Ore Ilittorlcal Society , eeW X fT'-t t. il ".' i". UBLISHC FULL AOOUTiOPABt IMPORT COVERS THE MORNINO NtLD ON THC LOWER COLUMBIA VOLUME LVIV. NO. 149 ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS ROUGH hidehs WelcomePresidcnt Roose velt in Texas. ROUSING RECEPTION Streets Densely Packed With Cit izens and Visitors to See President. CHEERING AT THE STATION Party of School Children at Dennlson Advanced to the Platform and Pre tented the President With a Mtg nlfioent Floral Offering of a Flag Italia. April 6. President Roosevelt In tonight tli ru'-mI the Lone Star elate. The special train bearing the prldnt and party arrive! In Italln over the MlMourl. Kansas aV Teas rutlrnnd promptly nt 8:41 o'clock thlt evening. The reception committee wa In evl dunce when the train rolled Into the edition anl the chief exeoutiev wiia driven .through the atresia to a pub U. atand near the Oriental hotel. The train will leave for Waco, Austin and Holt Antonio tomorrow morning. When the president awoke thin morning hi train wna traversing the plain of Kan a. At every elation, cheering and enthualnatlo crowda were preent. all bent on aeelng and hearing the chief executive. The train entered the In dlan territory before noon. At Vlnlla a abort atop waa made, Tha president briefly addressed a large crowd. When Mutkagc waa reached fully 10,000 people aurrounded the rail road atatlon, 'Although the program did not call for a speech and the proa Ident made a brief addreaa. Brief ad dresses were made at South McAllater, Alokn, Cadde and Durrnnt, after which the train crossed the elate line Into Texaa, Den n I non wna renched nt 3:45 o'clock and here waa gathered an Immense crowd to greet the president. A part) of school children advanced to the platform and presented tha preHldent with a magnificent floral offering In the ehnpe of a Texaa flag. At Sher man one of the largest crowd of the day greeted the president. He whs escorted to the atand where he spoke for 16 minute. Cunnona boomed and the city waa In gala attire. From Sherman the train maintained the achedule to Pallas. OIL IN COLORADO. No Rtttrlotiont Upon th Standard Oil Trut. Denver, April 5. Th New today ay: The failure of the legislature to paaa the Wilder elate oil refinery bill will not, a wa expected, put a atop to all oppoaltlon to the Standard Oil trutt In the Florence field. Before the bill waa tnt to the en ate, after It had passed the third read ing In the houae, Re present at Ire Wild er announced that the appropriation oi $120,000 which the bill carried wouht not have to be put up by the atnte; that the Independent oil men of the Florence dltrlct had already sub acrlbed the amount, and that all they asked wna that the atate nominally take charge of the refinery. Repre tentative Wilder and Mcflulre, both of Fremont county, have been in, confer ence with their constituents and now announce that the oil producer have decided to begin work on the new re finery at once. BLOWN TO GLORY. Mine Superintendent Blown to Atom by Dynamite. a Tucaon, Arts., April 6. At1.' Lamb, auperlntendent of the Tret Amlgot mine, tin been blown to Dlece bv an Infernal machine while asleep In hit house at the edge of town. Several stick of dynamite were placed under a corner of tha houae and a five-foot fu attached. When It wu exploded th house anil content wer scattered all over th IiIIInMo. Fragment or Lamb' bodywer found at placet a half mil apart. Lamb's wife and family were In the east on a visit. At th coroner Inluest a verdict of murder by persons unknown was re- turned, but arrt are exported to follow. Iamb had been involved In everal bitter dispute about mining property and It la presumed one of hi enemln mode In these quarrel com mltted tli deed. A airlct Investlga- tlon I being mad. LOST A CAPTAIN. Japan Art Unable to Fnd a Mining Officer, General Kuroki't lleodquareer in th Field, April 4, via Fusan, April B. Tha Japan army hat been making a fruit) search for information a to Uiti fata of Count gcheptclxky, captain In th Austrian army and the military attach of that government with th Ru!an army In Manchuria. Count -Srhepulxky ha been mllng since the battle at Mukden. He I not among the prisoner, or wounded in Japan hinds. It Ja possible, hower. r, he may have tsaoped into Chinese territory. If killed, ha ha probably been burled aa a Russian, among the dead of that army. ANOTHER ADJOURNMENT. Th Morgan Habat Corput Cat Con tinued to Monday. Cincinnati, April 6.The haben cor put hearing of J. Morgan Smith and wife, who were held under a Nw York Indictment of conaplrary with Nan Pntteraon to extort money from Caeaur Young, a bookmaker, wa to have been held thlt afternoon before Judge flplehl of the common ple4 court, but at the reo,uet of conael it wa again ad Journed .until Monday. The primmer were remanded to the county Jail. CALCUTTA SHAKEN Considerable Damage in India by Earthquake.' " SEVERALVILLAGES DESTROYED In On Cty All th Hout Were Levelled to th Ground and 8om European and Many Native Wr Killed, Woman and Children Injured. Calcutta, April S Later advices from varlou cltle tell a tale of tevere dam age to property arlalng from the recent earthquakeon the morning of April 4, hut It I Impoealble yet to make nn etalmato of the lota of llfoi No newt hna yet been received of the damage to bulldlngt at Agra. No Iota of life It reported from Delhi, but many build ing were damaged. Visitor from Muttoree report con- tlderable damage to private property. The only futalltlee yet reported from thert wer two native. Dharmnnlu atatlon. 