The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 08, 1905, Image 1

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: Rousing Reception to the
City Decorated With Flags and
Flowers In Honor of the
Enthusiasm Accorded President Room
vstt by the Patrlotio People of th
South Recognised at Thtii President
and Friend of tht Peopls.
Kin Antonio. April 7. With Hun
Antonio lit lily decorated with patri
otic emblems, fine of nil ! Mont
I nit on the lirrrxt. unit large photo
graphs of President Roosevelt dls
pluyed in every slor mid public build
Inc. the streets rrowd"d with cheer
ing ond enthusiastic! throngs of peo
ple, President Theodora Ituosevell
could not mistake the hearty welcome
si-corded him. Knoimous crowd
greeted him along th route of the
procession from Port Ham Houston to
.Alamo Pl, wher tho address H
welcome was made iind responses were
Tho People felt that they had a
their guest, not only th president 01
the United Slates, but a man toward
whom Ui whole people of Sun Antonio
regarded aa an especial friend on ac
count of In fiut that It waa here that
thit rough rider regiment whs organ
Wed. President Roosevelt va delighted
with tho reception, tt la seven years
alnre the president left Ran Antonio
with hla rough rldora. "No human be
t lug ever dreamed that after thaf!
would return aa president of the Unit
ed States," he said In a short address
at the railway station. No president
was ever Recorded aa hearty a welcome
as wna given to Theodora Roosevelt
Texas Has Ons, And It Isn't Bishop
Hicks, Eithsr.
Fort Worth. Tex., April 7. A special
to the Record from Iwton. O. T
A wild man of hideous appearance,
nigged garments, emaciated features
and lacerated body, ha for the past
two weeks been terrorising the eltlsens
of the southern and southwestern por
tion of the (Jhlcknsaw nntlon, Indian
territory. On several occasions ha has
assaulted women and children and In
jured men In duets who sought to
capture him and restrain him from
further operations. n
He Invariably makes" his escape and
hortly turns up In some other section
of the country and renews hla opera
tions. Two deputy United States mar
shals and a poe of eltlsens recently
came In touch with him In a heavy
thicket, but he made good his escape.
All subsequent efforts at captura have
been futile.
No one knows, his name nor where
he hulls from.
Brother of tht Man Killed at San Fran
oitco Identifits Him.
Ran Francisco, April 7. Positive
Identification has been iclven the dls
membered body found Wednesday
night at Vallejo and Powell streets this
afternoon when Peter Antonio Cres
pano Concello oalled at the morgue to.
night and declared that the mutilated
body to be that of hla half brother
Tllgglo Vllardo, an Italian laborer.
Vlllardo had been living In a room
at 710 Montgomey avenue. The apart
ment waa found to be deserted and
the few things left there did not fur
nish, the slightest clew. An effort is
"being made to find the last lodging
houss of tha wurdred man. Oncrllo
"It has been three weeks since I last
saw my brother, Just after th mur
der of Qulsseppl Drogardo on Janu
ary SI, a cousin of the dead man,
named Ferltta ftanldlcto.and my broth
er called on me and made a, request
that I furnish some money to assist In
defray the funeral expense of the
murdered man. I refused to do so and
they went away. also received a let
ter from Henedleto making a request
for money, but I never complied. I
have not the slightest idea why anyont
should have bourn enough enmity
against my brother to hove murd
Will Conitruot Oi Piptt in Opposition
to Standard.
Chaunle, Kan., April 7. Representa
tives of 30 Independent oil companies
which control three-fourth of the- oil
production of Kansas met today and
decided to form a company represent
ing I7.00o.0oo In vented capital to bultd
an oil pipe line from the Kansas oil
field to Kansas City and lo conniruct
refineries and atoraga tanks In that
city. The producers decided that con
solidation was the only salvation for
the Independent Oierators of Kansas.
Indieations Point to 8orsp , Between
Ruiaia and Japan.
London, April 7. A dispatch from
Hlngapor to tha Dally Express says,
that the captain of a coasting ateornei
had sighted 27 warships 70 miles
southwest of Penang.
A Katavln, Java, dispatch to the
4um paier says:
Chinese Junks report that Japanese
warships are policing all straights
available to Uoji-stvennkl tn his at
tempt to reach the China seas.
This is the Policy Outlined by
Panama Commission.
Tha Paeplt of tha United 8tates Art
Stockholders in This Pansma Canal
and It Is tha Most Gigantio Under,
taking in History of tha Country.
