The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 05, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, MAY B, 1905.
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Established 187S.
poblUhed pally (Kicept Monday) by
By tuH per Tr II 6
By Mil. per month
By carrier, per month .......... , M
filiW'" ; , - -f-
By BiaU, per rV la advance ''I1 M
law, fearing they will k the votes
of thta disreputable element that ere
disgracing modern civilisation.
the morals of tht celestial
entered at tht poatoffice at Astoria,
Oregon as second-class matter.
ju .V 1 II i. nf Tin MOunM
AMoeu to iUr rattdoooe or placeot l"
ma be made by postal card or throwro
JSJJT Any kraUrity la MIrr should k
EZIdJatotr rSporwd to the offlo. of iwbilceUoa.
TaWphofta Main Ml.
There la no difference between the
scenes enacted In Chicago and In War
saw. The same class of people, with
"io respect for the government or the
hwi reign supreme and the police and
officials do not dare to molest them
for fear of losing a few votes at the
nest eljUon Innbcent men aif,
women, and even children are clubbed
and, beaten Into Insensibility by the
anarchist sympathiser with the Chi
cago strikers and the only way the
police find tt out is by reading Uie
newspaper Men, who have no In
terest In the strike are shot down in
cold blood; the hoodlum element which
controls the business and politics of
Chicago commit crimes, holdups burg
laries and robbery, all in the name and
under the protection of labor unions.
Everyone admits that labor has a
right to organize for self protection
and to secure their Just proportion ot
wages and a reduction In the working
tours. They have a right to make de
mands upon their employers and re
fuse to work If their demands are not
compiled with, but here their rights
end. They have no right to organise
mobs and become breakers of the law:
they have so right to stop hacks and
examine th bundles of women, or
' stop street cars and brutally beat in
nocent persons who have no Interest
In the contioversy. The excuse that
'they believe thm to be in sympathy
with the Employers' Association Is s
wllfuband premeditated falsehood, and
la not evsn Justifiable as an excuse. ,
" It must be understood that the
teamsters' union are not responsible,
as an organization for these outrages.
They have requested their members to
obey the law, but Chicago, like St
Petersburg, is infested with an an
archist element who delight In killing
people and destroying property. In
St. Petersburg, the emperor rules with
an Iron hand and Cos.acks are In
structed to Are upon the mobs when
ih ottoivnt anv disturbances. The
public hold up their hands In holy
horror at what they deem outrages,
but considering the fact that most of
these disturber , art anarchists or
men of that brand, the end often Justi
fies the) means. If soldiers could be
sent to Chicago with: instructions to
fire into these mobs, killing every one,
. It would a blessing to Chicago and
rid that city of Us dangerous element
and the nation of thousands of red
handed, blood-stained, black-hearted
anarchist who have no respect for
our country, or its laws, but who, like
pirates, seek to plunder, rob and Ml
The teamsters' union is blamed for
all of these over acts, and the sym
pathy of almost the entire population
of Chicago and the United States is
against th unions. There is no ques
tion of the ultimate result of the strike.
The union will lose, as they have lost
nearly every strike during the past
two years. Not but what the strike
was Justifiable and the hard working
men are entitled to tht concessions I
demandJ but Uif questions art
not consliered by the public. It Is
the question of mob rule, of dastardly
and cowardly outrages committed upon
innocent people, all laid to the door of
the strikers.
There Is one) way to prevent strikes
and rid the country ot the lawless ele.
