The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 30, 1905, Image 1

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.1 b . ' -('It .
i Lately. .
General Oyama Has Fixed April
10 for Occupation of
lilrx-lc establishment of factory fur
muklng clothe In Portland."
"The plant at Albany cost the com'
pany About $110,000, with th machin
ery all Installed," auUl H. M. Orant
secretary and treasurer of the com
piuiy, thli morning "The Insurance U
about MO.000. possibly lit t la more
I think the plant will b rebuilt."
Mr. Coopy an4 Mr. Orant will go to
Albany thla awning to look over the
Heavy Libel Suit Agalnet "P.-1."
Seattle. Waab,, March 29, The Heat
lie rot-Intlllgnccr wiia yesterday
made the defendant In a $15,000 libel
ault, riled by James McLeod, until a
few weeks ago county Jailer. Mcleod
allege that the Post-Intelligencer pub
llsbed & atory recently In which It ae-
eused bltn of allowing prisoners to
ape from the county jail because b
hail been ofrerrd and accepted bribes
for ao doing. Mcleod further alleges
that the publication Injured hie reputa
tion and caused him to loae hi em
More and more representative men are
coming over to our aide. The matter
la not settled by any mean.
Witnesses Closely Ques
tioned on Business.
Inereaaea in Number of Cerebo 8pinal
Menengitia Caaea,
New York, March 29. Records In the
epidemic of cerebro spinal menengitia
have been broken by re porta of 32 new
caaea during one day In the boroughs
of Greater New York. Several case
are alao reported In Paccaic, N. J..
where one of the public schools will be
The board of expert appointed by
Health Commissioner Darlington con
tlnuea Ita labora, but aa yet he ha
found no ciuse for the prevalence of
the disease, or a meana to reduce Ita
fatality. The death rate la well de
fined caaea amount, to more than 70
per cent.
Disreputable Methods of Paid
Heirlings of Chicago Beef
Red Men Want Building Money.
Aberdeen, Waah., March 29. uln
nault trllie of Fled Men hoa made ar
rangement with a r.rnlvnl -nmn.
Oiplom.t. in 8t Pater.burg Are Con. fi)r ..., . , .,
v I need That Pao Negotiation Aral money made from thla will be turned
In Prograaa But Rutaia teem to Be
Afraid and Japan Don't Care.
Into the building fund of tbt tribe
which la planning a fine $20,000 wig.
wnm during the coming year.
Ht. Petersburg. March Z9. There bus
been ao tlghtliig of any consequence
Chin... Prevent Reinforcement.
I'urla, Man h 29 A Shanghai corre-
aiH.ndent of the Journal aaya that Chi-
ncse bandits have cut th Chlnu
lni'ly. A r oimuUiuiie establishes Kastern railway at avveral places. In
the fat t thai the Japan are gather- lr.Ir to prevent the arrival of Chinese
..... . ....... n k. ...,
inff in mriMia ul 1 w v iiuii-a huuiu ui
Slplngliai. evidently Intending to at
tack the ItUMlun position at that place.
fted Men of the United fttatee, died to
day of rheumatism, aged JO year,
Great Inoonhone Dead.
Montogumery. Ala.. March 29. Thos
The Russian are strongly fortifying hr. wtt, the great In.ohonee of th
the position and apparently expect t'
make a atand. The country la com
paratlvely dear of Japaiieae. The Jap
aifae ate approaching Klrln, threat.-n-
lug the communication. In the I'ssurl
A gumber of Chines bandits are
constantly augmenting. The Chines
continue to report that Oyama haa Is
sued a proclamation fixing the date for
the occupation of Harbin at April 10
but tbla prediction, according to the
Ruaalana, If actually apparent la Irn
probable of fulfillment, while the Jap-
aee are confident that he will do aa
he nromlses.
The authorltlea continue to deny PKtjlDtNT OF ASSOCIATION
atoutly that ftuaala haa made any pro
poaala to Japan. Thla I literally true
aa Ruaala haa only mad.i known neurit.
Ive condltlona. leaving Intermediary tc
convey the condltlona to Japan on their
own reaponalhlllty, The diplomat In
ft, Tetepiburg are convinced that
aomethlng la In progreaa, but none of
thoae In a poaltlon to know will ar-
Halibut Schooner Loat
Victoria, B. C. March 29. Captain
INTIMIDATION OF WITNESSES Ulckejr anJ crtw of the American Hall.
dui acnooner Ella u of Seattle, loat at
Clayoquote, where ahe waa driven
aahore during a atorm on March 22, ar
rived here on the ateamer Ouen
J. Ogd.n Armour bay. the indictment clty en nuit ,0 fbiiW. They eold
Returned Yeaterday Againat Hitthe veaael aa ahe lay on the beach at
Confidential Man, T. J. Connor. Re Clnyoquot for 1300.
ault of a Mi.und.rttanding.