Chicago, April 7. "Great business
methods, publicity and absolutely and
no politics," This Is the key note of
the Panama cannl eommliwlon, to
which President Rooaevelt haa seen fit
to appoint me president."
This Is tha declaration of T. P.
Shouts, President Roosevelt's $100,000
man, who arrlveQ In Chicago from
New York today on hla first visit her
slnec his appointment.
The people of the United Statea ar
atockllds of this Panama canal,
the most gigantic uniWtiikliig they
have been interested in," said Mr.
Shouts, "and for the next four year
they have selected President Roosevelt
to vote the stock for them. Therefor
our policy will be to work precisely
as we have worked in building and
operating the great railroad llnea."
There will be monthly reports made
of progress, amount of money expend
ed and tha outlook for work, just aa a
railroad reports to their stockholders.
These report will be filed regularly In
Washington, so that every congress,
man, every official of the government
and the public will be fully, reliably
and frequently Informed as to what Is
being done with their funds at Panama.
Ovr Five Hundred 8olditrs Killed in
Calcutta, April 7. It now. appears
that 400 of the seventh gurkkhns were
killed at Dharnvaala. by the collapse of
the stone barracks building in conse
quence of the recent earthquake.
In addition 20 members of tha first
batalllon and 50 members of the sec
ond batalllon of the first gurkhas were
killed, while 'it is roughly calculated
that from 20 to SO rer cent of the na
tive population of surrounding villages
war killed'1 In addition to tha Euro
peans reported killed seven children
of Europeans have perished. -
Property Destroyed and
People Killed.
Art Bed Stead Company Wrecked
and Loss is Estimated at
For Four Wtsks a 8trikt Has Btan on
at tha Plant and Non-Union Work
men Frtquantly Have Been Har
ratsed by Pickets of Union Labor.
Chicago, April 7. Following by only
a few hours a vicious attack by union
picket on two employes of the Art
Kedstead Company, the plant of that
concern at Thirty-seventh place and
Rockwell street, haa been ravaged by
fire. Tha flames wrecked the entire
south half of the plant and caused a
loss estimated at $100,000. A score of
families living In cottages along the
two streeta were driven out, though
their homes were not damaged.
For four weeks a strike has been on
at tha plant, and non-union workmen
frequently have been harassed by pick
et, '
Tha blase started with a aeries of
explosions in tha shellac department
The first blast hurled Watchmen Geo.
Hardy and Matthew Orinalk across a
room adjoining the shellac department,
painfully bruising both. A few hours
before tha flra startej a dosen men
who had bean watching the plant at
tacked Peter and Probiu Andrews
brothers, who are employed by the con.
Both men were knocked down, kicked
and beaten, and were unconscious
when the police arrived. The assail
ants escaped.
Man Killed in San Francisco Waa a
8ieilian Paddlar.
San Francisco, April 7. A young
man named Henry Helns, a teamster,
has Identified the mutilated body of
the victim of the brutal murder now
under Investigation, as that of Harry
Cna, a Sicilian peddler. When Helns
saw the head which waa found on tht.
bench ntar Melggs' wharf he was at
flrat somewhat dubious about the Iden
tification but later became convinced
that ha had made no mistake. Una
has been missing since Wednesday.
The pUca are now scorching for
some trace of the missing peddler. On
the other hand two policemen who have
patiolledhe Italian quarter for years
believe the body Is that of a SIclMan
bootblack, who lived In the vicinity of
Dupont and Green streets, near th
scene of the murder. It was thought
for a time that the dead man might
be one Rosnrlo Domlna, a witness In
the caso of Gulslppl Rrogudo, who was
murdered in the neighborhood of Ma
son and Francisco streets January II.
Domlna was a witness against certain
suspects and his lire had been threat
ened. This theory has, however, been
upset by the discovery that all th
witnesses tn the case are alive and
welli among them Domlna, who has
been located by the detectives at his
residence on Bay street
Daughter of Wealthy Congressman of
Arkansss 8ecrtly Married.
. Chicago, April ". A dispatch to the
Inter-Ocean from Hot Springs, Ark.,
Miss Pearl M. White, daughter of W.
J. White, the millionaire manufacture!
of Cleveland, and former congressman,
haa been, secretly married here at St
Luke' Episcopal .church to James U
Bancroft who three weeks ago wn a
clerk , behind tha desk of one of the
prominent hotels at Palm Bench, Flo.
The wedding was the culmination of
a romance which started with love at
first sight Bancroft gave up hla po-
sltlon on the second day after meeting
Miss White. His home Is In ISrook
lyne. Mass., and he Is 21 years of age.
His parents are poor. The couple have
left for tha bride's home.
Minneapolis Millionaire Wills Cousin
One Million Dollars.
Chicago, April 7. A dispatch to the
Record Herald from Minneapolis,
Minn.', says:
Albert Johnson, who Is dead here,
haa left his $1,000,000 estate to his see
ond cousin, Edna Dltkerson of Chicago.
Tha will stipulates that it Miss Dltk
erson shoud die before tha maker the
property should go to Lottie W. Child.
a first cousin, of Redlar.ds, Cal.
Screwing, Trust.
Trenton, N. J., April 7. The Stand
ard Screw Comtany has filed a cer
tificate in the office of the secretary of
stata Increasing its capital stock from
$1.00,000 to $4,500,000. Albert W. Glf
ford Is president and George Thrall,
secretary, of the company
Empress of Germany.
Messina, April 7. Empress Augusta
of Germany and her sons, Prince Eltei
and Oscar, have arrived here from Ta
orrnlna to meet the emperor of Ger
many. A great reception has been pre
pared for the emperor.
Snow Stops Fighting.
Gun aim Pa, April 7. Important op
erations art thought to be out of the
question for soma time to come. Rain:
snow and thaw, have. spoiled all the
road and created impassable mud.
Baseball 8eores.
At San Francisco Portland S, San
Francisco t.
At Oakland Seattle 0, Oakland 2.
At Los Angeles Tacoma L Lo An-
jeles 2.
Indians in White River Country
Want Interview.
Mssning President Roosevelt, Whom
They Desire to Interview and They
Are Reported to Ba In a 8ullen and
Angry Mood Against Gams Warden.
Hayden, Col., April 7. The Indians
In the White river country, where
President Roosevelt will hunt are re
ported sullen and ugly because of the
vain effort of the game warden to
drive them back to the Uintah reser
vation. The Appaches are reported to be
slaughtering deer ruthlessly. Presi
dent Roosevelt If he makes an extend,
ed. stay, It is said, will hardly fall to
encounter some of the bands of angry
Indiana They have heard of the
"Great White Father" coming, and the
rJ-sktns have announced a desire to
hold a pow wow wltn him.
British Ambastsdor Calls Upon Sacra
tary Taft
Washlrfcto.i April 7. Th British
ambassador called on Secretary Taft
this afternoon and discussed with him
tha Moroccan situation with special
reference to the note which had been
handed to tha secretary by the Gar
man ambassador relating to the open
door. Tha British ambassador ex
pressed tjh opinion similar to . the
French embassador that the open dooi
at Morocco obtains at tha present time
King and Queen Enjoying an Outing
at Marseilles.
King Edward's Journey from Paris
to Marseille today was without Inci
dent , His majesty boarded the royal
yacht Victoria and Albert where he
greeted Queen -Alexandria and the
other member of the royal family.
This afternoon the British sovereigns
took an automobile ride through the
town and Vlcldty, . ,
They will depart on a cruise tomorrow.
Church of Jesus Christ is
The Twelve Apostles In a Hard
Row of Stumps" in
Injunction 8uit Filed Restraining' Jo
seph F. Smith, tha Satf-Annointed
Prophet, From Squandering Funds
Contributed by Dupes of Church.
Salt Lake, April 7. An injunction
suit was filed in the Third Judicial
District court today, asking the court
to restrain the church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints, and Joseph F.
Smith, its president and trustee-Intrust,
from Investing tha tithing of the
church for any other purpose than
tha church or for any other than
church purpose
The petitioner are Charles A.
Smurthwalte of Ogden,1 recently ex
communicated from the church, and
Don C W. Muaser, a member of the
church, who yesterday voted against
sustaining the 12 apostles.
The petition after setting forth that
tlthlngs are paid by members of the
church and amount to $1,000,000 a year,
and that Joseph F. Smith, aa thustee-
ln-trust for the church, ha each yeai
sine his elevation to the presidency
Invested fully a half-million dollars In
sugar mills, woolen mills, bank and
other secular enterprises, and also to
establish estate and residence for
church leader and their favorites.
which action, the plaintiffs aver, 1 a
violation of the trust imposed In this
self-annointed proselyte and polyga
mlst, and prays to the court to declare
Illegal the same and to define the legal
duty of President Smith, with respect
totlthlng and other funds entrusted
to his care, and tha purposes for which
they may be used.
