THE MORNING ASTOUIAN ASTORIA. OREGON. ATURDAY, MAY -6, 190S. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. ' roblUh4 Dully Extt Mondy) by HK 4. $. DELLINGCR COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ry nsaii. per year H Pf month ............. M ,By err!r, per month ......'.... , WEEKtY ASTORtAN. By nail, per yar. In advsB.ce ..U 00 ' Entered at ths pestofflce at Astoria, Oregon m second-elass matter. SV"OMlHl(Mrtkttiranaaf Tib H omnia y made y eoeral esrd r Uuwirb tJ- pw y irragiuarBjr w onnwy smuis as In )litoly rpnd lo tlw offio puhlicfrUoa. $ Telephone Mala ; jk,:; , I ICOKOMT NSEOED, . Every newspaper- la Astoria owea'a jr to the Public, and One of Its du ties 14 t& Sail iUtmkA to extravagance in th Management of city or county aiTsira. These criticisms should not 1 considered in. the nature of a "WHUrt," as they are not so Intended. Th people of Astoria are very sensi tive when something- Is published that s, reflects Incidentally upon them, hut i they read with feelings of mingled pleasure and Joy. a criticism on any Vt their neighbors. There is no doubt oat both the city and county govern toent are actuated by honest motives la, the administration of affairs, and "grafting Is virtually an unknown quan tity in Astoria or latop county. It U, however, noticeable that air the large bills presented to the city or county usually come rrom people who were once members of the tax pay ers' league, whose object was to re. dooe expenditures in ctty and county affairs and create a system of rigid economy to the end that taxes might V reduced and inducements offered to Intending settlers and investors to lo cate in Astoria and Clatsop county. The tax payers league did consider able good in this direction during its 1 hrief existence. ' . There is one Item of public expend). t twre that The Astorian, and a large 'majority of tax payers protest against, and that is the allowance by the county court of J'50 attorney's fees to Hon. George Noland for trying the county court house case In the circuit and supreme courts. While it may be what Is called In legal parlance, "a reasonable attorney's fee," yet In the ' opinion of a very large number of tax payers, it was an exhorbltant fee, but being presented, without a previous contract, the county court had no.hlng to do but allow it, as in the event of a suit to collect from the county, every attorney in the city would go on the witness stand and hold up his right hand and solemnly swear that it was a reasonable fee. Fulton Bros, were employed by the county to represent the county and their bill was only 230, but they don't belong to the Citizens party, and are not familiar with that brand of economy. . Here was a county" was a party, in fact, the only party to th controversy, and they had to employ attorneys on both side It seems to a layman that 11000 for at torney fees in trying a case of that kind was otrageously t-xhorbitant In the opinion of a large number inter ested, it is double the amount that would have been charged a private in dividual, who would have made a con tract 1n advance so' as to know Just what he would be compelled to pay, aad thereby determine whether It would be a paying Investment We are not criticizing Mr. Noland or any at torney, but the methods adopted in contracting Indebtedness. ': Con! arable favorable) sentiment had been worked hp' In organizing a nish the money and complete the court housed with a strong possibility . of success, but the presentation of that claim and its allowance has caused a cold shiver to run down the backs of Intending good Samaritans, with the result that they have got, what U called by players of the great Ameri can game, "cold feet." with the re sult that no effort win probably be made to extricate the county out of the hole, and the $41,009 already ex pended on the foundation alone wilt probably have to He idle until such a time as the tax payers of Clatsop county feel It Incumbent upon them to make a change In the management of county affairs. As to whether that time will ever come Is probably as proble matical as the dawning of the mlllem nm, but it will come "some sweet day bye and bye," o CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. That a spirit of civic Improvement has taken a firm hold In Astoria, is evidenced by the many notable Im provements being made by some of the more enterprising property own ers. Attention has been frequently called to certain sections of the city where renovation and cleaning up would be more conducive to the beauty of that section of the city, but as the property belongs to a class of people who are too poor to subscribe for a paper ,the comments were not read, unless neighbor Informed the owners of their dlrelictlon, and being too poor to take a newspaper they are too poor to take a bath. Fortunately this num ber of people Is very few and grow Ing leas day by day. There Is a spot In the limits of tht city of Astoria that should be consid ered hallowed; sacred to the memory of departed ones, but which Is a dls grace, not only to the city of Astoria, whose duty It la, by or through Its officials to take care of it. but to those, who -have loved .one sleeping the sleep that knows no wakening. It is Hillside cemetery on the hill. The city having sold all the lots In th cemetery is of the opinion that Us duty to the public ceases. Frisnda who have relatives buried there , having liquidated with the undertaker imag ine that their duty has ceased. About the only time the place Is visit Is on Decoration day when the