UNDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. THE MONKIMI ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 5 FANCY CAROLINA RICE We have the M. J. D. Brand Fancy Head CAROLINA & RICE pat up In 2 1-2 and 5 pound cloth bags. No Dust, no dirt Pare dean, large rice. ROSS, HIGGINS & Afents for Chese 4 SinibonTi Famous coffcci. Local Brevities. Jurt received, mna fancy emoked blotter A8T0JIIA OROCEItT. Home-made Mur kraut, Bo per tb. ASTORIA OROCKRY. ' UOt flowr Mtdi now on Hpl t A.toria Grocery. Com irl and ft your pick. Rom fin queen ollvw at Zto pr pint at , ASTORIA QROCk.'HY. Olive nd I'l-kloi In Glow. The Ineit packed. Ho KOAICD ft 8TOKK8 CO. A new Invoice of Eavtman' cele brated Kodak and auppllea recelveJ at the Owl drug More. ll-nry l)oe and wife, formerly or Aaturlti. hnve gone to l'rnmny, where they will In tin future rrnMc. Carl Johnson it riiitlPV of Hwrdmi, was grunteil nrt cmxensnip pupcrr ,nd best appointed restaurant In As hy County Clerk Clinton yesterday, torla at 120 Eleventh atreet. The beat 1 !ln the market, and the promptest serv- DON'T fall to tee the display of Huylers Chocolate, Coeoa and Candles at A. V. ALLEN'S. Tb Occident tonsorlal parlor and bath facilities are equalled by none. Everything modern and up to date Be Peterson. Try can of Shelling best Spices: very eaa guaranteed. Tour money back If It don't suit ASTORIA OROCKRT. Councilman I. O. Ilelland yesterday filed a request In the auditor's office for a leave of absence until September 15. Mr. Helliuid goes to Alaska during the fishing season. Something Good and Cheap OUR Diamond - Mirror - Dresser $7 11 i eEACH. Come and see just what these dressers look like. These dressers have no equal in the city for the price. CHAS. HEILBORN $ SON Complete House Furnishers. if Wherity, Ralston Company The Leading Shoe Dealers. Co. to you know that the McCrea-Kord Co., (31 Commercial etreet, are making a tig reduction on all photograph durlrif the Lenten aeaaonT New Oonde, Freeh Good, High Grade Oooda, at FOARD ft 8TOKKS CO. R. M. OttJton, at hie feed etable No. 105 14th atreet, offer for aale a LundU harm-" muchlne; on butcher' wall male, will be old cheap. Tetun llienwit for the quarter end ing March slt amounted to 1137. urlnK thnt tirni alol mucliliiex paid Wi,t0, mid wharfinger. $105. The Imperial chop house has com pleted all arrangements for regular dinner and are prepared to aerve pat rons with the best dinner In the city. The collections In fines and forfeit ures In the police court for the month of March amounted to 1555. All hut tlOS was received from gambling flue W. J. Hess ha opened the cleanest lice. ' tf The collection from sundry license In Astoria during the quarter ending March 31, amounted to $1787. against tlsl9.60 for the corresponding period last year. R. F. Allen ft Soa have Just recelveJ t carload of wall paper In all the latest pnterns and designs which they are exhibiting at their store on Commer cial atreet R. M. Oaato carries a full and complete line of wagons, buggies, plows, harrows and all kind of farm tool and machinery at 101 Fourteenth street, Astoria, Or. USE! PERFECTION How true to the name are our $3.50 and $4.00 nMen's Shoes. Perfect injiWorkmansMp. Perfect In Fit. Perfect in Style. ALL B LEATHERS. BLUCHERS OR LACE, families desiring either Colonial or Hdonl water bay oytera can alwayr secure them fresh at the Imperlul oyeater hou, which make a specialty of supplying famine or partle. The records of the Astoria weather bureau show that 10.(9 Inche of rain fell during the month of March. The maximum temperature wu It on the Sth and the minimum 11 on the 29th. Olympic Pancaka Flour, Del Monte Buckwheat Flour. Now la the time, today. Every thing In the mush line a! way freed at FOARD ft BTOKES CO. The turn of $117.60 won collected from dog license for the flrt quarter of the yur. This U a license on about 140 dog, it la thought that there are ten or twelve dog In the city taut have not paid a license. Mrtha Kan-n f'akkala, the monthN-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Pakkalu, dWd ycitterdfiy mornln at thy residence of tb,e parfnta In diloiiionn. The func-ral will be held today und the Interment will be at (Jrecnwood. Yesterday Dr. C. K. Union snt an application to the common council to lense a atrip of lurid bcloriKlng to the city mtUJit.."' on Ftiuiklln avenue and T!!!r!y-"d atreet. He desires a fn-year