The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 12, 1905, Image 1

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Official Statement of Great
Tornado. ...
Tornado Struck the Town Tear
in$ Buildings to Pieces
LIKi Paper.
Ik Out of ElgM Hotels Tern to Pisses
Nearly all f th House Wreaked
and Hundreds of People Burlad In
tht Darbla and Klllad.
Hobart, Mar ll.-A message from saye IS persona ara known to
) dead and ISO Injured.
Ttia atorm formal aouth of Olua
tree, nrar the Texas Una. end took. A
itorihweatmly course through a wall
settled section. At ( o'clock It was
observed br tha people of Bnyder, but
the umuaI funnel shape formation was
lacking and though tha roar was plain.
ly beard before tha atorm broke many
wr of thi opinion that It waa a hall-
storm. WV.hln a few nilnutea the kr
became suddenly dark and a terrific
downpour of rain begun, laatlng eev
ral minutes. The rain stopped almdht
suddenly as It commenced. A, few
moments of omlnoua calm followed.
then the tornado atmck tha town,
tearing bulldlnge to pieces js though
they were niada of paper. Many peo
ple who thought they would take ad
vnntnga of the calm to seek refuge In
cellars wera caught lit tha streets and
between bulldlnga. Some wera UfteJ
high In th air and donhed to the
ground aa though hurled from a cata
Others were atruck by flying debrla
and crushed almost beyond recognition.
Those who remained In their houses,
except a few blocks In tha aouthenat.
ern corner of the town, fared no bet
tar. Frame atructurea collapsed like
gg ahvlla burying tha oocupanta under
the debrla, killing, cruahlng and maim
ing hundred of men, women and chil
dren. , .
Bis of tha eight hotel In the town
were torn to pieces, burying many In
tha wreckage. North of the railroad
track, where man cottagea atood, not
one waa loft and the wreckage waa
moitly carried away. Within a ahort
time messengers were dispatched to
Mountain Park, two and one half
tnllea away, where newa waa aent by
telephone ta Hobart.' Pbyslclana and
nurses were called for and relief train
were mads up at Magun, Hobart and
Chlckaaha and Law ton and hurried to
the icene.
Meanwhile able-bodied aurvlvora in
Snyder were working heroically all
through the night amid heartrending
scene. A building utilised for a tem
porary hospital and another used for
a morgue sufficed to care for the dead
and dying. Later a dry good build
ing waa uaed. It presented a grue
lotnk appearance when day dawned
with corpeea lying tier above tier on
helves, t
Guthrie, May 11. The atorm caused
damage at Altua, Oluatee and otheT
small towna and In the country aa
well aa at Bnyder, Reports Indicate
that the caaualtlea outalde of Bnyder
will aggregate 25 and may go higher.
Governor Ferguaon today laaued a
request to the mayora of th varloua
towna and heada of charitable organ!
ration and pastors of churchea to col
lect funda for the aid of the sufferer
The governor alao ordered the signal
corpa of the national guard to proceed
to Snyder from Lawton and aid In the
reacue work. ,
At midnight all estimate! mada con
cede the number killed by laat night's
tornado will exceed 100 and 150 In
jured, mora than 40 seriously. Ninety
five peraona are known to be dead,
beside aevereJ mlaslng and a number
of wounded in a critical condition.
During the day call were sent out for
aaalatanca to all the leading plucca In
the territory. The moat pressing
need la financial aealatance. The acene
which greeted the eyea of the readi
er! when day broke beggara descrip
tion. Teh dead and wounded were
trewn about the atreeta and In yard,
mixed up with the wreckage of bulld
lnga In endle confualon.
To add to the horror, a Are started
In a part of the debrla and spread to
some half a doaeti bulldlnga which
wer burned to the ground. Whether
any were killed by the fire li not aa
yet known, but It la feared there were.
The havoc wrought by the tornado la
complete. Out of a town of 1000 peo
ple not more than a acor of houaea
are Intact, wbllej twotlrlrdi of the
building were totally wrecked.
Search for the bodies continued dur
ing the day and night and tt ware re
moved. Othere are being eearched for.
lr addition! to many Injured) being
cared for at the hospital, many sua
talned leaser Injuries and are Inca
pacitate for work are caring for those
In need of assistance. Many of the
wounded were tonight taken to OuUi
rle and Oklahoma city.
Ruaatant Defeat Jape at One Place
and Japi Defeat Russian.
fit. Petersburg, May ll.i-Oeneral
Uitlevltch teegrapha that the outpoata
between Podysouasche and Bhlhouaa
were attacked by the enemy May 7,
s and I, and the Japaneae we're forced
to retire, '
Toklo, May 11. A telegram from
Manchurlan headquarters etatee that
In the outpost engagement May In
the vicinity of Tlngecheng, the Itua
slana were dispersed. The Husslana
lt 500 and the Japaneae lost one
killed and CO wounded.