old boys In blue, who never forget their comrades, dead or lMnf march up there In solemn tread to plant flowers on th graves of those who laid down their Uvea that this country might live and b jerpetuated to the rising genera tions. . .. ... ' . ; . " :...".';, 1 . It hta been suggested that some ef. fort ought to be made by some one to go up there and brush it out, cut down th ferns and weeds. So that tht monument that mark the last resting place of loved ones gone before can be found by the Grand Army ef the Re. public' on Memorial Jay without tak ing the city surveyor along with a crew of brushers and axmen to find the graves; to dear away a place suf ficiently large upon the graves to plant at least one small rosev, The manner In which .these sacred spots' are pe s' ected mikes It no Inducement for a person to die. knowing thai his grav will not be kept green, even by those whom he has supported during his lifetime It his been suggested by a man of course that perhaps the members of the Astoria Civic Improvement League would be willing to take scythes, brush hooks, gruo hoes and rakes and put In a week putting the cemetery In a re spectable appearance, but really this Is asking too much of the noble wo men of Astoria, whose hearts are In! the right place, but who were not or dained by nature to do a man's work. out they no doubt would be willlnr to assist In beautifying the grounds If they were cleared off so as to make it possible for them to get in the ceme tery without having to climb over the fence. If some man who has some dear relative buried there would mak a hole in the fence so they could crawl through, it would help some. But, seriously, there ought to be sufficient civic pride running around loose in Astoria to put the Hillside cemetery in a presentable appearance for Me morial day; Probably 500 school children will visit the cemetery on that day, and the unkept, slovenly appear ance of a place that should be the most beautiful spot in the city, will not appeal to them or their civic priJe wnicn is being Instilled Intfl their minds by parents and teachers. There is not a city in the world where a cemetery, no matter how old or how new, is not kept up and made beauti ful either by relatives or the city au- inonues. in every other cltv h,.n. dreds of people visit the various ceme teries on Run lav .... case in which Clatsop L. ' " e graves or ,. ilthe dear parted with flowers, or plant some rosebush or shrub, but In Astoria is seems as though som m the people believe their duty to loved ones ends with the shedding of a few tears over the grave as the sexton slowly fill, u up. "Gone but not for gotten' Ms not engraved on many of the tombstones Mn Hillside cemetery. o- 00 to ullil what there Is of the new court house. The city hall is plenty cood enough for a county court house. Wonder why ve didn't think of thai before we paid out that I7&0 cold. , It la a noticeable fact that the dear tax payers know how to charge when the bill comes out of the county, paid by the tax payers 1750 Isn't very much, but It Is more than some , la boring people earn In a year. . . , , Duffy Hellborn Laura, here la letter for you; looks rather bulky. Laura Oh.u I'll bet you ft contains my new bathing suit 1 ,. h: After a Dover (N. H.) bank cashier was bedfast from losing a leg In railroad accident. It was discovered that he was a defaulter to the extent of $150,000. was there ever a more unlucky coincidence. ,'.' , ' , o . .. ' . 1 Aa the new preacher of the "Little Blue' Schoolhousei" President Boose. vett doubtless regarded it as a Chris tlan duty to shake hands with each member of the congregation aa they passed out, " - -v ' ','V" PERSONAL MENTION. , 1. it. Berry of St Louis was in the city- yesterday. P. H. Crang of Portland was In the city yesterday. M. J. Sharp of Wichita. Kan, Is la the city on a visit A, D. Smith of Tillamook Is visiting friends In the city. J. A. Godelen of New Tork was In the city yesterday. J. A. Fenger of San Francisco was In the city yesterday. J. S. Myers of Portland was In the city yesterday on business. August Chrtstensen of Chicago is registered at the Occident E. 8. Stevens of Kahcotta registered at the Parker yesterday. B. J. Callahan of Seaside was In the city yesterday on buslnesa V7. E. Knight of Nehalem was In the city yesterday on business. Leon Mansur and family are spend Ing a few days at Knappton. John Mattson returned yesterday from a business trip to Seaside. C. F. Ooddard of San Francisco reg istered at the Occident yesterday. Wm. Livingston of 8an Francisco was among the arrivals In Astoria yesterday. J. Jones of New Tork arrived In As toria yesterday, and will probably lo cate here. 8. G. Williams of the Skamokawa Eagle was In the city yesterday Inter viewing his many friends. K Albert) Beyer, the local agent of Weinhardt Co. returned last even ing, from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Fred Brown left yesterday morning to visit her grandmother. Mrs, H. II. Strong at Mt Pleasant, and ex pects to be absent about a month. READ ALL THIS. You Never Knew the Moment When This Information My Prove of . Infinite Vslus. It Is worth considerable to any cltl zen of Astoria to know how to be cured of painful, annoying and Itching piles. Know then that Doan's Ointment Is a positive remedy for all Itchiness of the skin, for piles, eczema, etc. One ap nlication nlleves and soothes. Read OUT OP THE ORDINARY. Epitome of Anosrfetss and. Incidents With Comments by a Layman. President Castro says his republic is small but proud. So