Mis and offer to pay . la year for the an mo. Hlncu the 3 er cent rebate closed on March 15th there has been collec ted by the sheriff on the tax roll about 111,000. It la cxpetted that fully $5000 more will lie paid In on Monday, be Ing the- lust day In which one-half of the taxes will be paid. There Is a restaurant In town which makes a specialty of serving fln itiealx, where prompt and good service con always I, relied upon. This Is the California Reiteursnt, which ha Just iK-ned under new management, and Is well worth visiting. The funerul of ths late Mrs. Cuther I tie IVry wilt be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence, of liei daughter, Mrs. J. V. Watson. The services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Orlm of the Methodist church and the Interment will be at Greenwood. It is reported that the Weinhard Brewing Co, of Portland, will enlarge their Astoria plant and Increase their capacity. There Is great demand for tho beer manufactured, which Is con sidered by many to be the best on the market. Tlares that handle It report an increased business. A report Is current that thpre Is trouble brewing between the owners of steamboat lines on the coastwise trade nnd a rato war Is threatened. Sometime ago the companies entered Into an agreement of freight and pas singer rates, and It Is claimed that this agreement Is being violated. A new lot of Australian lump coal Just received. There Is no fuel so con venient, satisfactory and economical as first class coal. Australian coal burns freely with little ah and no clinkers. You con have it sacked oi In lumps. Free delivery. T.lng up I phone 1061. EI.MORE ft CO. Astoria started out on April 1 with not a gambling game or nlckel-ln-the- slot machine In operation. Public sen timent Is growing stronger every day In opposition to gambling, nnd a fair trial will be given, and If the sheriff is backed up by public sentiment, the days for gambling In Astoria are over. Kmll Held, considered ns one of the best advertising writers on the coast. has accepted a position on the Astorlnn and will assist merchants In prepar ing advertisements, giving them the benefit of years of experience on met ropollt in Journals, where advertising Is science. The common council will meet In regular session tomorrow night. It Ih possible that an ordinance will be Introduced providing for an occupa tion tax. Several street Improvement ordinances will be acted upon, nnd nn ordinance granting 1)111 & Young until May 1 to complete Franklin avenue will probably be passed. Uncomplimentary remarks are made about the cruel manner In which some boys drive horses on the streets of the city. It Is certainly cruelty to animals, and such drivers are more of an ex pense to the owners of horses than a mnn who understands handling them. If some of the owners knew the treat ment given to horses, they would dis charge the driver forthwith. The United States grand Jury, will convene In Portland next Monday, at which time Mr. Heney. United States district attorney, Is expected to arrive. It is expected that the Jury will be In session about ten days, nnd that a number of Indictments will be return- . Special officers of the government have been busy the past month ac cumulating Bvbfenc In hind fi-nui which will be submlted to the Jury. llev. W. II. liolllngHhead, presiding elder "Cf the M. E. church, held the quarterly conference In that church last eevnlng, and will preach at the communion service today at 11 o'clock. A full choir will assist at thl service. C. MerrlU, formerly In the atate printing department, was In the city yeiterday In the intereaU of the ex cursion of the railroad conductor of the United Btates, Canada and Mexico, who are coming to Portland on May 7, and will visit Astoria and Seaside. There will be fully 2000 conductors on the excursion. Astoria should make arrangements to entertain them. There will be services In all the churches today. This afternoon at 3 o'clock, there will be a service for men only In the Congregational church and at the same hour In the Bubtlst church for women. In the evening there will be a union service of all the churches In the Methodist church, Kv. Ralph (Milam will preach to young people at the evening service. At. Kt. Mary's Catholic church to morrow morning at 10:30 a. m. high mass will be given by Father Waters, celebrant, and Mlllards mas In O will be rendered by the regular choir, as sisted by Professor J. Adrian Epplng, baritone, of Portland, who will con tribute to the solemnity of the services two solos, an "O Bulutarls" by EmIU Karft, and the beautiful "Ave Marie" by Lulgl Luzzl. Evening Vesper ser vices, beginning at 7:30 p. m., will be held, and Professor Epplng has kindly consented to asalst the choir In ren dering the appropriate Lenten music. PERSONAL MENTION. C. E. Palmer left for Portland last evening. V. 8. Rowley of Seattle was In the city yesterday. Otto Carlson of Bear Cliff was In the city yesterday. L. H. Ayers of Portland was In the city yesterday. Arthur Marks of Ilwaco was in the city yesterday. Tim Corcoran of Jewell returned home last evening. Miles McConnell of Frankfort was In the city yesterday. John H. Seyfert of Rrookfield was In the city yesterday. JI. T. Flndley of Portland la register ed at the Occident Victor Kronqulst of Portland Is reg istered at the Central. John Flnley of Portland was In the city yesterday on business. Captain Larsen and wife of Altoona were In the city yesterday. Mrs. A. J. Taylor of Flavel visited friends in Astoria yesterday. T. 8. Blackford of the Claskanlne Chief was in the city yesterday. Will Madison returned from a busi ness trip to Portland Inst evening. W. J. Ingulls has returned from a three weeks' visit to Hood River. Senator Fulton returned last even ing from a business trip to Portland. L. E. Sellg, who has been nursing an attack of the grippe Is reported as Im proving. Editor Williams of the Skamokawa Eagle was in the city yesterday on business. Hlllls Gentry has returned from Omaha and will remain In Astoria In the future. J. W. Walker and family went out to Jewell yesterday afternoon, where they will In the future reside. GRAND OPENING FREE SOU VENIR DISTRIBUTION. S. DANZIGER ft CO, ASTORIA'8 GREATEST CLOTHIERS, 490 600 COMMERCIAL STREET. Friday Evening, April 7th, From 7 to 9 O'Clock. Public Notice After many months of disorder on account of remodeling, refitting and enlarging our store, we announce to the public that on next Friday evening, from 7 to 9 we will throw open our doors and hold an In formal opening, inviting you and yours to inspect Astoria's largest and most modern clothing establishment. The store that Is destined to lead, the store where he world's best apparel can be had in abundance, at prices that will alwnys tempt you to seek this estab lishment to do your trading. FREE SOUVENIR A Glimpse of the Trail. To all ladles and gentlemen calling, we will present with our compliments Belden's: art masterpieces, a most benutlful and desirable decoration for the home. Perfection In Flour. Our Log Cabin Flour, made by a new process, will make more loaves, larger loave. and whiter loaves of bread than any flour on the market FOARD ft STOKES CO. For omethlng nlc for breakfast try our cream rolled oats, free from flinty or Imperfect grain. Wt have nothing but the best Only 5 cents per pound. ASTORIA GROCERY. See the window display In the Owl Drug Store of the celebrated Eastman kodaks and supplies. New stock Just received. tlorse Department Store. 508-510 Commercial Street Special List FOR - THIS - WEEK DRESS GOODS Lonsdale Muslin CO, 65 and 70c Dress ' per yard goods 6c 48c 10yds to each customer. KID GLOVES SHEETS Best Kid Gloves made FoU sized sheets $I.OO 38c. GINGHAMS TOWELS Apron Check Ginghams p1 5 c. 8c. SILKS MEN'S SUITS 75c wool Taffeta 59c. 1-2 price $2.00 80 in. Silk 1.39. $15.00 Suits for 50c Wash Silk 25c. $7-50 BED SPREADS I MEN'S HATS $1.50 Spreads $1.50 andf$2.00 Hats 95c 75c The New ALASKAN WARE THE LATEST AND BEST. FOB SALE BY 117 AlUe SV stf-V 537-531 IT WILL PAY OARD & Exponents of Quality. ' Have you Noticed the Way Our Dry Goods Department is Growing. There's scarcely a day goes by that we do not do something toward making things more conven ient for our patrons. We want you when shop ping here to feel perfectly at ease. Whether your purchase be large or small you are always welcomejat this store. IF YOU'VE NOT YET favored us with a visit will be glad to have you drop in any time and let us show you some of the new things we are showing in Jaunty Covert Coats and Jacttets, Stylish Man Tailored Sliirts, and Some Exquisite Creations in Ladies' Waists. You'll probably find here just what you've been look ing for. FOARD 1 STOKES CO. Astoria's Greatest Store. Bargain Bond St. YOU TO SEE HIM. STOKES CO.