85 miles north wett of Simla, report all the houses deatroyed, everyona being leveled to the ground and some Europeans and several natives Vere killed. Ladles and hlldren tire sleeping In the open air. Food la not procurable aa all the store art In ruin. An urgent demand for medical omittance hna been tent to Lahore. At Frozure, 40 miles south of Lahore, many native have been killed. Accidentally Kill.d. Snn Francisco, April 5. Frank Al ien, u student at the Lick achool ot Mechanical arts, hna been accidentally killed by a hammer thrown by Arnold Rrown, a fellow student. The heav lendtn nilsNle struck the boy's skull near the base, crashing through the bone. He was taken to the Central Imergency hospital, where he dleo without regnlnlng consciousness. He was engaged In the practice of swing-, Ing Ihc hammer when the accident happened. i. Reform in Education. Khnrkoff. April 5. The parents of schollars her passed a resolution In effect that reform In educational sys tem Is necetsary, but expressing the pinion that it wa impossible without change In the government. . SOARS ALOFT Alan Blown Up Through River Bed. HEAVY AIR PRESSURE Root of Subway Tunnel in New York Blown Out By Air Pressure. WAS A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Riohard Crgan, Trying to Stuff Bag of Straw Into Lk, I CrrioMo Surface, 8hot Into Air and Saved b Boat Comptnlon Ar Rcud, Too. New York, April 6. Richard Cree- gan, worker In the tn Id -river end of the Brooklyn lection of the East river tunnel, wat blown out of the tunnel, up through 15 feet of mud and J5 feet of water, a great bright into the air, yesterday morning shortly after 8. H not only lived through the accident. which la without precedent in tha an nail of tunnel building, but escaped without serious Injury. He said yes terday at hi homo In Jersey City, wher ha went under protest, that aa soon aa the neighbor quit making a hero of him, which he guessed would be about a day. he would return to work at his old station. Creegan and-three companion were working in the forward compartment of the tunnel, which la protected by a steel shield. A a support to the bed of the liver, compressed air Is forced Into tb tunnel, which under ordinary circumstance prevents constant and often dangerous caving in. Tha theory Offensive, Ssy Lloyd George, Ad- pressure waa Increased to tha point where, Instead of merely supporting the muddy bed of the river, it became too great for It and forcad an outlet to the surface. The Intention of the en glneera la to equalize thla air pressure and tha pressure of tha river bed. When this result 1 attained exactly ther la no poalblllty of a cave-In. The bed of tha East river at this point U very light and muddy, and thus not calculated to stand great pressure. Cregnn and the others, John Hayes, John Priley and John Egan, were bus digging and potting the dirt to the rear compartment, where 18 men were at work on tha wall, when thr vu an explosion. A Jogged opening ap poured in the mud and the water began to trickle through and the outruahing ulr kept the roof from caving in at once. Creegan without hesitation picked up two bogs of straw which are kept lVndy for emergency! As he stepped In front or tne hole, ne was drawn Into It. He opened his mouth to shout to the men below and found It filled with mud before he realised where ha waa. The air pressure thrmt him on upward. Then he found him self in water and almost tnstantly In the air. He did not lose his presence of mind, when, after falling with th geyser life epout of water, he found himself on the surface of the river. He kept himself afloat until rescued by a boat that had been put up from the foot of Joralemon atreet, Brooklyn, CARNEGIE INSTITUTE. Andrew Carngi Makt Address to Former Colleague. . New York, April 6. At a dlnnei given to Robert S. Woodward, the new president of the Carnegie Institute at Washington, by hi former colleagues of Columbia unlveralty, Andrew Car negie made a brief tpeech In which he said: "The charter of the Carnegie Insti tute pledgee It to a broad.'r scope of learning than any other seat of learn ing In the world. , . "Its policy will be to co-operate with nil other Institutions in the cause of education." Baseball Soor. San Francisco Portland 3, San Francisco 1. Oakland Seattle 8, Oakland t. 8TRIKE IN 80UTH. Hundreds of Men Thrown Out of Em ploymtnt by th Ordtr. Chicago, April 6. Hundreds of men employed on railroad constitution la the southern states will be thrown out of work today as th result of strike orders Just Issued from Chicago. The edict rame from officials of the Steam Shove! & Dredgemen's Union which has declared the contracting firm of W. D. Oliver Co., unfair. Railroad building In Tennessee, Ken tucky and Missouri wilt feel the prin cipal effects of the strike. Unless the dispute Is settled a spread of the strike Is threatened to Include the entire southern territory. ON THE WAR PATH. 8onora Indians Still Looking for Troubl. El Paso, Texas, April !. John St. Clair, the well known prospector, re turned from Tajul county near Urea, Sonora. and reports that the Indians RM f M 1 An fha w math TI a mav Malpuche, an old chief, la at the head of a band of over CO and are devasta ting the country, murdering, pllllaa Ing and burning. Ranches are being abandoned and the people are going Into the towns for protection. The whole country Is In a state of panic. Although the ocuntry la overrun with soldiers, he says the Indians are fearless and con tlnue depredations. WANT OF CONFIDENCE. ' Russian Society Is Sutcictr- ' ian Gtv.rnment Rostoff, on Don, April 5. The Tech nlcal society here today adopted re so lutlons expressing a want of confidence In bureaucracy and deqfarlng In favor of summoning the people's representa tive to take part in the legislative body I absolutely necessary here. Workmen In Factories Quit to At tend FuneraL POLICE PREVENT FUNERAL Police and Military Authorise Visit d Every Houw and Discovered a Quintity of Revolutionary Docu m.nrt and Proclamation. Warsaw, April 5. In anticipation of the funeral of a girl who died from wounds received In fighting Sunday workmen from ail the factories In the northern part of the city left work this afternoon and crowded the streets. The police, fearing hostile demonstra ttons, forbade the fueneral and turn' moned the Cossacks, who used ko"uts and sworda freely and finally succeeded In dispersing the gathering. The police and military authorities made a further house to house visit In the suburbs of Wela Tuesday night when they arrested fourteen persons and discovered great Quantities of revolutionary proclamations. Wh.tt Jumps. Advno In th Chicago Wheat Market to 1.17. Chicago, Aurll 6. May wheat took a jump of nearly 4 cents a bushel on the board of trade today. The advance took place In almost aa short a time aa It takes to tell It, and waa one of those freakish caprices of mantpulat Ing the market resulting from a de termlned effort of a few Wall street speoalators to shake & few dollars out of the bears in the wheat pit May wheat gave no signs of undue activity until about midday, when a sudden sessatlon of offerings threw the smaller shorts Into a panic. In tha scramble to buy which followed the price of May wheat went up until $1.1794 was reached. When this point was reached, enough of the commod ity had been disposed of to afford the more anxious buyers an opportunity to cover and get out of harm's way. , Dinan Elected Chief. San Franclsoo, April 5. Jeremiah Dtnan waa elected chief of police to night to succeed George W. Whitman, recently removed. TROUB Lt IN WARSAW VILLIERS IS IN Liberals Win in Londo Election. ARE JUSTLY JUBILANT Conservative Majority at Brighton Has Never Been Less than 2,000. GOVERNMET SHOULD RESIGN The Premiers Discourtesy to the Houa of Commons Is Becoming Absolutely of teh cause of the accident Is that this vanced Liberal, of the House. London. April 5. The most striking overturlng of the unionist majority In the numerous recent defeats in the bye-elections was recorded at Brlgh ton today when Gerald Loder, union 1st and recently appointed junior lord of the treasury, waa defeated by E E Vllllera, liberal. Vllersf majority is 817. The conservative majority at Brighton during the past 20 years has never been less than 2000. The election' turned almost alto gether on th fiscal qnestlon. When the news of Vi.'Hers' victory waa made known in the meeting of the house of commons tonight the liberals greeted it wiin snouts ot joy. "Vllllers Is In." was the cry. which was received with great cheering. Pre mier Falfour, who was just entering the house, was greeted, with shouts of "Resign, Resign!" Colonial Secretary Lyttleton, who had been speaking when the Interrup tion came from the demonstration had been quieted, continued. On motion to adjourn an extracu-dinarj acene ocl curred. Lloyd George, advanced lib eral, sold he Intended to question the premier on teh fate that had befallen the member of the administration at Brighton. He complained that on re cetvlng notlev of the question would be raised, the premier deliberately left the house. The premier's discourtesy to the house, he said, was becoming absolutely offensive. Several members spoke supporting Lloyd George, and declaring that the