ment, and that Is by having a police
force that Is not cowardly and not
afraid to enforce the laws. Another
way Is to forever close the gate of
Castle Garden against foreign Immi
gration. N'3 one objects to the honest,
Intelligent citizen of whatever coun
try or nationality, but the United
States should not be the dumping
ground, as it has bren for the scum
and scurf of creation; the law break
ers, anarchists and the criminal ele
ment of th-i old world. This class go
n the larn cities and- organize Into
banx or bandits and land pirated
take advantage of every labor strike
to murder .Dilllage and destroy. They
t:re a dangerous element In any com
mnnitv. the' breeders of sedition and
laoriPRHnesa: the samel element that
take their Inspiration from the Appeal
to Reason and other similar perioai-
,! which encourage them in men
acts of lawlessness in order to build
up a political . organization, born in
crime, nursed in anarchy and brought
up by politicians, who dare not enforce
or even demand the enforcement of
Th announcement made by a leam
ej Chicago professor In the medical
department of . some college that ne
has djscjmlred) an antitoxin which
will drive out laamess is nanny at
miktna- as It sounds, although
'ft ftw 4ose might P ftdmlnlsttred to
some Astoria resident! with ufalrabi
effect It will be apt to recau w w
minds of th4 majority that tht old
provtrb that contrasts tht case wiu
which a. horse may b led to water
with th difficulty of persuading him
.,inie. There may bt lasy men
who regard their vict as real af
fliction and who art pathetically eager
titttd tt It but thty rt scarce.
Tht world Is far more familiar with
tht class that either revels In Its laav
. ttvxt Is Umorant ot Its afflic
tion and that never could bt persuad
ed that It was suffering from it. .
Of course, if tht anUtoiln for last-
nets la as pon u.w. ......
, it !a a law making the taking
of It compulsory might be passed. The
Oregon legislature will pass most any.
,Mn. To make such a law absolutely
impartial, however, tt would have to
be1 enforced on the Men ana poor
it Is more than probable that a
'strong lobby made up of tht member
of the former class wno are iaier
would defeat It A very attractive and
encouraging mental picture Is that ot
a bevy of trampa "rounded up in a
noiica station with a sufficient num
ber of physicians In atttJuJVnct to
Insure a liberal application i urc -tltoxln.
But the companion picture
of a trouD of richly dressed but vacant
faced chaps similarly situated Is less
It Is pleasant to redact that the
members of the medical profession
are busying themselves with the faults
an well as the ailments of manuwa,
and that there Is a prospect that the
medicine cheat of the future will con
tain cures for lying and stealing and
harkbitlnar as well as for bruised fing
ers and headache and other similar
afflictions. It must be admitted, how
ever, that It wlU take the public a long
time to a-et used to the Idea of apply
tna- to a bottle for cures for moral
defects. And for the present, at any
rate. It seems that the will Instead or
the family physician will bet relied
upon when a bad case of aversion to
work devclopes; and that tnose wno
an. Interested. In strengthening tne
character cf friend or dependent will
nin their faith to the development or
this will Intsead of to doses of anU-
The" managlntT editor wheeled hi
chair around and pushed a baton lr
tht wall, Tht person wanted tntertu:
"Here,'', said tht editor, "art a num
ber of directions from outsiders as tc
the belt way to run a atwspaper. Set
that thty art all carried out" And th
office boy gathered thtm ' all Into a
largo waatt basket and did so, '
MammaWhen that naughty boy
threw atones at you. why didn't you
come and tell mt Instead ot throwing
I them back at hlmT
Little Willie Huh! What gooJ
would that do to tell you; you couldn't
hit tht alie of a house.
There Is nothing new In tht dlscov-
try than gold may bt extracted from
water. This has been done for many
years m Wall street
There ts only on Jimimm sctrtas-
lima Sadi Tacco.
Mar and Boss XUanor. two servant
airia of Vienna, hart btsa loft boust
property worth fttlOOO bf tbelr late
Th dams of doctor tf letters has re
cently been taken for th first time In
hiatorr hv a woman. Stile, d Marietta
Hot thesis was The Lift and Works
of Elisabeth Barrett Browning."
Vm Bchumann-nelnk. who recent
tv took out naturalisation papers at
Cincinnati, li likely to make Bt Loo
ts btr homo, as tht recently invest
ed nearly bait a million dollars In real
estate In that city.
Miss Ethel De Koven, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D Koven. Las
Inherited the musical talents of her ra
thr and the literary gifts of her moth
pf She sneaks several language and
has wrtttta clever verso, some of which
the has set to charming music.
