1 1 Ml' TOE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTQM4, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY S, 1108. 4 : i I ; t 1 3 i LITEST IN FASilliS Column of Timely Hints for Ladies of Astoria. mil SKIRTS ARE IN STYLE frcmi, What Material to Buy and Bow to Maka Them, With Opinions eae Latest Stylo of Hata and Dreeeaa far Yeurg Ladies. Batteaa Win Deearmt STra- anta TaUrt4 bwii-Wuk Silk VMtfeMM - Veil Mad l Dm itniii SUk. Tttn is a perfect erase for the short aftfet. This spring at! materials aw snBabte to be made up Into the short kst styles, and the most elaborate ffcws cloth. Telling, silk, muslin, linen, nee- embroidery-are all treated alike Tar crenlng wear silks, satins, games, et tulles and chiffons share the same fete. ' Xa pongee, linen and taffeta cos tames Sft plaited skirts and either short oi ffireexjaarteT Jackets the short skirts ate by far the smartest ' Tne short skirt for dancing has come U) faror, and there is much to reo BORIS CUTXU BOO. GOVS. Ml But for dinner gowns. which are Just ai elaborate and ex asastre. Jho long train la required. fade no Washington, Portland, Oregon ' "The School o Quality" SEODCRN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Opea all the. year. Catatonia Ires J. V. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Students MsyrEnter "at Any Time. Royal Italian Band AT THE STAR AO the Latest Attractions From the Best Theaters "Week Beginning May 1st Kfttlnee Dally at 2:4i P. M. DTRBANO'tf Italian Band. Composed of 26 Novelty loyal HOLMES AND MACK TK ItJMn Tchln Girls; Refined Sing ing Act f , COLE AJS" COLE America's Greatest Novelty; bats Aero- JOHN DREW -. Entertainer FZCHARD CHARLES Pictured Melodlea A FEATURE The Nihilists 3Cvfcg Pictures Depicting Occurences In Russia Adaalsslon, Any Seat, 10 cents. I t aucy uuitoiu will lurTyXroiuTuent part on severe tailored gowns. Gold, silver, enamel, rhincstouos and some- times real Jewels are bolng need. 1 The smart gown Illustrated la of dot ted taffeta silk. The skirt la box plait ed and Just abort the kneea the plaits flare out and a knife plaited fan Is lu sorted. Holding the box plaits In place are embroidered designs worked In silk and a rouuded pattern done In braid, SARTORIAL TRIFLE. Jewelers ssy that one of the most salable of their novelties Just now Is s garter buckle In the shape of a locket which opens and discloses either the picture of one's Dance or some cherish d friend or relative. These buckles are favorite bridesmaid gifts at smart spring weddings and In dull Roman gold are very handsome. Wash silk petticoats are to be wont with dainty summer dresses. A charm ing model Is of white liberty silk trim med with two graduating flounces of accordlooplaltlng In which Insert loos of lace are Inset Accordion plaited skirt flounces are not possible to launder, and where a skirt Is to be tubbed" they should be avoided. A sensible as well as pretty wsy to make a wash silk petticoat Is to trlta It with a deep gathered flounce of the material edged with a ruffle of thru T MOHJJB sun. fcch vaL In the center front of the raffle la embroidered a spray of cherry blossoms. Voile la the softest of grave Is charm ing made up over opalescent silk, which to also used as a trimming on the gown, possibly deep flounce and girdle and long narrow strips, which hang la pan el effect down the back and resemble sash ends. Berge messallne la a new ma tori! with an the luster of silk and weave of serge. The Inexpensive petticoat Illustrated Is of mohair at the top. It Is perfectly fitted about the hips and extends to the knees. At this point begins a series of plaited ruffles of silk. A beading Inser tion threaded with narrow satin ribbon conceals the union of the flounce with the skirt MILLINERY NOTES. On a small, piquant face and wrCh a beautifully neat coiffure the small hats of the season are very fetching, but the majority of women have to be careful how they adopt millinery of this kind. Modifications both In the tilt and In. the height of the bandeau will have to be employed and the width of the brim graduated In ac cordance with the shape of the head Z.BS7 OBEE3T BTBAW Hit. and the manner In which the hah Is arranged for these shapes to be suc cessfully worn. These small bats should not be over trimmed. Indeed, a