THURSDAY, APRIL 0, 1M5. TIIK MONRINO ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. GOOD and PURE Long's. Jams, Jellies and Preserves 25c and 35c Jar. Dundee Marmalade, English, , 30 cents Jar. ROSS, lilGGINS &. Co. Afcoti forChis I Sindbora'i Fmou coffcci. 5 1 Csptslit 1ted Hrown will comnwrw training hi horn Imm next wee It ITrpurittory to entering the fireman's tournament to be held in I'Ortland the fore part til flepternber. Rev. Herbert H. Brown, who ho fiwn the pastor of the Presbyterian church of thU city for the part year, will li-ave thla evening for Grant I'sse, where he has accepted the pae torate of the Presbyterian church, Amusements TonlaHt. Star theater, vauJ.vlllt. Lodge Meetings Tonight Young Mns tnstltuls, )rgr of Hunor, Chnt-lty lodge. I. ). O, F Ifetftver lo.tgB. MmliTn WiHKlmon of America. Nullvo ImughUTi of Oregon. Ituyitl Arcaiilum. C'lntsop council. The Occident toneorlal pari ore and bath fucllltlea are equalled by none. Everything modern and up to date 8ee Peterson. The street committee will open bids Friday for the Improvement of Twen ty-sixth street, between Exchange and Friuiklln, one blotk. Local Brevities. The Young Men's Institute will bold their regulnr weekly meeting tonight. Hwxet dos. imvol ormigs 10 to U0 pel AHTOHIA UKOCKUY. H.tgulur mating of 'leaver .lodge No. 311 1. O. o. F. will be held tonight. a M. Canton, at hie feed stable No. 10t Uth etreet, offers for aale a LandU harness machine; one butcher's wall scales, will be sold cheap. If you want something try our Dia mond W. brund of canned fruit and vgtutiU-s, Every tun guaranteed. AHTOIUA UltCM'KHY. The bids opened by Major Langfltt for leasing portions of Hand Island were not forwarded to Washington, as Is the usual custom, but are held in his office here, until the department tukes some action on the 'remonstrance filed. . . There Is a restaurant In town which makes a specialty of serving fin. meals, where prompt and good service can alwsys be relied upon. This the California Restaurant, which has Just opened under new management, and Is well worth visiting, The ship St. Nleh'Ais commence.! loading hT cargo and supplies for Aliiskn yesterday. The work is being done by the crew. It was expected thut trouble might Insue by not em ploying the longshoremen's union men, but no protests have been made thus far. f'Hptnln John Pl-lternl will present a petition t the coiiiiiifii council st It mwrtln tomorrow night for r-rmls 1 SOS flower seeds now on display at Astoria Grocery. Com. early and get your pick. Frank Heaborg. a lmtlve 'f Finland, was' ) nmt I'ltUennhlp papers yenf-r.liiy. , A new invoice of Knulmnii'i vrlr brsted Kotluks a n ,1 auppll.e receive,! at the Owl drug store. A shipment of lino navel oruitges Just In ttxtfty, A8TOKIA GROCICHY. W. J. Hess has opened the cleanest sod best appointed restaurunt In As toria at 120 Eleventh street. The best In the market, and the promptest serv ice, tf R. M. Gaston carries a full ana complete line of wagons, buggies. plAws, harrows and all kinds of farm tools and machinery at 106 Fourteenth street, Astoria, Ore. sion to use the foot of Twelfth street upon which to erect a small warehoune, lie also expects to sK-ur a least from tho A. & C. Railway Company for small strip adjoining the street. DON'T fall to see the display of Huyler's Chocolate, Coooa and Candies at A. V. ALLEN'S. The steamer 8. F. Kllbum arrived in ynilerdsy morning from Hun Fran cisco and way points with freight and passengers. Tortlsjid lodge of Elks will lay the corner stone of their new building this afternoon with Imposing reremonles A number of representatives from dif ferent lodges are expected to be pres ent. ' t Families desiring either or Hhoalwnter bay oysters can always! secure them fresh at the Imperial oyestsr house, which mukes a specialty f supplying families or parties. The usual services will be hej in ih IluptiNt church thlsl afternoon at 3 o'clock and a union meeting will be held tonight nt the Methodlat church ut 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Robert Gilliam will preach snd a choir of 20 voices will furnish music. Wherlty, Jtiilelon Company have the largest and best selected stock of new rind up-to-liUe footwear In the city, It embrace all the latest styles munu factured by first -class houses, enab ling the tn to guarantee their goods. Kveryvne Is Invited to call and see the Colonial (Stock, even if they don't care to buy, The launch Elk has been patrolling the river the past week, but not a single fishing boat has been out and the law Is being generally observed. The fishermen, generally, appreciate the extension of time given and believe they can best show their appreciation by observing the laws. Inarch flanges i 1 THE STAY SATISFACTORY KIND. Your 'fl MaKe Credit Alg Your Good. kj 'jgl'j Terms. CMS. HEILB0RN , SON Complete House Furnishers. Te steamer Stiller ha returned from Portland, where she has been undergoing repairs at a cost of $1000 The reason the work was not Jone in Astoria is bct-auK there are no marine ways, making It impossible to repali steamers In Astoria. In any other city the commercial organizations would provide such necessary adjuncts and keep the money at home, but in Astoria It Is different. The Juniors have challenged the seniors of the Astoria high school to ride their presidents from the school- nouse to Foora & stokes- store In wheelbarrow this afternoon. The seniors accepted the challenge, and It they fall to respond, they are to buy an oyster supper for the Juniors; but if they carry out the challenge, the Juniors are to buy the supper. I PERFECTION How true to the name are our $3.50 arid $4.00 Men's Shoes. Perfect in Workmanship. Perfect In-Fit. Perfect in Style. ALL LEATHERS. BLUCHERS OR The Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union has fixed the price or salmon for the ensuing season at ft and 6 cents a pound. Any consumer having occiinlon to purchase a slice of royal chlnook at the market will readi ly understand that this Is not, the re tall price. He will nlno understand that not all of the profit in the business Is garnered by the man who catches the flnh. Olegonlan. Rev. Ralph Gilliam will close his series of revival meetings In Astoria next Sunday and then will 'go to Al bany, where he will probably have a more appreciative field. The revivals have been productive of no good, the people generally, outside of church members, taking no Interest In them. When the salvation army and Pennel mission iuit a field. It Is difficult fot mlnlHteis to arouse any enthusiasm. Jas. W. Welch has begun the erec tion of two cottages on the lots west of C. W. Fulton's residence. Mr. Welch believes In Investing his money In Astoria, plan that Is very com mendable and should be followed by ether people here who. have unim proved proerty. Houses of all kinds are In great demand and there Is not an empty one in the town, At the same time there la more building going on PERSONAL MENTION. Mayor J. U. Doan of Rainier Is in the city, J. D, Godfrey of St, Helens Is In tb city. Peter Johns of Rockland was In tht city yesterday. J. B. Lewla of Portland la registered at the Central. Henry Humble returned from Port land yesterday. 3. It. Pomeroy of AKoruv waa In the city yesterday. T. A. Cross of Deep River was In th city yesterday, Mrs. J. E. Alacraa of Seaside waa In the city yesterday. Wlliis E. Eberman of Seaside was In the city yesterday. E. Shelly Morgan of Portland Is In the city on business, Hon. J. B. E. Bourne of Rainier was In the city yesterday. R. R. Smith of Fortuna, Cal., is In the city on business. J. W. Relth of, Lewis and Clark was In the city yesterday. 1 M. Shrleve and wife of Rainier are In the city on a visit. O. A. Edwards of Tillamook la visit Ing friends in Astoria. Frank Dow a prominent citizen of Seaside, Is In the city. James Mock of San Francisco Is registered at the Parker. R. A. Pi Ice, city treasurer of Sea. wi le, was In the city yesterday. MIhk C. E. Pomeroy of Rainier Is visiting Mr. M. It. Pomeroy. .Mrs. William O'Brien of Cathlamet visited friends In Astoria yesterday. It. E. Bradburry of Seaaide is In tht city attending the K. of P. convention. W. B. Dlllbird, a prominent attor ney of St. Helens, was In the. city yes terday. Mm. Hlllnr LlebeL who has been sick the pant few days, Is reported Im- provlrf. Dr. Cliff of St. Helens was in the city yenterday attending the K. of P. convention. Hon. u. G. Mayger, representative from Columbia county, was in the clt yesterday. M. C. Gray of St. Helens was In the city yesterday attending the Pythian convention. T. S. Simpson and family have gone to Spokane, where they will In the fu ture reside. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker. Harry Turner, San Jose. C. Broken, San Jose. Jonas Mack. San Francisco. E. J. Slbball. Chicago. R. A. Smith, California. Mrs. M. C. Brethern, Port Orford. , Ed Rankin, City. P. Matron, Portland. E. A. Friend, Portland. R. Riley, Portland. , , Mrs. M. F. Hathaway and daugh ter. Jas. Haswlth, Portland. Peter Crlfrlng. Portland. A. Haswlth, Portland. J. C. Gomley, Portland. Oscar Tlmmons. San Francisco. Chris Carlson. San Francisco. S. B. Bemlng. Portland, R. A. Price. Seaside. Wr. Luce, Seaside. E. M. Frasler, GolJendale. S. W. Frank. Portland. M. Herschy and daughter, Chinook. F. Fltchan, Seaside. Oooid.nt. E. Ostrander, Portland. J. C. Tale, San Francisco. J. A. Murphy, San Francisco. I. Friend, Snn Francisco. Emery Roller, Portland. E. Shelly Morgan. Portland. M. JeTferies, Fortland. A. Caro, Portland. C. W. Foster, Portland. ' M. Sherwln and wife. Rainier. A. M. Wood Portland. E. A. Williams, Portland. O. G. Mayger, Mayger. Chas. D. White. Portland. J. II. Walker, Fortland. Geo. May, Tokland. Cause of Explosion. Zelgler. April 5. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict today, In which It holda that the 43 men who lost their than ever was known in the history of lllves In Lelter cool mine Monday, April Astoria. Wherity, Ralston Company The Leading Shoe Dealers. . An Informal meeting of the ways and means committee was held yester day to discuss ways and moans foi protecting the city's credit. It was de elded to proceed at once and collect in all delinquent street assessments, which will be aufficlent to meet all re quirements for the remainder of the year. It Is probable that no license ordinances of any kind will be Intro duced. as the committee deem it un necessary to impose any more burd ens upon the mfcrehants. Tha A Ht or lan has never criticised Superintendent Kearney, nor' connect ed him In any way with the employ ment of additional men to superintend the construction of streets, for he has never employed any, it having been done by the council. n It simply pub. llshed what Councilman Belland called the attention of the council to, and a statement made by Chairman Hansen, that men had been employed, but the city had no legal right to do so.' If Cotincllmen Belland and Hansen wer mistaken, then The Astorlan must hav been. The payrolls speak for them selves. S, were killed by afterdamp due to an explosion of powder caused by parties unknown. The belief was expressed that the mine was in a good and safe working condition so fas as gas was concerned. Russian Warships. Colombo, Ceylon, April 5. The steamer Marmora, whlchy arrived to day reports sighting On April 4, three vessels, apparently large warships, 250 miles southeast of Ceylon. The ships were- steaming slowly east-southeast. Died While Voting. St. Louis, Aug. 5. Chris von der Ahe, for many years prominently con nected with the St. Louis National league baseball team and widely known as the president of the four-time champion Browns, Is In a critical con dition from a stroke of apoplexy. He was stricken while voting and was re moved to his home In a carriage. More White Pine cough syrup has been sold In Atsorla this winter han any other kind, because It gives In stant relief. The Owl and Eagle drug store are sole agents for all the best goods. I Morse Department Store. 508-510 Commercial Street Special Bargain Mst FOR - THIS - WEEK DRESS GOODS CO, 65 and 70c Dress goods 48c KID GLOVES Best Kid Gloves made for $1.00 GINGHAMS Apron Cheek Ginghams , 5c $1.50 Black Satine Petticoats , 95C SHEETS Full sized sheets 38c. TOWELS 12 l-2c Turkish Towels 8 c. SILKS 75c wool Taffeta 50c. $2.00 30 in. Silk 1.39. 50c Wash Silk 25c MEN'S SUITS 1-2 price $15.00 Suits for $7.50 1 BED SPREADS $1.50 Spreads 95c MEN'S HATS $1.50 and $2.00 Hats for 75c , The New ALASKAN WARE THE LATEST AND BEST. FOR SALE BY W. C. LAWS & CO. J IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE HIM. . FOARD I STORES CO. Headquarters for Reliable Merchandise. Just Received a fine assortment of Children's Dresses ' Bought by us direct from an eastern manufacturer. And Style You Want, Any SizeYou Want, Any PriceJYou Want from 25c to $6.00 Come in and see the assortment we are showing and you'll not add an'extra load on your shoulders by'making them. FOARD 4 STOKES CO. Astoria's Greatest Store. W