The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 12, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, MAY, 12, 1005.
Established 1873.
fnbUshed Pally (Except Monday) by
Ety matt, per year W.
Br mail per month
By carrier, per month 0
By nail, per year, in advance 0
Entered at the postofflcs at Astoria,
Oregon ss second-elass matter.
fnr lit dflllTennc of 1H XciBKtM
AnoaiAM to ettbar i-astdeoce or place of lf,?!f'
M. h BMda by postal ami r through trte
fSU. An; lireW In jMiwjr s""
laaMdhlely reported to the office of publksuioa.
. Telephone Main HI.
by corporations, but by every mm jcr had any sem.nn www sumnoa.
-X shall try and do exact Justice to; and commercial Interest were font
every man, so far as I have the rower.- , trolled by the lower classes, either o-
This Is in brief the policy of the daily or ponucuiy.
president, and everyone who know. The morals of every community de
him know, full well that he Intends jrnd as to which society (a In the as-
doing just as he says he will, and ther : tendency in me cuy. rm .oc.ev,
i, not a labor union In the United formed secret organisations, and If th
S'ates that need be afraid tney will! same care and Judgment were exer
get the worst of It from the president deed In vhooslng the members of so-
a. lon as the law Is obeyed. No cor- jelety as there If in ee.ecung tne men -
i. . M th. .Av.nt.M iwrs 01 secret priuis.un, u nv.u.u
over organised labor, when an Injury b but a matter f a very short lima
as Theodore Roosevelt la the president would nnven irm in. communis
n im- I suit of iocitty. social leaiure oring
Moole together and alliances are
toiuw Uf chown and
strattaa of Astoria society Rords the Inclination.
abundant food for oun. ,
Ueparatlng the chaff frorh the wheat.
sod. different ele ments i diverge and, ft
association, are formed by those who,"
presence Is tolerated only because It
is thrust upon them without Invlta-
President Roosevelt. In his confer
ence, with the labor leaders of the
Chicago strike laid down s principle
that It would be well for labor leaders
ui others to follow. According to
th8 dispatches published In yesterday
morning's Astorlan, four representa
tives of organised labor held a con
ference with the president and pre
sented a jetl-lon to him. requesting
that he make a thorougn investiga
tion before calling out the federal
troops to suppress mob violence. As
soon ss ths president finished reading
the petition he expressed himself as
regretting that they had suggested the
possibility oftailing for federal troops
meaning that no American) citlien
should be required to call upon the
fmj to suppress mob violence. It
being a duty enjoined upon every
citizen to see that the laws are obeyed.
- "In every effort of Mayor Dunne to
vnin. tin mnH nr Individual
fHWCll. , iukiiv. -
. to see that laws are obeyed and order
preserved, he has the hearty support
or tne presiaem oi we nm duuc.
choose their companions from the das
they believe to be the most suitable to
their conditions In life. There are
several classes and grades of society
in Astoria all formed for the purpose
of social pleasures and composed oi
people according to. their station In
life. Wealth Is not so much of a con
sideration for admission Into the bet
ter class of society, as oltlon, Influ
ence and reputation. There are those
that do not care or have no Inclina
tion to mingle with what Is sometimes
designated as the "00" but who are
more naturally Inclined to each other
as more easy of assimilation.
But it matters not to what division
of society one belongs as long as he
lives yp lo the standard of high Ideals
and the beneficial results obtained
from comlngllng with those more suit
able in tastes and ideas, for mutual
improvement. There are some people
In every communliy who were fitted
by nature and education to belong to
the higher stratta of society but whose
inclinations run to the lowest depths
of social degradation and whose asso
ciates are picked from the vile and
vicious, the Immoral lepers whose con
taminating Influence Is productive of
vice and crime. They not infrequentlj
attempt to force themselves Into re
spectable society by reason of jome
position, but whose presence is looked
I upon with abhorence as a loathsome
reptile unworthy of admission to other
mild in my juuttineni e tuumvi , . .
' 4 I Vat iris r(rir at finnuin HOT l?t V.
J J .! t A IT VM wO" w- -
mat oi every goou un i anl town8 &rt frequently bulll
mt states."
up by society. T&ere is an amuauon
amona the members that not only
d States.
Thus did the president the Unit
ed States rebuke mob violence In Chi
cago. It was notice upon the violat
ors of law that the entire army of the
United States was at the disposal of
Mayor Dunne of Chicago if need be to
put a stop to lawlessness. It wai a
statement that the laws of the land
were hlghar than the opinions of Indl
Tlduals and they would be enforced
with all the power of governmental au
thority. "Mr. Shea, I can only repeat what I
v nU. I am a believer in unions, i
I am an honorary member of one
union. But unions must obey the laws !
Just as every corporation, every man,
rich or poor must obey law. If any
action is called for by me I shall try
to do exact Justice under the law to
every man.''
When the labor unions of the Unit
ed States follow the advice given by
the president of the United States then
will they have the support and sym
pathy of every honest man In the
United States. No labor organization
will ever be successful that attempts
to enforce Us demands by murder,
arson and mob law. There is not a
government In the world that wilt per
mit the lawless element to dictate
terms of settlement of a strike snd
organise mobs composed of the lawless
and vicious dregs of humanity to en
force a settlement, and In the inter
view between the president and the
labor leaders be emphatically Im
pressed this upon their minds leaving
no room for equivocation or doubt as
to the policy to be pursued by the fed
eral authorities.
There was an agreement between the
labor leaders that ther should be no
mob violence in Chicago during the
resident's visit, but he had scarcely
passed over Michigan avenu in the
parade than three men were stabbed
and one shot by a rioting mob. What
cared they that the chief executive of
the nation was a guest of the city?
They have no respect for the govcern
ment nor Us officials and much less
for law and order. Labor unions In
rhlcaro claimed to the president that
they had endeavored to maintain law
end order during the strike. If they
had. what was the use of making an
agreement that there should "be no
disorders during the president's visit?
President. Roosevelt was appraised of
these facta. He knows and under
stands every phase of the situation
H knows of every act of violence,
every murder committed by strikers,
and if It should become necessary to
call for the federal troops to suppress
the mob, there is no possible question
but that they will be sent and the
f!hlcao anarchists compelled to re
spect the law If It has to be at the
jend of a gun In the hands of a Lnlt
' mA Rtntpn eoldler.
There win no equivocation, no senti
i mentality in President Roosevelt's to the labor leadefs. HU
words could not be misconstrued. They
orr not susceptible of a double con-
.tructlon. They were shoulder strik
en uttered by man whom this na
4in honor, and loves and who has
the moral courage to see that the laws
of the country are obeyed, not only
actuates them to comlngle for social
functions, but for business pursuits.
No city in the world ever nourished
tloru They r mors st horn With
those with whom they associate and
live with.
" o
Epitome of Aneedotss and. Incidents
With Comments by a Layman.
Every newspaper man who objects
to a member of the legislature or con
gress traveling on a railroad pass, hni
a bunch of them In his vest pocket.
Fred T. Merrtl. the defeated candi
date for mayor of Portland, refuses U
support Mayor Williams. But then a
whole lot of Fred's friends can't vote,
Two more saloon license, have been
granted for saloon, at the Lewis and
Clark fair. The fair grounds are now
completely surrounded, but Portland
needs the money. There Isn't even o
chance to climb over the fence with
out running Into a saloon.
Then, l no dunser of a revival of
the old-fashioned baloon skirts. There
Is no room for them In modern apart
ment houses and trolley cars.
Public officials of the United 8tates
seem to hold undisputed patent rights
on the science of "the graft"
A Portland wholesale whisky firm
sent out circulars offering a certain
brand at certain prices per case, with
a blank for orders. Some one signed
a prominent minister's of Albany name
in dress can only be obtained by
the "timely tips" of those who have
devoted years of careful study to
the clothing trade for Men and
Boys. You need not worry about
the quality or correctness of any
thing you buy herein the way of
clothing. The manufacturers guar
antee and ours go with everything
you buy.
if you are not in harmony with your clothes you
should call on us and we will put you in
tunt with neat, snappy suits at
$17.. 5
Of course we can suit you to the tune of $10.00 to
$150.00 per suit but we would especially call your
attention to our single and double breasted
"Mannish Suits" at Seventeen Dollars and Fifty
Keeps a Dressy Shop for Dressy People.
U Mini
I THE jjt5ievJJU THE I
i busyAbusyi
I For this week we will make a ten per cent, reduction on 1
I r .1 I
I GOWNS . m, I
Made of Csmbric ltt7 sell only rtlUble
I trimmed with lsee l""0' Tj T sood. st what- g
V shaped joke rWulare. flfc y .
Maae oi vniutiv t i.-n.jV. jk nunoir ionc. si
gm IJtisinh absolutely new 5
145 - - ixxm
to one of these blank snd he received
the goods the next day. His friends
claim that h. refused to receive the
consignment, but the report lacks con-
How ahall ths m."9M be reached."
asks Secretary Bhaw. He can reach
over 5000 of them In A.torla by Insert
ing an ad In the Astorlan.