Return of Italian Cruiser
Buffering through the heavy weather
prevalent off the coaat. The Eva Maria
loat ten canoea wept from her deck.
The Dora Slewerd had her aalla torn.
All have email catchea, tha hlgheat be
ing 185, taken by the Carlotta O. Cox.
A Leading Italian Has a Serious
Dispute With Minister
of Finance.
San Collector of Cuetoma
San Franciaco, March. 2. Collector
of the Port Stratton baa taken charge
of $2000 In gold duat which waa on de
posit to the order of William LoaJza. A
Co,. In a local bank. It had been amug
g!e4 into this elate from Mexico and
waa held here without any recorda be
ing made in the cuatom houa, which
la contrary to law.
The gold duat la held by the collector
pending an application for a, remlaaioa
of penaltlea and forfeiture, which th
gold dust is subject to under the law.
Ninety Per Cent Will Give Testi-
mony to Convict Trust.
Notifies th Government That th Cat
tle Raiiera Tributary to All th Larg.
Citie Ar Ready to Ait Govern
ment in th Proteeution.
knowledge that they are aware whnt li
t.Nartually been or la being done.
The Novoe Vremya yesterday, for
the first tlmi admitted that there war
a possibility of negotlatlona for pence
commenting on the efforts of the Ttrlt-
Kl I'liao. Texiia, March 29. The fol
lowing statement with reference to the
resolutions adopted by the Texas rat-
Ish and French press to prove that Itleme men that they will give all pos.
peace was ndvlsahle, both for Ruaala slble evidence In the Investigations now
and Japan. The Novoe Vremya de- In pro((ress ly the United Stutes gov
dared, however, that the payment of lernment of the so-called beef trust was
any indemnity by Russia was utterly I Issued today by President Turney of
out of the question. the Interstate Cattle Growers' Asso
EMPEROR ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. "Ninety-nine per cent of the cattle
growera of the country bellevlna t.iat
It by Hip Mother, Empraatllllegul comblnatlona, having for their
Dowsg.r. - object the stifling of competition' and
raria, tarcn 29. Unconlirmed re- controlling 98 per cent of the cattle
ports from flt. Petersburg, published shipped by the six great slaughtering
Here thla morning, Is to the effect that I markets Chicago. Kansas City, St.
Kmperor Nicholas made an attempt to I Louis, Fort Worth, Omaha and Los
commit suicide and wounded himself I Angeles, and will help the government
In the hnnd. The rumor further says lull they can to break up thla monster.
that the emperor' design waa fruat- It can be done and the cattlemen will
rated by the Interventlo nof his moth- help
er, the empress dowager,
No Sunday Billiard.
Albany, March 29. The recently or
ganlaed Good Citizenship League
scored the first point In its reform
Chicago, March 29.-8everal wat- work In Albany last night when the
neasea employed by the Chicago puck- city council passed an ordinance clos-
ra wr heard today at th aeaalot ln Millard and poolrooms on Sunday!
.nil A ml.lnl.rh kv.n, nl.Vt
. .,1.1 or-rM l,.rv lnv.flrat.l "ft"'-.
.. . .
lug the buaineaa of the so-caued Dear No cigarette In,
trust. All or wiinesaaa wer auo- Madison, Wis.. March 29. The sen
je t to a rigid examination aa to whth- ate today passed an antl-clgarette bill
er they had been approached by out- which absolutely prohibits the sale or
elders alnce being caled aa wltneasea, manufacture of cigarettes or cigarette
the Inquisitorial body evidently being paper. It now goes to the governor.
more anxious for the present, at least,
to aecuer fuhther evidence of the al
leged tampering with witnesses by in
terested persons, than to wur the
real facts concerning the beef combi
From federal officials It la learned
i hut several witnesses had been an-
proached and aa soon aa sufficient proof Kansas Grand Jury to Commence
la In th hand of District Attorney lnvtlidainr
fnrrlKnn I, la ul.t lhr mnn indict. I w.--mwh.
ments will be returned.
In a statement given out tonight J.
Ogden Armour, the head of the Ar
mour Company, declared that the in- RAILROAD WILL BE INDICTED
dlctment returned yesterday agains'
hla confidential man, Thomas J. Con-
ncra, on a charge of tampering with
witness John Shlelda, It the result of
a grave misunderstanding as to tne
Shields is the New York representa
tive of the H. J. Kills & Co, agents for
Armour & Co., In Singapore, and ac
cording to Armour's statement Shields
CHlleifrat the office of the packing com
pany of his own volition.