The annUcatlon of Mrs. Nellie V. Wll
son for admission Uto tht Child s
Dreial International Union Printers'
home on the strength of ber member
ship In the union has been approved
hv the board of trustee. ' 8he to the
first woman to be admitted to the home.
She U a member in good standing of
Tt'oahlnirtnn local nnlon.
Mrs. McDonald, wife of th new gov
ernor of Colorado, Is not at all glad
because of being poshed Into eminence
as "the first lady of th sUts." In
fact, she regards tt rather as a mis
fortune, being a thoroughly domesticat
ed woman. Tht dearest wish of my
heart to that I could leav Denver and
return to my home in LeadrllW says
Mrs. McDonald, "but that la Impossi
ble, of coarse."
Like the farmer's boy, we're 'never done doing cBores." Always
busy on new ideas ideas that worlc into novelties. Always hustling
to keepl our clothing, ahead of the game. Are we succeeding?
Well I gess we are.
If you want to know how much take a look
the suits we are selling for
1 Jttfk -
is the name of one of our
'natty" suits for young men,
built with a very broad shoulder
full back with button vented seams
P. A. S T O R E S
Epitome of Ancedet.e and. Incidents
With Comments by Layman.
With the Nan Patterson case ended,
Cassle off the boasds. and the war cor
respondent failed to get up a scrap,
the Indications point to hard picking
for the newspapers.
A New York woman has sued the
government for 40 cents and says she
iweds the money. Thus Is tne me o
a lawyer made happy, but maybe the
attorney only gets half If be wins.
The weather bureau has played hav.
oc with the Pacific coast. Oregon is
praying for rain and California Is now
flooded. .
An Immigrant landed In Portland
thia week with a moustache a yarj
lona; and he wasn't any sort of a
count either.
.There Is said tobe a burglar trust
in Pari. There art a Jot of tnera in
Astoria, but they don't acknowledgt
It ,
A Chicago professor says "the man
of one thing Is the man of success."
That may be all right in Chicago, but
it don't work In Astoria, when a man
is trying to light hi pip In windy'
day with only one match.
It to anncunced that the number of
train wrecks to on th decrease. But
rwt b. discouraged, one will do the
business Just as well If you happen
to be In It
It Is not very encouraging to the
farmers of Clatsop county when a man
drives In a band of cattle 30 miiei ana
can't sell them, when it Is considered
that over flOOO a day Is paid out foi
meat In Astoria.
With wool In demand at 25 cents a
pound, It t not quite reasonable to
demand that the meat trust shall re
duce the price of mutton.
Marvin Hart of Louisville to now In
line to fight Jim Jeffrlea
The Bennett International auto race
will be held in Germany In June.
Nine yachts will compete In the kai
ser's International transatlantic cup
The erent Pittsburg star. Hans Wag
ner, recently come to-' terms with the
rittbarjf club and at once Joined the
team. .
President Boyer has appointed the
veteran Arlle Latham a South Atlantic
league umpire. Latham Is now' In Sa
vannah. ' The Rochester (X. Y.) club's roster
has bcea,CPQ'2tei-t'-tbQ.sl3lnx oi
New York takes pride In the fact
that she hns the greatest " number of
married couples of any state In the
union. Well, Just wait nntii me new
Oregon law goes Into effect on May
With Secretary Taft attaining prom
inence as acting president, Mr, Fair
banks of Indiana, may share in in
van afq i r,i,Kiir. mrtnaitv an to what a
vice president of this country la for,
Admiral Rnjestvensky's fleet is said
to be hugging the Frencn-cnma coa.
Such scanlalous conduct! And such
utt!- tsr-J,-ar - toi pre8erva'Jci ft
8hott for Men, Women and Chil
dren. They art best for wear, because
least they tear. , .
prices are nothing, compared with
tht rest
Your next shoes will provt It
If you maka tht test
fTtcher Oliver tCtaulkntr, wfioTiad
held out until the last
The Seventh regiment (New Tork)
team of rifle shots ts to compete in
contest with tht Queen Westminster
Volunteer regiment of London tht lat
ter part of June.
