SATURDAY, MAY , 1J0S, THE MORKIXU ASTOItlAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. i FOR YOUR VACATION tinned meat wilt prov the handiest teach feature. We have Just received m 'ramnlet. shipment ' of the ' best teanda In the market : We mention a few articles: Deviled' Hun, Corned Slkod Bacon, 'De11 Turker. CtneA BnI Buh, Chlpp Beef,' Bnele ytgfW. Teal tc ftsta Chiekon, m Un Bmh-NHl tHeei BN bote with ;ut omk. la tt gta Jar. ASTORIA OROCEHY Pkat Mat Ml A ho to fit, Audashoo to wear Mut bo aelected' ' Willi, taste ana care. ' 1 The little ones are telling one an other about our i GIBSON TIES They are wry dressy and we carry ft splendid assortment In patent leather and tan. Goo-Goo Eyeieta We nave them for young ladles and nusses, too ! . : ; ) FOR CHILDREN: Biics S to 8 at J1.25; sixes 8H to 11 at $U5. j FOR MISSES: " Sixes 11 to t at 11.50. FOR YOUNG LADIES: H sizes at 12. i Peterson & brows, f 621 Commercial Street. fllEIR 4TI1 OF JULY Why Norwegians Will Celebrate Their Natal Day. .. V PREPARATIONS BEING MADE Plane Formulated by the Norwegian Resident , of Astoria for a Proper Celebration of a Day Dear to the Hearts of Our Adopted CitUen. , . one. young and old should turn out anil put his shoulder to the wheel and help to nil the opera house on; th evening ot May 17. Let u all moot that night tn the opera house," V CARELESS DRIVERS. ..vvs TheSeason for Sheik Souvenirs mas begun. We have Just received a large shipment, plain and fancy, pol ished so as to show nature's gift In all Its beauty. Some are hand painted. OUters are made "Into pretty paper weights 4nk stands, etc. The shells are cheap this season, twining from 10 cents up. We have a very pretty, one at 20 cents. SVENSON'S BOOK STORE, OS Commercial Street. PORCHITE. dries hard and '- tough - ON THE PORCH Roots and on decks of boats, etc. la fact It ts a paint especially ad apted to floors exped to the outer air, , Being elastic. It overcomes the effects of the widely varying tem peratures to which It Is subjected, and resists wear. Porchite has goefJ water-proof qualities, and the col ors are permanent It Is made In eight well-chosen shades. Bend for color card. Price: V Gallon can, $2. gallon can, $1.10. gallon can, 60 cents. We are also agents for , wr- Descriptive folder mailed) on re quest B.F.ALLEN GlSON Wall Paper, r-aints, Etc, StS-387 Commercial St, Astoria. :trs Sanlal-PpsLi Capsules fZU rCSITIlTE ULH.t Tfrvr Icftumnitlmi or (Mar1 t tb biMidcr uid DUmm ttuiiMfft. i ?o eora no fv CutM aalUf a& frm Bestir it votst tun w om'trrhor mud iieM e n(tro bow kwn nm ln. Atwjlnlti kktmi B'i br drairiit.. rr1 1 00, cr ly mail, poctiu $1.00,lboi,ti.'i. ike imAi-PEtv ca SKUtrOMTSMS. (HtOi The Norwegians will celebrate Grand concert and entertainment at Fishers' opera house May IT. In com memoration of the Norwegian dec la. ration ot Independence, 1814. rhr do the Norwegians want to celebrate their old country Independ ence day anyway. Haven't we out own dear Fourth of July and ts not that good enough for them? Tea. wh7 do they! And why do the Irishmen ceWbrate St. Patrick's day and the Dane the 6th of June and the Germans the day of Sedans, and the French the 15th of June, and so forth, and so on! AH thins considered; It Is a credit to these people that they celebrate these days which for one reason or otner have become dear to them. So far as the Norwegian la concerned, I know that the dearest day to him Is the Fourth of July and then the 17th of May. And why? Listen!' In February, 18H. the holy alUance forced King Fredrick VI of Denmark and Norway to renounce his rights to Norway; and to release his Narweglan subjects from their oath of allegiance to him. The presumption was that the king ot Sweden should very almply take the king-forsaken Norwegians a his subjects. In consideration of this brilliant prospect the king of Sweden transferred to Denmark the last of Swedent possessions In Germany since the 80-year war, the province ot Pomerania, Unfortunately for this arrangement tha KnrweirliLns obiectod. claiming that when the Vlng had released them from their allegiance to him, he had rone to thet limit of his power and for the rest they were able to think and act for themselves. A constitutional convention was called, which on May 17 declared Norway to be a free and indpnendpnr klnsdom and adopted a constitution, which was then, and with la top amendments, still Is the most lltteral and democratic tn Europe, save none. It Is a well recognised fact that In manv ways It was framed after the constitution ot the United States. To enforce the treaty to klel the Swedish! crown, prince-elect, Charles John, the i former French marshal. Beruadotte, then invaded Norway with 40,000 men. Against him the Nor wegtans had 25,000 men in the first iin nml 10.000 reserves. The main Swedish army gained a few slight ad vantages and the Norwegian king. Christian Fredrick, tn spite of protest from officers and soldiers avoided a ba tie and retreated. But the second Swedish army under General Gahn, was repeatedly defeated, taken prls oners or put to flight The position of Charles John was not altogether en viable. A large part of the Swedish no bility was openly hostile to him; the Allied powers, which had bought hid support against,' Napoleon for spot cash, didn't