Inside Information Obtained from
Former Employe.
Chicago. April 7. The members of
the federal grand Jury, investigating
the beef trust have been placed in
possession of "Inside information" to
day by Myron C. Baker, auditor of the
Boston elevated railroad, and for two
years private secretary to Edward C.
Swift vice president of Swift & Co.,
Baker is said to have furnished a great
deal of information concerning the in
ner workings of the big mea packing
concerns. In answer to questions after
leaving the Jury room, Baker declared
ha had told tha truth.
"Did you tell anything that might
Injure the cause of the packers?" was
asked Baker.
"Tea, I think I did. I told everything
I knew, and it was the truth. I testi
fied almost two hours."
'Did you present any documentary
evidence," he waa asked.
"No, I did not" was the reply, ac
companied by a significant motion to
ward his foreheads
The Windy City in the Throes of a
Labor Strike.
Chicago. April 7. Chicago Is again
in the throes of a struggle between
capital and labor unions. As on a
former occasion tha union have re
sorted to the use of union teamaters to
bring them victory in tha struggle.
which tonight promises to spread to
many branches of tha teaming Indus
try of Chicago.
The present struggle had It begin
ning In the strike of several months
ago when a few hundred garment
workers employed In mall order house
of Montgomery & Ward. Closed shop
is the Issue In order to bring the firm
to terms of the union strike. Two
hundred drivers and! teamsters em
ploye J by the concern- were called out
today. - .
In tho downtown streat of Chicago
today scene of disorder , were many,
which folloyed fast on each other
when an attempt to deliver goods was
made with non-union drivers. Many
teamsters, garment worker and their
friend filled tha street and manv
ciashe with tha police occurred. In
several Instance it was necessary for
the police to arrest a number of bel
ligerents before tha blockades couM
ba lifted.
Khedivial Theater at Alexandria Egypf
New Tork,' April 7.The Khedlval the.
ater haa bean burned, cables the Her
aid' correspondent at Alexandria,
Egypt It is supposed the fire starte
ehortly after the conclusion of circus
performance. A number of horses uo
cumbed to the flames. The loss ts
estimated at $80,000 wtth no Insurance.
Physical Training.
New York, April 7. The fourth an
nual convention of the American Phy
sical Education Association will be held
on April 17, 18 and 1 at Columbia
university. Physical training expert
from all sections of the country will
attend and It is expected the meeting
will be the most Important in tha his-
toy of the association. r-
Wants Mora Railroad.
New York, April 7. The Brooklyn
Rapid Transit Company has filed an
application with the rapid transit com.
mission for authority to construct 33
mile of subway to Brooklyn. In tha
application was included all the route
outlined in the report of the commis
sion on plans of the commission. ; In
addition three or four cross-town line
are provided for, , ,
Charged With Being at Bottom ot
Revolution. ,(
Workkmen Attend Funeral of Man
Killed by Police and Wave Red Flag
and Shout in On Accord, "Death to
tho Czar, the Assassin."
St Petersburg, April 7. The Svlet
today made a vicious assault on the
Jews, whom the paper charges with
being at tha bottom of the revolution
ary propoganda In Rusla, The liberal
newspapers, the Svjet declares, are
either in the hands of the Jews, or are
secretly owned or are subsidized by
The workmen in the vilage of Smo
lensk made a big demonstration to
day, the occasion being the burial of
the employes of the Pahl factory, who
were killed by policemen. Six thou
sand people assembled during a heavy
snowstorm and awaited the funeral
procession. Red flags were to be seen
everywhere and the wreaths deposited
on the coffins were inscribed "Died an
innocent victim in the struggle for
After the Interment a procession was
formed headed by teh socialists, car
rying a banner upon which was In
scribed: "Death to the Cxar, Assassin."
A large force of military and police,
dispersed the mob.
At the End of a Ten-Round Fight
O'Brien Daclarsd Winner.
Baltimore, April 7. At the conclu
sion Of the scheduled ten round con
test, Referee Charles White of New
York tonight gave a decision to Jack
O'Brien of Philadelphia over Peter
Jackson. The agreement was that they
were to break clean when ordered to
do so by the referee, but tt was not
lived up to by either man.
Both began so cautiously as to caus
the cry of "fake," but after tha first
round tha fight was hot, with nearly
every round In favor of O'Bien. The
Phtladelphian scored first blood In the
sixth round and had Jackson groggy
in the ninth, but waa unable to land a
knock-out blow.