TUESDAY, MAY 1005, JrtlE MORNING ASTORIA, ASTORIA, ORKGON. CHICKENS COMING Large Shipment of California Spring Chickens Arrive. frith Salmon Continue Soaro In tht Market, but Halibut and Shad are plenttful--Callfornla Strawberrlee Continue to Art-lv, . A large number of whit ' leg horn ! spring chicken wtrt received today ' from California and bring 15 doten. ' Salmon ta a vary acarca article lit th market, although thara la pi' tit y of had and halibut. California atraw berrtee contlnua to arrlva In large quantities and Orrm berrle art ( acarca. Ear bring 17 cnt and It !rt xpnled they will advanca In a few day a. Oraln, Hay and Pd. f Wheat Walla Walla, 110 He: Yal " ley, ITo; blueatem, 10 lie. , Oata White, UI01I) gray. V.t. , Barly Brewing, III; fed, 111.' Hay Tlnvtfby, IUOH-W; clottr, IllOtti chaat. 111011; alfalfa, I1L Mlllutufr Barley rolled, 11410; mlddllnga, 114 C15; chop, 111; dairy ' chop bran, WCM; ahorta, I21C1I. Flour Hard Wheat, atralght, SUM 4.011 ; hard wheat patent, $4.50 440; graham. 14; rye. 15; whole wheat flour, I4 !i: valley. 14.10. Corn Whole, II4.S0; crackeJ, $25. SO par ton. - Rye f Ml par cwt. Preduee, Butter Fancy craamtry, U(I10c; dairy, 10 mi 17c; tore, 16J15H; Kgc Oregon ranch, 17Q17HC. Che Toung American, 140 H! Oregon full cream. Ma. Poultry lllaed chicken par lb, II OUHc: aprtng. UOWc; nana, 14 Ol&c; fryara. .llOMa; braltara, ItO ITHc; gaaa. Ic; turkeya, llva, 110 ITc; turkey. draed, HON: ducks, old. 140 l&c; iprlng duika, tl.tOflS. Honey-Dark, HViOlIo; amber, 110 lie; fancy white, lie. Fruits and Vegetable. 8trewberriM-Oregon, per pound, UttOl&o; California, HOMO. Cherrl Crat. UOI.IS. f Orapa fruit-Crate, ll.SOCt. Apple Oregon, JScCll. Tropical frulta Lemone, fancy. rhoh. ll.TKttl Ptr box; orang, IS.M CiM&i banana, bo per lb; plneaplee I J. SO 4 per doten. Potato, Oregon, 100 lb.' tOrtill: tomaio'-a. California, uuu :."6U1; turnlpa, aack. 1; canton". pr lb.. 14 Jitter' Oregon onlona, l.o lba, Sm.oj: new potatoea, IS; awoet potatoe. I1.7S CI Pr 100; Autrallin red onlona, : celery, per doaen, 70075c: ranaffu, per box, 11.50; artichoke, i- r tl ttn, 750 We; rndlahca, per 15c; green onlona, per doien, U". rhu' trb, per pouna, ICi cueumurra, prr miwn H01.25; li'cta, 11.25 per 100 lba; car ro(a, IMS pr 100 lba. Freeh Meata and Plan. Freeh Meata-aVal, IVi44c;pork,7 7tic; beef, bulla. lOIVic; cowa m ffliuo: ateera 4C5c; mutton, 47c: aprlng lambs with pelta, 11-140110 each, ' I"lh Crabs, per doaen. I Ml; Shoal watar Bar ore t era. per sack, 14.00; or- atera, gallon 1114; halibut. 14; block cod. Tc; baae, per tb ll4e; barring, le; floundera, le; cattish, 7oj lobatera. per lb, lltte; allear amelt, le; ahrlmp, 10c; perch, Ic; aturgeon, Ta; ehlnoek aalmon, to; ataelljeadB, TVa; aaa, trout, ilo; ahad, IH04. Oyatera Shoalwater Bay, per gallon, $1.15; per aack, 14 net; Olymple, per uck. 1515. Clama Hardahell, per box, 11; raioi clama, 11 per box. I Hope, Wool, Hldaa, Eta. ! nope UOitHc P" lb. I Wool Vallef; 20llo; aoatern Ore gon, 1401IO, Tallow-Prlme, per lb IOlc; Na. a and gretae, ItllHo. (Mohair Choice, 10034a per lb. Feathera Qeeee, white, 15040c; geeee, gray or mired, I5O20c; duck, .white, 15010c; duck, mixed, 120150. I Beawax Good, cleaa and pure, 20 22o per lb. . , . . Hldea-Dry hldea, No. 1, II lba. and up, HOHfte par lb.; dry kip. No. 1, I to 11 lb., 140110 Pr lb.; dry aalf No. 1, under I lba. 170o; dry aalted. bulla and ataga, one-third leea than dry flint (culla, motheaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, balr-allpped, weather beaten or grubbey, 20lo per lb leaa); ealted hldea. ateera, aound, 10 lba. and wer. lOWo pr lb.r 50 to 0lba, IHO o per lb.: under 60 lba, and cowa, 10 fo per lb.; aalted, atagf and bulla, sound, le per lb.; aalted ktp, aound. 