Continuing Armour said:
"The usual courtesies of all buslnes
Several Hot interview B.twMn Italian
and Minister Valaaquex With th Re
sult that th Cruitar It Sent for in
Case of an Emergency.
A Grand Jury Ha Been Drawn at To-
peka Ostensibly to Investigate Local
Matters, But in Reality t Investi
gate th Standard Oil Company.
Denial No. 32.
St. Peteraburg. March 29. The St Picked Up by th Polaria and Takn
Tetershurg official newt agency says: I to 8sn Pedro,
in spue or the general Inclination In I San Francisco, March 29. The Mer
favor of conclusions of the war, Rus-lchants Exchange received news today
ala haa not proposed any peace con- that the steamer Tolarls from Astoria
dltlons nor prepared any such condi
Albany Woolen Mill Destroyed by a
Portland, March 29. "The fire at Al
bany will moke no difference with con
tracts on hand," said Charles Coopey, I aahore.
had arrived nt San Pedro with the
captoln and crew of the schooner C
A. Klose, recently, found abandoned
and In a waterlogged condition neat
Grays Harbor to which port she was
bound from this city.
After. two vessels hnd vainly tried to
tow the C. A. Klose to a port, the
schooner turned turtle and went
It was believed at the time
president or the nannockburn Manu- that the captain and crew had been
facturlng Company, thla morning, "but Most,
will mean that the cloth for our con
tracts win not be made In Oregon. 1 (The C. A. Klose left Astoria March
cannot aay authoritatively, but think 17. with a cargo of lumber from Van-
the mill will be rebuilt aa quickly aslcouver, and was bound for Son Fran-
posslble. The fire will probably notlclsco.) Ed.
Kansas City, March 29. The Jour
nal today says:
The Standard Oil Company Is to'un-
houses to Its representatives was uc- dergo a grand Jury Investigation by
corded to Shields to tne extent of the federal government the same aa
grunting his request to communicate the beef trust Is now burdened with
with his office In New York over prl- i Chicago. The oil trust Investigation
vate wires of the company concerning i8 to take place In Topeka, according
hla business affairs there. During his to a s-overnment official here and Is to
stay In Chicago Shields was not en. begn n a coupe of weeka. Incidental-
tertnlned by representatives of Armour hy the railroada are to be dragged In.
t o. or at menier pnrtlea or else- a arand Jury waa drawn at ToDeka
New York, March 29. In connection
with the return of the Italian crulaer
Calabria, from Kingston, Jamaica, the
Herald's correspondent at Santo Do-
mlngq says:
Slgnor Bancalari, a leading Italian,
haa aalled from Samana, after a ser
ious dispute with Minister of Finance
Bancalari took a leading part in urg
ing the general adoption of the modus
vlvendl, but waa indignant when he
learned, that Valeaquex had .recently
paid 110.000 on the claim of a French
creditor, while Bancalari' government
note was returned dishonored for th
same sum.
Bancalari said he waa willing to wait
with the others, but would not tolerate
discrimination. His claim la secured
by a lien of i per cent on all the reve
nues of the ports of Samana and San
Several hot Interviews pased and the
Italian threatened to call on the Cala
brla to return from Jamaica. The
cruiser arrived at I o'clock Tuesday
The cutter Logan of the Castlne,
has boarded the Calabria, whose com.
mander says his orders are to remain
here until relieved by the Dogall, now
at Trinidad.
Mr. Dawson, the American minister
and Captain Dorn have both cabled
the authorltlea at Washington.
where. Conners assured me. and I
have every reason to believe him, he
did not, as charged In the Indictment,
attempt to Influenec Shields In the per
formance of his duty to appear before
the grand Jury and give evidence on
any subject on which he might have
Congregationall.t Agra to Accept th
Money, But Other Kick.
Boston, March 29. It waa announced
today by the American board of foreign
missions In Ita prudential committee
report from the sub-committee that
they had decided to accept John D
Rockerferrer's gift of $100,000.
Final action on the report, however.
will not be taken for two weeks, owlnif
to the fact that the protestants re
quested a delay. The report says, that
In accepting the gift It followed the
universal custom of the church In re
ceiving all gifts offered It. and the
acceptance of the gift Involves no ex
pression on the part of the commit te
as to the character of the giver.
Rev. Evans, chairman of the protest
ing committee, said today;
A meeting of the committee has
been called for tomorrow to discuss the
report and decide upon the next step.
Protestations are growing In numbei
throughout the country, both Inside
and without the Congregational church.
a few days ago, ostensibly to look af
ter the regular criminal business of
the Kansas federal court. It will at'
tend to that business, but ita really
big task Is to Investigate Standard Oh
methods. Great secrecy Is maintained
In regard to the matter. The namea
of the jurors will not be given out It
haa been the custom in the post to
publish the list of grand jurors along
with (he petit jurors. But a new rule
has been laid down not to divulge the
names of members of the Jury.
From the same source It is learned
that Commissioner Garfield will aid In
the grand jury Investigation In Kansas.
Colonel Dugan to Be Commander of
th Great Lake.
Chicago. March 2. Colonel Walter
T. Duggnn.' first infantry, U. S. A.,
will succeed Brigadier General Fred
erick Funston as commander, tempo
rarily, of the department of the lakes,
with headquarters In Chicago.
Colonel Duggan Is now at Ft. Wuyne
and will come to Chicago within ten
days. General Funston, who has been
transferred to the command of the de
partment of California, with headquar
ters at San Francisco, will leave for
the west next Saturday. Lieutenant
E. C. Long and Lieutenant B. 3. Mitch
ell, hla aids de camp, will accompany
Uruguayan Government Seizes Seal
ing Schooner.
Victoria, B. C. March 29. Advices
have been received here that Captain
Mattrlan and the crew of the sealing
schooner Agnes G. Donahue, owned by
Captain Balcom of Victoria, has been
imprisoned at Montevideo by the Uru
guayan government, which seized the
vessel for alleged poaching on the
shore rookeries.
The captain was sentenced to five
years' imprisonment and the members
of the crew to two years each. Capfaln
Balcom has protested and claims $65,-
000 damages. .The Ottawa government
has taken up the case through Oval
Britain with Uruguay. The other
schooners hunting off the south Amer
lean coast have made good catchea The
F. B. Marvin haa 1600 skins, the Edith
B, Balcom 1180 and the Enterprise
Washington 8UtuU to Ba Presented
to 8tate University. . ,
Seattle, March 29. Rainier Chap
ter, Daughters of the American Revo
lution, at a meeting be!d n ! city.
by a unanimous and enthusiastic vote
decided to take the lead in presenting
to the state university, located here, a
fine heroic statue of George Wash
ington. The appropriatensss of this
gift is clear, when it is remembered
that both the state and its principal
institution of education trair the nam
of the father of his country.
City of 8artl Fined.
Victoria. B. C. March 29. The Do
minion government has upheld Col
lector Newbury of Victoria in fining
the steamer City of Seattle $400 for
violating the Canadian regulation! In
taking passengers from the steamei
Jefferson when that vessel waa dis
abled in Swanaon Bay, Canadian wat
ers, some month ago.
Robbed Stores, Churches, School
Houses and Railroad Offices.
Started It Just for Fun, and Could Not
Stop Because Some of the Kids
Didn't Get Enough of the Spoils and
Plunder to Satisfy Them.
Spoke the Sealing Schooner Kinai
Victoria. B. C March 28. The
steamer Empress of Japan, which has
arrived here, spoke the Japanese seal
ing schooner Klnsl Maru at Nootka.
where the Japaneea vessel called for
water. The Klnsl Maru was sent across
to the California coast to hunt until
the commencement of the season In
Behrlng sea. when she will proceed
there using fire arms, which the vessels
of nations party to the modua vlvendl
may not do. The Klnsl Maru had 100
skins. She Is the vessel which called
at Drakes Bay, Cal., for water and a
story was circulated that she had sur
reptitiously secured Rotchklss guns
from San Francisco to raid the rook
eries. This waa untrue.
The sealing schooners have been
Chicago, March 29. Ten boys of
Harvey, a suburb town, have confessed
In the juvenile court to the robbery of
18 stores, three church, two school
houses and a railroad station, The
plunder consisted of candy, gum, and
pennies, and It waa too free a distri
bution of the 'candy at school that at
last enabled the police to capture the
band, wqb '41, tal them a merry-
chase for months.
"We started it Just for fun," sobbed
one of the culprits, "but when we got
Into It we could not stop. We just
had to go right on stealing because
there waa always some boy that did
not have what he wanted."
The boys, whose agea range from It
to 15 years, are all of respectable fam
ilies. Their hearty repentence, added to
pleadings of their parents, Induced
Judge Mack to release the prisoners
on probation.
Reported Aground at Limerick, But
Ha Been Floated.
San Francisco, March 29. The Mer
chants' Exchange received news and
adWlceif from Lom'tm todfiy stating
that the British ship Eskasont, from
Oregon, and which hod been previously
reported aground outside of Limerick
dock, had been floated. .
Record Breaker.
San Francisco, March 29. A record
breaking tralnload of lumber ha left
thia city for Buffalo, N. Y., marking
the beginning of a new phase of a Cal
ifornia Industry. The train, which was
made up of 25 cart, waa entirely of
dressed redwood, curley and straight
grained, and designed for interior fin
ishings. In each car theer were 20,300
feet of lumber.