Day Pasied Practically Without
Important Incident.
Driving Storm of Wind and Rain
Swept the Street and Had the Ef
fect of Driving a Majority of the
Picketa From Their Post.
Chicago, May 11. The teamaters
strike today was practically without
incident, A driving storm of .wind and
rain awept the-streets and had the ef
fect of driving a majority of the pick
eta from their poata and there waa
practkaly no divergencies of any kind.
The statements of President Roosevelt
alao had a quieting effect on the
strikers, a they dread the calling of
the United States militia-to Chicago,
believing it would hurt their catise and
prevent a settlement of the strike.
On the outakirts of- the city, how
ever, a few attack upon driven of
delivery wagons were mode, but with
tha exception of one colored mon, who
was knocked senseless by a stone, no
body was Injured throughout the city
The cabmen today added to the new
annoyance In the Hat of discomforts
suffered by the women aa a, result of
tha strike. While torrerrt of ral it
deluged the atreeta, the women pas
sengers In order to reach the large
retail atores were forced to leave hired
conveyances In some cases a block
away. Tha pickets are warning all
union drivers pot to approach car
riage entrance
Mary Lathami M. D, Charged With
. Burning Dtmig Store.
Spokane, May , 11. Dr. Mary Lath
am, a well-known woman physician
Is under arrest on the charge of hav
ing burned the drug and general mer
chandise) store, occupied by her at
Mead The building burned had been
In litigation between Dr, Latham and
Miss Jennie Johnson, and had been
awarded to the latter, who was to have
taken poaaesslon the day after the fir.
Dr, J. H. Measner, a veterinary Bur
geon, who had some goods In the store
and who moved them the day before
the fire, ta also under arrest, charged
with being an accomplice-
Official Statement of the
When Passenger Train Struck the
Freight Terrific Explosion
Whole Affair Occurred Within a See
end and Passenger and Freight
Cars Caught Flr from the Explos
ion Causing Many Death. (
llarrlsburg, Pa., May 11. Nineteen
persona are known to be dead and
more than 100 were Injured In the
railroad wreck and dynamite explos
ion in thia city laat night Various
stories aa to how the wreck occurred
were circulated. The official version
la aa follows:
' About 1:40 o'clock the engine of the
east bound freight was flagged by the
crew of the shifting engine, which was
ahead on Ike aame track. Tha engin
eer qulAdy put on the alr.brakca and.
the train, in unusually long one, came
to a sudden stop. The strain on the
air valves waa ao aevere that the con
necting hose In the mldJIe of the train
blew up. Thla caused the middle of
the train to "buckle" and the damaged
cars fell over onto the pnascnger track.
Just aa thla happened the expresk
came thundering up and "sidetwlped
the wreck. Before anyone could leave
the paaacnger train a few slight ex
plosions occurred and then there waa
one great flash and a roar that shook
the earth. The whole affair occurred
within a period of a few aeconda. The
passenger cara and some Of the freight
car Instantly took fire.
Shortly afterwards another explosion
occurred. Fearing that the entire
freight train that waa loaded with the
dynamite would blow up, no one dared
go near the wreck. Finally some of
the railroad men who knew the con
tenta of the burned freight train led
the way and the uninjured passenger
The advancing Are drove the rescu
era back and the unfortunates that the
rescuer am not reach were soon en
veloped In flamea. Crtea of the dying
were heart rending but nothing could
be done for them. The entire train
waa consumed.
Sejvend hucSred, rjallroadj laborers
were on the spot within an hour and
by daybreak the number was Increased
to 1000. It waa a gruesome task. Not
one whole body was found In tha
wreck. Either an arm or leg or all
four Hmba were burned off the trunk,
and In several cases only a portion
of the trunk Was found. Ten charred
bodla were found under one Pullman
car. It Is the belief of .the railroad
officials that had the explosion not oc
curred there' would have been no loss
of life. , '
Lane Expects to Bs Eteotcd by Repub
lican Diaaafeotion.
