The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 05, 1905, Image 1

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    ' .I
!rrr lHi?i: msC C7l' ty 'rA A-AA. '
Chl?as:p Rioting Still Con
Sheriff of Cook County Will Take
Hand nd Swear In
Chela Clrlna Hsu Association
Adoet Sweeping Retedlutloni Deolar-
Ing Thst Riot Art Constantly In
reaslna In Fury and Violano.
Chicago, May 4. Sheriff Barrett of
; Cook county will take aalv control
of th atrlkt situation. Ho much pr
' aura hM been brought to bear upon
, Mm and upon Mayor Dunne by mm
- who bellev their Interest ftr r
lously Imperrllled. by constant rlot
1 Ing In tha streeu, that the sheriff waa
t compelled to swear In a large forca
of denuttes and tak actlva atapa to
I do away with tha present disorder. It
4 I believed that 1000 depule wllj be
enrolled by tomorrow evening. ,
f A committee cf prominent bualnaaa
; man, headed by John Bhedd of Mar-
shell, Field A Co, today took step to
. lay tha altuatlon befor tha governor
' and declare that condition ' ar auch
. that military prooetlon la Imperative
1y ndd. Tha Chicago CJeftrtng House
, Aaaodatlon thla avanlng adopttd
wtaplnf rvaolutlona daolartnt that tha
rlota wara conatunly tneraaatng la fury
and In thlr opinion tha troop ahoald
U calltJ out Tha ahart fcaa dattf
mlnad to Uka tha atluaUon In Uai
hlmaalf. dactartnc that until ha Up
uaed mry tffwt t el?m', J
raator ordar ha win not ba juaUttJ
In ealtmr for tha militia
Mayor Dunn for thraa fcoura thla
afternoon rod through tha downtown
traat In ft bum and on hta return
to tha ctty hall declared that ha bad
een no ytolene and ballered the po
lice were fully able to cope with th
i: altuatlen, "
w Notwlthatandlnr eonaUnt flfhtUil
' ty the atreet and ha iijmeroM aU
tacka made upon non-union men, the
' large dry gooda houaee' and whoteeale
J, frecera tonight reported tha they had
; aU&Jlly made.progreae and Inoreaalng
" their ahlpmenta. 'i The etpreea com
V panlea were Interfered with but lttl,
and much progreae waa made toward
. ' relieving the! congvatad altuatlon at
,the varloue railroad atatlona.
There waa leaa dlaturbancea today In
the whol.falo district but flghtlnw
waa on with It uaual peraietenc and
, vlclounnci In the heart of the fah
lonable ahopplng Jlatrlct A number
of non-union men wera clubbed and
' boaten and their wagon gruarda und
police retallnted wl h -vigor upon the
etrlkera. Irt very Inatance the crowd
were dlnpereed after a brief acrlm
The number of Injured waa from all
' accounta about the aame aa that of the
lnat two Jiya. About 10 or 40 men
were cared for at the rarloua hoapltala
and' fhetre are; full aa many more
who received maJlcal attendance and
whoae name are not known to the
police, s m ..' ' "'''. " "
A f nil tie conference waa held by
" the atrlke : loadera and' Lev Mayer,
attorney fo.' the Employer association
, thla afternoon. Prealdent Bhea, re-
' pylng. to Mayer"a queatlon on what
term he would call he atrlke off, aala
only on the relnatatement of the oU
maa Mayer refused to accede and
Shea responded by uklng If the em
ploy; refu W dJechartrV
negroe Imported by the hundred anJ
take bac kthe white men. Mayer sad
' thatl a long aa the team iter do their
woVk they wilt not discharge whether
white or black. ' ' ,'
"That la an outrage," aald 8hea.
"Tou have brought the negroe In
here to fight ua and we maintain w
have a right to attack them wherever
Thn ysu do to at your peril,': re
torted Mayer. ; . -
Sha aald he wanted the union atrtk
r . rnttd, after wbloh Ihf am-
ploy ere would be asked la arbitrate
the undtrlrtnai difference which had
brought about tha strike), Mayer re
ply waa
"Under no clrcumstancea will w
discharge any men brought her te
take tbe place of the atrlkera. ' we
hay nothing t arbitrate. We ftert
our right ,0 tt th public atreet for
th tranaactlon of our rightful bus!
nea anJ th light to employ teamatera,
black or wl-lte, at our discretion."
Thla ended tbe conference, and the
labor leader took their departure.
Not Intended te Antagonise Union la
or Organitatlena, ' -
New York, May 4. The first cloak
and suit ' manUIaoturera association
formed alnee 11(4, when there waa a
general strike and lockout of cloak
makers, Involving 11,004 men and wo
men, ha been organised on the open
ahop basis.
In the new organisation are II flrma,
with' aa aggregate capital of 20,000t
000. Those Interested disclaim any an
tagonism towards' union but propo.
to further arbitration and universal
peace In their trade a . .
Formerly Opened In Washington by
Chaa. W. Fairbanks.
Washington. P. C May 4. Tha eev.
enth aeaalon of the international rail
ronj congress was formally opened to
day by .VLie' President Charles W.
Fairbanks. , i tf'f.fftffni
The 6ixtnlng ceremony took place in
th ball room of the new Wllllard ho
tel and was attrnded by nearly 100 del
egatea and a many of their friends.
Every railroad, of Importance In the
world wa represented.
Ust by Mn. W. K. Vanderbilt in
nri1 Has Been ecoycrtd
Wm ftjsleii by " .
rieriw Fteilreetf and to Caetorwd by
eswvea and eeafsoee tall, and
to Ua Other Robberies.
Trouble Predicted In All
: Russia." :
Extensive Preparatioru Made for
Moruter Demonstration on
May 14.
become operative March L ItOI,
baaed thereon. The poeslbillty
Hungary deciding to eeubllsh an In.
dependent national tariff alto greatly
augweat the aeeeawlty, ttom
AMtrlan Mandyolat, of th passage of
th new laMC
Catholic War Fired Upon at Led.
Some of th Bullet Entering- the
Chureh Policeman Feund Alone,
Waa Nearly Beaten to Death.
8t. Petersburg, May 14. Undeterred
by complete order which prevailed In
8L Petersburg today. May day.accord
Ing to the western European callendar,
the line of a demonstration and dis
Ing ahead with plana for a great dem
onstratlon on May 1st. which, accord
Ing to the Russian callendar foils on
May 14. Doubt I expressed in well
ported liberal and1 industrial circles
of their ability to accomplish much In
the line of a demotstratton and the die
order which! they desire, proctama
tlon war Issued today announcing a
number of parades In various quar
ters of the city, convening at a central
point. It l also the declared Intention
of offering armed reeistanc If the
police or troop endeavor to dipr
the parade.
owned by
valued at
New Tort. May 4. DUpatchee ,ye
oelvod from Bti Augustine, fia state
that ,-a diamond necklace, own
Mr. W. K. Vanderbllt and
159,000, the lorn of which had been
kept ft aecret, ha been recovered A
result of the Investigation, several
baggagemisA 0n one of the Florida lines
have been arreated. ,
Mr. Vanderbllt' necklace wa stol
en on her recent visit to FlorlJa, With
other jewels It ha been placed In her
trunk by a maid. When the trunk
were opened no trace of It could be
found although nothing else waa mta-
Ing. ' ' , '
Th first baggageman arrested made
a full confession as to th rifling of
trouslsts' trunks, and told of dispoal
Ion of a large amount of Jewelry, but
declined to aay what had been done
with Mrs, .Vanderbllt' property. Hie
sweetheart wa shadowed and finally
caught at ft beach resort wearing the
diamond whlchj ahej thought were
merely pasta glee aurrenvkred, the
property at once. Search of the bag
gaeman'a home I aald to have re
vealed many other Jewels taken from
trunk, some reported missing thret
or four year back.
All Halo f War Blereeartled by tfc
Proaeh evwrameoi
TokH May 4. The pre of tfti airy
eoatlnue lu sharp ' criticism of th
rreneh neutrality, th mdo-Chlai wat.
ere. aad expresses oarprlge and IndJf
aatlea at what tt described th elas
ticity fVane'. pledge. '
T JUt urge th government to
adopt Independent! action for the pro
tection ot tae national tntereeta, and
lnalete that the rponlbIllty for the
esienton of hospltalitl to th Xu
Ian fleet must 'reet upon Franc. U
I understood that the Jspaaes wv-
ertsieat ha addressed franc on the
auoattori of her neutrality, but th na
ture ot th correspondence 1 unknown,
, Fresldent Muntsdi
Olenweod .Bprlngs, -May 4. The
president hunted today from th old
camp on the west divide. The party
wa forced to move becaue of th
bad condition of th mountain trails,
An early start will be maj tomorrow
for Garflold Campt which ,wlll prob
ably be th last camping place.
Ruselen Squadron.
Blngapore, MT ; f Th Ruaalan
naval division passed Blngapore In
senMarkness and haae at t: SO thla
morning. Six warships and fur co1
liar wer lighted.
Strh Worker In Troy Object to In
troduetlon of Maehinea.
Troy, N. T., May . A crowd which
at time number four or flv thousand
persona, surrounded the collar factory
of Cluett, Peabody A Co. yesterday,
where., :r!ke had been Inaugurated
by the Collar starcher.' 'plsurbances
were frequent v , '
Those still at work were kicked and
beaten a they entered or left the fax
tory and ee-veral worker had their
clothing torn off. Police and deputy
sheriffs wer oversowed and there
was talk of calling upon the gcern
ernment for aid. The atrlke I against
alleged cuta In wages and the lnstal
atlon of tarching machine. ... . .
Lower Houses , Have - Met After
Ftr Holiday. ' !
Vienna, May 4. The Austrian and
Hunga(rlan lower houses have again
met ftftr the Easter noli Jay, th for
mer for Important, work and th 1st.
er to discus th program.. Th altu
atlon In Hungary ha experienced no
Improvement sines April IS. Budget
has not been passed and consequently
taxes are being collected without u
thorsatlon. The ' recruiting , bill and
other needful legislation Is delayed. "-
The Austrian lower house take up
at this session the- second reading of
the ' new ' Aostro-Hungarian tariff
drafted and mad-public three days
ago but only now coming to debate In
The new commercial treaty with
Germany aa well a the pending treat
tea with Italy, Russia, etc., which must
Fraheheiew; Esoorting Spirit f In
' Dead f er Burial 1
Toklo, May 4. A aolemn proceaalon.
escorting the spirt of the dead sol
dler aad sailor opened the enhrlnlng
ceremonial at the Shokoniha temple
today. The Irapreaalve Shinto rituai
wa followed by the throng thai filled
end surrounded the temple, Including
thousand of relative of the dead.
High officers of th army and navy,
a large rorce of troop .and 1400 sol
dler from Yokosuka were present at
th ceremonies, which will be practt
cally continuous until next Friday
The emperor and empress will not
attend tomorrow on account of Indis
position prlnc Fushlml will repre
sent their majesties upon that occas
Lods, May 4. A terrible riot occur
red at the church of the Holy Cross
yesterday. 1 When a number of Roman
Catholic around the, edlflce began
1 rising revolutionary! song ft Co
sack patrol came up at a gallop anJ
began filing Into a crowd of people
huddled on the church steps. Some of
the bullet entered the sacred edlflce,
striking the altar. Seven persons were
killed. A panic Inside the church fol
lowed and many people weer injured
In the rush for the door.
After the crowds had dispersed
workmen In group fell upon a member
of th secret poiic who wa found
alone in the atreet, and he wa near
ly beaten to death before rescued.
Transporiatioh Companies Are AT
lecied the Teamsters Strike
Wfcateaalo Mare haste f Chieag Beay
RooeHft f Inability to Supply to
Trade, but Prompt hlpment Ass
Had to AM Their Cutomra,
Chicago, May 4. The efforts of to
teamsters strike hare reached the lake
transportation companies and serious!
ly crippled th large freight buatnee
which usually la don at thla time' of
year. Owing to Inability to have gooda
transferred from th railroad depot
to th dock, all th principal steam
ship lines either have abandoned or
curtailed their services.
A. M. com p . on, chairman of the
way and means committee of the,
Chicago- commercial aswci&tlon, has
Issued a special notice to member
with reference to orders and ahlp-j
ments. The notice read," 1
"Exaggerated reports are being cir
culated throughout the country to th
effect that the commercial facilities of
Chicago are handicapped by reason ot
strike 6f union teamsters.
"To the nd that the commercial In-
eresUt of Chicago may not be in
jured by this exaggergated report the
member . this association are re
quested to notify the traveling sale
ment and the trade generally of the
fact that order are being received
an a niled promptly. Shipment are
being mad aa usual"
Diamatlc ScifiiPat:
tcrsoa Case.
Resume of the Final Proceedinjs
In Court of Murder ;
Case. :- - - '1
District Attorney Will Not Attsmpt to
Try th Case Again and Nan Pat
terson, Who Has Hsd Strenuous
Time of It Will Be Oisoharged.
New Tork, May 4-Dramatie In the
extreme were the closing scenes, early
today, of the Nan Patterson trial be
fore Reccrder doff, on the charge of
having murJered Frank T. Toung, the
wen known turfman and bookmaker
In a cab last June
When too foreman had finally se
cured the court that ther Km. M
possibility tit reaching an agreement
the prisoner wa In a dead taint At
I: IT o'clock a. m. the recorder declar
ed tjie Jury ..discharged and ordered
Mis Patterson returned to the TombaJ
prison. She waa carried out in ft chair
oy several attendants and became al
most unbearable Th Jury had filed
Into the court room, th recorder wa
on we bench.
Awwani District Attorney Rand
wa restlessly pacing back and forth
ana Attorney imj tor the defense
eyed the jMrymea with toe let sees of
P or oeepair, t the central flgure
of U tragedr wan aowhe a.
oroached the tensity "of tho climax In
the Patterson case. When Recorder
Ooff was summoned to court soon after
t o'clock the room wa filled with pec
'tatotvv iw of whom wer women.
Only tkeee posseating permit wer
allows teeater, but in tl tret suv
roundlng ths Tomb and th court
houae wer thousand awaiting to
outcome. With their eye riveted on
th bridge leading from the prison
they watched for a possible glimpse of
the prisoner, who they hoped, might
Pue at a window momentarily should
h b called to court Mounted police
kept the people In order maintaining a
paaeageway for tbe sweet car. 1
When the recorder reached hi desk
and ordered th prisoner brought from
her cell the nervous tension In th
was apparent Her father clasped her
in hi arm, chafed her cheek and
called her name repeatedly but ah
did not utter a word. Finally, af .er
nearly 20 mtnue she became semi
conscious and then ten minute later
wa able to speak.:
No positive steps wer token to
day toward having Nan Patterson re
leased on ball U being agreed that 11
would be potter for th girl to remain
quietly In the toomb for rest after
th ordeal ah underwent last night
The alarming reports circulated today
about her condition are not well
founded a It la stated tonight that
her condition I practically normal. .
Slut shows th effects of her trial,
but to far from ft real breakdown.
There 1 much speculation a to what
course the district attorney will pur
sue with reference to- th trial of J.
Morgan Smith and wife on the charge
of conspiracy, and what effect the tes
timony will have upon a possible
fourth trial for Miss Patterson. ,
Issue involved in the Ottawa, Ontario,
Ottawa, Ont, May i The first teat
vote on the northwest autonomy bill
ha been taken In the houae of com-
mona, It resulted In ft victory for
th government The question of ep
arat school for Catholic of thla ter
ritory, which I to be subdivided Into
provinces, ha become the paramount
issue In drawing, up the constitutions
for ..the new provinces and ha created
Intense Interest throughout Canada.!.
The government whip favor sepa
rate schools, and la pustatned In th
vote by a majority of It .
ft Moanent tft recorder did not
notto her menrrtvu a4 waw about
on tU fat i ,n for to. verdto
tnfcrnwd that the prtseier wa & Mr.
