i THE MORNING! ASTORI AN, 'ASTORIA,' OREGON. PRJOAY, MARCH 24, 1905. i t i . i I SHERIFF ENDORSED Unanimous Opinion of Merchants Favor Closing Gambling Til FALLS DOOM iwwnt to gambling of ttll kinds on gen eral principles. 3. X. Laws, merchant I am not In favor of gambling, so far us I am con oerned. I am opjiosed to raising re ve nuea from such a aouree. If people . . - - I, t i . . . . I V. .... I lu mui'ir, liiiti in turn uu."inmj, I but it Is of no benefit to th com- Wild t(USn lOf UOVCmmtM LanJS munlty. WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS Opinion Freely Expressed That Gam bling It Productive of No Good, Either From a Business or Point of View. Ross. Htsglna & Co., Wm. Ross I am opposed to gambling from a moral standpoint and do ut believe tit Is of my benefit to the city K. Osbourn, insuranceClosing gambling is alt fight and has my ap imival If the sheriff means busing and there Is no politics mixed up In the movement. I am opposed to gam- bllnic. O. R. Morse, Morse IVparUnent stoi I am opposed to gambling and be Meve it Is a detriment to the rommu ally. I approve the action of the sher iff and Indorse the position of The As torian. Gambling Is of no benefit to the Astorinn business. P. Lawler Jo at it. Tou are rljrht in Idaho Commenced. SCENE BEGGARS DESCRIPTION Moral Intense Excitement at the New Town of Twin Falls, Where Allotments of Government Lands Is Beino Made By Lottery Drawing for Locations. every A representative- of yesterday interviewed nearly . , , ' . , ,.. aon t oeiieve jn gamtti ng ami Rno merchant In Astoria on the question of I jit Is of no beneflt to cither the com gamming; aa 10 wneiner mey uiuorseu milnlly or ti,,,... Twin Knlls, March 23. The scenes In I don't believe n gambling and knowlTwln Kulls today almost beggars de the actions of Sheriff Linville and their opinion from both a moral and bust ness standpoint With one or two ex ceptions, the position of the sheriff and the Astorlan was indorsed, without any reservation whatever. The following sentiments speak for themselves and show the sentiment of the community on the question. P. J. Goodman 1 indorse the action of Sheriff Linville and the Astoriun on the gambling question. From years of business experience I know that gambling is of no benefit to the city. O. B. Estes, physician I have been unable to see any direct beneflt to the city from gambling, and if it is closed It will give men a better opportunity of paying their bills. Alexander Tagg, merchant I am op posed to gambling. I have thought several times of moving away from As- AdtSlph Johnson, carpenter The As torlan Is right. ! am opposed to gam uling and hope it will be closed up and stay closed. L. E. Selig I am opsed to gam Wing. I have heard lots of good pec pie commend the position of The As 'torlan. It Is no beneflt to the cW Peter Josephson, shoe merchant- What do 1 think of the gambling ques script Ion, so wild Is the rush for lands and so lutein's is the excitement over the drawing, which Is being done by lottery system. With more than 5000 people In the little city, which like most western boom towns. Is com posed of very few frume buildings, the struggle for places to ,hU and sleer next after the struggle for land Is ab- sorblng the energies and Ingenuities of the entire population. The attraction is the disposal of 70, tlon? I am opposed to it. It Is noliVOO acres of land under the big ditch built by the Twin Fulls Investment Company from the Snake river, which was damned to turn the water Into the anal Into the desert south of Sho. shone falls, reclaiming in all about 270.000 acres of land. Last night and today people were living six, eight and even ten hi a benefit to the city or business. The Astorlan Is right. I approve the no tlons of the sheriff. C. R. Higgins, bunker I don't care to be quoted, particularly, but I au opposed to gambling. J. W. Johnson, Bureau saloon If 1 had a saloon as big as all outdoors, I would not permit gambling. I believe Iroom. Beds were at a premium and saloons should cater to the better for a time It seemed aa though food class of trade. I would be at a premium also, so great toria as I am raising a family and ' K 8tore-1 d0 not be- was the intiux of settlers anxious to n for young I aerives any benefit from get land under the ultcn. People are boy.. I heartily Indorse the position 8 ff 8 1 " M n0 benent t0 "reU' BlcePn ' l0r ., oki a ..... ...... imercnams. i am opposed to It. ' iners. tents, snncks of nil sixes and & Frank Bourne. Metropolitan saloon I scrlntlons. Many are forced to kLwii i ' I am opposed to gambling and would I on mattresses spread on the floor Ir, not tolerate it In my place of business I company with others. Settlers don't It is of no benefit to business. Imlnd that, however; they are after A. V. Allen, merchant T An nni u-nni Ithe land, which nt nrnt la ann.l . posed to gambling, and do not believe anu,eonlJ!e anyone, and don't know 'ffe orusn. but posse, the peculiar the revenues of the city should be de- my op,n,on 18 or nny t,0,n, but T M vnxnn nrUl ,anJ', n,rn uo noi oeneve gambling is of any bene-1 maxes u valuable If Irrlgnted. fit to the city or business. The above are Interviews from near ly all the prominent merchants, and does not include the church, element because everyone know, how they stand on the question. It simply shows All Clothing Bought at WISE'S Pressed Free of Charge Whenever You Wish. Fine. ClotHhim there is too much temptation for young boyi. I heartily indorse the j of the sheriff and the Astorlan. Astoria Grocery," Mr. Johnson 1 have not given the matter much con sideration, but don't know as I see any particular harm in gambling. jonn bvensen, bookstore I am op rived from this source. I believe the sheriff Is right and I approve of the course of The Astorlan. A. A. Saari, photographer I Indorse the action of the sheriff in closing the gambling and the position of The As- NOT FOR TURKEY. the Sultan ermany Refuses to Sell Any Arms. tortan. It Is n,.t u .. . nlw " ,ne QUWK'on. It simply show atarcn u.-Tne Temps today revenues for the city. thlU nlne-tenth8 of the business men Printed a dlsaptch from Constantinople U L Johnson. merchant-It Is a good "R PP V eOUW 0f th ",,um ,n lniU lne nibaM. love, and they ought to close the herlff a"d in,iors the P08"'0" of The do- I'reserUed a note to thrt rte Asiorian. This ought to settle the wnlcn 18 ala 10 be n veto upon Tur gambling question In Atsorla. move, and they ought to close the dance halls, too. August Danielson, saloon 1 am op posed to gambling; never gambled In my life. I know from actual knowledge 3. JPMm ffl3(9 AAKtRS AIEWyRK Grmt Clothes krMn ' (- -v 1 14 ?t"T m l V 1 1 V: y -ru uw--riA i A rs4 r i i.ev t i 'T r re j If 11 Fine clothing docs not mean just a fine piece of goods or a fine pattern the clothing made by Alfred Heujamiu & Co., of New York and for which I am sole distributor in Astoria, is fine, because it is made by master tailors, designed by the highest salaried ex perts in the i'uitcd States. The Cloth is Shrunk The Scams arc Protected The Buttons Won't Come Off 4 The Collar is Hand Felled The Shoulders are Hand Built The Button Holes are Hand Made Every detail is looked after and examined by specially trained men and the result is A Superior Garment A Satisfied Customer Most anybody can sell pretty fair clothes nowadays, but only one firm in each city has the distinction of haudling "BENJAMIN" CORRECT CLOTHES for men. 'pman W: The Reliable Clothier CLEAN UP THE CITY. that many men do not pay their bills because thev .oend th mon.v mm. C,ty 0ff,c,l, Wl11 Mk Tou' bling. I am in favor of closing all gam bling games; key placing orders for arms In France with menaces of serious consequence if the note Is disregarded. The otto man cabinet I. seriously embarrassed and Indignant at the dictatorial con duct of Germany. The French am 8. I Nanthnip. grocer I have not given the subject much thought, but I SDeetion SuntlAw i , . i - - - Owlnff In tha IntA.ot Katn .obnn u.. I bOSSadOr Still COntlnil th.. na.nl!.. the Civic Improvement League of the jtlon. to secure ft large arms order from woman s uiud, and tne many articles I '"" published In the Astorlan on the con no benefit from gambling. Frank Patton, banker The sheriff I. right. There are other ways for raising revenues. H. C. Hansen, Central hotel The k.n. ih. .h.. i. ...i,. .v puonsnea in me Astorlan on the con- lu fiupi ., ., .... . .1 T a.. IrtM 1. course. Business, n. a r,,u u",un 01 lne slreets aaa Property, the - .-vorres,miCni k. u , city authorities are beginning to take at Constantinople of the Dally Tele an interest In beautifying the c tv. "pn y mat ft council of ministers The members of the health and po- are o'loeratlng on the German note lice committee, the city physician, vetoing, with threats, the purchase of plumbing inspector, chief of police and w'ar material in France. The greatest ... . ... I I ,,,!..,. ! 1 .. , . Astorton l. rtrh, on t,,,M 01 lne nr 'lepartment will on "'""'" "I'resseu at uermany I am unalterably opposed to gumblinB "Mt f?unlny mornlns h"ln 11 thorough hfh-h"Jed policy m.-iirci nun 01 nil sections or ine c iv. 1 For this purpose the Astoria Klectrlc RUSSIAN SQUADRON. Company has placed a special car at No Further News from'Th. &.,A o. me service or tne committee. The ob-1 i;- ci 1 IVVh jeci oi me inspection is to enanie the London, mk ,i,- officials to take steps to improve the has been received of the movement of su.Miaiy conmuons ana lor tne re- the Russian second Pacific squadron, moval of old shacks and accumulations It is reDOrterl from Vnrt T...I. of boxes and debris that are not only that on March lg a Russian torpedo u...H.m, uui are uangerous in cases boat preceedlng the squadron warship of fire. The officials will make a rlrMlu.a. .lo-v, v, 1 ........ .. " I ' wjr a. .rawi arriving mere investigation of the sewers and sewer from Colombo. Ceylon, but Is regarded connections, ana wnerever tht-y are to vaeu to ..iter a h.i. t- , . ... ... . ... .1 w.....o JUilg 10U..U.10 ue lauuy, lmmeaiaie repairs ment. but If the fleet were How will be ordered. They will also direct vensky's, they must already be within that a number of old shacks be torn 500 miles of fninmi. an v . . 1 - - "' li'Tiiuc muni down and that the piles of boxes and have left Nossl much earlier than wm ooaras mat have been placed at the sunnosed. The Dniiv f:.n a I 1 ejiijiiu- .r Ut wverai ouumngs along tne ent at Aden reports that two German wuier ironi De removea. steamer, left JlhnHi nn m. ,.... Ittlt niiii brovislons for the Pnulsn a , . ..... "unu..i. not vonnrmea. ine sale or tne Holllday property at G. r.im. t"..0n. . ... . . I . . 7 ' "i connrmea dv ine 1 ('nlnmhu n un..h county court of Multnomah county Us Hamilton, a negro convicted of the luesaay as was expected. It seems murder nt ri- t . that there Is another purchaser for the Norfolk and Western railway wards piuiicjiy wno onerea 10 give ten per at Portsmouth n na. .i. . I -"f vi., iM;tUlra 0l more !or me property man was the penltentlray a few minutes after onerea Dy air. Hambiet. For this rea- midnight. son Judge Webster, on motion of C H. carey, administrator, rejected all MeGuir P1...1. oners, and the sale of the property Is Editor Mornlmr Astoria. Ka( n rm I .1 A m. . ... ... I .cu.c.LiBcu. ib saie wm wKti jne answer for the ,m,o. in piace in Portland on April 28. The Morning Astorlan is: He would walk price offered by the proposed purchaser from the cahoose tr. I ' in uiir m , ,e r.cignoornooa or zu,uuu. it mile. If be walk, one mile and rides Is possible that Mr. Hambiet and as- the rest, he would ride the difference soclates may bid even more, a. the between flu mil. onJ property Is considered a good invest- four miles. Therefore, he would walk men i. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT. and know that it is a detriment instead of a benefit to business. You have my hearty support In the movement Neils Slmonsen, saloon I do not al low gambling and do not believe the city derives any benefit from It. It does the town no good. Wm. FItzJerald Close them all ur They are not benefit to the city, but a detriment. H. H. Zapf, furniture I don't know as I see any harm In gambling. I have not given the matter much con sideration. Frank Hart, druggist I do not con sider that gambling Is of any benefit to the city, or to business. Victor Herman, Seaside bakery From a business standpoint, I toelleve th city would