Portland, May 11. Dr. Henry Lane'
backera In the municipal campaign
are elated over the turn affairs have
taken In connection, with the attitude
of the municipal association. It hat,
aay they, reduced the campaign down
to a clean-cut issue between those who
stand for better government and the
whisky ring, as they 'are pleased to
term the republican ticket, with the
Indorsement of Mayor Williams and
meat of the other candidates by the
Liquor Dealers' Association and kin
dred affiliations. CV the other hand,
Mayor Williams' friends say there's
nothing to be afraid of, and the mayor
himself says he Is not scared at the
There will be something near 15,000
votes cast at the municipal election
June K, say th prophet. The demo
cratic vote will be somewhere near
1000, It I estimated by the Lane
element that something close to 4M
epubtlcans will have to be won over
from the republican forces. And they
say they can do It There I declared
to be a big split In the ranks of the
republicans, and It floes really look
Ilk It to a man up a tree. There la
said to be a soureness in the Glafke
ranks, for some of them aay they were
The Albee vote will go to Lane In-
tact (aay the leaders of that section.
Not 'only that, say these, but a -good
lump of It which went to Olafke will
go to Lane. Some of Howe's follower
will do likewise, say they. And by
thee departures frem the ticket the
Democratic forces and those of the
republican camp who are allied with
them ara wont to believe that they
can subtract enough to carry their
man over the shoals of a big normal
opposition majority of party ranks.
Emperor William Review Troop and
Oivea Some Good Advice.
Berlin, May It Emperor William,
addressing the higher officers during
a review of troops at Btrassburg today.
said, according to the Btrassburg Bud
fger Zeltung, whose atatementa may
be taken with some reserve:
"The Rulslan army, which fought 'at
Mukden, become enervated by lmmor
allty( and drunkenness. As Russia has
abown weakness In the presence of the
yellow danger, circumstances might
arise which would place upon Germany
the task of opposing thla danger. Of
fleers and men must spend time as
well they will not fall Into Immorality
and Intemperance."
Roosevelt in Washington. '
Washington. May 1L President
Roosevelt arrived on a special train at
Committee Appointed to Carry
Out Work Outlined.
Resolutions Providing for a Raimbur
ment of Losses by Pesssnt Disorders
and Will Make s Thorough and
8wseping Investigation.
Moscow, May 1L The Zemstovo
congress, which closed last night after
approving the project of assembly as
outlined by the Associated Press on
May (, probably was the precursor of
another congress next fall, the dele
agtes having Informally decided to as
semble them and having selected a
permanent bureau of 20 to carry on
the work .of the congress during the
Interim. It waa alao determined to
lay all the resolutlona of the congress
directly before the provincial semstvoa'
for ratification and for thla purpose to
summon special sessions of all the
temstvos "during the autumn. . ,'
A significant feature of the election
of the permanent bureau waa the fail
ure to name as one ot th. number M.
Shlpoff, the leader ot the moderate
wing of the congress, all the other
members ot ! the ' provisional commit
tee of tha December congress , being
re-elected to this bureau.
Besides resolutions concerning the
nature and form ot the assembly the
congress declared that It waa Impos
sible for members of sematvos or bou
mas to participate in the work of dis
trict commission created to arrange
for the reimbursement of the losses
caused by peasant disorders since the
organisation of these commissions and
their mod of Investigation are found
ed upon complete renunciation of ordi
nary legal procedure.
The congress further opposed par
ticipation of aemitvolsts In the mul
titudinous government commissions,
claiming that the effect of these Is to
retard Instead of haaten the work of
reform, and favoring participation in
the boultgan commission only If the
popular representative are elected In
stead) of Invited' and," ara given an
equal right, with the representattvea
Baaaball Scores.
San Francisco, Loa Angeles 3, Oak
land I.
Seattle, San Francisco S, Seattle 4.
Tacoma, Portland 4, Tacoma S,
Barbarous Treament Ac
corded Citizens.
Factory Owners and Citizens of
Warsaw Present Memorial
to Governor-
Says the 8oldiers Did Right in Killing
' Innocent Women and Children and
That la the Policy to Be Puraued by
the Russian Government. ",
Warsaw, May 11. A group of fac
tory owners and other residents ot
Warsaw have presented a memorial to
Governor General Maxirnovttch, ac
cusing the troops of needless bar
barity and brutality In connection
with events on May 1 and demanding
an imperial Investigation participated
In by representtives of the people. The
memorialists declare that the order to
fire on the crowd In Jerusalem street
was given without exhausting other
means for Its dispersal or giving the
prescribed three preliminary signals
and that when the crowd dlspered
after the volley the troops brutally
beat those remaining In the streets
as well aa those who sought refuge in
houses, hunting outahooting and beat
ing women and children as well as
men. . The memorialists asserted that
a 13-year-old girl In a shed hiding
was sabred by a policeman and that
a 16-year-old boy Who run Into a bed
room and crawled under a bed for she!
ter was deliberately ahot through the
window and mortally wounded.