Where an order of goods to be sub
sequently delivered allowed four
months' credit the term of credit did
not begin to run until the delivery of
the goods. (S3 N. Y. 8. Hep. 033
An account stated Involves the
nromlst to pay a real Indebtedness,
and a promise to pay a claim not
fouuded on such an obligation to not
conclusive and may be shown to be
without consideration. (30 Bo. Rep.
A mortgagee In a chattel mortgage
which stipulates that whenever bo
mar deem himself Insecure the debt
shall become due and the property
taken possession of must act in gooa
faith and uot arbitrarily In determin
ing whether he to Insecure. (Kl 8. W.
ArchblahoD Mesmor of Milwaukee has
had to ask police protection against the
hnportunttios of beggars, following an
article ta a local newspepor railing oi
kt IfeefsUty as a giver.
tt to 'not uncommon to near of Pwt
Is furfilsnst ch arches m new xon
far IV00O or more. Indeed, not
m sw 40 of Oeaos enures sou
fc iLBfk U St Thomas eborctk ab
ttsfssea giMW"". recency d
Is fee rectory of Barrowty,
Bnglaod. tuotrtts his
C assd tc buigtug. Ltta-the
e?-..i tBsassotMri too, M Deueves m
" t ..... . -
ana oigniaoa
Men's Glazed Kangaroo or paieni
lather hoe. Bal Welt Yukon
! v3.M
Ladies' Queen B Kid Shoe, with pat
nt leather tlDS. Wellesley or Ore
Han last I2-00
Ladles "Star Five Star" Shoe, made
hv thj Erown factory of good kid:
io. an.l Latent leather tips ..12.60
Ladies' low tan shoe, latest toes, $1.65,
19 00 an.l 12.50.
Children's tboe.i, new styles fromJI.OO S2.C0. ,
Infant's shoes, 25 cents' to $1.23. ,
No trouble to show goods.
to our new quarters. In order to make moving easy
we place on Special Sale our entire stock
of Clothing, Men's Furnish
ings, Shoes," etc.
Goods Sold at Cost During the Month of May.
WELCH BLOCK; 65a Commercial Street, comer 15th.
Ci. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprltori.
54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Docs the Boat
of Work at very reasonable Price, and ia in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE 8T3. Thone 1991
''ksbait.. wvfeNTtONi.'
A'fffcetCaaT OMfhod of cbargm etotii
fk ..UrMrit m order to furnlah
Usat to tfi wearer baa boon lsrootod
r a Preach engineer.
A hast with fin stiaood propellers oa
Iti sioea, to make it sick and rise at
will, baa boea Invented by $a Engusa
nxa4 and successful! rperlmeotad
Otto Shlck, an engineer of nam
burg. Germany, has taventod a large
balance wheel which can bo mounted
In such a way oa big ships as to coun
teract the shifting of the center of
gravity of the ship and reducing, the
rolling of vessels at tea to a mini
mum. '
TsrriiRo Rsee With Death.
Death was fast approaching."
writes Ralph F. Fernandea ot Tampa,
Fla., describing his fearful racs with
x.n, -a. result of liver trouble and
heart'dlsease. which had robbed me of
aleep and'ef all Interest in lire, i n
..1.4 mnv different doctors and sev
eral medicines, but got no benefit, un
til I began to use Electric piuers. d
wonderful was their effect, i"
.v. -lov. t felt like a new man, ana
today I am cured of aU my troubles."
Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers' drug
store; price 50c. -
The Hess restaurant, on Eleventh
street, is considered the family restau
rant Of Astoria. The best meals and
the best service In Astoria, 120 Eleven,
th street.
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
Palo Bohemian Beor
Best In The Korthwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
First! National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus' '" $ioO.OOO
i I