THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL It, 1908. IMA L TAXATION Prtsent System of Assessing Prop erty Detrimental. YALDATIONJUNDERESTIMATED Property Unequally Assssstd That Should Bear Mor, of th Burden, While the Homes of Poor Should Not Bear Unnecessary Burdens. There Is a matter of considerable Importance to the city of Astoria anil Clatsop county that should require the attention of the county court, and that is the system of assessing property in the city and county. An effort I made, so it Is claimed, to assess all property, both real and personal ,at bout one-third of its actual cash TIue. The assessor has to rely upon the statements furnished him by the people, especially in the value of a stock of goods. In the assessment of real property the judgment of the as sessor is the criterion for establish ing values. ,The present system Is. "entirely wrong and injurious to the elty and county. In Josephine county the county court has Instructed the assessor to assess all property at its actual cash value. The advantage of this will be a de crease In the annual tax levy. In stead of levying 50 mills upon a one third assessment basis, it will only re tcaln about 20 mills opon an actual cash basis. People coming to a com munity to locate or invest invariably Inquire what is the tax levy. When tbey are informed that it is 5 per cent they are scared out It makes no dlf ferenec if it is explained that property ' is only assessed at one-third of its actual cash value, it is the amount of the levy that influences them. If the property of Astoria were assessed at its actual cash value, instead of th assessment roll, aggregating about J4.000.000, I would amount to S20 W0.000 and a levy of 10 mills would produce as much revenue as a 53 mill levy and the county does not have to pay any greater amount to the state. , There Is a large amount of real property In Astoria that is not assessed at one-tenth of its actual cash value, nor for the prices at which some of It has been sold. In Multnomah coun fy the assessor will, according to tjie Oregonlan raise the assessed value of property 11,000,000,000 in order to re dace the tax levy, realizing that a low assessment and a high levy is a det rtment to the city and an obstacle in the way of Investment by outside capi taL An erronlous impression prevails among some that an Increased assess' ment means that the county will have Baore to pay to the state. This used to be the law, but it has been changed and the state tax levy is now based upon the percapita and not upon the assessed valuation of property. It will make no difference in Portland if the assessments are tribbled, it will not be reauired to pay any more taxes The same is true of Clatsop county. IT the valuation of the property is In- creased Ave fold, which it ought to be, the amount paid to the state will be no larger than at present. xThus It will be seen that In many Instances property is not assessed at 18 per cent of its actual cash value, and this is the reason why the tax levy in Clatsop county Is so high. It . the assessment was Based upon the actual cash value, the tax levy would not exceed 10 to 15 mills. This would irfve Clitson county a hUr flnnnrial Wanting; would be an inducf-ment for capitalists to come hre nnj invest. No one would be compelled to pay any more taxes than they now pay, and if the business property were assessed at its true cash value instead of 10 per eent it would relieve some of the mer chants farmers and owners of small tomes of unnecessary and burdensome taxation end put It where it Justly belongs, on the property that is bring ing in a good income, but which does not pay its just proportion of taxes on account of the unequal assessments. If property were assessed its actual ash value a levy of 1 mill for five years would furnish sufficient money to complete the new court house. TJn Jer the present assessment it will re quire a 2 mill levy for 12 years. During all of this time, the county Is paying interest on the court house warrants, If the court houes is completed at a cost of 1125,000, and warrants Issued for the payment as contemplated, the last warrants will run for more than 12 years, and during that time the county will have paid out over $60, 800 In Interest, or half of the original tout of building, the" court house. The figures herein stated ere not absolute ly correct, simply -approximated,- but are below rather than above. It is a matter that is worthy of consideration, and is a matter that the tax payers of Clatsop county are or should be inter ested in. Her. ur their homes, especially the front yards One Important