few bunches of flowers where the brim curves or a rosette or so of ribbon Is sufficient A delightful little morning hat hi a close fitting turban In two shades of brown straw, with a little piping of brown velvet A knot of velvet ap pears In the front of the model, which Is tilted with a rather exaggerated in cline over the eyes. Two shaded brown feathers at the back come low on the hair. , : As the season advances there will be an attempt to revive the mushroom shape in a small size, trimmed with a folded scarf of embroidered gauze or fine lawn and a high bandeau of dark colored ribbon or velvet ..The bntJllustratPd js of leaf green it,. 1 IS ,-. M straw. TheuTluJ Is T OouF.rairrilr, between the tKlgce of which are placed tiny buttou pink roses and their fo liage. About the low crown la a twist of shaded greeu and rose ribbon, which ties In two smart bows at the side of the hat where It Is slightly indented. STYLES FOR WEE FOLKS. Tho tub frock for "very bent" wear Is of o n work embroidery or tots of from three to six or seven yean. Tbey are made with a long bodice and short standing out skirts. A noticeable mod el designed for girls from six to tea years Is arranged with the dearest lit tle dlrectolre coat of floe linen over aa Dr&acTonia arcsuv saxes, underdrew of flimsy embroidered mns 11 n, with soft falling collar and sleeve ruffles of embroidery. Sleeves In Juvenile modes are as star tllng In their development as In the new grownup gowns. For coats they are large picturesque affairs, with the fullness at the top all gathered Into the seams. This sleeve stamps a model as of tho hour. On frocks the elbow puff sleeve is carrying all before It and short sleeves and slightly decollcto necks are coming Into rogue for baby girls. In hats there Is a strong feeling for bonnets of the most fascinating de scription. , A toscan model, for example, to In a sunburnt tint, wreathed with roses and raised off the face by a bandeau that Is softly ruffled with pink chiffon. The little manikin this spring will wear the comfortable loose coat of the Russian blouse style In pale bin cloth, belted with a white kid band and ar- rangea wun tnree snouldor capes, crowned by a Napoleon bat of bins straw. The dainty costume in the rat Is s aireoioire rroct ror a tot of sev years. A dainty little trlcorne hat of white chip trimmed with slightly curled ostrich tips to the smart pleoe of bead gear that goes with the dress. JUDIC CHOLLET. Want ads In Tps Astorian always Mns; results. Correct Gothes for Men Day Suits Every stitch, every little detail shows the hands of the skilled tailor, in the suits bearing this label. . The makers' guarantee, snd ours, with every garment Wo are ex clusive agents here. A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY ksat Bar Laxnrlant sad Oloeey Ilallk Ve Mntut What Color. The fin est contour ef a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses something If the bead la crowned with scant hair. Scant snd fallma hair, It Is now known. Is cauMd by a paraelte that burrows Into the scalp to the root of the balr, where It aap the vitality. The lit tle white acales the g-erra throws up In burrowing are called dandrufC To cure dandruff permanently, then, and to stop fallng hair, that germ must be killed. Newbro's Uerplcide, an entirely new re suit of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ, and, of couree, stops the falling balr, snd prevent baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo, la stampa for sample to The Horplclde Co., Detroit Mien. Eagle Drug Store, JSl-JCl Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 141 Com. Et, T. P, f-aurin. Prop. "Special Agent" jifredojaniins MAKERS AiLVyoRK CLASSIFIED IMTKSt First Insertion, One Cen a Word, One Week, Each Line, 30c. Two Weeks, Each Line, 45c. One Mouth, Each Line, 75c. 01 . S Astorian Free Want Ada. Anyone Desiring a Situation can Insert an Advertisement in this Colui 01 inree unci 1 wo utucs f res ELECTRIC BARBERS. TO SCALP A WHITE MAN. used to be the Indian's Joyful occupa tion. Do you feel some times as It you wished you were scalped? Do you cratch till you are nearly mad? Our nw Kiectrio vibrator will mlUva th . .... . .. . - trouuie. A treatment M cents. A shave and face massage with electrlo vibrator. 80 cents. It's good for erup tions. Porcelain hatha All at the OCCIDENT BARBER SHOP, Occident Hotel Building, A. E. Peterson. Prop. HELP WANTED. HOT WANTED TO WORK IN Apply at Antorlan printing office. office. NEAT WOMAN TO TAKE WASH- ing of small family home; must be reasonable and good Ironer, on baby'i clothes. Steady work by ths month. Address It U. W., Astorian office. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; t weeks completes; posi tions guaranteed; tuition earned ill. learning. Write for terms. Molr Barber College, 144 Clay St, Ban Fran cisco. WANTED manaoer for ouh Astoria office; good references snd small Investment required; II monthly and commission. Box 1115, San Francisco. ; i, . WANTED-COOK ANO HELPER man and woman preferred, to couk in logging camp. Apply at Astorian office. WANTED A, OUtlr FOR GEN ERA L housework. Inquire .at Astorian office. WANTED -GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Corner Id and Front fits. BOARD WANTED. WANTED HOARD AND ROOM IN private f unlly by gentleman and wife H. P. O... Astorian HOU8ES WANTED. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house, for the summer, by one who will take good care of the property. Address manager Warren Packing Co, City. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED J rooms for OR t FURNISHED housekeeping In good AJdrsss,Astorlan office. neighborhood. FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT room. Cor. , Fourth and Cornmer laL NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent. Inqulrt at Atiorlan office. HOUSES FOR 8ALE. COTTAGE CORNER LOT; FINE view. See J. E. Fcrguton, Tage Building, Astoria. CALL FOR BIDS. BIDS FOR A RESIDENCE FOR E. A. Fluh-jr, t(kj e erected on Frai.klln avenue, will be opened May S; p'.aim and specifications at Architect 3. Wicks' office, Star Theater building. The owners have the right to reject J sny or all bids. ' OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUAR- termaster, Astoria, Ore,, May t, 1905 Sealed proposals, In triplicate will be received at this offics until 10 o'clock a. m. May 18, 1005, for replank Ing approach to wbarf at Fort Co lumbia, Wash. United States reserve the right to reject any or all propos als. Plans can bs seen and specifi cations obtained at this office. Infor mation furnished on application. En velopes should be marked "Proposals for Repairs" snd addressed Captain Goodale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 10 T.E8 OF FIRST CLASS TIM b. .and for sale, In Pacific county, near Columbia river. Address Box 680 Astoria, Ora. FOR SALE LOT U BLOCK 14, Adair's Astoria: for particulars wrlU to J. P- Miller, Onleda, Wash. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE8. MAX STRAEL & CO., EMPLOYMENT office, 535 Bond St. Phone Red 2301. All kinds of help furnished on short, notice. Call or phone. ADVERTISING. iimn of Charge. REAL ESTATE. HERMOSA .PARK LOTS. THE MOST 1 exclusive property at Seaside, Ore. racing tne Paclno ocean In Oregon's prettiest summer resort then lots are lT'll, PARKER HOUSE ...WVW..W.I iuviiiu. A. i.iinApr -Tf i M ... ueasiae, Ore. eusumiiii ni.iiiiK iuiu FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. run BALE moil COUNTER. about S feet long. Apply at Astor ian office. FOR SALE CHEAT HC LL OF THE schooner Webfoot, copnel: 400 thou. sand feet of lumber; tight snJ sound: suitable for floating wharf or lighter. Apply to C. II. Calender. wit hale Second-hand t col- umn newspaper outfit; complete ex cept press; cheap. Inuulre at this of fice. INC-UUATOR FOR BALE 400 EOQ8 capacity; alao three 100 capaclt orooders; flrst-class condition. Ad- iresa A, Astorian OfflJe. FOR SALE 8TEAM TUO IN FIRST- class condition; terms reasonable. unable ror seminar purposes. Foi particulars apply at this office. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT Till Office; 8 So par hundred. 