is a baatum rooster. rrom in stories now emlnating from Hong Kong it Is evident that the Chee, Foo liar has moved. There has never been a man born during the past 1800 years that could get out a newspaper that would please everybody. May day was not so much more rloutous in Russian under oppression that It was In Chicago under freedom. A woman suicide in Portland left a message saying: "Put .me away Just as cheap as' you can." It was not necessary to leave such a message In Portland. Patient to Dr. Estes Is skin graft ing a very late discovery? Dr. No, it Is only a new branch of a very old art; all grafting i a skin process, . Cheer up. The rain may destroy the California strawberry crop, but an As toria woman has Invented a straw berry shortcake. We now understand why the citizens party wins at every election. They charge more for their services to the "dear public." The new city hall will cost when completed about $40,000. It cost $17, WE AM SOLE AGENTS yOR THE BROWN SHOE COi Shoes for Men, ' Womsn and Chil dren. - ' ' They are best for wear, because least they tear. prices are nothing, compared with the rest Tour next shoes will prove It, If you make the test Men's Glazed Kangaroo or patent leather ihoe, Bal Welt Yukon I last -60 Ladles' Queen B Kid Shoe, with pat! ent leather tips, Wellesley or Gre cian last S2.00 Ladies "Star Five Star" Shoe, mads by the Brown factory, of good kid; lace and (atent leather tips ..$2.50 Ladles' low tan shoe, latest toes, $1.65, ..$2.00 and $2.50. Children's shoes, new styles from$1.00 $2.00. Infant's shoes, 23 cents to $1.25. No trouble to show goods. "it,' .jt- e" THE DRESSY SHOP FOR DRESSY MEN. i THE DRESSY SHOP DRESSY, MEN. i - ? . ' . , Like the farmer's boy, we're r'neyer done doing chores." Always ' busy on new ideas (deas that work into novelties. Always hustling to keepj our clothing, ahead of , the game. Are we succeeding?; WeU I gess .we are. i . 1 " If you want to know how much take a look at the suits we are selling for - . ' . f $17.50 u r t m ii i i u ii u h n m is m a at i sisi mv mm mm w:m mm mm mm is the name of one of our "natty" suits for young men, built with a very broad shoulder full back with button vented seams P. A. S td R ES KEEPS A DRESSY SHOP FOR DRESSY MEN. this testimony of Its merits: H. B. Long, hrnra maker, dm- ployed with John Clark Bon, 104 Front street, Portland, who resides at S4I Second street same city, says: Early kst summer I broke out all over my body with eesema, tetter or Itch. I did not know just what It was nor what eauseJ Its appearance, but do know that the torture I endured was soniethlrqr fierce I waa very much alarmed about It was anxious to know what K was and what caused it. I thought the best thing to do was to go to a doctor for treatment I dlj so and was treated by different ones, but they tailed to do me any good. When I became the least bit overheat ed I Just fairly clawed the skin oft me. Anyone who has never bad any thing of the kind knows nothing at all about It I was In bad shape when I noticed an advertisement In our paper about Doan's Ointment being a sure cure for ru:h afflictions. It proved to be all that Is claimed for It. L) than two boxes made a complete cure In my chs. About this time my younger brother was taken with th same affliction. A box and a half of Doan's Ointment cured him. I know what I am talking about when I say that Doan's Olntntpnt Is one remedy which can be depended upon." Plenty more proof like this from Astoria people. Call at Charles Hog- ers drug store and ask whufc bis cus-1 tomers report i For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., IitnTuJo, N. 1 ., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's an J take no other. . . ., . ', , REMOVAL - SALE WE MOVEON JUNE 1st to our new quarters. In order to make'moving easy we place on Special Sale our entire stock of Clothing, Men's Furnish ings, Shoes, etc. Goods Sold atCost Dorlol the Month of May. CHARLES LARSON WELCH BLOCK; 65a Commercial Street, corner 15I0. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET ti. V7. Morton and John Fahrman, Proprietors. CHOICEST FRESH AS1) SALT MEAi'rt. - PIWJMIT DELIVERI 543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. Tsrrifle Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandes of, Tampa, FU., describing his fearful race with death, fas a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all Interest In life. I had tried many different, doctors and sev eral medicines, but got no benefit, un til I began to use Electric BUters. 80 wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles Guaranteed at Chas, Rogers' drug store; price tOc. The TROY Laundry ..)', . . . . : ; ,r. Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Doea the Beet of Work at very reasonable Price, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUAXE STS. Phone 1991 nmiTTTfmnMiiiiittniniit!TtmmmTv.tT GOLDEt GATE COFEEE Vi v ?. ' - if' j ' Grind it at;h5mc . (not too fine) fresh each morning. Aroma-tight tins. Nvr In bulk.! J A. Foltfor d Cos EaatUlaet im USO FRE5H AND CURED MEATS , Wholmle and Retail r ' ; Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice, LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD t WASHINGTON MARKET . CH8ISTENSEN ti CO. niixixiiiii:xxni:ii;xnTXixuxxxiijxirrr rTDdt AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemiftti Beer ' Best In The Northwest North Pacific Rrevin c rn : First National Bank of Astoria . oivuiiaUfclJ I50O ,J 1 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Weinhard's Occr.