feature is the discard lug of fences and the building of low stone fence, and in some lustano the Inolosures ore removed altoKoth Robert Corruthers and L. Klrchoff building a stone feno in front of the property on Exchange street, which a decided Improvement Many of the fences of Astoria are more on tumble-down order, and no matter how clean the yard may be or how beautiful the lawn, the effect is de stroyed by unsightly fences. Another thliur. the hoodlum klda of Astoria cannot keep their hands off fences shrubbery In the yards. Tbey pull the pickets off and destroy creeping vine. If the common council would pass n ordinance making It a misdemeanor for any boy to destroy the property others it might go a long way in rem edying the evil. If a boy Is remon strated with, he becomes insolent and Impudent and no one has a right thrash the hoolums, as it will result in a row with their paternal ancestors. It is very evident that some parents have no control over tneir offspring, and no time to teach them a love for the beautiful. As long aa a kid can smoke a cigarette and swear, he Ira agines that he is a man, but If he on knew how disgusting he was In the eyes of respectable people, he might be Induced to discard these noo.uum characteristics. iy Doing 8utiness. The City Lumber & Bos Company, Astoria, has been awarded the contract for furnishing S0O.00O feet of lumbc for the Columbia river Jetty. The spe cificatlons call for a -large quantity of timbers lis 16 and 12x14. 35 feet long, and a quantity of shorter lengths, and also 32.500 railroad ties. This la to be Imade in three deliveries. April 23, May 15 and June 15. A portion af the first delivery has already been made. Man ager John Nordstrom states that al though the new company has only been In existence three months it has ac compllshed even more than was ex pected, and he feels very hopeful of Its practical usefulness for the future. Civie Improvement. There fs a tendency among the prop' rty owners of Astoria to beautify Alon the Water Front. The steamer North Star, which will be used as a cannery tender for the Alaska Fshermen's Packing Company, siilled for Bristol Ray yesterday. The German ship Aragoni left out yesterday for the orient with a genern cargo, most of which was Hour con signed to Japan. . The steamer Cascade Is due to ar rive from 'San Francisco this morn ing. The steamer F. II. Leggett is due from San Francisco today. The steamer Redondo Is due from San Francisco Sunday. Baseball Scores. Tacoma Seattle 0, Tacoma S. Portland Los Angeles 1, Portland San Francisco Oakland 3, San Francisco 1. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the vlru lent poisons of undigested food, C. Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result,- he writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic- laxative properties. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store, guaranteed. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea I peftive, iever nauseates or upsets the stomach. Cleanses and purities th entire system. A great blessing suffering humanity. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. C. E. Linton's drug store, W. J. Hess has opened the cleanest and best appointed restaurant In As torla at 120 Eleventh street. The best the market, rj the promptest serv Ice. tf HATS Trimmed Free MRS. R. INGLETON, 656 Commercial St. Welch Block, Astoria. !.; I V. fca n display FOR EASTER an elegant line of Ladles' and Chil dren's Trimmed Hats In all the latest styles and shades. ' My millinery business has grown to such proportions that I am compelled to make room for this department by disposing of my entire stock of Under wear and Notions. The Closing Out Sale now on, Is a biy money saving oppor tunity. A nice line of hair switches and pom padours carried in stock. FROM CHILDHOOD To old age It is necessary to sustain the boly for the mental strain. Phy sicians everywhere say that fresh cow's milk Is the only safe substitute for mother's milk. We don't keep half the milk 24 hours. We deliver each milking as soon as It arrives, yet we charge no more. Choose either morn ing or night delivery and get Fresh MjJk of The SLOOP- JEFFERS CO., 10th and Duane Sts. ORDER ISSUED Shipment of Goods to Mexico and Centra! Americn. BENEFIT OF THE INSURGENTS rtttnMMMltRMlllKt1IMIItXiinnnitoilumnwimmtmm iiKi sun ifii bmm r n i a mi Misssa i snw sa mumum Mini m an i Mim ssin imaisfcii iilaasrfnnilMsi I - B T77 A . i Mil Guatemalan Government Asserts That Arms and Ammunition Ars Being Shipped to Hostile Countries for the Btntfit of th Insurgents. San Francisco, April 20. An Im portant order has been Issued by Col lector of the Port Stratton. which may for some time Interfere in the ship ment of goods to Mexlca and Central America, and in some cases may J- lay the sailing of the steamers fot ports In those countries. The orders are that hereafter no clearance shall be granted to a vessel until the individual consigners' mani fests are on file In the custom house. This order is the result of protests filed In the state and treasury depart ments by the Guatemalan consul at this port, who asserts that arms and ammunition are being constantly ship- peJ on steamers leaving this port Jor Central America consigned to and for the use of the insurgents now fight ing against his government Bill Posters' Linaense. Notwithstanding the council passed an ordinance Imposing a license on bill posters, and the fact that there l one or two in the city trt are engaged In the business every day and have not taken out the required license, it Is probable that some one will be arrest ed for a violation of the ordinance, that Is. if the council Intend to en force the ordinance. None of the eon. dltions of the ordinance have been compiled with, which require the re moval of bill boards from the streets of the city. If the city la so hard up It might raise some revenue by enforcing the ordinances. Schilling's Best, so far as h goes, means comfort and ease and economy. Money back; at your grocer's. Clothes rought at Wise's Pressed Free of Charge Whenever ou Wish, Nature invests everything in brightest hue. Hill and valley shed their sombre winter colors and the trees dou their brightest leaves. Even the very atmosphere changes its cmpness to a mild and more pleasant surrounding, hence' the birds begin bo sing and all mankind rejoices. V. Why . Don't You join the happy throngs, who, recognizing Wise's Superior Quality of Clothes, take their pick out of our immense assortment and be gin to look brigter. better and more dressy. Superb productions from the master tailor's hands $15.00 to $30.00 t - f1 ' Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. to RUSH The order for that pair of Oxfords in the NewShade "CHAMPAGNE" This color has met with the approval of ladies who like up-to-date footwear and will be quite popular this season. We have ladifg' hit(h shoes in the same shade. They are sold at popular prices too. YOU MAY WALK ALL OVER the city but nowhere will you find a Ix-t. tor patent leather shoe, lace or button, than we offer FOR EASTER FOIt MKN:-IIiKhnn low shoes, hylo too, Goodyear welt, military heel, in tun Same stvio, higher grade leather H High aod low shoes, noli toe, gnudyi-nr welt, uiilitury heel, luce, in patent leather .$, Heme and other stylos in higher rrmltf notunt htuthpr tin t .7 "" I-'Oll WOMKN:-Ofonh plain top, button uarwta . -,. ,,ther nml tun . . : oo OO 50 PETERS0MBR0WN aaS ... mr. Must In M-li't'tert 521 Commercial Street. Wlth tR,e " mr Art your spirits drooping? I you feW that tlrsil frrllnirT Dos your ap prtlt liwd coaxlnf ? Then your blood Is poor. That la naturs't way of tell In you that you n4 our ALTI-TONE It Is an ldal tonic, bracing. trenth -stilus; and exhl'.nratlng. It purines ths blood, toti?s up the system and will make you fed like yourself again In a wmk or so. FRANK HART, Dro&ist. SOLE AGENT Corner 14th and Commercial Bta ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Harms installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of th latest pattern I anprepared to do all kinds of work la that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 1")1. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREET5. 111 m a Is Your Bathroom Modem You cannot have loo many lafeguardi for the health of family and aclf, especially the growing children. Bad or antique plumb- j ing it it djngcroui health is cond or m plumbing is beneficial. The coit of renewing your bathroom with "fusdard Ware will in reality be health itiurame, W have samples in ... .t , ... tE-lL i -ii i3 m'w rounl ana win vy-W-t'Zt gladly quote you prices. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. i mumitxixxxxxxixixxixtii Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO ANDJCIOARS. Supplies of alt kinds at lowest prloei for Fishermen, Farmers and.Log rers Branch Uniontown, Phones, 711, - Uniontown,J713 A. V.ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. XIXTIXITXIIIIIIXXXXXXIZXX itillliTT tttt ttt ttt tttt t L X? The Palace Cafe. The Best Restaurant, Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market'Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace C tering Co. FISHER BROTHERS C01IPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies