The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 06, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    ATUADAV, MAY I, 1100.
. 1
Pinmoney Picklei, Mixed, the kind that n your appetite, , 1
per pint, .... y 4 . - 15 centi
Pinmoney Picklei, Burr, you ett one and want more,
per pint, . . . . 15 centi
Helm Picklei, Sweet Mixed, once you uie you come "
agin, per pint , - . . , 15 centi
Heini Picklei. iweet plain, alwayt good, per pint . " ' 15 centi
Gee I But the liver onea are fine, per quart .. 15 centi
Mammoth Queen Olivei, very fine, per pint' 15 centi'
One of the "57" Helni MuitardLDreiilng, ' . a$ centi
' ' AmumU Tonight ?:
Star Theater, Vu4vlll. t
, 5 Ldp Meetings Tonight. ,.
A. 0. U. W, lMuri1 todt.
w nj$mmj.M , .wuuui m '..un .mm
Local Brevjtles,
Mad tnm jmr mineral water-
Oljrmpl beer. r
Th cerfew Nil rtn now at I In
tht evening Instead of a, I o'clock aa
Patronlt bom Industry by buylns.
Owl extracts, manufactured In Astoria,
All flrat class $ rocera carry tbtm.
Th Warrtn racking Company ship,
ped 1100 com of aiUmoa last Monday
to foreign, markets, being thla year's
Chief of police la visum
his sister In Portland and during hit
abteme CTinle Oimmrl la acting at
chief of pullet.
It M. Gaston carries a full tin of
farm Implements, alao wagons, bug
ft and farming toola of all kinds.
Ill Fourteenth alrtat.
Th Owl flavoring extraeU ara con-
aldtrtd tb beat and strongest by all
who hav used tbtm. Aak for tb Owl
at your frocara and take, no other.
Sheriff Tom Word, th only sheriff
Multnomah county baa aver hnd, was
In tb city yesterday on private busi
ngs and during bla atay was the guet
of Sheriff Llnvllle.
Count the lines In the Ataorlan and
the lint a In both evening papera com
blned and you will And that The As-
toiian publlahee more newe thanjboth
evening papera combined.
The taking of the Multnomah county
census hua been postponed until the
fair visitor arrive. The, certaua of
Clatsop county ought to hav been
taken during the summer season at
The regular meeting of th AstQrta
learner will take, place tbla morning
at the flhlvley echooibouae at 1:10. A
full attendaneo la requested.
Colonial and ahoalwater bay oyatera
In any quantity for famllle or partlee
ean b obtained attictly freak at the
Imperial oyater and chop hou.
Chaa. Rolf, a- aoldler at Ft. Stevens,
baa been arrteted In Portland upon a
charge of larceny. He left the fort Im
mediately after committing th crime.
Officer from tb fort went to Portland
last evening to bring him back for
Engineer SnyJer of the Mansslnlta,
wb waa recently transferred to the
Heather, baa assumed hla new poeltlon
and William Hrnith of Seattle haa been
aaalgned to th vacancy on th Manst.
All of th tool of Hastl ft Dun.
gan, th court house contractor, were
thlpped yeaterday to Washington.
They hav practically abandoned th
construction of th Clataop county
court how,
A letter waa received yeaterday by
Frank Deveney from Chart 0
bell from Loa Angelea, elating that
hla wife waa Improving atowly and
that they expected to leave for Aatorta
next week.
County Judge Trencbard mad an
order yeaterday on the filing of the
account of th admlnlatrator or the
eatat of Alfred U. Stone deceaaed.
approving the aeJ of real estate fc
Imirlnar to th deceased. No other
probate mattera were tranaacteA
A gum of bull will be playM tomor
row , afternmjn; ' 'on th ) Recreation
grounda between the A. B. C, team
and the Owapunpon team. The team
ar evenly matched and an In'-eretttng
gam la looked for, r-
Did wr opened yesterday for the
building of a new residence for B. A.
Pleher on Pranklln avnue, but wer
not completed a th bid for plumb
Ing, painting and electrical work wer
not opened. Thee blda will b opened
today and . th contract probably
A launch regletered at the Bkamok
aka cuatom house I chrletened Boca
jawea, , In pronouncing th worJ, e
pectorat between the flrat anl third
innxiii. It JMii trtwliur and accom
moda'.ee excursion partlee. Th name
la a aur preventative from. ea alck
neaa. .
The young people of the Epworth
League, woo soma tlm ago prepared
a, program for e, concert, but which
was postponed on account of the li
brary entertainment, hav added to
the program and will present It nt
TltUMdtty evening at th Methodist
church. Particulars will be puoiisnea
Hon. Oswald West Of galem, state
land agn, and who waa Instrumental
In bringing the stat land frauds to
th attention of th Marlon county
grand jury, was In th city yesterday
II atataa that over 800.000 acrea of
stat land hay been fraudulently ob
talned from th stat at nominal prics
by meant of fraud and seriury and
that number f prominent peopl of
Oregon will probably b Indicted.
Wo are now showing a number of
elegant pieces of
1 33 lo ill-Hi 11 it me
Which we have recently received
direct from the east.
'' ' CompleVe House Furnishers.
" : How true to the name
are our.
$350 and $4.00
i Men's
ii-, c -i 4 .
t 1
Perfect JoliWorkcunsfcip.
Perfect lo Fit.
Perfect In Style.
Wherity, Ralston Company
; . The Leading Shoe Dealers. ' ' ; . .
,.,.,1 .:k ..,w,, i r.'Oiwa
If aomeon can And th last resting
place of the Aatoria hotel proposition,
they might And two ordlnancea grant
ing franchises to build an electric
'light and gas plant and telephone aerv-
Ice. On satisfaction, however, there
was no stock In the company sold In
Astoria. There 1 no lose without some
small gain. . , c
Collators of bud debt by Intimi
dation or blackmail., will find Astoria
poor city to do, business In. Nearly
everyone In this city paye hla bills,
and methoda employed by alleged bad
debt collector will not be submitted
to either by the merchanU or the
debtors. Hulldoxlng Is a relic of an
cient barairlsm. "
The basement of the First Evangel
ical church, In Upper Aatoria, l now
ready for acceptance, Th Dorcas so
ciety will give a. basket aoclal. this
evening. djdicatlng,.th church base
ment fr aoclal purpose. Ice cream,
coffee and cake will b served. Com
and ae the nw basement. Th Dor
cas society Invited you.
Th Columbia Cedw Company! of
Saamokaw4. haa received word that
It haa been awarded th first (grand)
prlx. a sliver medal, at the St LouU
exposition for th best cedar shingles.
The test waa mad by laying the
shingles on a root and th Judges
pronounced th product of th Ska
mokawa mill th beet on exhibition.:
The Hon. Jo'm North Company,
under th inruwRement of Stoc-kwell A
Verner, which played at Fisher" opera
house hist month, has gone to pieces at
Seattle. The leading characters were
jjoot, but U barnstorming aggrega
tion employed In th viippcrt would
never draw more than one house of
Intelligent i-tople.
Judge Hamilton has rendered a de
cision In which he holds that the local
option election In Coos county was in
all respects legal and must be en
forced. Sheriff Oalllher of that coun
ty passed through Astoria yeaterday
from Salem, where he took three pris
oners, and says that h expect when
h returns home to. find an order of
court requiring him to doe all th
saloons of Coos county.
Th republican, primaries will be
held In Portland today for the nomi
nation of a mayor and members of the
common council. A number of candi
dates are in the field for mayor upon
which a lively contest la being waged.
This is the first nomination under the
new primary law, where, any man can
be d candidate for office, arid where a
nomination Is equivalent to an election.
There waa no noticeable change in
th run of salmon yeaterday. This does
not mean that there ar. no salmon in
the river, but that the run is not suf
ficient to keep th canneries and cold
storage plants busy. Quite an average
pack haa alrealy been put up and the
cold storage plants have shipped an
average number of tierces foreign. The
run compares favorably with th run
of lost year, but the quality and site
of the salmon are better and larger.
Cannerymen claim that the fish this
year ar vastly superior In color aod
quality than In any previous year. ,
Hans Pe'erson of Alteon yester
day filed a replevin suit In th circuit
court o ttbtaln powtow of a gill net
seised by Deputy Fish Warden Web
ster! which was picked up In th river
during th clone seenon In a condition
to catch salmon. Shortly after , the
net waa seised an action waa com
menced to !t ve the net condemned and
sold under the provision of the Ash
ing laws. - The state board has in
structed Mr.' Van Dusen to fight the
case. It 1 the Intention, of Mr. Pet
erson to test th Taiidlty f th taw
permitting the flan warden to condemn
and sell Ashing gear for violutlon of
the fishing iaws.
. ' .
Th XIoss restaurant, on Eleventh
street, la considered the family restau
rant of Astoria . Tb best meals and
th best servlc In Astoria, 120 Eleven
th street, ..' ; ' ' ", "
Contracts wer awarded yesterday
by Al Oilbert for th construction
of aSx new house to be butUy Mr
Oflb'frt at Fifteenth' n& Exclimtee
streets, t A. yr, Penttaja, was awarded
th contract for th carpenter work
ak JIM for each building, Jens 'Han;
sen secured th contract for plumbing,
n,, Allen it Bon for the painting and
John MoQuIr for th plastering and
cement work. Th total cost of th
six buildings will amount to about
15,05f They will be modern In every
detaij and being situated In the ntoajt
desirable residence portion of tl$ city
will no "doubt have" permanent ten
ant.' Alt kit of the houses have beeq
rented, - , ,
The Delight of
Brealifast is a
r. v- y , ' . ,'. . . ... -, ...
Good Cup of Coffee
Our rich well-matured, well-blended
Java and Costa Rica will delight you
and your friends, to whom you can
serve It for breakfast, lunch or dinner
without hesitancy. Its aroma Is pleas
ing. Try it. We have it In bulkand
grind It to order. To Introduce tbte
coffee and In the hope of adding your
name to our list of regular customers,
w offer It Uiia week at th epecial
prte of .
t .... ; ". J
, 25c a pound
Regular price, 19 cents a, pound- ,'
W bav three wagona and cater
to your trade. A larg. up-to-date
at or with a full line of good gro
ceries. Telephone If yen cannot
com. We win call for your order.
Telephone Main 711.
Franklin Avnu, Upper Astoria.
May .Day vSale
Just such as you would
expect at Morse's. ,
This Sale Commences Honday,
May i, and lasts; 10 days,
4 Astoria men and women will be delighted to dis-.
cover such offerings right in the beginning of May,
while the summer 'season is ahead .. f ,,. -
It's the wonderful values that brings such a
great throng of saving shoppers to our store. '
Quality considered, there is no place' in the
northwest where, you can , buy at this time at such
extraordinary LOW PRICES : ,
; Every department has its share of bargains. '
Do your trading in the morning.
r.iorse Department Store.
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited.
New Idea' Patterns 10c
Plumbers Steamlitters
Ncne tut First Cless Wcilmen
Employed. -
w. c. laws a CO.,
827-681 j Been Street. ' .
b U (I
; i
Drummers Sample Line of New
Spring' Shirts.
Every Astoria woman who practices true economy and is
thoroughly alive to her own interests will surely take advantage ,
of this exceptional s
Money having' Opportunity
Buying as we do, direct from the maker, we are always in a
position to supply our patrons with the best to be had in ready
to wear garments at lowest possible price consistent with qual
ity. In this instance we can do even better. We've purchased
the sample line" of one of the largest and best known makers of
Less Than
the Regular
New Spring Skirts too, merely wrinkled a little from being
handled YonM never know they were samples if we didn't tell
you. Any style or grade you like at from .., ...
25 per cent discount on Covert and Broadcloth Coats.
t ... i
Astoria's Greatest Store.
S9 .