The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 05, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1906.
tltlon had not been published. It was
devlJed that when the suplemental pe
tition was published tne court would
consider the matter.
K. A. Abbott, having male a mls
t;ke la his bid for building a fence t
Warrenton. the dent was Instructed
to reaJverttse for bids to be, opened on
May 10, Also bids were ordered sd
vertlsed for improving rood No, th
near Olney to be opened on May 10.
Court adjourned until Wednesday.
Canned meats will prove the handles?
lunch feature. We have Just received
complete shipment of the best
Astoria and Clatsop County Shows
brands In the market We mention
tew articles: Deviled Ham, Corned
Marked Increase in Population
Beet Sliced Bacon, Deviled Turkey.
Corned Beef Hash. Chipped Beet
Boneless Pig Feet, Veal Loaf. etc.
Mies Chicken, In Tb tins..... .30
leash-Nut Sliced Bacon, a bacon with
out peer. In lib glass jars...... 35
what Xmas present I will
give to my customert?
It will be something very aice.
May 10.
823 Commercial St.
Phone Main 681
A shoe to fit.
And a shoe to weur
Must b selected
With taste aurt care
Expected That the Census in the City
and County Will Be Completed Next
Week, After Which It Will Be Thor
oughly Revised and Corrected.
The little ones are telling one an
other about our
They are try dressy and we carry
a splendid assortment In patent
leather and tan. Goo-Goo Eyelets.
We have them tor young ladles and
misses, too
Sixes S to 8 at $1.25; sizes 8H to 11
at J1.35.
Sixes UU to 2 at 31.50.
AU sixes at II.
521 Commercial Street
Kb county In Oregon has shown
such an Increase In population, out
side of Multnomah, In the past Ave
years as Clatsop county. It indicates
that the grand natural resources of
Clatsop county are becoming known
and being taken advantage of. Al
though the census of Astoria has pot
been completed yet, alt but one dls-
triet has teen reported. Mr. Louns
bury expects to have No. 4 district
completed next week. It is estimated
that this district will show a popiila
ion of about 2230. With this estimate
the following is the census of As
No. 1 m:
No. 2 1100
Vo. S 1T25
No. 4 1230
No. S 170.
No. 151ft
No. 7 . 140
Chinamen , , , . . too
Japanese 225
Total 12.432
No returns have come in from the
country precincts, but It Is expected
that full returns will be received next
week. The following table shows the
population of 1900 by the United State
census and the approximate census ut
1905, taken by Assessor Cornelius:
I Every Lady
; Will And our new store convenient
; and well stocked with the Utfest booki,
magazines, stationery, pictures and
? many novelties. In order to induce our
eld patrons as well as new ones, to
Tislt'our store during the next week,
we make the following
Hand and Wrist Bags, made of black
leather, neatly lined. A very service
able shopping bag, regular price II.
While they last 59c
Same styles, a smaller size, regular
40 cents. Special 25c
60S Commercial Street.
dries hard and
; . tough
floors and on decks of boats, etc.
apiea to noors exposed to the outer
air. Being elastic. It overcomes the
effects of the widely varying tem
peratures to which it is subjected,
and resists wear. Porchite has gooj
Water-proof qualities, and the col
ors are permanent.
It is made in eight well-chosen
shades. Send for color card.
Callon can, $2.
' gallon can, $1.10.
gallon can, 60 cents.
We are also agents for
Descriptive folder
maJled on re-
Wall Paper, faints, Ete,
865-367 Commercial 8t, Astoria,
1900 1905
Astoria 8.3S1 12.43S
Chadwell .. 2 It 250
Clatsop 264 JOC
Clifton ...... 425 439
Elsie 77 go
Jewell 143 130
John Day 167 200
Knappa . 400 400
Melville 100 .100
Mlchwauka 9t 100
New Astoria 368 COO
Olney.'.". ..; ......... 217 " 250
Push 55 ' 55
Seaside 417 1,000
Svensen 227 310
Vesper ISO 1C0
Walluski 1JS 1(0
Warrenton 495 550
Westport 19! 200
Toungs River 208 250
New Read Completed and Wilt I
Ready for Operation 8aturday. '
Tn new poitnire road above Cas
cade locks have been compM ami
will probably be opened for traffic to
morrow. a ith the aid of the Cascaje
locks vnlnterupted navigation of the
Columbia river wUl be opened up for
500 miles, almost from the head wat
ers of the river to Astoria, This Is th
project Astoria has long worked for In
order that wheat might be shipped
from eastern Oregon and Yaihljig-
tlon direct to Astoria.
It has not yet been determined who
will be In charg of the road. Menv
bers of the commission are now con
ducting correspondence regarding this
matter, but are not yet readyto make
any announcement. As soon as thl
step is taken, final arrangements fo
opening the rond wtll be made nt once.
The road will be operated under
regular schedule. The opinion has been
generally expressed that trains on the
road would run only as the traffic de
manded, but It Is the present Intention
of the Portage Railway commission
to establish a rcsular schedule.
The road Is nine miles In inigth and
Is well constructed. The equipment of
the roaJ consists of one engine, eight
flat cars, four boxcars, six stockcara
and one combination passenger and
baggage coach.
If cm Need Not Guess
as to how you" may get one or more
of those fine presents.
Just save your sale slips
until lou have $10.00 worth
and then you can get a certificate.
3 certificates entitles yoa to a
present; 0 certificates two presents.
Total 12.765 17.997
It is very probable that a soon si
revised returns are In and reported
officially the population of the city
will pnobably reach 12,250 and the
county over 18,000. This shows an
Increase in the population of 4000, and
In the county of 2000, making a total
Increase in the county of about (000
an increase of 33 per cent in five years.
Astoria has Increased more in popu
lation during the past year than In
the other four since 1900 and at the
present ratio of increase, the popu
lation of Astoria at the time of the
next United States census will approxi
mate 20,000 and the county about 30,-
000. This is certainly a very credit
able showing and one which the pea
pie of Astoria and Clatsop county can
JuRtly feel proud. It must be taken
Into consideration that there are a
large number of Astoria's population
up the river Ashing, which could not
be enumerated, so that It is safe to
pay that the population of Astoria at
the preesent time is about 12,500.
J. Kaiser of Clatsop Is in the city on
on business.
M. Gorman of Catlilamet was in the
city yesterday.
Dan RIerson of Vine Maple will b
turn home today.
Jus. Armstrong ot Svensen was in
the city yetterday.
Frank O. Taylor of Seattle was Ir.
the city yesterday.
James Morrison of Seaside was In
the city yesterday.
Taylor Coffee of Svensen was In
the city yesterday.
Thos. Warren of Rainier is regis
tered at the Parker.
W. J. Compton of New York was
In the city yesterday.
J. P. Simpson of New York Is reg
istered at the Occident.
Hon. C. W. Fulton has returned from
a trip to eastern Oregon.
Geo. W. Pume returned from a trip
to San Francisco yesterday.
State Senator Welsh of South Bend
was in the elty yesterday.
3. 3. Hulburt of Portland registered
at the Occident yesterday.
C. Goddard of fan Francisco arrived
down on last night's train.
F. W. Preston of Warrenton was In
the city yesterday on business.
Surveyor Jussen of Spokane was' In
the city yesterday on business.
Attorney General Crawford of Sa
lem was in the city yesterday.
Lee Herring returned from a busi
ness trip to, Portland last night.
N. P. Sorensen. the Portland cspf
tallst, is in the city on business. ,
Aug. Cirlstensen of Chi -ago regis
tered at the Occident lat nljtht
S. H. Coddon ef Minneapolis regis
Md at the Occident yesterday.
II. H. Ingalls, the Warrenton mer
chant, was In the city yesterday.
Hon. John H. Smith went to Sea
side yesterday on legal buHiness.
Good Clothes, One Price,
Free Pressing', Good Treatment.
eranam Wise
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
8 XtJFVXl fglj naii
S. H. Coddon, Minneapolis.
J. It. Simpson, New York.
N. P, Svenson.
A.'H. Ltndsburger. Portland.
C. J. Basnett, Treinont. O.
W. J. Coinpton. New York.
F. Taylor, if.Mltlo.
J. Hurlbert, Portland.
Geo. King. Snn Francisco.
Link Burton, Cathlamet.
J. Kalfer, Clatsop.'
R L., Portland.
C. Goddard. Ban Francisco.
Aug. Clirlstensen, Chlrapo
Wm, J. Oman, Fort Canby.
N. J. Wellborn. City.
M. 3. Jones, lows,
E. O. Lamb, Iowa.
John Schannessy, City.
John Kllnt, Grays River.
B. Donley, Porti o.d.
Thos. Warren, Rainier.
John North, Portland.
Gordon McDonald, Portland.
R. J. Owens. Portland.
J. Correr, Corey.
J. W. Joseph, City,
E. S. Stevens, Nahcotto.
toil's Santal-Fep sfn Gay sain
positive cuns
of the LiladJT ud &Uwie
KidiMfft. No ear. do p.
Can. qnteltlf sua Wrm.
BfDtSf tb wc,rt cue. m
Conrrkoa mnl tlt.
Bo tua4 trral how lou ,iuj4.
int. Abwlaulf bnxml'u
Cold If dniKflnU. frto
(1 i(0, or by Bimi, poti)u
ui mm?iz.u co,
Scnion He'd Yesterdsy and Adjourn
ment Taken to May 10.
The cojnty court met yesterday
moinlr.g, a full board being present.
The following proceedings we.'e had.
Report of the viewers on the road
petitioned for by O. A. Bourgland In
the vicinity of Knappa was filed and
the report adopteld and the road or
dered opened.
Communication from Supervl?oi
IIIIls of Push asking that the county
road from the Tilllottson bridge to
Tillamook be improved was read. In
asmuch djb there Is only one family
that uses the road, the county court
did not deem it advisable to spend
any money on this road at present
Communication from J. R. Wherry
relative to the Elsie road, the clerk
was Instructed to Inform Mr, Wherry
that the work would be done by days'
work undr the supervision of the
road supervisor.
R-port of the viewers on the road
petitioned for by J. R. Wherry and
others at Elsie was read and referral
to the district "attorney for an opinion
as to the legality of the petition.
Petition of J. West,, Jr., for a liquor
llreiise at Westport precinct, it appear
lug that there were not a sufficient
numner or signers to the original p.-
8aved by Dynamite.
Sometimes a flaming city Is saved
by dynamite a space that the fire
can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs
on so long, you feel as If nothing but
dynamite would cure It Z. T. Gray.
of Calhoun, Ga., writes; "My wife had
a very aggravated cough, which kept
her awake nights. Two Dhvslclans
. u. wmun, wire ana son were up could not help her. ,ne t00k Dr
seaaiue yesterday visiting wun Klng.,, New poVery for ConBUm,
INendS. Intlnn Cnnahn nn.t nhl..k 4 :
Dipputy! FIc?f Commil loner L. (d her cough, gave her sleep and finally
Burton or cauuamet was in the en I cured ner." Strictly scientific curH
yesterday. for bronchitis and La Grippe, at Chas,
MIks Ada Hendricks of Eugene is Rofer8' druf ,ore. Prc and $1.00;
In the rltv vlsltlnir hor cmmln Hon. Suaraniesa, inaj DOlUe free.
Geo. Noland.
Charles Abercromble went down to Ths orlci. of a rrtv fn- ti nn
yesterday to prosecute a three packages of Holllster's Rorkv
Are your spirits drooping T Do you
feel that tired feellngT Does your ap
petlte need coaxlngT Then your blood
Is poor. That Is nature's way of tell
li'g you that you need our ,
It Is an ideal tonic, bracing, strength ening
and exhilarating. It purities the
blood, tones up the system and will
make you feel like yourself again In ft
week or so. ,
Comer I4th and Commercial ttft,
Is Your Bathroom Modern?
Yoa cannot hire too many latepiifds for the healtii
offiuniljr and scIT, ctpedillr tae rowiii ftWdrea.
Bed or
1 1
J or utJqtMp'umb!
si daneeroui to
11 rood of modern
pIurab!o IibentacUI.
Thf cost of Knewirt your
bathroom with Thidtf
Wart w0 in rcalh; be
health attursncc.
Wt hivt iimplei ta
our ihow rooms and will
fladl quota you price.
J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
Seaside yesterday to
criminal ense.
Assistant Attorney General McDon
aid of Spokane was in the crty yester
day on official buslness.-
I Mountain Tea. Brings red Hps, bright
eyes and l-vely color. 38 cents, Tea
lor Tablets. Frank Hart's drua store.
At the Star.
The following Is the program ar-
rong'ifl for; trj performance at the
Star theater tonight by the Italian
Overture Orpheus ,, Offenbach
March Astoria .'.... D'Urbau
Selection II Trovatore , ... Verdi
Solos by Slgnor O. dl Fulvio, Maca-
rlo and C. do Fulvio.
American airs.
Healthy, happy babies. Mothers say
that Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea
Is the greatest baby medicine In the
world. Makes them strong, well and
active. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.
Frank Hart's drug slore.
There Is a movement on foot by the
order of Eagles to purchase the 'Com
mercial club and run it In connection
with that order. Although the pres
ent management has spared no pains
to make the club a success it has not
received the patronage it deserved, but
It Is expected that when the Eagles
purchase it, they will make a grand
success oc u. rncy always do on
tltlon mill that the suplemental pe- (everything they undertake.
Sound business practice is
as important, here, as w
wealth of nature.
Schilling's Best U the basis
.ofb, UmiH nmM sod
. ...
et your grocer s ana muuey-
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co.
Agents The Unfcn Thread Co.
Fishermen and Cannery Supplies
Having installed a Rubber Tiring Msoblne ol th.
latest pattern I am prepared to do til hinds o( work
Jn that li da at reasonable prices. Telephone 291,