The memorialists have recounted a
number of similar Instances, the gov.
ernor general replied that the use of
arms waa necessitated by the threat
ening bearing of the crowd from whom
the first shot fired making the return
volley necessary. In such a conflict
he said, a sacrifice of life was unavoid
The governor general regretted to
conclude but declared the crowd was
simply warned by the declaration that
order would be obtained at any price.
He admitted that the troopa might
have displayed unnecessary harshness,
but argued that the presence of an
officer with every detachment waa not
always possible. He dented, therefore,
a public Investigation, but Invited the
memorialists to report violations of
the law and present the facts regard
ing cruelty In Individual cases! 'which
he would be ready and willing to In
Prelfnu'nsry Investigation Prooding
Preparatory to Trial.
Toklo, May 11. Ex-Lieutenant Iwa-
sakl. formerly connected with the en
gineer department of the Japanese
navy, has been arrested in connection
with the charges which resulted in the
arrest of A...E. Bougouln and his step
son, F. Strange, as spies ot the Rua.
slan government
Iwaaakl waa dismissed from the
navy and deprived of his rank In 1904,
for alleged misconduct and he ha
long been under police esptonage.
The preliminary Investigation of the
charges against Bougouln and Strange
Is now proceeding, but the dates of
their arraignment and trial have not
yet beW decided.
Bougvttin has for a long time been
held in high esteem by the Japanese,
and he has been decorated by the em
Not a Bad aa Waa Reported. But
Particulars Ara Unobtainable.
Guthdrie, O. T.. May 11. News has
been received from the telephone op
erator at Mountain Park, Kiowa coun
ty ,a neighboring town of Snyder, to
th effect that the town Is only par-
ttatly deatroyed and that the list ot
dead will total something between 100
and 400. - ..
This operator, whose name could not
be learned, mad a personal visit to
Snyder where he observed the details
of the calamity.
Relief trains sent out from Hobart
have not as yet reported or returned.
It Is th Intention to send out another
train from that place.
Chlckaaha has so far no intelligence
of the relief trains sent from that
Rumors to the effect that other
towna In southwestern Oklahoma wer
destroyed are declared by telephone
exchanges to be Incorrect
St Petersburg Rssembles th "Reel
Sunday" of Last Year.
St Petersburg, May 11. The city
today bears much the sam appearanco
as St Petersburg showed during the
wedk following "Red Sunday" with
cavalry, and Infantry at every turn
holding In check the restlelis popula
tion. Though th situation during the
riots were serious enough, sensational
reports of th masaacr of hundreds)
of Jews Is overdrawn. In all 18 deaths
and II wounded have been reported,
the greater number being Jews.
Phpeicians do Net Believe H Wilt
Live Through the Night. ,
Portland. May 1L Judge Bellinger
Is gradually sinking. The attending
physicians admit that the end U- near
and that he will not live through th
Got 'Em in Tacoma.
Tacoma, May IL Tonight at 11: SO
o'clock a 'brilliant metor was noticed
going from the southwest to nearly
northeast It' was much brigher than
the ordinary arc light '
Number of Dead is Eighteen and
Three Students.
Investigation Shows Thst ths Disturb
ance Wss Participated in Chiefly by
Rougha and Any Further Disturb
ance Will Be Promply Suppressed.
Kieff, May 11. Reporta ot the anti-
Jewish disorders at Zhitomir, which
wer chiefly confined to May T, though
beginning the preceding day and con
tinuing in minor form through May 8.
Indicate that they weer participated
in chiefly by roughs. The Associated
Press is Informed that the number ot
dead is IS, of which IS were Jews and
three students. According; to report
received at Kieff Zhitomir has now
been pacified, martial law having been
declared on May i and a proclamation
of the government of th province has
been published warning citizens that
any furthelr exhibitions! op djirder
will be relentlessly put down. Reports
that Jews were being massacred caused
great excitement throughout the coun
try districts,
Many farmera from aurroundlng vll-
lagea came to Zhiotomlr on May at
tracted by reports of Jew-baltlng and
minor disorders and pillaging occur
red in the village of Troyanoff, 15 miles
distant Reports received here attrib
ute the beginning of the disorder to the
murder of Chief of Police KugarofC.
Brings a $5000 Libl Suit Against His
Dallas, Ore, May 11. The most sen
sational suit in Polk county in many
years Is being heard In circuit -court
here today, where the damage suit of
Rev. J. A. Means of Bueca Vista, vs.
W. S. McClaln for $5000 damages for
alleged defamation ot character
Means, who Is a minister at Buena
Vista, says McClaln circulated a story
th&t he had seen tha p&stor In a
compromising position with a well
known Buena Vista woman, brought a
charge of criminal libel against his al
leged slanderer In Justice court, at In
dependence some months ago, but waa
unable to get a conviction. Falling ta
this, be brought th damage suit. ,