TUESDAY, MAY 4 1008. 8 THE MORNING ASTORIA N. ASTORIA, OREGON. CANNED SOUP VEGETABLES re a novelty. We'have Jurt receive. a shipment of Gold Nugget Bran Granulated Soup Vegetable, put up In : 1-pound can. It U prepared at Day- too. Or. m1 1 warranted high i-sresja. II 111 OREGON t Where Tonadoes and Blizzards and Snow are Unknown. ; Each cu of It tt crrapoeea ot vt Prices - IX different varieties f soup vegetable, .prepared and blended In such manner as to make a moat delicious vegetable Two ounce make 1 gaOon ot wop, . eeafly prepared, PRICE: Each Ca SO Cents RANCHES NOT. BLOWN AWAY ASTORIA GROCERY PS CmmmtAI tt Vinm mia Q1 AtkMltU, Ad ft U WMP Mt belet4 , With tMt m4 mi THE SHOE rhmat tickles your fancy. Is all right, it It Bts your foot ' " We have a knack of selling form atting footwear at prices that tickle your fancy. From $2 up. For men and women. The Finest and Most Salubrious Cli mats in the World and Thousands of Acres of Land for Homes for the Enterprising Heme Builder. cwtu B21 Commercial Strfef. lib " TheSeason for Shells Souvenirs begun. ,w have just received fcrge shipment, plain and fancy, pol lened so as to show nature's gift in u its beauty. Some are hand palnteJ. Others are made Into pretty paper weights 4nk stands, etc, . The shells are cheap this season, running from 10 centa up. We have a very pretty one at 20 centa. SVENSON'S BOOK 8T0RE, 805 Commercial Street. The 57 Varieties have made the name Heins famous. Heinz's Fermented Pur Malt Vine gar etands well among the 57. It stands equally well with the house wife who make good salads. It s a Uttle cosHier ' than ordinary vinegar, but nearly everybody knows that It's worth tha difference on account of its nutritious quality and its excellent bouquet. A quart bottle 25 cents Heidi's Preserved Sweet Gher kins, a bottle 30 cents Heinz's India Relish Delicious 35 cents he. zs Mustard Dressing ...25 cent Heinz's Prepared Mustard. ...15 cents Heinz's Pickled Onions 25 cents Prompt delivery anywhere. Tele phone orders receive best attention. Special new feature: Dally delivery in TJppertown. Solicitor will call when tfeaired. , The dispatcher from the east an nounce terrtfto tornadoes and cyclone that have caused devastation and ruin to large sections of the country and hundreds and thousands have been killed and injured. These severe cy clones are becoming of frequent occur rence and every farmer In the middle west has to build cyclone cellars to have his life and the lives of his wife and children. When a cyclone strike one of the sections of the cyclone belt It destroys houses bnrns, outbuilding, cattle and crops, and there is no pos sible inducement for people to locate there. In other sections blizzards, floods and droughts destroy crops and ruin farmers. Clatsop county affords relief for these storm ridden states and offers Inducements to the farmers of the east to come here and locate upon Its fer tile lands where crops never fall and where cyclones, blizzards, thunder and lightning are unknown. There are thousands of acres of the finest agri cultural lands in the world awaiting development. There is an opportunity not only to make a good living, but to save up enough money In a few years toi make everj farmer Ind4pmcfcnt While it Is true that some little exer tion Is required to open up some of ths land and to clear It for cultivation, yet when It Is In condition, there Is an In dependent fortune for every farmer, every dlaryrnan, every stock raiser. One of the finest markets for the sale of farm products can be found In As toria, and In many of the larger cities by river or rail. There is not a pound i or rarm produce, accessible to th markets, but mee:s with a ready sal at a good price. Clatsop county possesses one of the finest climates in the world. The win ters are mild and vegetables grow the year around. The summers are cool and delightful, and no more healthful climate is to be found anywhere. Ma laria and fevers are almost unknown contageous diseases are a rarety and there are fewer deaths from disease In Clatsop county than In any county of Its size In the world. With all of these great advantages It seems strange that farmers will risk their lives and property In states where they have no assurance of raining a crop after It Is planted or that they will be alive the next morning, and If 'alive, they wake up and find some tornado has blown down their houses and bam and leveled their crops to the ground leaving them oftentimes destitute anj penniless ana dependent upon the charity of others. .None of these conditions Am going east in about three weeks to buy fall and winter' clothes. Want to buy for cash. To raise cash I will WATCHiES Sl.OO a week buys a gold watch. Gentleman'. Wgh-graxje watch , 21 Jewel, Orescent St., Waltham embossed gold filled, 25-year hunting case. Our price , $30 Pay $7.50 flown, balance II a week Astoria Loan Office, RELIABLE JEWELERS and LOAN BROKERS. 6SI Commercial street. exist In Clatsop county. When a crop Is plant ea. a good crop is a certainty. When a farmhouse or barn Is built, It will re main for all time. Cyclone cellars are not necessary to protect life. Land can be purchased as ch?ap in Clatsop county as In the middle west and they are more fertile and productive. Ef' forts should be made by some of the local organlza'Ions to bring these facts to the attention of the people of the east and especially in the cyclone belt, as no doubt many of them could he Induced to come here and locate. The trouble Is that the grand natural re sources or ciatsop county are not known. The el'y and county has never been properly advertised. No Induce ments have ever been offered the farm ers of the east to come here and locate, wnne every other section Is using every effort within their power to In duce Immigration. Hundreds of these people will visit the Lewis and Clark fair and no arrangements have bn made to provide them with literature of Clatsop -county. Every other coun ty in. the state will be represented. both by representatives of the county, but by copies of their local papers. Nearly evry county In the state has had a special edition of their local pa per and these will be placed In the hands of every person visiting the fair, and yet not one of these localities can offer such beneficial inducements for Intending settlers as Clatsop county. Going East I! Cutting Clothing Prices!! WissM " Will Appear Tonight. Owing to the fact that the baggage of Maclntyre, Fletcher and Maclntyre lid not arrive In time for last night's performance 8t the Star, this popular team did rot appear. Their baggage arrived on last night's train and they will appear at thi matinee today and it every performance during the week. GUT on every suit or overcoat on hats shirts and ties, on trunks, umbrellas, etc., On everything, except Carhartt and . fl& W. goods. Don't pay more elsewhere while Wise cuts the price. MERMAN WISE, Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. The Brewers were also handicapped by the non-arrival of their baggage, but they went on. The entire program, which is one of the best ever given, will be given In its entirety tonight What was lost by the former was made up by A. J. El well In picture melodies, it being his first appearance and so weil was it rendered that he received an enthusiastic encore which he responded to. He Is certainly the best vocalist that has ever appeared in Astoria. Going East! I Cutting Clothing Prices!! Wise!! SHAKE IT OFF. Rid Yourself of Unnecessary Burdens. Don't bear unnecessary burdens. Burdens of a bad back are unneces sary. Get rid of them. Doan's Kidney PHIs Cure bad backs: Cure lame, weak and aching backs; Cure every form of kidney Ills. Lots of local endorsement to prove this. Lee W. Mohr of Clackamas, Clacka mas Co Oregon, writes: "I have used four bottles of Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney and bladder trouble om which I had suffered for 60 years, It was the first medicine I ever used during that time that gave me any relief. It has rid me of a severe Daln the bladder which caused me a great deal of suffering, and also has regulated the action of my kidneys. Plenty more proof like It Is from As toria people. Call at Chas. Roger's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. - CONCERT AT FISHERS'. Program of Concert by Astoria Nor wsgian Male Chorus Wednesday Evening. L Bong, "Be Norges BlomsterduJ." By Choir Greeting Dr, Mohn Solo Violin.... Miss Elsie Larsen Remarks by Mayor fiurprennnt Hong "Den store hvlde Flok.Choir Address by Senator C. W. Fulton Song by Miss Ilcnolt Recitation by Mrs. Pedersen Song "Og Raven laa under Blrkerod by Choir 10. Address ( In Norwegian), by Rev C. Aug. I'ederscn Duet by L. Larsen and S. L. Nun thrup Poem by Oscar Thompson Song, "Brudtfarden," by Choir. Reserved seats, for adults 60 cents. Reserved seats, for children 15 cents. Gallery, 25 cents. Going East! I Cutting Clothing Prices!! Wise!! WHY HE CUTS PRICES. Mr, Wise feels like apologizing for uttlng prices on clothes at this time of the year. He knows It is against the rule, because January Is considered the proper month to cut prices, but Mr. Wise wishes to go east about June 10 for the purpose of buying his fall stock and in order to make cash talk while east he feels himself Justified In mak ing these tuts. Of course the buying public will get the benefit of these great reductions. Mr. Wise says that people will save enough on a suit to buy their wives a new bonnet or a pair of shoes. Cleared for Action. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart causing death. J. E. Steams, Belle Flaine, Minn., writes that a friend; Orrfadfully injured' fat hand. friend dreadfully Injured his hand. which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved bis life. Best In the world for burns and core. 26c at Chas. Rogers' drug Baby sleeps and grows while mam my reeta If Holllstefs Rocky Mountain Tea, Is given, it Is the greatest baby medicine ever offered loving mothers. St cents, Te or Tablets, Frank Hart's Crag store. Are your spirits drooping? Do you feel that tired feeling? Does your ap petite need coaxing? Then your blood la poor. That la nature's way of tell Ing you that you need our , ALTI-TONE It la an ldesl tonic, bracing, strength ening and exhilarating. It purifies the blood, tones up the system and will make you feel like yourself again In ft week or so. s FRANK HART, Draggist. SOLE AGENT Cornar 14th and Commercial flta. Is Your Bathroom Modern? Elf I You cannot hive too many lifeguardi for the health of family and self, especially the growing children. Bid or antique plu log U si dangerous to the1 health si good or modern plumbing Is beneficial. The coit ot renewing your "bathroom with hmtmf Wire will in reality be health murine. We hsye lamplei In our show rooms ind will gladly quote you pricei, J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. jasjWC wirfOs pf. Monday and Tuesday we will sell sewing machines at absolutely unheard of price. Two $65 machines for 35 and til each. Second band machines for tt up. First class repairing a specialty. Call at the Singer Machine Co, 111 Tenth street The grocer would ' be too comfortable , if all his goodt were like Schilling's Best and backed by the maker as they are. Moneyback.' The Palace Cafe. The Best Restaurant. Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace Catering Co. FISHER BROTHERS C0RIPANY y Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies