,r.. rH'". -'' I wtfr1 . UBLItHf t PULL AttOOIATIO PRIStgRIPORT COVKRS THt MORNINQ FI1LD ON THS LOWER COLUMBIA VOLUME LVIV. NO. 162 f ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS MEANS FIGHT Japanese Fleet Ordered to Kamrahn" BATTLE NEXT SUNDAY Toga's Fleet Ordered lo Fight the Russian Squadron Im mediately. AGREE 0 RADICAL COURSE Japan Fr Further Rlnforcmnt to Russian Squadron Would Result Disastrously to the Japan Fleet In Naval tattlt. TokK A!ll 20.Tlmt Admiral Togo with the whole Japanese fleet la to Mill at once fr Kiwnrunh Hay, whore Admiral nojcutveiisky'a fleet la ailll at nnrhor, and engage the enemy In rfcrlstv battle I th positive state ment made her. Aftir n flv hours' momentous conference of leading Jap an statesmen, ftm Premier and th nvmtrs of the cabinet, the decision, l.il the Japan admiral should take the Initiative and force the lighting U arrived at The HMIhood of the Ruxiilun squadron remaining In the heltrf of a friendly French Cochin China port until Joined by Vice Ad miral Neboxatofl" division of the Rua Inn fleet waa considered to add a new and irruve dungsr to the situation, to avert which Immediate action wa deemed necessary. The order waa forwarded to Toko for Kamarnh Hay and force the fight to gather hla fleet togvther and eall Ing, on the supposition that the Jap anese main fleet la at Peacudore I Janda, and that RoJfstvensky la In Kamrnnh liny, which la 800 mllea dla tnnt ncroaa the China sea. The Jap anese admiral ehould reach the acene of action In leaa than three day a, and Sunday should aee the battle. The attitude of th French govern ment In giving ahelter to Itojeatvenaky wa declartnl a mntter for aerloua after-consideration, A dlapatrh atatea that Nebogatorfs squadron has reached Sudan atralta on Ita way to Join Ro Jestvcnsky In the China sea. JAPANESE MINISTER. Call on French Minister to Arrange for Neutrality. Purl. April SO. Acting on Inatruo tlona from hla government Dr. Motono. the Jnpaneae minister to France, Jma rolled on Foreign Mlnlatcr Jlcoaa this evening and aubmltted ropresen tntlona on behalf of the Jnpaneae gov ernmcnt concerning tho presence of the Ruaalan Pacific squadron In Knm ranh bay. An offlclnl communication laaued after the meeting atatea that Minister Motono's action was not in the nature of a formul protest against alleged) violations of neutrality, but wna to obtain assurunce that Franca would observe strict neutrality. Notwithstanding the ofTlciul version of the evident Intention and effect of Monoto'a mission Is In the nature of a protest, the, foreign minister of France respondeJ to represontatlon( of the Japanese mlnlnter by pointing out thut precautions had been taken to preserve neutrality. Delcassle's assur ances Is sought to allay Bpprehenslone of the Japanese which he maintained hod not been Justified by any specific facta. The exact terms of Japan's reprcxentutloiiB has not been disclosed, but It Is understood, while having the usual courteous form of diplomacy, they set forth serious apprehenslcyis aroused by the stay 'of the Russian warships In Kamranh bay, and that th earnest desire of French neutrality be placed beyond a doubt. The terma of the French response, although not given out, tend to give ample assur ances on all questions. GRANNY HONORED. Lif 8ixd 8tatut to B Erotd In Nw York. New York, April 20. A movement haa been Inaugurated here to erect a life slxed alatue In marble of the late actress, Mr. J. It, Gilbert. The sponsor of the noclely In charge of th. icheme, known aa the Mr. Gilbert Memorial Association, Include many peraona well known In America. It li propoaed to place the atatua In one of the public parka or on the ground of the Actor born, at Staplton, S, I. Th marbl trlbut to the famoua actrs will ahow her In the character of "Granny,! which aha wa playing- In Chicago at th time of her death. IRRIGATION CONGRESS. Next Meeting to Be Held in Portland In Auguit. Sacramento, April 20. Governor Pardee, president of the national Irrl gallon congress, haa leaued an an nouncement that the next session of the Irrigation congress will be held In Portlund from Auguat II to St. Th governor atatea that he expect to meeting to be one of the moat Interest Ing aa well aa the moat Important one hold by the congress. ; The United State reclalmatlon seheme promisee to ba onn of the mot important aubjecta for dlacua alon. Some hop that President Ilooae. vdt will attend the aeaalon for one day at leaat and President Dlaa of -Mexico haa alao been Invited. An effort will be made to have both dlgnlatarlea prt-Bt on the aama day. OLYMPIA SAILS. Brings Large Number of Japanese for Railroad Work. Honolulu. April 20. This afternoon the tamr Olympla, railed for Seat tle, carrying S91 Jap who reported undi-r contract work for th Or.'at Northern rnllroiid in Montana. Tb Olympla la aim) carrj'lng to Seat tle the cargo of coal the Honolulu merchants refused to purthaae. Great Britain May Be Compelled to Interfered War. ABOUT IMPENDING CRISIS Japan Will Insist That Franc Rsmsin Neutral and .It Is Stated That This Has Been Guaranteed, and Russian Squadron Kept Off French Territory. London, April SO. Notwithstanding emphatic protests from some of the newsiuipcrs and the shrieks of Indig nation from the Jingo press, the Brit ish government officials decline to ad mit anything in the far eastern situ ation to cause excitement or show that It , approaches an actual siege. In other words, the foreign oftVe assume nn attitude of a much Interested spec tator of the Intensly dramatic situa tion now approaching a climax In which, by some mischance Oret Bri tain might be called upon to piny an Important part The announcement In Paris In dis patches to the Associated Press, that Dr. Motono, the Japanese Minister, has called on Foreign Minister Delcasse with regard to the question of neutral ity haa fTot changed the views of offi cials at the foreign office, where It was pointed out today that Japan had prob ably not made a formal protest, but simply desires assurances that France will continue to maintain neutrality and not offord the Russians any ad vantage Inconsistent with France's r. sponslblllty aa a neutral power. The foreign office assumes that France is moat certain to give some assurance tp Japan. FEA8T OF THE PASSOVER. Oxthodox Hebrews Will Obsrv th Traditional Holiday. New York, April 20.The East Side Olietto general observance of the rass- over has begpn and will continue one week. Holiday attire TT observablo throughout the - district and stores owned by Orthodox Hebrew wer all cloned several hour before the usual time. More than 50,000 persons at tended services in the synagogues and then repaired to their homes, where a second service was given and special dishes symbolic of tit occasion were served to the assembled famine and their guests. , TROUBLE BREWING VHEATMABKET Gambling in May Wheat r Disastrous.' PRICES ARE LOWER Break of Five Cents a Bushel In the Chicago Market Yes- ' terday. WALL STREET INFLUENCE FELT Big Fight 8twn John W. Gat and th Armour Company Causa InUns Exoitmnt In th Wheat Pit and Prlo Still Going Lowr. Chicago, April SO. The celebrated deal In May, wheat attributed to John W. Gates receive 1 seemingly Its death blow today. Possibly as much aa 6,- 000,000 bushels for May delivery was dumped on th market As a result ther was a break of S cents a bushel In the price, the quotations on May falling from SMSVt to II.0SV Some opem'.rr rrofessed the opin ion that th slump was due to heavy eastern holders at May wheat unload ing becaues of th notable unrest of the stock market, the alleged purpose of the sellers being to get free to pro tect securities in Wall street The much more prevalent belief, however, wus that Oates was tired of the bur den and shifted the May wheat deal to Armour and other. One thing that Is said to be certain Is that Gates sold tremendous quantities today through at least one house here. When the prlc of May wheat felt under fl.10, the commission pPle poured the wheat on atop loss order. This caused a breath sheer drop to $1.08 H. The total sales of May wheat Is estimated from J.000.000 to 5,000,000 bushel. While a bear turn was on In May wheat, the Armour people wer sup porting July wheat against selling drives caused by general rains. It Is argued that Armour's enormous buy ing for July was in the Interest of the Gatf crowd, either covering heavy spot sales made from $1.01 down, or possibly going long for the Wall street dealer. At the close of the session May wheat Jumped back to $1.10, leav ing the net decline for the day 3c. CEREBO 8PINAL MENENGITIS. Efforts to Stamp Out th Disaa in Now York. New Tork. April SO. Numerous tenths from cerebro spinal meninglts continue to be reported. There were 10 victims In Manhattan alone on Wed nesday and the health department of flclals do not expert to stamp out th disease until warm weather comes to stay. Order hav been Issued that every place wher there has been a case of spinal meningitis shall be fumigated. For the present, however, there is to be no quarantine nor are children or families In which a case exist to be debarred from school attendance. This matter will be considered shortly, how ever, by the authorities. A ' tenement houes in Little West Twelfth street, wher five children died within a few day and three others hav been stricken all In two families, la to be vacate. Th tenants, eight famllle, hav been notified to leave within 48 hours, their rent being re funded to them. The house will then be disinfected thoroughly by a new and powerful germicide. MINING COMPANY MERGER. Sullivan Mining Company and Ta - ooma Smelter .ConolidatL New York, April 20. President F. W. Dradley of the Bunkerhlll & Sulli van Mining Company and W. R. Rust, manager of the Tacoma smelter, are In this city to complete the details In con nectlon with the proposed smelting combination on the Pacific Coast. It Is expected that the new firm will be capitalised for from $15,000,000 to $20,- 000,000. It will be 'a close corporation, all lii- stocks taken by parties direct ly concerned In the merger. Several conferences of thos interested already have been held but no official Informa tion as to the plana haa been given out SNOW IN WYOMING. Tlgrph Pole Levelled and Com munications Stopped. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 20. Train men arriving in the city report that every telegraph pole for 20 mile east of" Ch?yenne and SO mile south has been leveled by the snow. The Union Pacific sent out emergency squads ol linemen to restore connection so that the dispatching of train may be car ried on. The snow la the heaviest ever known here and several points in the city electric light and telephone poles hav been broken off by tons of snow and He obstructing the streets. CAPTAIN RELEA8ED. Matter of th German Ship Magdalen Discharged from Custody. Ssn Franclafo, April 20. United State Commbaloifer Heacock made an order today discharging Captain Helnrich Tlnn, master of the German ship Magdalene, from custody. He was arrested for allowing four members of his crew to desert after being noti fled that 'they had been denied a land ing by the Immigration officers. The testimony did not show that Captain Tinn connived at their escape. Captain Schenk of the steamer Lux or was arrested on a similar charge. As he Is In 'a hurry to take his vessel out of port and as clearance papers have been denied him, he pleaded guilty and waa held to answer .to the charge before the grand Jury. The Luxor was scheduled to smll for Hamburg today. Gas Meters Worked By Experts Against Consumers. INVESTIGATION AT 'FRISCO Gas Company of San Francisco In struct It Employes, Who Read Gas Meter, to Mak Them Register a Larger Percent Than I Indicated. San Francisco, April 20. George Wagner of the firm of Sessions & Wagner.electrlclans at 402 Flood build in, said lost night when seen at his home, 1406 Eighth street. Oakland, that he had been Instructed to make the meters of the San, Francisco Gas & Electric Company register too 'much while he was In the employ of the company, When I was working for the com pany as meter Inspector about three year and a half ago," he said, "I re ceived instructions from Foreman Finley to make the meters register about, 7 per cent too much, 'and a lit tle more won't do any harm. he told me. He sold that the orders had come to him from Superintendent Sam Naphthaly and that all the meter in spectors were expected to do the same thing. "As a matter of fact Percy Levy, another Inspector, now living at 177S Eighth street, Oakland, has since told me that he was told to do the same thing. It Is a very easy matter to mak a meter register aa much or as little aa wanted. All you have to do Is to move a little magnet In the meter one way or the other." Wagner will be one of the witnesses before the grand Jury when It enters upon Ita investigation of the meter frauds. RAILROAD EXTENSION. Contract for Great Northern Exten sion Has Been Awarded. Sioux City. In.. April 20. The con tract for the extension of the Great Northern railroad from Sioux City to Ashland, Neb., haa been awarded to Peter Sims, a St Paul contractor, ac cording to advices received here today. It is said that a big force of men will be put at work within 10 days. The extension of the Great Northern from Sioux City to Ashland will unite the Great Northern and Burlington. DISHONEST METHOD USUAL DEATH Automobile Kills Another Victim. CHAUFEEUR ESCAPES Italian on Coney Island Knocked Twenty Feet in the Air. OFFICER'SVIGILENCE ELUDED Wealthy Murderer Escape Notwith standing th Polic Blocked Almost Every Avnu of Escape ef th Cow ardly Owner of th Machine. New Tork, April 20. Score of po lice reserves were turned out in Brook lyn early today In an effort to trace an automobile party responsible for the death of an Italian on Coney Island avenue All the ferries and bridges to New Tork were placed under extra guard, but the automobllista escaped. There were three men and two wo men in the car. which waa of a very large type. It rushed through Park 'avenue- and knocked the man, who happened to be crossing, 20 feet In the' air. The chaufeur threw on extra power and rushed from the scene with out stopping to aid his victim. Two policemen picked up the Italian and while one telephoned for the am bulance the other sent a warning to headquarter to look out for the car. In ten minutes this warning had been repeated to the guards at the bridge and ferries and the way to New Tork had been blocked long before the car could have reached the river front, but the fugitives apparently mode good their escape. This Is the second instance of the kind within a week, a wealthy Harlam undertaker having been run down and fata'ly injured a . few days ago during the early hours of the morning. ROJESTVENSKVS FLEETE. Not Known Whether It I Still at Kam ranh Bay. London, April 20. Although Infor mation has been cabled from Saigon, that Admiral Jonquleres, who went to Kamranh bay In order to assure the I observance of French neutrality by the Russian Pacific equadron, has returned to his flagship. The dispatch does no state whether Rojestvensky's ships are still at Kamranh bay, neither is there any definite news reparding the pro gress eastward of Nabogatoffs divis ion. It is considered within the bounds of possibility that Rojestvensky's ling ering in Kamranh bay may be due- to the conviction that Ntbogatoff will soon Join him. The Post's correspondent from Shanghai declares that Shanghai Is the headquarters of the Russian intel ligence service directing the move ments of RoJestvensky. The corre spondent reports that the indications are of a likllhood of the interned cruis er Askold attempting to quit port. A BRUTAL FATHER. Giv Hi 3-Yar-Old Child Cigarettes to Smoke. SCan Francisco, April 20. R. H. Merritt, a carpenter, was arrested yes terday morning by Policeman Scott on a charge of cruelty to a minor child. for permitting his 8-year-old Infant son to smoke cigarettes, Scott was somewhat surprised to see the child standing at the corner of Third and Mission street with a cigarette between his baby teeth. MEETING POSTPONED. Great Northern and O. R. & N. Co. Officials in Conference. Seattle, April SO. A meeting of the high official of the Great Northern and Oregon Railway & Navigation Companies was held in the office of 3. O. Farrell, assistant to President Hill today for the purpose of discussing matters of point interest In eastern Washington. President Hill waa ex- pected to be present, but waa called hurriedly to New York after making part of the Journey to the coast. Traf fic arrangement and Invasion of new territory in Idaho by the Northern Pacific I said to have constituted th topic of discussion. , The facial will meet again soon. MINE EXP0LI8I0N. Fiv Men Reported Killed In Cabin Creek Min. Charleston, W. Va4 April SoAa mine explosion in Cabin creek mine, near Kayford. 30 miles above here, today is believed to have resulted in the death of five miner and fatally injuring three other. The disaster I thought to have been caused by a powder ex plosion, the result of miners' care lessness.. MORMON JUSTICE. Jury Deliberating on a Verdict Ordered . to Go Home. Salt Lake City. , April 20. An un usual proceeding in the United State court was the . dismissal of a Jury, which had not reached a verdict Af ter deliberating for three hours with out agreement the Jury were ordered by Federal Judge Marshall, to go home and return at 10 o'clock today to re sume consideration of the case. Brotherhood of Carpenters. New York, April 20. Favorable ac tion haa been taken by . the Greater New York Carpenter" Association to consider a plan for accepting charter from the Notional Brotherhood of Car penters. With Uie acceptance of the charters a lockout will end which, has kept several hundred men out of work since last August Recently the trouble between unions threatened to spread also to other cities. ' HUNTING FOR BEAR President Still Hunting Grizzlies in the Rockies. ONLY ONE BEAR BEEN SHOT Camp Will B Moved Saturday and Will Be Located on th Divide With in Twenty Mile of Present Location and Nearer Town of Newcastle. Glenwood Springs, April 20. That President Roosevelt 1 enjoying royal sport in his hunt for Rocky mountain grlxzlles is attested by Secretary Loeb, who returned from the camp today, having spent last night with the party. While the only gam pulled down thus far is the bear shot by the president and the bobtalled cat shot by Dr. Lambert there has been plenty of time for recreation. Every day the dogs have followed the trails that look promising, showing that there-are more bears in the vicinity of the camp than are now being hunted. 1 The camp will not be moved until next Saturday. Then the party will locate on the west divide creek within 20 mile of the present location and four miles nearer Newcastle. - The point toward which the party 1 working is red stone, where the camp will be broken on May 14. The private car, Rocket will pick up the president there and he will spend the night at Glenwood Springs. The start home will be made on May 15 with stops of one day each In Denver and Chicago. Secretary Loeb left Glenwood Springs for. president's camp yesterday morn ing with Elmer Chapman, the courrler who brought out the first word from the camp. ANOTHER WITNESS. Man Discovered That Will B Bene ficial to Nan aPtterson. Newark, April 20. The Vorwaerth. a Jewish newspaper, received a card from a Chicago man who says he thinks he was a witness to the killing of Caesar Young for which Nan Pat- terson Is being tried in New York city. He ays that Young hot Mm-. selt Japaneae Advanoing. St. Petersburg, April 20. A tele gram from the 'seat of war in Man churia state that the Japanese armies are advancing northward, preceded by cavalry. ! ill l.lim flW I