15 to 10 lba, lo per lb.; aalted veal, aound, 10 to 14 lba., Jo par lb.; aalted calf, pound, under 10 lba., lOe per lb, (green, snaalted. lo per lb. lea culla la per ' leaa). Sheep eklns: Shearllnga, No. I Wchera atock 25O0o each; abort oot No. 1-butchera- atock, 40 0 50c; iedlum wool, No.l butchera atock, 603) :; sjc s long wool, No. I butchera1 atock, liMO each. Murrain pelta, from 10 lo 20 per cant or 12140 per lb.; hoiae hide, aalted, each, according to alxe, I1.50O2; dry, eatn, according to Ixe, MO1.50; colt' hide, 2SO500 each; goat'iklna, common, 10015c each; Angora, with wool on, IGcOtMO each. Pelta Bear aklna a to a:, No, l, I1.I0O10 each; cube, HOI; badger, 25 05lc; wildcat, with head perfect, ISO 40c; houee 'eat, 10 10c; fox, commoa gray, 10 0 70c; reJ, 305; croaa, 59 lie; alWer and black, I100OI00; flah era, I5QI; lynx, I4.60O4; mink, atrlet ly No. 1. according to alia, HOMO; marten .dark northern acceding to lie and color, H0Q15; marten, pale, pine, according to ale and color, 12.50 04; muakrat, large, 10015o; akunk. 40 lh; nanced bam, 10c; aummer, choice 050c; cleet, or polecat, lOc; otter, dry, 17 Vic; bologna, long, IVie; wlner large, prim akin, I410 panther, with wuret, Ic; liver, Ic; pork, to; blood, Ic; had and claw perfect, 1205; raccoon, headcheea4, 12Vic; bologna auage, prime, lOOIOc; mountain wolf, wlth.Unk, 4Vic ' , . head perfect, IJ.60O5; coyote, lOcH; j IUllr. Loo Mocatel, 4-crown, wolverine, HOI; beaver, per akin., viC; -layer Muacatel ralalna, 7Vic; large, 1501; medium, I04; email, It unbleached eeedlea ' Sultana, lc; 01 50; klta 44 0 76c . t Caaoar Sagrada (Cblttam bark) Oood, 404Vio per lb. Oregon grape root Par 100 lba, $39 4. Olla and Laada Coal oil-Pearl aitd aalrel oil, w, lOVio per gallon; water white oil. Iron barrel. He; wood barrela 17Vio; to- cena oil, eaaea I4e; etalne oil, caaea. 17c; extra atar, caae. 26c; headlight oil. 171 degree, caaea, 2IVlc; Iron bar - ret, 17Via (Waahlngton atate teat burning oil, xcpt headlight, c per gallon higher). Uanttne Sixty-three degree, caaea, tic: Iron barrel, 16Vic, Llmeed oil Pur raw. In barrel. He; genuine kettle-boiled, In barrel, tic; pur raw oil, In caa 6o; gun Ine kettle-boiled. In caae. He; lota of ISO anllon. lo leaa per gallon. Turpentine In eaae. 17c gallon; In barrela 7o; In wood barrela, 14c Oaaollne Stov gaaotlne, caaea, 14 Vic; Iron barrel, ltc; 10 degree gaaollna, caea, He; Iron barrela or drum. 26c. Lead Strictly pur 'white lead and red lead In ton lota 7 Vic,; 600-lb lota, 7 lie; leaa than 50 lba Ic. nope Pur Manila, ltc; atandard, l!c; Slaal, lOfcc; Itl brand Slaal. IVa Wire nalte Preeent be at H-70. Qrooertea Provlaiona, Etc Sugar-Oolden C, 15.15; powdare. 14.05; patent cube, 14.20; caae, D. O. 15.16: fruit eugar. 15.15; beet angar. 15.11; extra, cwt, lc; kega, cwt, t&o; boxea cwt, 60o (leee Vio per lb If paid tor In II daya). Bait Balea of 75-2a.bale. IMO: bate of 10-la bale, 11. 10; bale of 40-4a bal Dried fruit Apple, evaporated. 70 tc: Pr lb, eundrled, aacka or boxea; none; eprlcote, lOOUc; peachea, Iff lie: Bear. lOOUVic; prunea lullan. 406c; French, IViOIV: fig, California black, 6 He: do white, none; Smyrna. 10c: Fard date, Ic: plum, pitted, 6c. 11.(0; balea of 15-10. bale. IMO: bag. 50. fine, ton, 111: bng. 60 lb, enutne Liverpool, ton, 117; bag. 60 lb. Vi ground, 100, ton. 17; It S. V. Pm 50 6-lb cartona 12 25: R. 8. P.. 24 8-11 carton. 11.75; Liverpool lump, tof IU.50. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, j.17V: No. 2, 14.25; Carolina head, (c; brok-4 head 4o. CofTee-Mocha, 210 21c; Java fancy 21012c; Java, good, 20 0 24c; Java. ordinary, 17020c; Cota Rica fancy. 11020c: Coata Rica good. 140110 AT- buckle, 114.11 per 100 lb. Lion, 11411. . Provlaiona llama to I. lzc; ham. Dlcnla Ic: baooa, regular a lOUc: bacon, breakfaat, 12017c; dry alt aldea IVic; backa dry aalt. Ic; lard, kettle rendered, tlerced. c. Nut Walnuta, No. 1. aoft ahell. ll4c: No. 1 bard abell, 13Vio; Chile. II: almonda 17011c; fllberta, 14015c; Braella lie; pecan, UViOlSc; hick ory, le; Virginia peanut, T07Vlc; Jumbo Virginia peanut, Ic; japane paanuta IViOle; cheetnuta Italian, 14c; cocoanuta doien, 10c. Flga-Wblta lb, SVlOlc; black, 10 7e. Datee-OolJen. 10-lb boou. (9Vic; 1-lb. package, Ic; Fard, 16-lb boxea. 1.4t box. TIDE TABLE, MAY. MAY, 1905. High Water. A. M. ... ..Pj Date. h,m. ft. h.m. Monday 1 U: IS Tl 11:18 Tuesday i 1 1,:00 Wedneeday 1 0:02 1.211:40 Thuraday 4 0:13 t.S 1:18 Friday 5 1:00 8.4 1:65 Saturday 1:28 l 1: 8UNDAT 7 1:00 1.4 1:10 Monday I 2:l IS 1:52 Tueaday 1:15 8.0 4:41 Wedneeday 10 4:03 7.7 1:40 Thuraday 11 5:03 T.2 1:42 Friday 12 6:18 1.8 7:41 Saturday 18 7:43 (.6 1:18 SUNDAY 14 1:00 (.8 8:19 Monday 1510:07 7.110:18 Tueaday 14 11:06 7.4 11:07 Wednesday ......17 11:61 Wedneaday 17 12:00 Thuraday 18 11:61 Friday 18 0:15 9.4 1:40 Saturday ...10 1:17 1.4 1:10 SUNDAY 21 2:0t 1.2 1:10 Monday 12 1:48 8.7 4:08 Tuesday ....23 1:35 8.2 4:68 Wednesday 24 4:20 7.5 6:69 Thursday 25 6:11 6.8 :4D Friday 16 1:43 (.4 7:43 Saturday 27 7:53 t.l 8:13 SUNDAY .......28 8:68 t.l 8:19 Mondny 29 8:56 1.2 10:00 Tuesday .10 10:48 C.4 10:40 Wdneday 1111:15 1611:18 8.0 ro 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.4 7.1 7.8 84 8.4 . lieana Small white, 4c; large white, IHc; pink, lc; bayou, lc; Lima, Cq; Mexican red, to. Pickled goode-Plckted pig' feet, V, barrel, G; barrel, 12.75; 15-lb kit 11.25; pickled tripe, -barrel, 5; barret, 12.75; 16-lb klU, IMS; pickled pig' tongaea, -barrel, ft; -barrel, II; 15-lb kit, IMO; pickled lamb tongue, H-barrela, II; K -barrel, 11.50; 15-lb klta, 12.71. Lard Kettle-randerad: Tierce, e; tub. IK; 10a te; 20a lc; 10a, lov&o I, lOKe, Standard pure: Tleroaa, IHo; tuba le; 10, llie; 2, Ic; 10a, ttc; la IHo. Compound; Tlerora, IHo; tub, c; 10. I lie; 10, THi . To, Sauage Portland ham, 12 tie per London layer, l-crown, whole boxe ol 29 lba, ll.il; l-crown, 11.71. Cereal foo.1 Rooted oata. cream, 10 fb aack. 11.75; lower grade, 1501-26; I eat meal, ateel cut, 60 -lb eacke, It pel barrel: 10-lb aack 14.25 per bale; oat- imeal (ground( 10-lb aack, 17.6 per ' barrel; 10-lb aacka, 14 per bale; pilt peaa 4 per 100-lb aacka; 25-lb boxea, ttl5; pearl barley, 14 per 100 lba 25 lb boxe. 11.11 per box; paatry flour, 10-lb aacka, 11,60 per bale, ' Canned aalmon Columbia Hver, 1- ana, ii.ea; z-io iaii. .; ianc7 Mb flat, 12; -lb fancy flata, 11.25; fancy 1-lb oval, 2.7S; Alaaka tall, pink, 15010c; red, IMO; nominal, 2 tall. t Maaon fruit Jar Half -gallon, per gron, 19.00; quart, 11.55; pint, 15.15; extra capa per groa, 13.21. Economy fruit Jar Half-gallon. er gro, 111.25; quarta, 110.15; plnU, M 75; extra cap, IMS. ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will tell you tbe Electric Lighted. la the Cnck Train of ttem all for COMFORT and ELECAKCE Thcjtickct office at Portland is at jj5 Morrison bt., t,or. 3a. A. D. CHARLTON. Aaeistaot Oemml raraenger Agent. PORTLAND. OREGON. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your ticket read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scculo Una of the World." BECAUSE There are so many aoanlo attrac tion and pointa of Interest along th Una between OgJen and Den ver that th trip Dover become tlreaoma. If you arc going Eaat, write for in formation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about it W. C. MoBrlde, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON MAY, 1903. Low Watr. A.M. Date. h.m. I ft h.m.1 ft Monday Tueaday Wednesday Tbureday ........ Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tueaday ......... 5:1 1:05 1.5 6:27 1:03 1.0 l:4M 6 Ml T:12 7:45 0.1 1:16 0.0 1:47! .1 1.1 I:tt IS 86 It tea e 10 Wit: 87 0.1 .8 0.7 10:20 Wedneeday 10 10:67 11:25 Thuraday 11 11:64 Friday 13 0:171 1.4 8.0 11 11:65 1:02 1:04 Saturday ........IS SUNDAY ..14 Monday 15 Tueaday ........16 1:49 2:5 4:02 6:0 6:60 1.5 .7 0.1 4:05 4:59 6:61 Wednesday 17 Thursday ..18 1:18 -.7 642 Friday 19 7:17 1:12, 1:00 8:4t 1.1 7:10 Saturday 20 SUNDAY 21 Monday ...li 1.2 8:18 1:08 1.0 0.7 0.2! 0.3 10:08 Tueaday 23 Wednesday 24 10:35! 11:02 ' 12:15 11:25 0:07 Thuraday 25 Friday ...26 8.4 1:12 1.2 !. 1:08 Saturday ........27 SUNDAY 28 Monday 29 Tuesday SO Wednesday 31 2:15 1:12 4:05 4: 50 6:32, 2:03 24 1:66 1.9! 8:48 4:15 1.8 0.8 l:21 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. iiiiiui TOWINO, FREIQHTINO AND EX CURSIONS. STEAMER JORDAN for Cathlamet way landlnga I p. m. dally except Sunday, STEAMER WENONA for Gray River, Knappton and landings. atDly aa follow: way MAY. Monday, 15, 7. Tueaday, It, 7:20. Wedns'lay, 17, I: SO. Thuraday, 18, 9. ' Friday, 18. 8:80. Saturday, 20, 10:10. Monday, 22, 12:10. Tueaday, 21, 1:10. Wednesday, 24, 2. Thuraday, 25, I A. m. Friday. 2t, 1:10. Saturday, 27, 4.15. Monday 2, 1:10. Tueaday, 10, 7:80. Wedneeday, 11, I. Agenta 8. 8. Roanoke for Cooa Bay, Eureka, Bun Francisco and San Pedro. Gray a S. Co. Steamers to Cooa Bay, Eureka and San Francisco. Str. Toledo to Oraya Harbor, Tuesday and Saturday. C. H. CALLENDER. Manager. Oregon 70 boars from Portland to Cblcage). No ebange of cars. TIME From POHTLAKD Depart Arrive Chteeero IHirUaud apeetaJ :la. m. Helt lake. Denver, ft Worth. Omaha. Kin- IdSpx raCtl,Ht Louta, via HnH (.uicsgo ana we East uigton Atlantic hxproM fait Uke, iHsnrer rd .-!. in. !orui, uamn, Kao rla II unl a (My, hi LuiO, IukUmi IC'limigoaud Uxaat Mlia Bt. Paul : Walla Walla. rt. Pant Mail Um. Kimk 16 0. ra. ,'apnll. xt H,ul, Lulath! 840 p m kaue mud aat I INllyex wpt Hun day atTaui Columbia River to 4am Daily ex cept Man iwimnrt and May JUI(11US Steamer Nahe a leaves Astoria o th tide DAII.T evoept CTTvn 1 -r FOR ILWACO, connecting thers wRh tralae for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria earn evening. Through tickets to and from all prta elpal Buropaaa cities. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Or. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS TIA Ts Spokane, St PauU Minneapolis, Duluth, Chioaflo, St Loula, and all points eaat and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and! he Fast Mill Z SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT C0URTBOU8 EMPLOYE Daylight trip aero th Cascade and Hooky Mountalna. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or addreea H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent HI Third Street Portland. Or. S. G. TERKES, A. Q. F. A, Corner Firat avenue and Yesler way, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full information from WM. HARDER, General Agnt Portland, Or. Tho World Pair Routs. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Steamer "SUE H. ELF' The Largcat, Staancliest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Koom Accomco datipna. Till make round trip every five days between ASTOR I A . AiMr . TIUIjAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia Kiver R K. for Portland, Eaa Francisco and all pointa East. For freight and passenger rates apply to . -v . Sainael Elmore O Coi Gen'I Agtsi, Astcrte, Ores ., ' OB TO , .',. .- A- & C. It, R. Portland, Orejgtm Pacific Naraatlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. II. & X. Company, Portland, Ore gron Famous Trains The Soathwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via .''" Chicaeo. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. i'cul Railway. IL S R0WG. General Ajtnt TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Best by.Test" A trans continental trav eler says: "I've trie4 them all aud I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's 41 The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, .St. Paul and Chicago. Merbre startineon a trip no matter where writ (or lnlerextlOR informa tion about comfortable traveling. ' M. L SISLER, General Ajtnt IS! Third SI Portland. Oregon. T. W. TSASDALK. Oeoeral raeiicr Agent, bl raul, Minn. l!OI IIIU ! Th land ot frulta, flowera and Bun- shine, where all th summer sports may be enjoyed in winter. PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN, reached Tla THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklets and folders, descrlptlr of the many charm ing winter reaorta may bo aecured from any Southern Paclflo Agent, or address W. E. COMAN, G. P. A, Portland, Ore, The Astorian 134 Third Street, Porflani SAN FRAKCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Far Including berth and meala, T5j Round-trip, S25. Steamer Leaves Astoria for -San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFranciscp with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. O. W. ROBERTS, Aent Astoria, Oregon, j t A. a D. KERRELU ' Gen. Pa. Agent San Franeieeo, Cat' A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. Leave PORTLAND Ant 8 00 a.ra 1 Porlland Cnion 1 it. Mm. 7,00 p.m depot for Artoriat 9.40 . ' Leave ASTORIA Antra I ! 7.45 a m i for Portland aiwl ll.3fla.a KUW pi i 6.10 p.i i.m ) way pointa SEASIDE DIVISION Leav ASTORIA ArtlTej 11 35 a.m for Swini.le Dlr-rua) p m' Leara ASTORIA. Amm t8.15a.m i for Warrenton i W 45a am f Hammond, Ft l o.o0 p.m ( btevona. Bwaaide 79. Leare EEASIDa 4 p.m I tor Aetorie Direct 12 Lv SEASIDE, Anr 67lS a. m 1 for WarrenioiTFt) Tss'?m .o - ) 8t-ena Ham- I .Jt),m I mond,Aetoria 7p.mu at 11:10 a. m. for all pointa e . Stevens branch. arrtvtn Ft- Kr.-- 1J:J0 p. m., returning, leaves r tJ ens at 1:00 p. nt, arriving AetorU l:s ft an Pa Uli Sunday only. . 1 Through Uckete and eka. J. tlon via, N. P. Ry. Portland e Gobi and O.R.4N. Co via. Pertlajxt J. C Maye a P. A. , 60c Month.