be better off If gambling were closed. H. Exstrom, Jeweler I Indorse the position of The Astorlan and commend the actions of the sheriff. Gambling is of no benefit to the city or business Asmus Bri. Fisher Bros. If the sheriff means business and closes gam bling and keep It closed, I believe It will be a benefit to the city. F. J. Carney, Fisher Bros. I believe the sheriff 1. right, and so Is the As torlan. I am of the opinion that the city would be better off without gam Wing. R. M. Leathers, boat builder The- sheriff Is right. Close them all up and kep them closed. It is of no benefit to the city or business, but a detrl ment. The Astorlan is pursuing the proper course. Johnson Bros, grocers I am opposed to gambling, both from a moral an business standpoint. It is no benefit, But a detriment, to business. I had rather pay more taxes and have gam bling closed. S. A. Glmre, merchant I Indorse the position of the Astorlan and believe the sheriff is right. If gambling it, closed it will give some men an op portunity to pay their bills. I am op- Reopened Under New Management John Blaslch has leased th. Callfor nla Restaurant and Oyster House and I. now prepared to serve th. public, Th. best oyster, and meal. In the city. Family trade .upplled. Good cooks, polite waiter, and prompt service. one mile and rldex four miles. BIRDIE WELCH. You are correct, Birdie The Lino type Operator. For something nice for breakfast, try our cream rolled oata, free from flinty or Imperfect grains, w. have nothing but th. best Only 5 cents per pound. ASTORIA GROCERY. el i PERSONAL MENTION. I fYmmmt4meeM44MA4AAA... ' ' iAi " T.T.TTTTTTtTmfllWIHtM IT Captain A. E. Heard U rejiorted ID at hi. home. Martin Both oT Rainier Is In the city on business. - !. Mish of New York Is registered at the Occident. " C. W. Wright of Portland was In the city yesterday. J. K. HlggliiM returned from port land last night. Albert Dunbar returned from port laud last night. J. II. Ashley of Itrooktleld was In the city yesterday. Mnrus Johanxoii of Chinook was In the city yesterday. Edmund P. Hheldou of Portland wu in the city yesterday, r Charles Mnchnke of Oregon City was In. the city yesterday. E. Deardorff of Portland registered at the Central yesterday. Mike Oormiin, mayor of Deep river was In the city yesterday. J. H. Walker of Portland registered at the Occident yeslerduy. Chris Henry of Charleston was In the city yesterday on business. John MeCue and Mrs. M Cure vlHltert friends in Portland yesterday. O. W. Evans and wife of Portland are registered at the Occident. E. Z. Ferguson returned from a busi ness trip to Portland last night. Fred Johnson of Johnson Bros, took a business trip across the river yes terday. A. S. Froslld of the Seaside gnruee Lumber Company w;is In the city yes terday. 8tartlinB Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality from appendicitis and peritonitis. The prevent and cure these awful disease, there Is Just one reliable remedy. Dr King's New Life Pills. M. Planner of 14 custom House Place, Chlcairo. savs "They have no equal for Constipation and Biliousness." 25c at Chas. Rogers druggist. It Is no small eomfort to have Schilling's Best on call at your grocer's ; a pity one can't get everything such and sol A, G I M R E Has always in stock a fine assortment of i; Boots and Shoes O 0 o o ) o o BALL BRAND RUBBER BOOTS. J Call and See. , Bond Street. u 44AA4444f4W444W 1 Arc You Going To Remodel? If to, you will do it with the intention of improving upon preient romiittom. , Our purt it to imcre,t you jn our ibijity to improve and perfect your unitary equip ment. We do hut one kind of work the bt and ue the famow 'touttoKT Ware, every piece of which is guaranteed by the tnanu fictureri to be ttrictly first quality. Let'i talk it over. We have wmplei in our ihow room. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. 1 Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers of. Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundrymen and Patternmakers. -Absolutely firstckss work. Prices lowest. Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. at I " .a . 1 QUDscnoe ror the Astorian