THE MOUNING ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH SI, 1K. m RAILROAD INTERESTS . ... JJuyimj Materia! for the Extension of Railroads. PLATE MARKET IS ACTIVE Eastern Mills Are Selling Considerable Quantities of Steel Rail i" the Western Markets and Business of All Kindt I Booming. New Tork. March SO. The continued heavy buying of material of all kinds by railroad Interests is still the main feature of the iron markets, says the Iron Age. It is reflected in quite a steady flow of small additional rail orders, in a very heavy demand for plates, and In the buying of consider able quantities of structural material. The position of the piste market f attracting particular attention. East ern mills are selling considerable quan tities in the western markets, notably Cleveland and Pittsburg, and in some Instances are securing premiums. It Is understood that the leading Interest is fully booked for a long time ahead and Is on the verge of being a pur chaser to cover contracts. It begins to look as though some foreign material may have to be brought in this year. There has been another burst of buy three steel works have in the aggre markets. In the Philadelphia district three 'steel works have In the aggre gate bought S6.000 tons at prices vary ing from $16.60 to $1.75 delivered for the third and fourth quarters. A mill In the New York district has taken S500 tons. The Pittsburg market for pig Iron for steel manufactuer is pretty bare, it had been impossible to squeeze out 1000 to 2000 tons of Bessemer pig for the Cleveland district for immediate delivery. . .The steel corporation. It is estimated, will need about 40,000 tons for April delivery which has not yet been con. tracted for. The general Jobbery foun dry trade is still slack. A tidewater steel plant has pur chased one lot of 6000 tons of foreign Bessemer pig at or about $18.50 Balti more, and may have taken additional quantities. This, however, is to cover partially sales of steel rails made to South America, taking advantage of the drawback. An interesting situation is develop ing in bridge material. A good deal of business has been placed. A leading interest has been booked during the week about 20.000 tons in individual small lots, while the bookings are very heavy the drawings and specifi cations are still coming In slowly. There is danger, therefore, of a rush later on, which the fabrication end with ample reserve, capacity will easily care for.but which may prove embarrassing to the structural and plate mills that are even now threatened with congestion. the fumigating of a.11 houses here, necessitating the temporary withdraw al of the occupants but no attempt has yet been made to All up the malarial swamps surrounding the town. KING EDWARD. Birth- Will Attend King Chrittian'i day. London, March SO, King Edward has decided not to gd direct to Copen hagen, as previously planned, to be present at the celebration of King Christian's birthday April 8. When he leaves England April 6 he will go to Marseilles. The following official an nouncement on the subject was issued: "The king and queen are not going together to Copenhagen. His majest proposes toward the end of next week to Join the queen on thfc impeilvj yacht in the Mediterranean." ACCIDENT TO O'BRIEN MUST BE MOSSBACK. Something Discovered in Berkley With Russian Names. Berkeley. Cal.. March $0. A valuable fossil ichthyo-saurtan recently discov ered in the middle treasslc limestones of Nevada is described In a new geo logical bulletin from the university press. It shows the anterior half of the vertebral column, one side of the pectoral arch complete, the first two segments of a pectoral limb and near ly the entire skull. It is said that the type of limb in the present specimen is "more primitive than any heretofore described," a fact which makes the discovery one of the greatest interest to geologists all over the world. Made Trial Trip. Berlin, March SO. The new cruiser Rusbek. the first turbine propelled ves sel of the Germany navy, ran her trial trip from Kiel to Swlnemunde, ISO sen miles, at 23 knots an hour. The con tract called for 2S knots. The naval commission aboard accepted the vessel during the run. Trial Trip Prevented by Breaking of Piston Rod, DID CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE offlce by W. K. A Murle Piitrlt k against L. I rntrUk, brother of the Hist named plaintiff. The suit is brought to recover $100. 