x II , 1 Ore Historical Society '. ' ttfef msm oUUH FULL AMOOIATCDZPRItt IMPORT COVin THE MORNINQ FIELD ON THB LOWER COLUMBIA VOLUME LVIV. NO. 148 ASTOUIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 5, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS i V STOP 11 ANS Smugglers Off the Coast of Panama. BOAT IS r FITTED OUT Considerable Loss to Panama in Collection of Custom Rev enues. CONSIDERABLE MONEY LOST Steam Yacht Oriente Built on the Llnat ef a Torpado Boat, Armed With Rapid Fira Ouna, Will Cruise Along Atlantic Coast to Pravant Smuggling. New York, April . A Irlm eteam yacht, the Orlenta, built on the Unee of a torpedo bout and representing the navy of the Panama republic, U an ' chored t a ship yard " Ellaabethport. N. J., prepared to anil for Colon April 15. Tht yacht la well equipped with rapid ir guns, eearch llghta and wire. 1m telctwh. In command la Capt. Lovelace, formerly of Kann CHy. She will make a bunlne of running Jown nmuMler and keeping order among th Indian along the eastern ehoree) of the lirthmu. The Orient waa built for a member of the New Tork Yacht Club, but did nnt mt hla rcoulremente. It la 105 feet long and of steel construction throughout. Captain Lovelace, who haa Just arrived here to take command haa apent nlna year In tropical watere In talking of hla new berth, he aald: The lock of revenue cuttera on the Atlantic coftirt of the lathmua haa uifunt a conalderable loaa to the gov ernment In custom revenue. Between Colon and the river Atrato Ilea pna of the richest cocoanut region In the world. Thl atrip of cooat line in oc cupied aolely by the San Bias Indiana, who derive a nrofltable trade with amugglere from Curacao, Jamaica, and the Inland of Pan Andre. Theae amuggler exchange merchandise for coconnufjl Ivory, iijui and torVle ahull. "Laat year 7,000,000 cocoanuta were exported from the coaat, all paid for by merchandise from which the gov ernment of Panama haa not derived a cent of custom revenue. "It I to prevent thl smuggling that Tannma la now lotting that Panama hat decided to arm the Orlenta and run her up and down the roast. "After a few month it la expected wholesale smuggling will cease. Then It will be time to put a similar boat on the Pad no coast and atop the smug gling there." TERRORIST ARRESTED. Man in 8t. Petersburg Disguised aa a Carriage Driver. St. Petersburg, April 4. The police arested yesterday In Nevsky Prospect a man disguised as a carriage driver, presumably belonging to the aame or ganisation os the 12 persons arrested Inst week for supposed connection In the terrorist schemes. There Is little doubt that there was a plot directed against the life of Gov ernor General Trepoff and the latent arrest Indicates that the terrorists are acting on a concerted plan, with aux lllerles and lookouts to aid the per petration of. the assassination. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Arrlvea In 8t. Loula and Croaaea Over Into Texaa. St Loula, Apr". 4. President Rooms volt and party arrived In Bast St. Lou ts tonight at 7 o'clock en route to the reunion of the rough rider regiment In Texas. The train waa quickly trans ferred acrosa the river and handed over to the Missouri, Kansas A Texas rood and proceeded on Its way. Tht president waa at dinner when the train stopped here and the assembled throngs did not have an opportunity to ee the president. Colonel Lyon, member of the repub lican Texas committee, under whose guidance the jack rabbit hunt take place, joined the party here. During the day the president made epeecfee at Mltlton and Huntlngtiurg, Ind., and Mount Vernon, II. ' CA88IE LOOMS UP. Attorney Ask for 8tay of Sentence Until Appeal la Decided. Cincinnati, April 4. Judge Wing, counsel for Mrs. Cossle I Chadwlck, appeared before Judge Lurton, Severn and Richard, In the United State clr cult court of appeals In this city to day and moved that her sentence be staywl until the United Stat circuit court shall have heard arguments on the appeal, or until flnal Judgment be rendered In the court of last resort DISCOVERER OF PIKES PEAK. Remain of Montaomery Pike to Be Interred in Colorado. Colorado, Spring, April 4. A move ment has been started here through the chamber of commerce to have the re nuitu of lieutenant Zebulon Mont gomery I'tke, discoverer of Pikes peak, removed to Colorado and either inter red In this city or on the summit of the great eminence which bears his name. The body of Lieutenant Pike la burled at I-nwreneeburg, Ind., In practically neglected grave. DESIRE FOR PEACE Russian Officials Anxious forJPeace at any Cost FROM AN AMERICAN