Secretary Taft Is anxious to return
the lid to Us owner without any reward-Rabbi
Hlrsch says, "he who makes
us laugh fully serves his purpose In
life." That settles It. BHiy wnippi"
will please go to the head of ths class
Edward Oeneay, a naval gunner who
dliot and klUed a prise flghlvr who as.
wtut"d him at lloiiolutu. was fined l
and warmly thanked by the flutes
for abating a public nuisance. Ther
1. Justle as well as some equity in
that case.
Voter 1 you think that a man's
political InllUfnec dcpi-nds on his abil
ity as a public speaker?
Politician Not altogether. I hav
found that the speeches which some
times counted for most were made in
be strictest privacy.
to our new quarters. In order to make 'moving easy
we place on Special Sale our entire stock
of Clothing, Men's Furnish
ings, Shoes, etc.
Goods Sold at Cost During the Month of May.
WELCH UI.OCK; 632 Commercial Street, corner 15th.
Made of Lon doth
trimmed with valencienn
Ues nd embroidery Insertion. QQr
Keg ular tM. This wets, each yvv
Mad of Long Cloth
with tncked reveres "''e: ...
broidery niediillloni!. luulr "M
il.W TnU weeH, each f"
Made of Cambric
trimmed with took., embroid
ery Insertion nl etlng. Cfjr
Kjular2c Ibis week, each
Made of Good Quality Long, Cloth
heavy lace flounce. Kegular (JA
SIUU. Tbi week, each 7
Made of Fine Quality Nainsook,
Lole Fuller flounce, trimmed
with enibromery una uii-m. wi nil
Keg. 1 10 This week, earn..
CORSET COVER, Mads of Long doth,
trim mad with embroidery and
ribbon. Regular price J50. 7JC
This week, ecli -
CORSET COVER, Made of Long Cloth,
with three Insertions of Valen
ciennes toe snd nnlihed wlin
Valenciennes edging. Regular 1,
price e. Tola week, each JOV
made of (Inequality !n rkrtb,
with luce yoke, nicely nnlnned. XC
Regular 73c This week, each.....
made of good cambric, with two
! mn of luce Inaertmn.
edging to nHieh. Kegular Wc. OI-
This week, each.,
CHEMISE, Made of Cambric,
with two Insertions of lace, edg
ing to match. Kegular price AA
Il.u0. This week, each yvfa
made of good quality lng
Cloth, trimmed with Valen
ciennes lacs and ribbon at
n,.ek. Hklrt OnUlied with
K flounce, ornamented wltli
tnnertlon and lace. Kegular
price tl.W. This week, cuch
MADE OF CAMBRIC flounce with tucks and em- aqc
broiderT.Reuuli.rll.0U. This eei e"0 - 7
enctenues uc u i"is"ii w " B ,
SKIRL MADE OF EXTRA FINE CAMBRIC, with deep flounce, daintily J2.02 3
finished. Kegular price This week, each -
cifioT uanp nP FINE OUAUTY WHITE NAINSOOK, eitra wide flounce,
SWSE.IU. emS,, "SHrtlos, edging and ribbon. pries ,3 5
ptM. This week, each - - - "" "" " "
(i. W. Morton anil Joho, rro?iitors.
54a Commercial St. Phone Main 331.
Anna Dahro Is. according to the To
peka Herald, teaching school In Kan.
Home sood man should, in me
interest of oolite conversation, per.
suade Anna to give up her maiden
Mrs. J. W. Mackay has Just paid
$300,000 for a rope of pearls. Women
who are envious of her are waiting 10
see how they show up on the assess
or's list
tv. hoiM the oeoDle of Warsaw are
making earnest efforts to refrsln from
being schocked at the news from Chicago.
Carpenters' Union.
Kverr members of the Carpenters'
union Is requested to be at the meet
ing Saturday night. The stats or
ganlser will be present and Is anxious
to meet every member.
For Beautiful Neoks.
Beautiful line of neckwear Just re
ceived at Fosrd & 8tokes.
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Dow the Beet
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor, 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
Clsarsd for Action.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart causing death. J. E. Btearns,
Belle Plalne. Minn., writes that a
frlendj dreadfully Injured! his nana,
friend dreadfully Injured ills hand,
which swelled up like blood poisoning.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the
poison, healed the wound, and saved
his life. Best In the world for burns
and sores. 2Bo at Chas. Rogers' drug
Bnby sleeps and grows while mam
my rests If Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea Is given. It is the greatest baby
medicine ever offered loving mothers.
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart's
drug store.
Pale Bohemiau Beer
Best In The Northwest
- A Petty Cost.
K pew assortment of silk and sateen
petticoats Just received at Foard St
North Pacific Brewing Co.
First! National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus
- )
w w H m . w nLibi
; A