Ooff declarsd th ort comld not pr.
cea; tftal nho'ajnut- he mni ts
MaMe'drasjd olowly "atong. Ten ot
tem panswd and Ike defendaat ftp.
tHsared. Uaalai heavily on the arm of
Py rl. the nbowed'aMr
t-a'Weiei he Itswyer ' h4
theol of to brtdM
n hod Um afteut M
th vatcher below' ' and " aWaitogly
evry rote wa atton&ed to her favor,
ypw reaching, tho dock ah' trasped
the railing for wpport and' gaaed fix
edly at the Jurymen. "When ttiey an-
nouncetl thfelr 'fallurw to agree and
wer sn hack for further consulta
tion. ;he almost collapsed and prac
tically had to be carried from the room.
At 1:1S v clock the same scene were
enacted. Miss Patterson Waa then In
tat bordering , on collapse. She
trembled like a leaf when the Jury filed
In the second time and when the fore
man finally made ft personal poll of
the Jury, announced that Its member
were fixed In their opinion and the
rormamy or ,the discharge had been
completed she wa In a dead faint As
the final curaln fell, strong court at
tendant lifted the chair In which the
unconscious woman aat and carried it
away to the hospital ward of the pris
on. Physicians were hurried! v Bum
moned but she could not be revived
by ordinary methods. The prisoner'
aged father and the doctor had ft hard
time restoring conscloune4 When
told of the resiilt the smiled faintly.
In the atreet below thousands of per
sona, held nack by mounted police.
cheered the newa, but wer somewhat
disappointed. 'They evidently favored
th young woman and had expected
her acquittal '
Various rumor gained currency as
to how th Jury stood. Information re
ceived by the Associated Press la that
the Jury atood aeven to five in favor of
It 1 certaln thafr th former ehow
girt will be given her liberty on nomt
naL haft and that he indictment wtH
net baH. and that the indictment will
lm twler the Jury disagreed, and
once there waa a mistrial, owing to the
collapse of ft Juror, In the court an
nals of the city no'hlng hae yet an-
Dr. William Hammond Desd.
San Francisco, Way 4.Dr. William
Hammond, a pioneer physician of thla
ctty, is dead. He wa a native of
Maryland and 80 year of age,' He wa
the uncle of John Hays Hammond and
William Hammond Hall At th time
of tre famous Terry-Broderick dun!
h officiate I a one of the surgeon a
Cnly a Few !inor pistarbancci
Porty-On Pr Have Die m Re-
uft of Injorio Reeeivod In the Msy
atojf wtrUio aod ThV ttotJtor
Anwa4 MHepltaf f tlii CH '
Warsaw, May 4. With th excep.
Uon of ft few minor disturbance th
day passed off quietly. Crowds which
gathered here and there' were quickly
dispursed oy the troops armed with
whips and several person wer ser
iously Injured. " Great popular unrest
continues and I being Increased by
the waifon crudity of the ' soldlera
For Instance, a 10-year-oid boy Jeered
a Cossack who pursued him and cut
htm from bis shoulder to hi waist
with one blow of his sabre. f
Large crowds continued to gather
around Jesus hospital In Jerusalem
atreet where 41 persons have died a
a result of injuries " received In the
day" disturbances. The people wish
to prevent a secret burial by the po
lice A strong force of police Is neces
sary to maintain order.
Permission t Erect
Trap in Vlotoris.
Victoria, TV C, May 4. The qua
Ion of provincial and federal rights
with regard to fishing privileges has
arisen In a case brought before the
supreme court by K L Short, who
ha been refused permission to erect
salmon trap on th Forehor front
ing Victoria, although he ha been-
given a federal license covering the
establishment The refusal by th pro
vincial officer wa on th ground that
the. U was outside the territory .de
cided upon aa open for trap. Th Brit
ish . Columbia, official contend th
right for the province tar not con
fined, to the foreshore above tow wat
er marks but beyond; but how far 1
not Slated. Tbe Dominion right to
grant license is not contended.