show any tender feelings for the promised Prussian and Russian reinforcement seemed to be forgotten. TmntMllflfelv after Gen. Gahn'S de feat Charles John suggested an ar mistice, duilng Which It was agreed that Norway should be united with Sweden as a free and sovereign king dom under the kind of Sweden, who should swear allegiance to the consti tution of Norway with such changes as the union made necessary. On No vember 4 the union act was ratlfkd by the Norwelglan storthinjr and the Swedish negotiators, and the Swed ish king was elected king of Norway the treaty to klel by this act becomlna null and void., A Joint committee was then appointed to arrange for the com mon inter t and relations and In the following year the Interstate act was adopted by both countries. From this It will be easily ,understoo4 why the Norwegian Independence day is dear to. Norwegians wherever theM may be like the father of our dear adopted country, our fathers fought for their liberty and their constitution, an J therefore we want all good people to join with us tn celebrating the Nor we&ian Fourth of July. ' The Norwegian singers are going to represent Astoria at the Norwegian uns-erfest Aumist 26-27-28. They are mostly fishermen, who have practiced In the evenings for tjie last four months, and have now' at their com mand a number of songs which must be heard to be fully appreciated. Words will not suffice. : Tbe choir consists of 25 voices and bids fair to represent Our beautiful city in the only; way , she should be represented. Tbe benefit of the con cert and entertainment will go to cover the expenses of the choir and every Runaways In AstoHa Xri Beeomtng i .Too Froa-ont for Safety. ! There wore three runaway' In As toria jreatorday an4 "two the day be fore On arm' tam run away on oach day and a M. a driver for 4 local nrra had a narrow rap from being killed. Without attaching the blame to anyone, attention la calleo to ordinance No. 182. which 1 not. aevwr ha and probably never will be enforced. It provides as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful tor ny owner' .employ, or driver of any team consisting of wsgon, buggy, back, eiprea wagon, eaniag or other vehicle, drawn by one or more horses or mules, to permit or allow said team tn his charg or under his control, to stand upon any of th streets of th City ot Astoria, without Brat securely fastening and securing the same, to as to prevent runaway The ordinance provide for a fine and Imprisonment for a violation of the ordinance. While tt occaslonallj occur that runaway are caused by some accident over which the driver has no control, yet the frequency of runaways appeals for some remedy. A prominent cltlsen states that tne cause of moat of the runaways Is on account of employing young and In 'experlenced drivers, and at the end of the year, many business houses couli save money by employing competent men who understand handling horses. Another matter in this connection Is the practice of fast and furious driv ing through the streets, Indulged in. I principally by young boys, which t not only injurious to the horses, but Droducttv of runaways, ' No firm in the world ever saved money by em ploying cheap and Inexperienced help. and this is the prlnelpiJ cause of many of the runaways In Astoria. s- fop C what Xni present I wilt v give to my customers? ' It will be something fery nice. You Need Not ! Guess i Patriotic Citizens. A meeting of the Knights of the Royal! Arch of Astoria was held yes- tprdfcy " (sffernooit. Matte or ifcni concern were discussed. The Question of-Clatsop county mnklng an exhibit at the L-.'wIs and Clark fair wat brought up .and the following letter was ordered Issued, for the purpose of awukenlng an Interest In making an exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair: Astoria, Ore., May 6, 1905. To the Cltiaens and Tax Payers of th City of Astoria and Clatsop County, Oregon: Noting the fact that the city and county have made no effort towards an exhibit of their resources at the Lewis A Clark exposition, and being the second city and county In wealth and population In the state, therefore. If not for the reason of showing enter. prise, a suitable exhibit of th resour ces of this section should be made. The Knights ot the Royal Arch, an organisation composed entirely of business men and tax payers of this (county, will donate the sum of 1300 to a fund for the purpose above stated. We believe that this matter Is of most vital Importance to every cltlsen of Clatsop county. KNIGHTS OF THE ROYAL ARCH. s.8 to how you may get one or more of those fine presents ; , U Just save your sale slips until lou have 110.00 worth , and then you can get a certificate. 3 certificates entitles you to a present; 6 certificates two presents. X'V Good Clothes, One Is Free Pressing', Good Treatment, UP TO DATE METHODiS. He mi w USA a Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. Cause of Death. A. a Blrnle of Oalhlamet recently lust a valuable Jenwy cow which dlej quite suddenly. The Skamokawa fiugl says: , A rxisti-mortem ex:tUnlnatloni d-W- closed that she had gotten outside of about 15 fathoma of ball-rope, a sec tion of barbed wire fence (without th posts) and three copies of the Appeal to Reason," the approximate cause of Its death being the latter, as It stopped circulation, diminished the heart's ac tion and caused cirrhosis of the liver and incipient paresis." And yet there are some people who believe In municipal ownership or cows. A Deserving Compliment Miss Maude Kimball closed her term of school In this village last Fri day. It ha been a most successful term and the patrons of the school will be pleased ta hear the director have offered the school to her for an other term and that she mav accept the tender. Miss Kimball has collect ed quite a nice exhibit of the work done by tbe pupils of her school, and Miss Vlnsm's also, which she will ex hibit with the school exhibit from Wahkiakum county at the) Lewis anj Clark expoi itlon. Skamokawa Eagle. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city t saved by dynamlt , a space that the Are can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel a If nothing but dynamlt would cur tt. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga.. writes; "My wife had a verv aaaravated cough, which kept her awake night. Two physicians could not help her; o she took Dr. King' New Discovery for Consum ption: Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep and finally cured her" Strictly scientific cur for bronchitis and La Grippe, at Cha. Roger' drug store, price 60o and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Church Service 8unday. All the usual services will be ob served at the Baptist church. The, fol lowing will be tbe subjects of ser- mons: "Overcoming" and "The Vine and the Branches." All the evening services one half hour later from now on during summer. Norwegian Evangelical: . Services morning, ' preaching by Rev. O. N. Holden'at 10:J5. No evening service. First Lutheran, There will be no service Sunday. The pastor will be at South Bend conducting services. Grace Episcopal: Service In tht mornln at 11. and in the afternoon at 4., Service In .the evening at Upper Astoria ' channel at 7:10. , ' i H i First . Congregational; Preaching at It a. m. and I p. m. by the pastor. Morning subject. "Self-Knowledge." Evening, , "Before the Council." Sunday school 12; 20, Special music at the services by a large chorus choir under the leadership of Mr. Geo. C. Wal king Note the change In tbe evening service from 7:30 to 8. 4Tea and coffee go by taste alone; and tastes are many. Schilling's Best teas are five and coffees four; all different; moneyback all; at your grocer's Are your spirits drooping T Do yu feel that tired feellngt Does your ap petite need coaxing? Then your blooJ I ix.r. That 1 nature' way of tell ing you that you need our ALTI-TONE It I an Ideal tonic, bracing, strength enlng and exhlUratlng. U purl flee the blood, tone up th system and will mak you feel Ilk yourself again la a week or so. 'V, ( , FRANK HART, DmUt. SOLE AGENT Corner 14tb and Commercial Bta. ithe sYSTE ' WW Rnii finriiiM Mis... March U. loot. uhila Vi,iilHintf railrruuU In Tennessee some twelve year ago a number of handi contracted fever and various form ce blood and ikln disease. I carried 8. 8. 8. la my commissary and gtve it to my haadi with meat -ratifying- result. I caa rocouv mead a. B. st. a ta nncsi pnpvaooa ii Malaria, chill and fever, a wl a all blood and akin disease. W.LMcGowAJf. T m,,ITmnA BTtatl (mm Boil, which would break oat on different parts of my r M . : 1 . J DCXiy. I SSW B. . 0 suvcnis-u sou aim using about three bottle I wa cured, and for the last three years have bad' M trouDie wnsiever. . a. w M7 SUad St. Svanavlll, lad. I begs i4ag yoar 8. 8. 8. probably tea an ago for Malaria and blood trouble, m - w a .a . a. W ... I Esssffle IT I i tm SimS3jru0mJ i i him ii L. 5 iw ls Your bathroom Modem r You cannot hive too many nfcguardi for the health jjfq v and self, einerlsllv the erowin children. "5-v'l Bid or antioue Plumb. Ing !i u dangcroul to the health ai good or modern plumbing Ii bcncfkul. The coit of renewing your bsthroom with 'Stit-' Wart will in reality bt health aiiuranre. Wt have samples in our ihow roomi end win v- gladly quote you price. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. , mnw Op if-fj (7 The Palace Cafe. The Best Restaurant. cr Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace Catering Co. sad it proved so food that I hart coo. tlnMiul .Mr mlnr mainw It u 1 fsmllv remeoT, itui pienesrs iot mm ioiwcwiu tnesd 8. 8. 8. foe the beaeSt of other arha mrm, acadlae s first rata blood tmrifiar. tonic and cur for Malaria, - -v ' Arkaasa City, Ark. CC HXiOKOwaY. . Boili,' abocesee. ore, dark or yellow plotche and debility are torn of the rrmptome ot tm mueraoie auease. 1 S. 8. counteracu and remove from the blood ail ttn pun ties and pobon and build up the entire systemIt is guaranteed a pure ly yeeetable reme dy, Write formed leal advice or any special informa tion about case. fkl Swift 8pclfio Company, Atlanta, 6. FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY "Aentt' The Linen Thread Co. ' SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE . ' ' . Fishermen and Cannery Supplies ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Hat ing iDBlalled a Rubber Tiring Machine of th latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work in that Una at reasonable prices. Telephone 291, CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS.