The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 26, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1005.
Best Creamery Butter,
Roll, 55c.
Good Butter, 50c.
X WWW) JL Jfc A VJI VB 111 W W V B
Agent Chase and Sanborn' Famous Honton Roast Coffee.
AmuMmenti Tonight.
Mar Theater, Vaudeville.
Lodge Mtlng Tonight
Foresters, Court Astoria.
O. A. It.. Cushlii post.
Order of Pernio, Clulsop council.
Finish Blsterhood.
Local Brevities.
Notice of the flnnl account In th
eslut of Genrio Kutgl w filed In
th probate court yesterday,
' Erlrk Tborseit, ft nativ of Norway,
was -rantl flrt rltlsermhlp paper
yesterday by Deputy Andrew II Pal-itliy.
Plslrht Attorney Harrison Allen I
at Oregon City attending a term of
court, lie Is expected, to return Butur
day night.
It. M. Cliiton carrlvi a full line of
farm Implement. ' wagon, bug
gle and farming tool of nil kind.
105 Fourteenth street.
R. M. Oaston; at 1I feed itnMa No.
105 14th street, offer for al a LandW
harness machine; one butcher' wall
calc. will be aold cheap.
The Owl flavoring extract are con
Idered the best and strongest by all
who have used them. Ask for the Owl
at your grocers and lake no other.
Dill Young will niov thnlr pile
driver to the Tongue I'olnt Lumber
Company mill today, where they have
a contract for driving a number of
I'leae In abatement Jo not, eem to
be popular in Judge Bellinger1 court.
Let the accuneJ men eland a trial be
fore a Jury of their peer and If not
guilty the Jury will no decide.
M. A. Mnt'son state that In the
drowning accident of Andrew A. 81p
'lii. that HI pot wa at the rudder and
lie got JnmbeJ or. the forefistlo mHt.
Percy Togg, who wa operated upon
at the hospital for apedecltl two
week! ago, I recovering rapidly and
will be able to return home Huturdrtyv
The lie restaurant, on Eleventh
etrtet, ! considered the family reetau.
rant of Astoria. The beet meal and
tho beet aervlce In Astoria, 120 Eleven,
th street.
C'olunlal and slwulwater bay oysters
In liny quantity for famlllee or partle
can be obtained strictly fresh at the
Imperlnl oyeter anl chop house.
The arrangements for the annlv.r-
sary entertainment of the Odd Fel
lows hne ben completed and tomor
row night nit th member rind their
fumlllc will be entertained t.y lUnvcr
None of the cannerle or cold stor
Bge plant report any Increase In th
run of aalmun yerterday. Report r
from the Hakers bay traps are the
mime. A few up river nmiermen re
port fair ca tehee.
Dan Rleraon of Vine Maple was
In the city yesterday and report that
the county road to the Nehalem I In
a bnd condition and that no Improve
ment have been made over the bad
places, and that It I almost lnipolble
for a farmer to bring In an empty
The government cable to the North
Head which wae picked up by the
ManxliUU Monday, an J which waa
buoyed, woa found mllng again y
terday when the Manalntta went down
with Weather Fprecaater Real to
make the necessary repair. Borne-
one had cut the line letting the cable
allp buck. An effort will probably b
mude today to pl k It up again.
Have You Beg'un
House Cleaning' ?
We wish to call your
attention to our new and
attractive assortment of
Carpets, - Matting's, - Rug's,
Without question the finest
line ever shown in Astoria.
You can positively save money by trading with as.
Complete House Furnishers.
I'ear Ruttor 1 a novelty even to the
Astorlan. It 1 announced for the
benefit of th publlo In th advertise
ment of th Astoria Grocery, In to
day' paper,
A meeriage license wae Issued yes
terday to John Fuhrmann and Mary
L. Hoefky and they were married In
the afternoon at th residence of th
brlde'e parent, Rev Mr. Rydqulet of
ficiating. Th young couple left on
last evening' train for a short wedding
trip and on their return will make As
toria their home.
Th Franklin avenue Improvement
will probably be completed this week.
The work of driving pile wa com
pleted yeterday ond there I only
about a block of llewalk and Btreet
nlnrik to lay. Th Improvement In
one of the beet Ker made In the clt
and reflect credit on tho contractor
and the superintendent, W. J. liarry,
Vlnltor coming up from fJenslde
tata that there are more and better
accommodations' more and better ho
tel in HeaxlJu this year than In any
prevlou year. rlealde I not only the
popular summer resort but I recog
tilxd a a health resort and a large
number of people pcnd a part of th
winter there.
The fteaslde saw mill ha not been
closed down as wa reported by peo
ple coming up from there end has no
Intention of closing do.wn. They have
plenty of log to keep the mill run
ning until the railroad I built when
there will be an unlimited upply.
People should bo careful what report
they give out to the papers, especially
when there is no opportunity to verify
Py Poll Tax.
Every male Inhabitant In the tate
must pay a polltax of $. It is th duty
of the rond eupervlsor to collect the
tax. D. R. Rlount i th supervisor
In Astoria and should collect from
about 1(00 people. The following; is
the action of the law governing poll
tax collection:
"Every male Inhabitant Of this state
over 21 year and under SO years of
age unless by law exempt, loall an
nually pay a road poll tax of $3, which
hall be collected in cash by the road
supervisor of th district In which any
person liable therefor resides, ana
which must tx, collected by the road
supervisor on or before the first day
of December of th year for which
such poll tax Is due. .Such poll tux
must be paid on demand to the road
Makes digestion and aselmllation
perfect. Mikes new red blood and
bone. That' what Hollleter Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for tn
tick isl weak. 5 cuC t ?
i frank liar, dru '
Hubscrlption- list have been pre
pared and secretary U-rensten I pre
pared to entertain all liberal minded
cltlxen who desire to iwslst In the
extermination of the seals. As soon
as sufficient funds are guarai teert, two
hunteis will be employed to kill off
the sciils,
. i
R. R. Coruther I In Portland under
the care of an occullst. It wa at first
thought that he would lose the luht
of both eyes, but hi parent received
word yesterday that there wa a nolle
able Improvement and the chance
were good for saving hie sight. Mr.
Carrulhers ha recently opened up an
electrician "tore on Duane street, and
It is thought hi eye were Injured by
repairing an X-ray Instrument.
Beginning with May 1 all of the of
ficial at the custom house will wear
uniform, thl being a new order of
the department. Thf colbtpr and
deputy are allowed to chose their own
uniform, but the rest of the employes
will weiir the regulation blue. When
Inspector McC'ue dons hi new uni
form with gold button and braid and
starts out with all the pomp and dig
nity of a major general he will prob
ably hardly recognize his old friend.
The Astoria tem held a meet
ing lust evening at the Commercial
club which was well attended and con
siderable enthusiasm wns mnnlfest. It
wns decided to take the cart out on
May 8 f"r the first street practice and
continue tb practice several times
a week thereafter. One week from
Saturday night six young ladles will
take elmrfre of the regular weekly
dance at Hanthorn's hall and it is ex
pected thnt it will be the greatest so
cial event of the season.
How true to the name
are our
&.50 and $4.00
iY Men's Shoes.
Perfect InliWorkmanshlp.
Perfect In Fit.
I Perfect la Style.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers."
Contractor Dugan and Architect
Ijtzaru were In the city yesterday.
They did not consult with the county
court or make any suggestion to them
about future work on the court house.
They will cover up the work o as to
protect It from the weather until some
arrangements are made for complet
ing It. The county court will not em
ploy a watchman to look after the
building as It I an unnecessary ex.
pens and the prohabllltiee are that
work will be resumed In tho near future.
The body of Charles A. Smith, who
wns drowned on April 8 by falling
overboard from S. E. Harris' launch,
was picked up yesterday afternoon in
a fishing belonging to August
Oknla, while drifting in the channel
near Flavel. The coroner wa noti
fied and went down and brought th
body to this city where It was Iden
tified. Twenty-fire dollars and eighty
cents was found on the body, besides
a Kold ring and a sliver watch. The
body will be shipped to Tillamook on
the next steamer for burial.
Prof. Adrian Kpplng has ktndly con
sented to give a musical entertainment
for the benefit of the Astoria public
library on May i at Fishers' opera
house. The proceeds are for the pur
pose of furnishing the ne,v library
rooms In the new city hall building. If
the men .folk of Astoria only knew
how hard the ladles of the library as
oclatlon are working to build up the
library and afford a place for young
and old to enjoy afternoons and even
ings, they would go down In their
pockets and buy the furniture, but
the ladles will be. satisfied if they will
contribute towards and encourage the
entertainment. Teopte should take
more interest In the publlo library for
It Is a grand institution and it ought
not to be necessary to give entertain
ment to maintain It. '
Attention !
In order to make room for more
stock In our rapidly growing groc
ery department w are closing out
our entire line of
New Royal
sewing machine. These machine
equal any on the market retailing
at the same price. Golden oak cab
inet, drop bead, modern in every
respect Btep In and see them, for
Iv' itx baven't any this I your
chance to get one cheap. It your
I old and runs hard cast it aalde
and get one of our new ones, ob
tainable at cost price
Solid golden oak cabinet regular 130
Our price ' $24
Golden oak finish cabinet regular $27
Our price $21
, We have two wagon and cater
to your trade. A large, up-to-date
tore with a full line of good gro
ceries. Telephone If you cannot
come. W will call for your order.
Telephone Main 781.
Franklin Avenue, Upper Aitori.
SIHis, Lace Cellars,
Boy's Clothing, Ladles' Shoes,
Your choice of any $1,00 and $1.25 Shirt OA-
waist silk at -. - - OVC
Your choice of any Lace Collar, regular
price 50c and 75c ; - AyV
Your choice of any Boy's $2.25, $2.50 jj
or $3.00 Suit . - p..VO
Yo"r choice of Ladies shoes that sold
at $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50
lorse Department Store.
508-510 Commercial Street-
Mail orders solicited.
New IdeaPatterns 10c.
Plumbers Steamfitters
None but First Class Workmen
517-531 Bond tieet. 1 ;
nil i i ' ii 8,rB
v ma --....
With that Corset you are Wearing'.
Does It Fit Just Right and Feel
- i -.. .
If it doesn't then you haven't secured the kind that is in
tended for your particular figure. A perfect fitting corset will
give grace to your figure and always feel easy and comfortable.
do' all this and more. They have style and
durability and are guaranteed to
be rust proof.
j mieooF JJ
If you are not already wearing this make you had better get
your next one here. , We are showing a full line of all the latest
models for spring and summer and can supply you at all times
with any size you may want.
rices, 50c to
Astoria's Greatest Store.