000, and many startling dctalla are re garding big mining claims at Tonopah and Ooliltleld will be aired, it la said, when the hearing comes up. r There Seems to Be a Hoodee Attaohed to the Torpedo Boat 'Brian a She Hat Had Several Aoeidenta in At tempting to Make a Trial Trip. MILLIONAIRE SENTENCED. Gets Two Years in the Pen for Trying to Kill Hit Wife. Chicago, March SO. A dispatch to the Tribune from Sun Kram'lsco, Cul says Orimth J. Qrimth, the Loa An geles millionaire, who three years ago attempted to kill his wife, must spend two years in state prison and pay a flne of $5000, according to a decision of the state suiwme court, which has affirmed the sentence of the lower court. Griffith gave a park of Sono acres to Ia Angeles and was named pork commissioner. NEW CONSTITUTION. Hat Been Prepared in London for the Trantvaal. IiOiulon, March 30. The new consti tution for the Transvaal has Just been signed In London and will shortly be presented to parliament for IU dellber New York, March SO, The cause of the breaking of a high pressure piston rod on her preliminary trial trip oft Fire island the torpedo boat O'Brien, which was to have had an official trial today at Newport, has been returned to the dry dock at the New Tork navy yard. The rod snapped with & crash that shook the little vessel from stern to stem. The fhaft was seven foct long and fourteen Inches thick and atlon. after It broke was swinging through Colonial Secretary Lyttleton has the air, pounding and beating the ma- telegraphed Lord M liner, who recently chinery. The oilers and others who resigned as governor of the Transvaal, were working about the machinery jespressltig that government's gratitude hurried away. , .for his great services In Smith Africa. Chief Machinist Van Sickle ran Into the engine rom and succeeded in shut ting ott the steam. A great bar of steel fell between Van Sickle's feet was at work on the steam STATEMKXT OF" mi us si KIDNAP CHILDREN Daughters of Dr. Wm. Hartigan Are Taken to Denver. SECTARIANS BARRED. Carnegie Refutes to Endow Sectarian Schools. New York, March 30. The Times today prints an interview with Andrew Carnegie, In the course of which Mr. Carnegie declared that sectarian foun dations were not eligible to his gifts. He added: as a matter or fact however, most of the colleges which started as sectar ian foundations have broadened thelt basis voluntarily and while still sec tarian in name, perhaps, admit stu dents of all creeds and impose no hard and fast conditions. "I do not object to a school conduct ed under the patronage of a denomi nation if it prospers by reason of such patronage. In the case of a school so strictly guarded that it makes the ac ceptance of its tenents a condition ofr matriculation I am free to say that it would not interest me." READY FOR LEGAL BATTLE An Estate Valued at $500,000 It the Bone of Contention and the Relatives Are Fighting the Father to Secure the Children's Interest ELKS' HOME. Reno Lodge Room Destroyed by Severe Fire. P.eno, Nev., March 30. The Elk home of Reno, the most handsome lodge building in Nevada, was partially de stroyed by fire tonight. The blaze started In the cellar amongst a quantity of bunting and dry twigs. How It started Is unknown. Th building cost $33,000. Thousands of dollars worth of furnishings are either ruined or damaged as a result of the blaze. WIRELE8S TELEGRAPH. Communication! With Cuba Expected May 1. Colon, March 30. The establishment of a wireless telegraph plant here Is progressing. Those in charge of the work say they expect to be In com munication with Guantanamo, Cuba, at the beginning of May. The sanitary department has begun Denver, aMrch 30. The Republican today says: f rom Morgantown, w. va., comes the news that Sarah and Mary Hartl gan, aged 5 and 11 years respectively, daughters of Dr. Wm. Hartighn, famous surgeon and professor In the University of West Virginia, have been kidnaped and brought to Denver. A legal battle for the custody of the little ones Is promised, as large flnan cial interests are at stake. The father is determined he shall secure the chll dren. Certain relatives of the late Mrs. Hartlgan are Just as determined that the children shall be taken away from the father. An estate valued at $500,- 000 is the bone of contention. The lit tl ones who were spirited away from their father's home will share In this estate. This is the second time these children have been kidnaped from their father. Get Rich Quick. Philadelphia, March 30. Senator Bradley, receiver for the Storey Cot ton Company, has received an unex pected asset in the form of a $8000 draft. The money came from the "get rich quick" concern's Liverpool branch, The draft was mailed before the Storey company was forced to go out of busi ness. Post Inspectors said today there would be no difficulty in proving that the Storey company and the Provident investment bureau were affiliated. It Is estimated by the receiver that the lia bilities of the two concerns are ap proximately $5,000,000, SLUM CHILDREN. Salvation Army Will Be "At Home" to Chicago's Poor. Chicago, March 30. The Salvation army will he "at home" to the slum hlldren of Chicago this summer on its own farm of 50 acres near GU-n Ellyn a long cherished hope of the organi zation, made possible by the generosity of several Chlcaeoans whose names are kept secret. The property, already purchased, In- eludes two large dwellings overlook ing a small but picturesque lake and other roomy buildings for the accom modation of small guests whe crave a bit of country hospitality. According to Colonel Charlea Miles the farm, with all Its appurtenances, including grass and trees, will be "ded icated to the waifs of Chicago." while he valve. The O'Brien was taken over from I At the close of business March 20, 1905, the Nixon Shipbuilding Compuny when I It was absorbed the United Shlpbulld- RESOURCES. Ing Company. She has sustained In- Loans and dls Jury after injury on all her trial trips. I counts $523,635 6T During the last run she was mak- 'County warrants 24.199 90 ing a Knots and the officials were i City warrants ... 