1 WANTED AT OASTON'S FEED stables, No. 10S 14th St., Wool mo. hair, hides and furs. OE8SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. .NOTICE 1 HEREI1T GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore exUUng oetwen the unJee signed, !olng buel- ness as Kallunkl & Atilre.m, In Al-J- erorook, Odar street. Antorla, Ore. ha this diiif been dlasolved by mutual coneeii!. Jacoo Anderson retlrlna from ail firm, and Andrew Knllunkl con tinuing In the busing. All oulManJ. accounts are dun and payable to the ajUd Andrew Knllunkl. who will pa.y and Joea hereby aume all the debts of said firm exiting to this date Dated at Artorla, Or., May I, 105. J. ANDERSON. A. KALLUNKL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8inci:;q. Voloe Culture And Singing Instruction. Individual or claa Instructions. Rpoctal terme to classes of three pupils, entering to gether. Private Instruction at reason able rates. MRS. R. E. PA B LAY, No. 677 Exchange St, Phone Red 1064. MILK DEALERS. Moet of the cream le removed when milk is bottled in some entabllnhments who bottlo the cream sepnrately. Thus they muke more money, we Jon't bot. the -milk, but aterlllss . all cans. so trial nie milk reaches you ab solutely pure. Choose either "morn- Inn or night delivery and get Freeh Milk of The SLOOP- JEFFERS CO, 10th and Duane Sts. , . RE8TAURANT8. T Stop OnYour Way 10 I'ortiond or Seaside opposite the depot and eat at THE FLAG OT8TER AND CHOP HOUSE. Good mea! prompt service. Savs money, time snd trouble by gettln all kinds of frull and canned goods hers for your trip. first-class meal for 15c; nice cake, coflee,! pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. . 43 1 Bond SL BEST 15 CENT MEAL. . You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St. BROKERAGE. - 0. J. TRENCIIARD Real Estste. Inauranee. Camml..inal and Shipping, CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offlee 133 Ninth Strset, Next to Justice Offioe. ASTORIA, OREGON. MANICURING. A PRETTY FACE I envied .by many. Do not grudge others their beauty, whlls fsct massage by electricity is to be had at a reason, able price. 4t Is a palnlees and sclan- tiilo process of beautifying ths face. 0 Our famous Face Cream and Lotions ! aid you at your horns to obtain excel lent results. Call at-ths Beauty Par lor of lira, Martha C Fstsrson, racial Eleotrlolan, Manicuring and Massage No, 141 Duans St.. Astoria, HJlX HOTEL!. Tho Tired Traveler Is ever happy to And a comfortable ,, Hopping place.' Where to put up Is the prevalent Question after a long jour ney. Tou can solve the problem in' A,,orl bjr folnf ,0 tn Whose genial host, Mr. T. J, Broenw ser, Is sn experienced hotel man and who on April 1 took charge of this, popular hostelry snd has Inaugurated a new feature to the houea by opening the dining room In connection with the hotel and Is now abls to give his pat rons board and lodgings, ths best lo Astoria, for II and 11.21 per day. Sat. Isfsctlon guaranteed. , . Rooms st It, 80, 71 and IL Free 'bu.s to snd from the hotel. J. T. BROEMSER. BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar & Billiard Hall. Tables New and Evervthini? First Class. f i not brands of Liquors and Cigars im. I J'l. I, 'J' .' Uli... .1 4.' I 4. . I ,. HI M PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY T LITTLE, M. D. rimiClAN AND HUHQEOX Artlng AwUunt Surgeon T.8. Marlue HiMiiltal Mvrvlna, Hflee hours: 10 to It am. 1 to 4:10 D,m 477 Commercial Street tnd Floor. C3TSCPATHIST6. Dr.iUIODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH I8T tfansetl Bldg. 171 Commercial It rilONI BLACK av DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DHNTIST. 521 Commercial Ht Astoria, Oreson. Da. VAUGIIAN, Dkntist Pythian Dulldinit.'' AiU'ria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST Sn Commercial tit. Hhsnahsn Building MEDICAL. a. ntv Uueal, rHwnmiaai. , KypSe TUCteVfoChbcstTkiSrtuCm 9 Ut AM S4 rSUatlee Saeok Tkeiet tiny Csoiulei srs (iiperior to oaitam or toptios vuueoi or iniecucmi annritmu CURE IN 4S HOURSlAuUl the ime diteuei with. Inconvsntenca. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD Cord weed, mill wood, boa weed, any aina or wood at loweet ariose. Kelly, ths trsnefer msn. 'Phone 2211 Blssk, Barn en Twelfth, oppotlte opera hawse. HOTELS. BAY VIEW HOTEL E GLASEIt, Prop. 4me Coaklht ComforUble Bed. Ruion- bi Rates and Nlcs Treatment t " v Ur.CGeeWo W1 TONDKBJVL f mm Saw to aMM4 . . Vir I f snrt tarn it ww V A? ' JLJ I I n I mrw f J fc tkwA MS) ffVeaJl M m to SX B van iui I , ,V ,7l Smw iHMtn ,4; mm am tttmif mn-ir Cs 4, I kaMHi' t m4M m- -iim , ,mtX, i ! i I mm la tt anatrr. Tareoek Um an wt SMa knlw lawaSM Ml BWMaa t III kaawa at Mioa r n wt aitnat n fa. wSIf haaamMcMlyana t. aamal