government ought to resign. Winston Churchill said lt looked like the be ginning of the end, and that it wad retribution for shams and shuffles and for the manner In which the premier had treated parliament. TO PREVENT CHOLERA. Conor of Doctors to Assemble in Moscow. ' Moscow, April 4. A congress of doc tors has been summoned to meet at Moscow under the auspices ot the Pierogoon Medical Society to devise means combatting the expected vlslta tlon of cholera, which congress first prohibited, but later granted permis sion to meet under conditions to dls cuss only scientific questions has justified apprehensions of the authori ties by adopting as its first step an anti-cholera crusade and a set of reso lutlons calling for the execution of the whole radical political program. The proposals will culminate In the demand for an Immediate convocation of the constituent assembly, on the basis of Universal ballot without dis tinction of sex, nationality or religion. The congress also demanded the im mediate stoppage of the war. declar ing the policy of conquest and adven tuer would throw the country Into a terrible and extensile poverty In which cholera would flourish. CHICAGO TERMINAL. New Interests Now Control Affairs of Company. New York, April 5. It Is positively stated In banking circles, says the Her ald, that control of the Chicago Terml. nal Transfer Railroad Company ha passed to the new interests. It la un derstood J. P. Morgan & Co. have bought a majority of the securities and Intend to turn the property to a great trunk line entering Chicago presum ably a Vanderbllt road. Members of th firm did not deny the acquisition of the company, but said they could make no statement now. This change In control Is a sequel to efforts made since January, when in terests on the coupon' bonds was un paid, to reorganize the affairs of the company. At that time the bond and stockholders arrayed themselves against each other and It is said news of a purchase of control by the Mor gan Interests took the reorganization committee completely by surprise, . . Th company owns 780 acres, of which 60 acres are in the center of tha business district with nearly 271 miles of railroad. It has a capital stock of $30,000,000 and outstanding first mort gage bonds of 118,500,000. JAPS WHIP 8LAVS. Russian Driven Out of Three Towns in Manchuria. Tokio, April 5, 3 p. m. Imperial army ladpuarters, reporting, todayr says: ' 'A part of our Changtn force drove the Russians out of Tsuiuuui. tww miles north of Changtu, and also out of Sumlencheng, nine miles west of Tsulushu and occupied both places on April 3. "After driving the enemy from the neighborhood of Soumlactzu, six miles southeast of Tsulushu. our force reached th vicinity of Santaukou on April 4 at noon, when they were fired upon fiercely by about 800 Russian cavalry retreating north along the rail way. Our force dispersed them." iMlin'a Will. New York, April 6. The will of Ad rian Iselin, the banker, disposes of his estate, valued at from $15,000,000 to 830,000,000, to his four sons and one daughter, who divide all but $300,000, which Is bequeathed to charities. BY SHALL MAJORIH Democratic Candidate for Mayor of St Louis Elected. HONORS ARE EVENLY DIVIDED Stubborn Political Contest in St Louis Results in Election of a Democratic Mayor With Other Office About Equally Divided Between Parti. St. Louis, April 5. Complete first returns from last night's municipal election give Mayor Rolla Wells, demo cratic candidate for re-election, a plurality of 1,488 over Judge John A. Talty, republican. The vote for the candidate was as follows: Wells, 44,208: Talty. 42,780: Lee Merrlweather, Independent public ownership, S232. . Never before in the history of St. Louis has a mayoralty election been fought so stubbornly. Until complete results from the last ward had been received the Issue was In doubt, and the official canvass of the returns may yet change the complexion of the re turns. Other candidates for city - offices! either ran slightly ahead or behind their party leaders and the democrats and republicans about equally divided honors for the offices other than that of mayor. The proposition to increase th bond ed Indebtedness of the city by $9,000.- 000 for making munlciapal improve ments, waa overwhelming ly defeated. Two amendments to teh city charter ere also defeated by large majorities. FREIGHT RATES ADJUSTED. Meeting of Representatives of Trans continental Boads. Portland. April 5. The decision of the transcontinental railroads relative , to the readjustment of existing tariffs between coast points and the inerior will be announced after the meeting between th representatives of the railroads now In th city and the whole- sal jobbers of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma which will occur tomorrow. Railroad men acknowledge that they came to a decision, but lay it would be discourtesy to th jobbers to make lt known before the meeting.