38.527 41 SS5.S2 9S much elated when the collapse occur red. . SENSATIONAL SUIT. Many Startling Details Promised in Mining Suit, San Francisco, March SO. The com plaint in what promises to be one of the most sensational suits of Its kind has been died in the county clerk's Real estate 21.000 00 Due from banks 76.913 13 Cash on hand.... 43,895 88 118.807 89 Total $725,170 $7 REPORT OF THE CONDITION THE OF Astona National Bank At the close of business, March 14th, 1905. LIABILITIES. Capital paid In $109,000 00 Surplus 35.000 00 Undivided profits 3,303 40 Dividends unpaid 165 00 Deposits Subject to check.$36,757 II Time certificates. 191.021 41 Demand certifi cates 18.924 74 866.70$ 47 Total $725,170 $7 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $324.(52 67 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 6,203 86 J At Astoria, REPORT OF THE CONDITION THE OF Firs National Mil U. S. bonds to secure cir culation 12,500 00 750 00 66.416 74 2,685 00 4,375 0) S.907 88 Premiums on U. S. bonds.. Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned.. Due from national banks not reserve agents) Due from state banks and bankers 11,03$ 98 Due from approved reserve agents 97,002 98 Checks and other cash items 2,657 41 Notes of other national banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie $56,473 95 Legal-tender notes 90 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (5 per cent circulation) the close 1905. in the state of Oregon, at of business, Marcn 14th, S36 00 864 11 56,563 9 625 00 Total $593,089 46 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000 03 Surplus fund 10,000 00 Undivided profits Jess ex penses and taxes paid... 28,758 77 National bank notes out standing 10,800 00 Individual de posits sub posits subject to check $259,971 77 Demand cer tificates of de posit 30,725 56 Time certifi cates of deposit 202,114 36 Certified checks.. 715 00 493,530 69 Total $593,089 46 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, i: I, J. E. HIgglns, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that ten above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 22d day of March, 1905. E. Z. FERGUSON, (Seal) Notary Public. Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, A. SCHERNECKAU. L, MANSTJR. Directors. RESOURCES. Loons and discounts $283,071 88 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 5,555 14 U. 8. bonds to secure cir culation 12,500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 73,380 00 Other real estate owned.,.. 6,000 00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 9,244 (0 Due from state banks and bankers 98,794 73 Due from approved reserve agents 135,851 99 Checks and other cash Items 18 90 Notes of other national banks 105 00 Nickels and cents 468 52 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie $114,200 00 114.200 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation 625 00 BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Reliable. Latest Cat. I I I m'.- 1 II liit Mi to;Ctt.Oul UulWrin.Pri. Mort Power with Um wlht. Uiei'Uw GttolliM. Under? Ptrftct Co. troL Quiet ExhtuiL Any Speed (rom W0 I to WOO rtvoluiloni per minute. MM BENNETT .Size f 1 to 10 II. !., Mii; V ('jlliHlfr. in ft to 40 II. II., IimiIiI O Hmler. KNAPPTON. WASH. rOL'K CYLISDt RS. TO ORDtR TO 100 HORSE POWER. oooOv?)0Ov;o.:o()oooooooooooii FT It iflILIEA CIGARS, PIPES. TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON KM 'OMMFJUIAL HT. :- O$0000000000: C n-i;i:i.i:vrN rn ht. OO0$000 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Palo Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. pilTlXAllXXiniIIIIITTTTTTllIllllllliiii.T...ryTTrrfO Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOCK, FEED, I'HOVIHIONN, TOBACCO ANIC1(1AI!8. Supplies of all at lowtwt prices (or Fishermen, Partners and; Lowers BranchJUniontowo, Phones, 711, Uniontown,;7l3 A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Cotnineroial Streets. AHTORIA. OREOON. nimini xxxmira n mmnnn Total $739,$15 76 LIABILITIES. Capital stock oalj In $ 00.000 or Surplus fund ' 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex- pensea and taxes paid.,., 25.764 78 National bank notes out standing 12.C0P 00 ndlvldual de posits subject to check $448,064 El Demand certifi cates of de posit 153,386 47 Certified checVs.. 100 00 601.530 PRAEL 0 EIGIHER TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goods shipped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. Loggers k tteiition ! 300 Tons of 35-lb. rails for sale. Good as new. $20.00 per ton. DELL B. SCULLY, Astoria, Ore. Total $739,815 76 State of Oregon, County of Clataop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the nbove- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of March, 1305. 3. a. MAN8ELL. Notary Public. . (Seal) Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEI, w. f. McGregor. JACOB KAMM. Directors. FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies The Astorian 60c Month. o