but was picked up by tho Fort Canby
life caving crew. Ole Strand wa a
Norwegian, 21 year of age and
member of the Columbia River Flh
ermen'i union, )II body has not been
recovered. -
Steamer Ashore.
Toklo,1 May 16. The steamer Nlkko,
a naval auxiliary, la ashor at Fuan.
She has not nutsalned damage and It
I expected that she will be floated
off at full tide, . . ,
Chicago Strike Will Be
!: Called Off.
Important Meeting of National
. Officers to Be Held
It I Expected That a Definite Con
clusion Will Be Rsaohed at Meeting
of the Federation of Labor and tho
Member of Striking Teamster.
Chicago, May 1. Although no. di
rect facts have transpired today to
warrant an absolute prediction, still
It is asserted both by the member of
the Employer association and by the
conservative element in the ranks of
th teamster who have taken an ac
tive Interest, that the atrlke wjll prob
ably be celled off within 48 hour and
certainly by the end of the week.
It la not likely that any definite
action looking to an adjustment of
the trouble will be taken before the
meeting of the national officers of the
union, which I expected to be held
t'pnorrowl Bamuef Oomper presi
dent of the Federation of Labor, ar
rived In tha city ttjhtghk and will
confer with the labor leader and de
cide upon the best method to be pur
sued and will call off the atrlke.
Chief among the cause which l?d
to the prediction of a settlement of
the strike Is the firm stand taken by
Mayor Dunne when In conference with
President Shea and officers of the lo
cal union.
The teamsters union will be aa
sued that any furlhw spread of the
strike will certainly make It necessary
for him to call out the troops. Presl
dent Gomper of the American Fed
ertlon of Labor, who reached the city
this evening, declares that there la
every hope that the end of the atrlke
Is not far distant
Early tonight, Immediately after
leaving the train, Oompers went' into
a conference with President Shea and
the local officials of the teamsters'
union. The employers' association and
express companies increased their
scope of deliveries still further today
and business for tho most part wa
transacted without hlnderance of any
kind.. Three hundred and fifty men
were brought to the cltyj today to
take' the places of strikers and as
many more are expected tomorrow,
At a meeting of the board of educa
tion tonight warrant were sworn out
for eight boys who have been leaden
In tho recent strike at the schools who
were In sympathy with the striking
teamsters. It was announced by the
superintendent of compulsory . educa.
tlon that he had information of the
effect of the strike at the schools and
that It had been Instigated by hood
lums, who told the pupils it was their
duty to refuse to attend school be
caues the school were buying coal
from tho wrong firms. Threat to ar
rest parents of those children who did
not attend school had the effect of
settling three strikes today and the
normal attendance Is expected tomor
After leaving the meeting of the la
bor leaders, Samuel Oompers met a
number of the team owners who stood
by tho unions and they Informed him
that the time had come when they
could no longer refuse to. deliver and
take goods from boycotted houses
without losing all of their business
and facing financial ruin. It la sold
that Gompers suggested to the team
sters? union that they allow the team
owners to do business with the boy
cotted firms. It Is expected that the
teamsters will accept the proposition
and In this manner the strike will be
called off.
Steamer Aground.
New Tork, May 11 A largo steam
ship, believed to be tho Cunard liner
Carnnla, which aalled tbl afternoon
for, Liverpool, I aground off Sandy
Hook. She Is In no danger.' '
Pof Hang Over Sandy Hook and Pre-
' vnt Yaohi Rao.
New York. May 11 Eight of the 11
yachts which entered for the 1000 mile
rajc across thf Atlantic ocq&n for
tho 15000 enp offered by tb German
emperor lay aliently at anchor within
the shelter of Sandy Hook tonight, a
tho start of tho race waa postponed
until tomorrow becaue of the fog. A
dens blanket fog and mist hung all
Jay over Bendy Hook and the sea out
side, where the start wa to have been
made, and at nightfall there was nothr
Ing to Indicate clearer weather for to
morrow. Th smallest yacht In the fleet Is the
American schooner Fieur do Lis,
owned by Dr. Lewis A. Btlmson of tho
Now York Yacht Club, was run down
by a scow in tow while tho yacht was
at anchor .'a tho lower bay before day
light today. She was towed into Erie
basin and the damage repaired;
Desiring to Bo In Stylo They Hav
I Gone on a Strike.
New Tork, May 11 Delegate of
the Hebrew Bakers' Union have begun
to order strikes In the Hebrew bakers
to force an (-hour work day. Since
the United States supreme court ren
dered it decision declaring tho ten-
hour saw urrrosUtiftlonal, tho em
ploying bakers are said to have been
working their men 11 and 12 hours
a day. "
; Strikes of 400 to 500 bakers already
hav been ordered in 10 shops and
about 10,000 more men will quit today.
Some of the masters have conceded to
tho demands.
Masked Men Enter Home of Hen
, ry Blackshire. '
Blackshire Waa Shot Dead in Presence
of Hia Wife and Son and His Wife,
a Neighbor and Two Men Arrested,
Charged With Complicity.
Parkersburg, Vs., May 11 On May
I at midnight, masked men entered
(ho homo of Henry Blackshire at
BrockviUe, in thla state, and ahot him
dead in tho presence of his wife and
and son. Tonight Mrs. Blackshire,
neighbor, Robert McClosVey, and Louts
Hendricks were arrested and taken to
jail, charged With complicity Jn the
It is charged by Hendricks that Mrs.
Blackshire employed McClosky to kill
her husband. McCloskey admits be
Ing present when the crime was com
mitted but charges Hndrlck with the
Between Valdet, Alaska, and Port Lis
eom Is Completed. '
Washington, May 11 Oen. Greeley
received a ' cablegram . from Valdes,
Alaska, '.Informing him that the cable
between that point and Fort Llscom
hod been completed and is In opera
tlon. .
Steamer Supposed to Bo Lost Arrives
" at Hoqulm.
Hoqulm, May 11 ((Special.) The
steamer Chehalls, owned by the Simp
son Lumber Cocpony, arrived In port
this afternoon She was delayed by
unfavorable winds, otherwise the trip
was uneventful. Her captain is Ed
gar Simpson, the youngest son of A,
M. Simpson. Another son was on
board. The crew consisted of nine
men. She- had some trouble with a
United States revenue cutter on tho
charges of having kidnaped two Pbll-
Ipptno girls, and it was thought that
she was afraid to put into port Her
long delay caused some apprehension
as to her safety and It was thought
by shippers that she had foundered at
sea, ! .. I '
Undying Devotion to Sal-
nation Army.
Commander Eva Booth Declines
to Take Advice of Her
Say Sho Would Rather Die Than
Disappoint tho People Who Were
Expecting Her to Speak at an Army
Meeting at Kansa City Tonight
. " ..; ... A J l'i ,
Chicago, May 11 Commander Eva
Booth of the Salvation Army left Chi
cago last night for Kansas City disre
garding the advice of her physician.
She expects to address a . great mas
meeting in Kansas City today.
"I would rather die than disappoint
the people who are expecting to hear
me speak,' she assured Dr. James
Whitney Hall, when he called on her
at her hotel.
In vain Dr. Hall assured her that
she was In no condition to speak and
that grave consequences might follow
If she persisted.
"God will suppcrt me," cried the lit
tle woman snd she gave the directions
necessary for Vn immediate departure.
She walked to the carriage on the arm
of Colonel E. 3. Hlgglns of New York.
najtltial secretary of tjiff Salva'.lon
Army In America.
She waa driven to the station where
she boarded a Santa Fe train for the
The head of the Salvation Army In
the west is suffering from an incipi
ent attack of peritonitis, according to
Dr. Hall
Twenty-Four Hundred Printer
Chicago Want Eight Hour Day.
Chicago, May 11 The first skir
mish in a fight for an eight-hour day
is on between the Job printers and
their employers. Conferences during
several days will culminate this aft-
Lemoon in a meeting between a com
mittee from the typographical union.
No. 11 and the Chicago Topotheate.
Thero are 2400 Job printer in Chi
cago and they compos tho advance
guard of all union printers in this
country who are seeking to establish
the eight-hour working day by Janu
ary of next year. They hav a plan
of gradual reduction of hours, which
provides for the shortening of the time
by 20 minutes every three months un
til next January. ...
The employers will be asked, today
to agree to this proposition but the
request will be denied.
Venderbilt Automobile Club Rao
Long Island Thie Fall.
New York, May 11 Entries have
practically closed for th Vanderbilt
automobile cup race in Long Island
this rail. Thirteen American cars
have been named and elimination race
will be necessary as only five starters
will be accepted for any country.
Four nations are represented In the
list Tho American elemlnatory trial
Is likely to be In the form of a race
over a Long Island course early in
August The cup race racea will prob
ably take place In Long Island on Oc
tober 7. Several routes are under
consideration by tho cup commission.
Including the triangular course over
which the first Vanderbilt raco took
place and a 25-mile course further
north, which Includes . more grades
than tho triangular and over which the
contest might bo held without controls
of neutralised territory.
York Lena Grinder Wsnt
Union Recognized.,
New York, May 11 Lens grander,
employed by several New York optical
Arms have gone .on . a strike because
of the refusal of the open shops to
recognUe the union. '
Tho grinders are divided int two
classes, one grinding the surface and
tho other grinding the edge of tho
ten. Each requires several years of
apprenticeship. The employers claim
to hav a majority of the shop on
their side and to be filling tho strik
ers' places rapidly.
' " 3
Will Protect Her Interests In Pro vine
' 5 of Shantung. '"
Toklo, May 11 It is reported that
Germany has dispatched a force of
troops and occupied Haichou, In the
southern portion of the province of
Shantung, where they raised and sa
luted the German flag. Haichou is on
an extensive bay, north of the old
channel of the Hoang river. Germany
object and intentions are not clear, it
is suggested that she Is seeking an
extension of her interests In China
and taking advantage of present pol
itical conditions but explanations may
eventually clear up tho sltauiton.
It Is feared thai any changes In tho
existing status quo of China, coupled
with the recent Indo-Chinese Incident
may seriously complicate - tb war
ltuatlon. '
Three Firemen Injured and Six Women
Severely Burned.
New York, AjtU tL Three firemen
were injured and six women severely
burned and 70 families rendered home
less ana property vaiuea ai f ae
stroyed; by a fire in the heart of a.
thickly settled Hebrew center i
Brownsville section, Brooklyn, today,'
Eleven Union Men Arrested for.
Slugging Non-Union Men .
Sluggers Lsd John Mittermsn of Chi
cago to Kill Himself and He Cut His
Throat With a Razor Standing on a
Street Corner Near Dwelling.
Chicago, May ll--Brlcklayer Hall
chief labor headquarters in Chicago
and meeting place for the Federation
of Labor, has been -invaded by the po
lice. Eleven union men were arrested
who had taken refuge in the building
after a son-union driver ' had been
"slugged." ' s
Fear thai he would meet the same
fate of C. J. Corlstrom, the wood
worker who was killed, it is alleged '
by "sluggers." has led. John Mttter
man to kill himself. MUterman cut
his throat with a'rasor while standing
in the street opposite his djwelllnf.
He died two hours later at a hospital,
raving against the unjons. MUterman '
up to and after the time' of the strike.'
was In the employ of Fred L. Meckel.
la whose' enop Carlatrom worked. , He
was one of .the men on the list of
those to be "slugged" of whom Carl-'
strom was the first ,
The fact that he was to meet the.
fate, of Carlstrom so preyed upon Mlt-:
terman's mind that he sent a letter to
Mr. Meckel a week ago, saying that'
he had bee marked by "sluggers" and,
was In fear of his life. i
' An investigation is being made by.
the police. .v v V ''t
Crowded for Room.
nights so frequent at the Star when
standing room Is at a premium. Th
Splendid bill at this popular theater is
attracting large crowds. A. J. El well,
one of the most talented singers ever
on this coast, is the drawing caret
this week. He has created more en
thustasm than any vocalist that has
ever appeared. He was compelled to
respond to an encore last evening.
Mclntyre, Fletcher and Mclntyre, tho
peerless singers and dancers, were
applauded for their skill and dexter
ity. Marvelous Rousell,. the acrobat,
d- somel wdMerful exhibition
The 'Brewers, singers, dancers and
cake walkers are amusing, and afford
an abundance of amusement The bill
at tho Star is well worth seeing and
crowded houses are predicted during)
th week. -