SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1900. THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA OREGON ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK DENVER RAILROAD Capital I'1J In $100,000. Surplus and Undivided 1'roflti I35.00C TraBsaoUi a general banking buslueM. Interest paid on time deposit. J. . A. BOWLBY, O.I.PKTERBOS, FttANK I'ATTON, J. W. OA NEK, President ViM President Cashier. Ami. Cashier Money Obtained to Succea fully Build the Road. Jftft TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. M0STL EA$TEKN CAPITAL HOTEL PORTLA N DL The Finest Hotel in the Northwest; PORTLAND: OREGON. pot to Hav, tha N,w Road Com pleted to tho Hot Sulphur Spring, by July 18 and Than Extended on to th. Mormon Paradis of Loot Soul. prial train on tho Lcmovo-Sebastopol railroad. On February 17, 1880, an explosion took pine, under the dining room of the winter palace, at the moment when Alexander II and bla family wera go Ing there. Under tho djnlng room wa the guards hall, and the aoldlera who were there were nerly all killed or maimed by the dynamite, which had been placed In the cellar. On March 1 occurred the attempt of Molodetsky upon Count Lorla Mellkoff, mlnliter of the Interior, and who en Joy J auch an Influence that he waa called the "vice emperor." CORPORATIONS FORMED. The TROY Laundry Is tho only White Labor Laundry in tho City. Does tho Best of Work at very renwrnnijle Vrktm, and is in every way worthy of your i'litruimge. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 mZZZXXXCfXIXZZZXZXXXXZfXZITTZZZXXZZZXXZZZXXZZZZZZZX FRESH AND CURED MEATS" Wholesale ami Retail Khij8, IjigitiK Camp. and Mills supplied on short, notice. LIVK STOCK NOUGHT AND BOLD a WASHINGTON MARKET . CHRISTENS0N CO. txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Reliance Electrical WorRs H.W.CYMW, Maoagf We are thoroughly prepared for making ralitnati aud riecuting otdera for all klnda of electrical inatalJing and repairing. Hupplita io etock. We the CMebrated 8H ELBI LAMP, Gallup riionell61. 428 BOND STREET Weinhpcfs Lager Beer. Denver, Col, March 31. David II. Moffat baa Just returned from the eaat, elated over the fact that he haa been able to finance the Denver, Northwest- ern A Pacific railroad in a manner quite satisfactory to blmeelf. He prepared the fallowing statement for publication; "I have made auch satisfactory ar- ranemnt9 la tho east aa trill enable me to fa on with tut Denver, North western ft Pacific railroad a, I orlg. Innlly contemplated. , "My associate In the eaat are not connected with any of the trunk line railroads, ao the stories heretofore pulillnhed that the Union Pacific, Chi cago, Itock ImIiidi ft Pacific, and Dcn- & Bio Grande respectively, had purchased the Denver, Northwestern A Pacific are without foundation In fact "I expect to let further contracts as Noon as weather conditions will permit, and hope to reach Hot Sulphur Spring, by July IS, and by January 1 should have my tracks in Routt county ready to receive shipments of coal. I have assurances that I shall have money as fast as the necessities of construction require to enable me to go on to Salt Lake. Millions of Dollar, Inverted in New Corporation, New York, March 81. Corporations formed In the eastern states during the month of March with a aapital of 11,000,000 or over, according to sta tistics compiled by the Journal of Commerce involve a total of $192.4(45,- 000. This Is the largest amount since Oc- lorn-r last, when the Incorporations reached $216,500,000. In Febrauary the total was $98,600,000 and In March, 1901, $83,050,000. Many delayed enter. prises have be-n brought forward dur Ing the mnth, accounting for the in ere. - ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Ilaviug Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latt pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work io that lioa at reamaiable prices. Telephone 5flH.' CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE 5TREETS. FIRE INSURANGE GO iMI Of Now Zealand W. P. THOMASMgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHREHOLDERS THE RED SERIES IN RUSSIA. What the Terrorist, Have Done In th. Part 30 Yesr.. New York. March SI. An enumera tion of the political murderous at tempts In Russia In the last 30 years presents a sad Interest In view of the present situation there. In the list following are not Included the many executions of Splec and traitors by the Nihilists or terrorists, as they are named today. The red aeries began with the at tempts against Alexander II made by Korskasoff, In 1866, and by Bereaoxkl, In 1867, when the Muscovite autocrat was returning with Napoleon in from a military review In the Bols de Bou logne at Paris. Those attempts are the accidents of the monarchical pro fession, aa said King Humbert of Italy, who was himself destined to be the rlctlm of one of them. These attempts had nothing to do with the terrorist movement which waa Inaugurated In 1878 with the attempt of Vera Zaxou- Cupid and Recruits. "Cupid is one of the bent recruiting officers that Uncle Sam has," confided one of the sergeants attached to the recruiting hindquarters. "Back of nearly every enlistment there is a woman in the case. Lovers quarrels chase a lot of fine lade Into the aery- l''e. Your romantic youth gravltati?s to the recruiting office after a serious break with his sweetheart as natural. ly as a duck takes to water. It seems to him the most fitting way In which to sacrifice himself when love's young deam Is apparently dispelled. Way down in his heart he nursed the Idea of making his earstwhile inamorata sad, and its the army or navy, with the possibility of death In battle, for him. Again, other first-clam mnterlnl is recruited by the desire of young fel lows to sport a uniform before their girls. In such cases Cupid does his recruiting through vanity. But In both waya he manages to nil up big gaps In the ranks of Uncle Sam's fighters." Philadelphia Record. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. BATES: Tint Insertion, One Cent a Word. One Week, Each Line, jc-c. Two Weeks, Each Line, 45c. One Month, Each Line, 75c. Astorian Free Want Ads. Anyone Desiring a Situation can Insert an Advertisement in this Column of Three Lines Two Times Fres of Charge. BIDS WANTED. 8UTUATI0NS WANTED. GIRL WANTS ANT KIND OP LIGHT house work. Call 227 Alameda. SEALED PROPOSALS WU BE RE- ceived at the office of the Light- ...r;vwi, ujuaim, wre,, until ' 12 o'clock m., S April, 1905, and then WANTED ritttattcw nr t-roa-r. opened for furnishing and delivering' class cook, hotel, boarding house, ruei ana provisions for vessels and station, in the Thirteenth Llght-Hous oZ" "qUU District for the fiscal year ending June 30. 108, In accordance wita speclflca- j F0R 8ALEMISr.FI t auennn " tions, copies of which, with blank pro- j SALE MISCELLANEOUS. posals and other Information, may be 171 I had upon application to Commander F0R SALE-SECOND-HAND FUR. L. C. Hellner, U. S. N, Inspector. I nIture- Inquire at room 2 over Pet- 5 g nvr, OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUART- ermaster, Astoria, Ore., March 31 lS05.-Sealed proposal, in triplicate. will be received at this office until 10 NCUBATOR FOR SALB-400 EGOS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad 'lock a. m. April 20, 1905, and then' Ator!an Office, opened, for the construction at Fort Columbia, Wash., of a frame ordnance storehouse, a fire apparatus building and a wagon shed. And the construc tion at Fort Stevens, Ore., of a frame ordnance storehouse. United States reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and soe- clflcatlons obtained at tbla office. In formation furnlrthed on applicatloa Envelopes should be marked "Propos als lor construction" and addressed Caotaln Goodale, Quartermaster, As toria, Ore. FOR SALE STEAM TUG IN FIRST class condition; term, reasonable; suitable for seining purposes. For particulars apply at this office. SCOW FOR SALE AT M'GREGOR'S mill, 22x64; would make a. good flab scow. Inquire of Dan Gambel at mllL Has been Undorwritinjr on the Pacific Coast for twenty-five' years. mrh- mnmd the Russian char " m W I I I 1.J.., J- T7 . m -At IL.t EtMORE CO.. Sole Agents Astoria, - - Oregon. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fohrman, Proprietor. UUOICEST FHIiSIl ASD HALT MEATS. PitOMPT DELIVKRV 54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321. The MORNING ASTORIAN 60 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Guarantees to its Advertisers a a Lanier Circulation than any Paper Published in Astoria. Our BoolCs are Open to Inspection I by Our Advertisers. year General Trepoff, chief of the St. Petersburg police, now administered by his son, was giving audience. A young woman advanced as if to tender a written petition. She drew a small revolver, fired at the general, and wounded him grievously. Vera Ba soulltch was tried and acquitted by a Jury, a fact which created a deep Im pression on all classes In Russia. A few days afterward came an at tempt at Kleff. In full daylight, by As- limky against Prosecutor Kolllarew- sky. The murderer succeeded in get ting away. On May 25, 1878, also at KI1T, In one of the most crowded streets and near a police station, the captain of gendarmerie waa killed, and tho assassin could not be discovered On August 16. 1878, at St. Petersburg, General Meientsoff, chief of the gend armerie corps and of the Third sec tion, or political police bureau, was killed. A few days before he had re celved a note containing his death sen tenoe. On the night of Februnry 21, 1879, at Kharkoff, Prince Kropotkln, brother of the famous anarchist, was murdered. while leaving a ballroom, by & masked man, who could not be arrested. On March 7, at Odessa, the corpse of Knoop, colonel of gendarmle, was found In his home with a placard on his breast bearing these words: "fly order of the revolutionary executive committee; the same will be done, and must be done, to all tyrants and their accomplices." On April 19, at Arch angel, the chief of police, Pletrowsky, was stabbed In his own house. To the handle of the poniard, which was left In the wound., was attached a piece of paper similar to the onq above men tlned. On April 14 Solovieff fired five shots at the csar, who was not touched while the would-be murderer was dls- armed and arrested. ' On November SO and December 1 two unsuccessful at tempts were made, one of them by the famous Hartman, to blow up the 1m- Harper Recovering. York, March 31. Dr. William R. Harper, president of the University of Chicago, who has been recuperating at Lakewood, N. J., from the effects of an operation, has aurprli'd hi physf clans by so far recovering that he will be able to start for Chicago in a few days. Dr. Harper wilt leave Lakewood Saturday for New York. Here he will remain three days to undergo X-ray treatment and will then proceed to Chi cago. Dr. Frank S. Billings says his patient is wonderfully Improved. He will accompany him home. Corbett Vo. Sulivan. Baltimore, March 31. Young Cor bett and Kid Sullivan fought 10 round to a draw tonight. Corbett claimed a foul In the ;con( roundj Referee O'Hara refused to allow It, but gave the Denver boy five minutes in which to recuperate. Woman Has Bettr Tima. "Who has the best time a man or a woman?" Here is a Question Dut forward by the Grand Magaslne. I have not as yet had an opportunity of reading the discussion, but that shall not prevent me from joining In it, says a writer In London Sketch. I will give you six reasons therefore why a wo manan average woman always has had and always will have a better time than a man: 1. Because she is more easily pleased. !. Because she expects less than a man, but generall manages to get more. 3. Because she can always make a man do what she wants. 4, Because she never does anything she doesn't want,to do. 5. Because she la less sensitive. 6. Because she can cry without feel ing pain. I hasten to add that all these re. murks are based upon the Idle gossip of the profoundly ignorant. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VAKfOirvpn Barracks, Wash.. April 1st, 1906. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A M.. May 1st, 1905, for furnishing fuel at military posts in this department for fiscal year commencing July 1, 1905. Information furnished here or by quar termasters at post. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fuel at ," addressed F. G. HODGSON, C. Q. M. NOTICE TO HUNTERS THOR- oughbred English settlers, 8 months old, for sale cheap. 69 Third St MISCELLANEOUS. CALL FOR WARRANTS. NOTICE ia hereby given to all parties hold ing Clatsop County warrants. Indorsed prior to June 1, 1904, to present the same to the county treasurer at his office, 690-592 Commercial St, for pay ment Interest ceases after this data. CHAS. A. HETLBORN, County Treasurer. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 27th day of March, 1905.. ... HELP WANTED. FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at 247 Bond St . FOR SALE CHOICE RESIDENCE! lot, close in; house and lot 75x150; .jWANTED-MAN AND WIFE AS 21500; easy terms. Apply to c.. . ! xk In logging camp or saw mUt In- Stone. quire Sam Harris, Ninth and Bond. ber land for sale, In Pacific county. 160 ACRES OF FIRST CLASS TI li near Columbia river. Address Box 690 Astoria, Ore. FOR SALE LOT L BLOCK 1. Adair's Astoria; for particulars writ to J. P. Miller, Onleda, Wash. LADIES CAN FIND STEADY AND profitable employment; yearly con tract; small capital required. Call at Occident Hotel bet 8 and 10 a. m. and 5 to 9 p. m. this week. G. & Halley. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT THIS Office; l5o per hundred. ROOMS WANTED. BOARD AND CHEERFUL ROOM wanted by man and wife with baby one year old. In private family; reas onable. Address or phone Emil Held care the Astorian. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; 8 weeks completes; posi tions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Moler'a Barber College, 644 Clay St, San Fran cisco. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital; salary 81,072 a year and expenses; paid weekly. Ad dress with stamp, J. A. Alexander, As. torla, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. THE REAL TEST Of Berylclde la I GlTlag It a Tie. oagh Trial. There Is only one test by which to judge of the efficiency of any article and that is by its ability to do that which it is intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell nice, but the point is do they eradicate Dan druff and stop falling hair? No, they do not, but Herplclde does. because It goes to the root of the evil end kills the germ that attacks the papilla from whence the hair gets its lire. Letters from prominent people every where are dally proving that Newbro'a Herplclde stands the "test of use." It Is a delightful dressing-, clear, pure and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading drugirlsts. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit Mich. Eagle Drug 8tore, 351-853 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, (49 Cam. St, T. F. Iaurln. Prop. "Special Agent" HOUSE OF 6 OR 8 ROOMS WANT- ed In good neighborhood. ConvenI-'IMMIGRATION ent to center of town; rent reasonable; permanent. Address Emil Held, care The Aatorlan. CERTIFICATE IN name of Chong Hon Tin; anyone re turning to Hop Hong Sung Co. will re ceive 35 reward. avKgT"PsSBj mWpW" YIV T,'Jir t L YS9 the Sure Relief for Women. No. II Otntxal Ave. Hat BruNoe, iu, April at, Mat Kigbtaea monthf see I m so cotnplcUly rtta dew t nij poor CDa mm Bna to look Mr Bkck mtm to break in two and I attOrnd intense Tln ia the 1 soaomeo. i eoo.14 aot afford to lay off and take a nL ana no mmicine MipM m any. A friend told me bow much Wina of Oajrini kntu 1 np and advised me by all meant to take It. The day! took A friend told mi advised n the first doee tho reoovery ot my health began. her it - h. .v . V1' J. months before I was entirely eared, bet at ! .LI" LiM VTl T" 'n1 " I had been for sovM yean. 1 look on Wine of Cartful aa the . , ' niol blesst'd medicine tbat woman could poeaibly take when mum mi met ana urea or uxe. O sato a, WaosniuT Caimee, Ofcrs. praeGifl Mrs. Nelson describes the condition of thousands of woman. Tbat con dition conies by slow stacee. Usually the important function of menttruatloa is at farnt oliphtly irregular. Then comes the painful periods. Bearing-do wi pains and ovarian inflammation follow. Finally the nervous system gives way and the wixile system baa become affected and the pains raek t-e ftedy from bt ad to foot Wine of Cardui is a menstrual regulator of established reputation). Ko """"" ik puuere ne .tim. neison sunereu. Jt gives speedy aav plete relief from the torturing menstrual agonies which art making so many women invalids today. Do not let yourself coma to the pitiable condition Mrs, Nelson describes. Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist today and begin treatment immediately. i"A com- V Jiaai w5i