The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 05, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Established 1873.
PobliKhed D.lly Except Monflj) by
By nail per year U 00
Br tuO, per month 60
By curler, per month
By mall, per year, la advance ..$1 CO
Entered at the poatofflce at Astoria.
Oregon at second-class matter.
ISrOraara for the dWIwin oC Tat Moairuie
AsToaiAS to eithor mkkoc or placo of buaiww.
m be mad by postal eanl or tinxurh te
raon. Any imyruWity to dolirery thouM b
bamediatety reported to the office of pubUeetJoa.
Telephone Main Ml.
There Is a limit to all things. Mer
chants place a limit on a man's credit
Banks place a limit on loans to indi
vidual or corporation. This is the pre
dicament that the common council of
the city of Astoria Is facing today
,Time and time again the Astorlan has
called the attention of the council to
what it has termed "reckless extrava
gance," but the common council has
paid no attention to It. simply because
The Astorlan is a republican paper and
the majority of the common council
belong to the cltisens party, which
has dominated politics in Astoria for
the past ten years.
The time has now come when the
common council must pay some atten
tion to the statement heretofore pub
lished. They must do what they have
refused to do, "economise." The city
has reached Its limit of indebtedness..
It was not because gambling has been
stopped and they are deprived of the
revenues derived from that source.
because they have already reached the
limit and gambling fine would not be
due The Astorlan does not contend
that there has been any grafting, on
the contrary we believe that every
member of the council and every man
connected with the city government 1
honest They are among our best citi
zens and there would be no Induce
ment for them to be otherwise, but
they have not studied economy. They
have raised salaries, without making
provisions for the payment thereof
They have employed extra men to su
perintend the construction of streets,
wholly illegal, which haa Cost the city
not less than 12000 a year. There have
been too many soft Jobs with the city
surveyor, the payroll for last month
amounting to $255 and it has seldom
been less than this amount.
They have Improved streets where
the assessment has not been sufficient
to pay the cost of the improvement and
the balance has had to be paid out of
the general fund. They now see the
error of their ways and have recently
decided that they will Improve no more
streets unless the assessment will
cover the cost of the improvement.
They have permitted assessments for
street improvements to run from one
to three and four years, allowing the
property owners to have the use of the
city's money, and frequently have
thrown off the penalty and interest
when the property owner has an op
portunity to sell his property and must
pay the assessment in order to give a
good title. There has been too much
delay in passing the necessary ordi
nances for the collection of assess
ments. Instead of reducing the city indebt
edness and thereby reducing the In
terest, it has been steadily increased
and the city is compelled to pay out a
large amount tf money In increased In
terest on warrants. It has not beet,
owing to any Intentional wrong, but to
a lack of business Judgment. They will
spend nearly $40,000 for a city hall
when they could have bought a three
story brick building, lot and all, worth
at any time $40,000 for $25,000 and
$2500 would have made It a better and
more substantial city hall and In a
better location than the present site
and building. They evidently believed
they were working in the Interests of
the people, but they lacked burtness
Judgment. Their intentions were good
but thy lack future deseernrrftnt
which should actuate every business
man, especially when he is handling
the money belonging to the public,
By the time that the city hall is
completed and the street Improve
ments now under construction are paid
for, they will have exceeded their lim
it of indebtedness, and when that time
comes, the warrants of the city will
be at a discount and the bankers will
refuse to take them. Jn order to over
come this deficit and make up for this
reckless extravagance the common
council must now devise waya and
means of raising revenues, and that
must be done by imposing additional
burdens upon the now burdened tax
payers. In other words the merchants
and tax payers must make up the
money paid out to political pets; the
increase In salaries, and the Improve
ment of streets for the benefit ot a
few property owners, whose property
Is not assessed sufficient to pay the
cost of the improvement.
Admitting that the loss of IT000
from gambling fines, and nlckel-in-the-slot
licenses, which Is the highest
amount that could be collected for the
remaining nine month v the year,
even then the city would have reached
its limit of Indebtedness, and had the
practice of continuing tb collection of
these fines and licenses, the common
council would not have been brought
face to face with the rresent financial
condition of the city, and they would
not have realised the necessity of a
curtailment of expenses and the lop
ping off of superunmarlea employed by
the council to perform work, that the
superintendent of streets Is paid a sal
ary for performing. It is a condition,
not a theory that confronts the com
mon council, and the business com
munity and property owners must
suffer for their direllctlon.
The Butte Inter Mountain publishes
the following, which is applicable to
Astoria, although not in connection
with banks, but with those who can
not afford to lose the money, especi
ally when it belongs to someone else,
x "I saw other men speculating and
thought I could do the same thing and
win. When I was first approached on
the subject of speculation I told those
who spoke to me that I would not en
gage In speculation. I abhorred the
idea of gambling, and I wish to Gd
that I had not done It."
So in the agony of contrition spoke
a man who risked and lost the money
of the defunct Citizens' bank of Lorain.
O. Its cashier on a good salary, with
a life position probable and enjoying
the respect of the community, he sac
rificed his honor and the happiness ana
comfort of bis wife and children to
gratify a passion for gambling. He
has turned over all Including the roof
over the head of his dependents, but
It will go only a little way toward
making good his peculations and not
only those dear to him, but hundreds
whom he did not know will suffer for
his sins. Of all the Inspections needed,
Inspections of cashiers appear to be
needed most. The percent of such
officials who dip into the coffers en
trusted to their care appears to grow
greater steadily.
"It there is any chance to boom busi
ness, boom it. Don't pull a long face
and look as though you had a sour
stomach. Hold up your hands, smile
and look for better things. Hide your
little hammer, and try to speak well of
others, no matter how small you real
ly know yourself to be. When a
stranger drops In, Jolly him, tell him
this Is the greatest town on earth, and
It Is. Don't discourage him by speak
ing ill of your neighbors. Lead him
to believe that he has at last struck
af place where white people live. Don't
Help yourself along by becoming
popular, and push your friends with
you. It's dead easy. Be a good fel
low, and soon you will have a proces
sion of followers. No man ever helped
himself knocking other people down
In character or business. No man ever
grt rich by trying to make others be
lieve he was the only man In town who
knew anything. Tou can't climb the
ladder of success by treading on other
people's corns. Keep oft the corns
and don't knock.
Epitome of Anecdotes .and .'Incidents
With Commenti By a Lsymsn.
It would be too bad If We city had
to file a petition In bankruptcy.
The New Jersey legislature Is af
flicted with professional lobyists and
they have sent a delegation to Mis
souri to confer with Governor Folk as
to the means employed In that state
for eradicating the evil. Why not
chlorform them?
The New Tortf board of health Is al
armed at the Increase in- deaths and
the consequent reduction of the demo
cratic majority in that city, and Is
going to take a census to find out
where they are at. It's like locking
the stable after the horse ha been
Jim Jeffries sustains Dr. Osier In a
measure by declaring that no pugilist
Is any good after he is 40. All right;
chloroform them. Memphis Commer
cial The Tacoma city bacteriologist as
cribes much of the sickness In Tacoma
to bad milk and unsanitary water. And
if the Tacoma dairymen mix the bad
milk and with the bad water there U a
bad mixture, sure enough. Either alone
is bad enough.
The war department has determined
to Introduce Jtn-jltsu at West Point
for the purpose of hardening the stu
dents, So they have decided to aban
don the old tobacco treatment?
With Secretary Hay In Europe and
President Roosevelt away for an out
ing In Texas and Colorado the stories
about the peace negotiations between
Russia and Japan via Uncle Sum lack
Col. Bryan Is denouncing the taint
ed money of Mr. Rockefeller. Now.
how about the money of Mr, Richard
Croker. Mr. August Belmont and
those other patriots who voted for Mr.
Bryan in 1900?
President Wilson of Princeton says
prayer Is th. proper remedy for the
trusts. But Kansas will not listen, and
Insists that It will try the Indictment
It Is now announced officially that
Uncle Sam Is to act as trustee In bank
ruptcy for San Domingo. Having re
covered from the operations of Cassk
Chadwlck, Uncle Sam has certainly
qualified as an expert.
"1 think your new bonnet will suit
you perfectly, dear." said her hus
band. "Wl.f, how do you know? Yeu
haven't seen It."
"No, but I've seen the bill, and that
doesn't suit me. Hence my conclus
ionsPhiladelphia Ledger.
Fashionable Tailor Go front at once.
Two young men there after suits.
New Man (whispering) I'm waiting
on a millionaire.
"Leave him and attend to the clerks.
These millionaires don't ' buy new
clothes once in five years. A clerk Is
good for a fresh suit every three
Chas. Rogers, Our Well Known Drug'
gist. Agrees to Return Money
If Vfnol Fails.
"Many people right here In Astoria
are all run down, hardly able to drag
about, don't know what alls them.
This condition is probably caused by
a cold or cough, which is hard to' cure,
overwork or too close confinement to
business.. Such people need Vlnol,"
said Mr. Chas Rogers, and the follow
ing letter la only one of many which we
are constantly receiving showing what
Vlnol will do.
Who is national press correspondent
of the W. R. C. writes: "Last winter
I caught a severe cold which It seemed
Impossible for me to get rid of. I be
came much run down, lost my appetite
and flesh and felt nervous and Irrita
ble. Vlnol was reccommended, and
and It certainly worked wonders for
me; It Increased my appetite, cured
my Indigestion and nervousness, and I
sleep sonndly. I consider Vlnol a
wonderful remedy."
Vlnol cures such conditions because
It is the only preparation In the
world that contains every one of the
fifty odd medicinal curative elements
found in fresh cod's llrens and without
one drop of useless oil, which charac
terizes old fashioned cod liver oil and
emulsions. It imparts in a natural
manner strength and vigor to every
organ of the body, aids digestion and
makes rich red blood.
Vlnol is not a patent medicine, eve
rything is printed on the bottle; it
contains Iron, and In a highly conoen
trted form, all of the vitalizing prop
erties contained in cod liver oil. It to
delicious, and the weakest stomach
can retain It, .
We ask every run down, nervous,
deblllated, aired or weak person In As
toria, and every person suffering from
stubborn colds, hanging on coughs,
bronchitis, or Incipient consumption to
to try Vlnol on our guarantee. It
coets nothing If ft fails to trfve satis
faction. Chss. Rogers, druggist
Morning Astorian,
60c per month.
before buying your spriug suit or top coat. Make your selection here
from the best stock in the city and you will have no cause to '
t.- ,1 HanSduiM
ftsrVM sm tut 1 1
Last Hods Vanished.
When leading physicians said that
W. M. Smithart, ot Peking, la., had In
curable consumption, his last hope va
nished; but Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,;
kept him out of his grave. He says:
"This great specific completely cured
me, and saved my life. Since then, I
have used It for over 10 years, and con
slder It a marvelous throat and lung
cure." Strictly scientific curs for
Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure
preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed,
50c and $1.00 bottles at Chas. Rogers'
drug store. Trial bottle free.
More Whits Pine cough syrup has
been sold In Atsorla this winter than
any other kind, because It gives in
stant relief. The Owl and Eagle drug
store are sole agents for all the best
The Tired Traveler
Is ever happy to find a comfortable
stopping place. Where to put up Is the
prevalent question nfter a long Jour-
. ... i .
ney. You can soive me prowi-m
Astoria by going to the
Whose genial host, Mr. T. J. Broem
ser, Is an experienced hotel man and
who on April 1 took charge of this
popular hostelry and has inaugurated
a new feature to the house by opening
the dining room in connection with the
hotel and is now able to give his pat
rons board and lodgings, the best in
Astoria, for $1 and IL25 per day. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
Rooms at 25, 60, 75 and $1. Free
'buss to and from the hotel.
Every garment thoroughly guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money refunded.
i f
First National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus '$100,000
Wears Like Iron
"V " 1
JOHN OX, Pre, and 8npU
F. L. UlHUOP.WeflreUirjr
Designers aod Manufacturers of V
Foot of Fourth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON.
lm ii
TO rll J
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co.
A few that I would like to call your
attention to: On. Is that Frank Hart
Liqudzone, - Vlnol,
And All the 8tndrd Patent Msdiolnts
nnd another Is that he is still selling
White Pine Cough Syrup In 25o and
6O0 bottles the same as In the past
five years. Don't forget the Diamond
Shaped Bottle.
FRANK HART. Druggist.
Corner 14th arid Commercial BU
A. X..VOX. Vic 1-rMldeiit.