SOURCE American Ambaaaador to Franca Re turna from a Trip to 8t Petersburg Say He Waa 8urpried at the Feel Ing In Ruseia for Peace. New York, April 4. Robert S. Mc Cormlck, newly appointed American ambassador to France, who has Just arrived In Paris from St. Petersburg, says he Is surprised at the reports that there waa a desire to conclude peace at any price manifested In offl- clal circles, cables the Paris corre spondent of the Herald. According to Ambassador McCormlck no such desire exists in Bt. retersnurg. "On the contrary In offlclal circles there ls,M said he, "a general desire to continue the war to the bitter end. and there are great hopes that Admiral Rojestvensky will meet the Japanese fleet and gain a victory which may In one day change the entire aspect of the war. 'All the hopes of Russia are now centered In that fleet and Its encounter with the Japanese squadron is looked forward to with confidence. "Reports of an Intervention In the matter are without the slightest foun dation." 8TRUCK JACK POT. Supposed to Be the Treasure of an Old Indian. Mount Pleasant, Tex, April 4. T. A, Ledbetter has dug up a pot con taining nearly 12000 In gold coin, 20 miles north of here. The coin is all United States money, except one or two pieces,. which are Spanish or Mex ican coins. Years ngo an old Indian said that some kind of treasure has been burled near the spot and search waa made for It at that time, but without suc cess, Several trees near the place bad Indian marks on them. . ' The money la In a good etate of preservation. DUNNE WINS Democrats Carry Chicago by 25,000. HARLAN IS DEFEATED Socialist Vote Will Not Exceed Twenty Thousand In the Entire.City. HEAVY VOTE WAS POLLED Polities Not aa Much an lieu aa Mu nicipal Ownership of Utilitiea and Immediate Ownership of Street Rail way and All Franchise. Chicago, April 4. Returna from 1230 precinct out of 1654 In the city of Chi cago give Dunne, democrat for mayor, 168,457; Harlan, republican, 135,704; Collin, aociallat, 19,974. Sixteen hundred and thirty precinct offlclal, with 24 precinct to bear from glv Dunne a plurality of 22.75S. The missing preclncta are not expected to change the result materially. The total Moclaltst vote will not exceed 25,000 a falling oft of 50 per cent A political tornado today over whelmed one of the most ruggedly and unique leaders In the country. Inci dentally the republican party met de feat In a memorable effort to capture the mayorallty of Chicago. Aa a direct reault of the election the city la offi cially committed to the policy of the quickest cessation of private franchises for public utilities. Municipal owner ship especially threatening street car lines valued high up In the millions. After winning successfully four re markable biennial fights of the Inde pendents against the regular republic an party organisation here, John May. nnrd Harlan was loser aa the repub lican candidate for mayor. The defeat Is attributed to an extraordinary whirl of causes, starting with political re venge and taking a wide sweep, em bracing most of the up-to-date social ism aa a factor. Seldom, It ever, has Chicago witnessed a more lively pic turesque contest. ' Today the city Is hideous with ringing of cowbells and thoroar of lire crackers. The republican candidate suffered heavily from campaign attacks, charg ing that he was a polltlcad assassin. It was alleged that he was unworthy j of the support of the leaders of his own party, whom he had thrust from oftlce and power, largely through Har lan's aggressiveness In previous cam pnlgns, and the great leaders were con spicuous by their absence from his support. Districts wherei republican majorities seemed constant and time honored as certain, were omnloualy re ported alow today. It Waa a row, blustering day, gloomy and cold for most part until the hour for closing the polls. Appeala to the fear of domination by corporate wealth appeared to away many voters, and perhaps more than any other Influence was incorrectly gaged by the repub licans, Harlan has been severely har rassed during the campaign as the re puted reipriwentatlev of Wall street Interests, Intent on fastening burden some franchises and grants upon the city. The republicans however, figures that the voters not susceptible to ap peala of this kind would support the socialist candidate, and lessen, If any. votes to the republicans, which would be more than made up by Harlan's old time admirers among the independent voters. , There waa virtually no politics In the election among the voters. Estimates, however, of 60,000 votes for Collin, o clallxt fell woefully short. Offlclal returns from all the precincts In Chicago show that Judge Edward F. Dunne, democrat, waa elected may or of Chicago today over John May nard Harlan, republican, by a plu rality of 24.248, and received a ma jority of 945 over the republican and socialist The new city council I re publican. Indication are that 21 re publican and 34 democrats were elected. POLICEMAN SHOT. Msn Entered a Hospital at Warsaw and Shot a Policeman. ' Warsaw, April 4. While everyone wa asleep last night In a hospital In which are three policemen who were Injured by the explosion of a bomb thrown at the police station at Praga. a suburb, on Sunday, March 26, an un known man entered the ward and went to the bedside of Policeman Sarap, at whom he flreTbla revolver three times. One shot took effect in the back. The assullant escaped before the patients and attendants had time to recover from he ahock and aurprise. Sarap haa been especially hated on account of his brutality in recent rlota MORGAN 8MITH. Case Up in the Police Court, But Ad journmant Taken. Cincinnati April 4. The case of J. Morgan Smith and wife, arrested here In connection with the Nan Patterson case, waa up in the police court today, but once more adjourned, this time un til April 7, the postponement being required to await the action of the common pleas court on writ of habea corpua. Brick Building Blown to Pieces in Bridgeport, Connecticut THREE INSTANTLY KILLED Great Crowd Gathered at the Seen of the Explosion and in the Panie That Followed It la Believed That Many Llvea Were Lost and Some Injured. Bridgeport, Conn., April 4. In a ter rific explosion that blew to pieces one of the brick buildings of the United Metallic Cartridge Company shortly before the close of the day's work. three men were Instantly killed. Great crowds gathered at the scene of the explosion and in the panic that fol lowed It is reported that many lives were lost. The employes In the adjoin. ing buildings, however, made their escape In safety. Fire broke out Immediately follow ing the explosion, but was soon ex tlngulahed. The only man In the build ing at the time waa blown through the roof and killed. Tfie explosion occur red In the dry house where primer caps are dried on long steam pipes. In some manner one of the caps was discharged and the explosion followed. The loss 1s estimated at 330,000. WHOLESALE ARRESTS. Warsaw Police Make a Raid on the Town of Wola. Warsaw, April 4. Strong bodies of police, aided by two companies of in fantry, Wednesday night made a thor ough search of Wola, a suburb of this city, chiefly Inhabited by criminals, revolutionaries and suspected persona The police selxed pamphlets and manl testatoea, revolvers and cartridges and arrested 63 persons. The search oc cupied the whole night Cable Company Appeal. Caracas, Veneiuela, April 4. The French cable company today appealed from the decision of .the president to the highest court and to the entire court TERRIBLE EXPLOSION THE tflUiTABLE Still Wrangling Over the Directorship. HYDE MEN IN CONTROL Several Letters Heretofore Con cealed Made Public Against Hyde. ALEXANDER'S CONTRIBUTION Statement Given Out That Tarbell la the Real Leader of the Alexander Forces and That He 8old Back His Interest in the Equitable Company. New York. AdiH 4. The fight In the Equitable Life Assurance Company assumed a new phase tonight . when several letters which nave heretofore been carefully concealed and kept i aecret, were made public. Further In terest was aroused by the persistent report, emlnating apparently from re liable sources) and so far not denied that Vice President Hyde and friends In the society had decided to assume the aggressive. According to the re port. Hyde party would force James F. Alexander and Cage Tarbell to re tire from the presidency and vice pres idency respectively of the society at a meeting of the board of director to be held Thursday. This report Is strengthened tonight by the fact that both parties gave out certain letter and statetnenal bear ing on the question In dispute. Hyde's contribution waa a letter which he wrote to the Equitable, director on February 15. when the tight for the mutallsation first came officially be fore the board. At the tune this let ter was carefully guarded and only Us general tenor waa allowed to become known. The letter la a lengthy history of the Equltaale and Hyde's position under the terms of his father's bequest and in it Hyde formally charges Pres ident Alexander with a "gross breach of trust to my father and me." Mr. Alexander's contribution to the history controversy Is his letter to the state superintendent of insurance de fining his position and acquiescing in the compromise plan for mutlllxatlon of the society. It is Interesting In that he declared that his consent was given with reluctance, because he felt he could not take the responsibility of re jecting even a measure of the control by policy holders. On behalf of Hyde a statement was given out with reference to this letter, which charges that .Alexander's action in this matter was a breach of faith. General Vice President Tarbell la the target of an open statement given out by Alexander S. Bacon, counsel for cer tain pollc holders. This statement de- clases that Tarbell Is the real leader of the Alexander forces, and brings up a charge against Tarbell Just prior to the beginning of the present controversy that he sold back to the Equitable for the sum of 3125,000 all his Interests In the renewals of future business. THIRTY BODIES RECOVERED. Taken from the Zigler Mine from Ex- plosion of Yesterday. Carbond)ale, 111., April 4. Thirty- seven bodies jot the miners who' lost their lives In the gas xplos!on of the mine of Joseph Lelther at Zelgler's yesterday were recovered and It Is supposed that several more bodies are In the mine. The exact number of the dead will probably not be known for several days. Among the dead la William Scott Atkinson, state mine examiner for the seventh district, who lost his life in attempting to reach the bodies of the men who , were entombed. After 30 hours Investigation, only a little light is shed on the cause of the catastro phe, the accident la attributed to carbonic acid gas due from poor venti lation. Everybody so far recovered la a blackened mass. Inspector Atkin son wa one of the. best known miners In the district Ho Jeavee four chil dren, and waa a member of the Ma-. sonic fraternity. . Joseph Lelther arrived today. A cor oner Jury waa empannelled to in quire Into the cause of the disaster, but so far haa rendered no verdict. The taking of testimony may be prolonged for several days. - EARTHQUAKE IN INDIA. Hotel Collapsed and Catholic Churoh la Destroyed. Mussore, India, April 4. Several earthquake shocks were experienced here today. The left wing of the Savey hotel entirely collapsed, the new Ca tholic church, wa wrecked and every house in the place was more or less In jured. On woman waa killed and several natives seriously injured. Reports from Debradun and ?JaJur district show that extensive damage waa done. Earthquakes' were also felt at Agra, Simla, Delhi and Calcutta, The Jam age waa heavy at the latter place. . . . Commited Suicide. Chicago, April 4. William H. Del lu, son-in-law of Chief Justice Ful ler of the supreme court of the United States and the reputed member of a titled family In Germany, commited suicide tonight The coroner decided that the case waa due to despondency over the prolonged 111 health of W wife. ... . SAN DOMINGO DEBT Paltry Sum of $27,000,000 Will WipeltOut PAID BY CUSTOM REVENUES Foreign Countries Have a Mortgage on Nearly All the Custom Revenues of - the Bankrupt Country Who Haven't Even Paid the Interest. New Tork. April 4. Of the total debt of Santo Domingo, which amounta to about 327,000,000 more than one half. It Is estimated, is due to Belgians. They own 315,000,000 worth of Santo Do mingan bonds, and the accumulated unpaid Interest makes the figure amount to about 316,000,000. A committee representing the Bel gian creditors and the few French creditors, made a contract with the Santo Domlngan government In June, 1901. The contract provided that the committee might collect IS per cent of the customs revenue of the republic, charged upon the revenues of Santo Domingo City. The minimum payment from the government to the committee was to be 325,000 a month, besides 32000 in expenses. If the revenue of Santo Domingo City were not suffl- cent the Belgians might collect from the Port of Macorla For the last two year the commit tee has been able to collect nothing at all, owing to revolutions and Inter national disturbances. QUIET IN MANCHURIA. Loss and Destruction of Russian Stores Increases Pricea. Harbin, April 4. Affairs at the front are generally quiet, except for skirm ishing by the Mlstchenkos Cossacks. Reports have been received of the movements of the Japanese flying col umn northward through Manchurk. In the direction of Tltslhar. The loss and destruction of the cora- mlssarant and stores at Mudken, Hus gltai Tie Pass and Chang Tafu have been heavy on the deprivation of the Russians. Aa a result the prices of provisions (have considerably Increased.