The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 26, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    weokiaoAY, april m, m
Indications Point to a Successful
Year in Astoria.
eastern People coming in
While Mny Improvement Ouohl to
Be Mde, the City It Prosperous and
Show Steady, Healthy Growth in
Both Business and Building.
Indications point to a busy season
in Astoria this summer and fall. A
Iarg8 rUn of salmon will distribute
thousands of dollars In the city and
ounty and give employment to a
large number of men. The building of
the railroad, while, at first did not
create any preemptible boom aj was
anticipated, is now reoognlted as an
Important factor In the development j
and building up of the city and coun
ty. - Merchants report business of all
kinds good; there is an unusual
amount of building going on, both In
business and residences, and there
has never been such a demand for
houses as th's spring.
At one time it was considered that
Astoria" future lay in the develop
ments to be promulgated by Mr. Ham
mond. He has done all he promised
to do and would have done more had
he been given the opportunity, but
people are beginning to rely more upon
their own exertions. They are adapt
ing themselves to circumstances; are
satisfied with their lot and the bright
condition of affairs and have Implicit
faith in the future. Astoria has not
been built up by a boom, it has in
creased In population and walth on
jt merits and location and grand na.
lural resources. True, there are a
umber of wealthy men in Astoria,
but many of them are interested in tha
Ashing industry and distribute thou
sands of dollars annually in the city
and vicinf y. The only ones that are
suffering for the want of a boom are
those having large landed interests.
They have given of their lands liber
ally and donated money to establish
and take sWk In new enterprises, and
they are not in a position to inaugu
rate a boom.
Nature has done wonders for Asto
ita. It has given It one of the bes.t
aatural harbors on the coast; It has
filled Its mountains with coal, Iron,
timber; filled its rivers with an abund
ance of the finest salmon in the world,
providing employment for thousands
f honest fishermen. Clatsop count
las some of the finest dairying and
agricultural lands on the coast, and all
that Is lacking to provide for the lmt
jratlon of eastern farmers, is good
eotmty road)v These will come In
time. '
Astoria, while an old city In point
f years, is comparatively new in de
relopment. There Is not a more
iealthy climate In the world than at
tile mouth of the Columbia. It has the
finest summer resort on the north Pa,
aific coast . visited by thousands of
people every year who come to en.
joy the health invigoratlnfe sea
breeaes. Game and fish in endiess va
riety are found in its mountains and
The people of Astoria have won the
reputation of being the most hospit
able and best entertainers In the Unit
ed States and its reputation; ha9
spread all over the entire land. A
large majority of the merchants ar
enterprising, wide-awake men who
have shared the profits of their busi
ness with enterprises calculated to
benefit the' city and bring people hero.
True, there are some drawbacks that
materially interfere with the prosper
ity and growth of Atsoria, but It is
only a matter of time when there will
be swept away. It may be a year, it
may be two years, or it may be five
years, before the advantages of As
toria are fully appreciated, but a city
with so many opportunities for Inven
Kent and making money cannot be
long overlooked.
But Astoria must learn not to de-
Bend too much upon its salmon In
dustry. Astoria can be made one of
the most prosperous cities on the
roast, and that will be when there are
good county roads, the agricultural
!ands are occupied by thrifty farmers
and when from ten to a hundred farm
wagons come to Astoria every week;
when we produce farm products sufll
lent to supply our own people and
do not have to send out of our own
city for everything we consume and
pay exhorbltant prices for them
Cullaby lako were opened n follows:
J. N. Heoknrd J.SO.OU
Duncan & UUghton
R. A. Abbott 32T 75
V. J. Ingalls SS9.0C
Tlivh & Jrtcobson 2T 60
The contract was awarded to lilrva
& Jacobson, they to turmsn a uon.i
in the sum of S00.
There was only one bid received for
building a bridge near the M. rKvr
ut nlacft at Olney by J. F. Ryan to
is?t. The matter was taken under
A.tvlaement until May S.
Th bid of J. F. Ryan for two fills
on the UtOe Walluskl river for 27
and $175 were accepted and contract
ordered drawn.
Th followtna- delegates were ap
iwie.? trt attend the convention
Oregon Development league whlcl:
meets In Portland today; O. I. Peter
son, D. H. Welch, W. E. Dement J
Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. W. I Mor-
rlson, F. X Carnej, J. r. Mammon
Olof Erlckson, J. F. F.. Bartoldea, C
J. Curtis, W. R. Hume, Dan McLean
P. H. Bitgley, Andrew Young. Geo. C
Flavel. N. D. Bain and Robert Me-Dermont.
There being no further business the
court adjourned tor the term.
Frank Pope of Nehalem was In the
cltr yesterday.
Joe. Brown Is reported quite in at
his residence.
S. S. Gordon was In Portland yester
dav on business.
vre,l Radebusch of Jewell was In
the city yesterday.
Andrew Olsen of Vine Maple was in
the city yesterday.
n a siborir of Bay View was in
th city yesterday.
Dan Rlerson of Vine Maple was In
the city yesterday. .
rn fi. W. Lounsbury Is visltln
friends at Seaside.
xt nronier of Kalama was a visit
or In Astoria yesterday.
Agnes Thornton of Warrenton was
in the city yesterday.
W. J. Ingalls of Lewis and Clark
was in the city yesterday.
D. P. Flood of Baker City registered
at the Occident yesterday.
t t TV.,,! nf Vnhcotta was in the
city yesterday on business.
r A. Trulllnsrer made a business
trip to Portland yesterday.
Clifford Staples is reported serious
ly ill at the home of his parents.
Mrs. M. A. Swore ha gone to Port
land for a few days on business.
E. Walker and' daughter of Por
hind are registered at the Parker.
u-. iiwu.roin of Deeo River was
111,1. V. IV... -
in the city yesterday on business.
Aueust Byney of Rosberg. ash.
was in the city yesterday on business.
Weather Forecaster Beals, the man
.i . ,i,.t. tVie wenther. is in the
Sheriff Llnvllle went to Oregon City
last evening, where he is a witness In
the circuit court
J. J. Blake of Seattle, manager of
the Postal Telegraph, was In the city
yesterday on official business.
F. P. Kendall and family of Port
land Dassed through the city yester
day en route to Seaside, where they
will SDend the summer.
Thomas Sigaumey, organizer of the
uuhintc Asfvwlation" of Astoria,
was called to Seattle on business yes
terday. He expects to return the last
of the week.
Last Hope Vanished.
When leading physicians aald that
W. M. Smithart, of Peking, la., had in
curable consumption, his last hope va
nlshed: but Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
kect him out of his grave. He says
This great specific completely cured
m. and saved my life. Since then, 1
have used It for over 10 years, and con
slder It a marvelous throat and lung
,.nr" strictiv scientific cure for
Coughs, Sore Threats or Colds; sure
nreventive of Pneumonia, Guaranteed
50c and $1.00 bottles at Chas. Rogers'
drug store. Trial bottle free.
Contract Awarded for Building Bridge
Over Cullaby Lake.
An adjourned session of the county
eotort was held, yrstejvlpy, the full
board being present. The following
proceedings were had;
Annllcatlon from J. F. Burtls of Sea
side to place a floating dock for small
linntii on the Uecanlcum bridge was
aanted, he to furnish a bond to pro
tfet the bridge.
mil for building a brldpre across
Package Mexican Lottery Tickets
Sieved at T&coma.
'rWMi rEg1" vtxnsmmt,ium nana
The Tickets Were Consigned by th
Managers of the Lottery Company
to T. L. Edwards, a Representative
of Company, to Be Sold in Tacoma.
Seattle, April 15. Armed with
search warrants Issued by Federal
Judge Hanford, In accordance with 1q
structlons sent to alt cities in the
United States by the department at
Washington. Captain B. W. Bell of
the United States secret service de
tectives, seised In Tacoma today a
package of lottery tickets on the Mex
ican state lottery company of Sim Luis
Fotosl, Mexico,
The package was consigned to T. u
Edwards of Tacoma and were to be
sold by hltn to regular customer., who
have been in the habit of gambling In
lottery tickets. This Is the first sol
ure of its kind ever made In the state
of Washington. Secret service men
are In all the principal cities on the
coast with the object of breaking up
the lottery schemes, which have been
carried on extensively In all the Pa
cific coast cities.
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fatally,
but by choosing the right medicine, E.
H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated
death. He says: "Two years ago I bad
Kidney Trouble, which caused me
great pain, suffering and anxiety, but
I took Electrio Bitters, which effected
complete cur. I have Also found
them of great benefit In general de
bility and nerve trouble, and keep them
constantly on hand, since, as a find
they have no equal." Chaa, Rogers,
druggist, guarantees them at SOc.
Good tea, pood co.Tce, besi
bakin-p nvJer, best flavoring
extracts, best spices, pure soda
at fair prices and moneyback.
Schilling's Best, at youi
To the pWson who will write the ft
short article o
"How Wlee Wins Hie Way."
Here are a few of the arguments:
First WIm presses all Hults. Ofr
coat or pants bought at hla t"fe fro
of charge whenfvrr you wish It.
8ocomt Win Rive certificate
with every $10 bought at hla store,
which certificate entitles you to 110
back In case of accident; three of these
certificate entltlesyou. to an X-mas
present; alx to two prewnta,
Third Wise has the lightest store,
where customers can see whntthey
are buying.
Fourth Wise Is o)e agent for Al
fred Benjamin famous clothes for gen
' tlcmen.
Xtra good brand of clothes for Boys.
Toting. Stotson and Kingsbury
brands of Hat.
K. & W Arrow and Vnln mart col
lar and cuffs.
Fibre and Canva covered Trunks,
Leather Suit Case and Hull' Separ
able Umbrella. MPrgon Pant.",nd
other high-grade sxd at rmoitatl
Wise has energy and ues up-tw-dat
Wis.) does thing FIRST and the rest
Wlmj not only uses the most modern
ammunition, but he Is the man behjnd
the gun that wins th Battle.
All article written on the alwe
subject must be in before May 15th,
The Judge will be announced later,
at present we simply announce th
facts of the ens and the further fuct
that Wise sell the best suits at from
110 to 130.
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
I. O. O. F. Notice.
All members of Beaver Lodge, No.
35, L O. O. F, are requested to at
tend the anniversary exercises, to be
held at Odd Fellows' hall, Thursday
evening, April 27, 1905, at 8 p. m. Visit
lng members and Rebekahs are cor
dially Invited to attend.
When May is Born
She will need shoes. Hadn't you better see our elegant and com
plete line of Infants' shoes, beiore May comes. They are made In
lumerous styles and colors, every one a winner. Even that New Shade
''Champagne" for the little one' footwear. This color ha become
popular for Misses' and Ladles' shoes, and It will be mor than popu
'ar with the mothers who like a dressy shoe for the baby.
Infanta' Soft Sole Shoes, many
style, In different sizes 25c to $1.
A Chubby Foot on the little ones Is
hard to fit We' have a shoe,
especially made to fit that ort of
a cunning little foot. In price
they run from 75c to tl, the pair.
In sizes 1 to 5 and 6tt to 8.
for children, Misses and Toung Ladles will be the proper thing this
-.eason. They are very dressy and we carry a splendid assortment In
patent leather and tan. Goo-Goo Eyelets.
Sizes: 6 to 8 at 1.25. Sixes: to II at $1.35.
Sizes: 1VA to 2 at 11.50. All sizes at 12.
Tired our. worn out woman cannot
w ...
sleep, eat or work: seems as If flhe
would fly to pieces. Hollister's Rocky
oMi ruin "a intik- iii :.;vm
and rich red blood. 35 conts, Ten or
Isbnts. Fiank Ila-t' druir si tn-.
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purines the breath.
Used by people of refinement
ZOr over a tiuar wt vi a wi4nu;
Very convenient for tourists.
521 Commercial Street.
A n1io to lit,
Ami it Mhott to wear,
HI ut lio welectftl
With tale aiKloiire
Are your spirit drooping? Do you
feel that tired feeling? Pe your ap
petite need coaxing? Then your blood
I poor. That I nature' way of tell
ing you that you need our .
It I an Ideal tonic, bracing, strength
ening and exhilarating. It purifies th
blood, tones up the system and will
make you feel like yourself again In t
week or so,
FRANK HART, Pragglst.
Corner 14th and Commercial Bis
Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work
in tbat line at reasonable prices. , Telephone 291.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest prioes for Fishermen, farmers Bnd,LogKer
Branch Uniontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown,J7l3
Tenth and Commcrcifll Street.
XTiirrxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxxzrt izxuxiiinnxxiiixzxixg
Is Your Bathroom Modern? W?jf
You cannot have too many lafcguardi for the health
of family and iclf, eipcciall v the growing children. ,
Bad or antique plumb
ing it at dangerous to the'
heilth ai good or modern
plumbing it beneficial.
The cost of renewing your
bathroom with "ftt
Ware will in reality be
health annuranre.
We have lamplei In
our ihow roomi and will
gladly quote you prices.
JA. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
TheBest Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace C teringCo.
Agents The Linen Thread Co.
Fishermen and Cannery Supplies