FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1909. rllE MORNING ASTORIA, ASTORIA, OREGON. ABUTTER IS SCARCE Carload of Onions Received fro South Wales. Very LIttI Demand for Chloktn and tht Supply It About Equal to th Dtmand, But Prleee Rtmaln About tht Samt. Mutter ciiiitlnui-K firm In lh Port land nmrkPt mid merthiinl are draw Itig tto k from Hun Kraiirlwo and Hpo kuna. niio ciirloH.l f red Auatrullftn onion wti rmWvwd. Th ahlpnmiit I put ui la IOO-M)uiul cnii ph. Th who! euU I'llto In 6c pound. Vt-ry f?w -hh-kn wrre I" aihi on Front alivi-t and t licit) la very tit tl dt'iuuiid fur them. t - "' Qrajn produce, Fssd. , WheatWall WaJIn, lie; Valley. 12$lc: blutattm. 25c. OfttaWhlte. I272; gray. I2. Barley- lift win, 124; feed. 124. lity-Timothy. $1160 18.00; clover. 1.00 12.00; cheat, 111.00 It. 00; al falfa. 111.00. Mlllatuffa Parlay, rolled. 124.60; ItilW'MMfj", ... vw -'-- " " " 11,00; bran. 119.00010.00; ahorta. 122.00 C24. Flour Hard wheat, straight. 14.169 4.10; hard wheat patenta, H60(t.7S; Vallty. M2O0UJ; graham, ll.OOfJ 4.2t; rya. 15.00; wholt wheat flour, 13.90. . j in.... in nnm.n fin' rnnn. ns.uuai Produce. Butler- Fhiii y ereiHiwry'yifJSI'.ir: dulry. lKtt 20i:; rooking, 1112 Cheese Toung America, lttc; Oregon full cream, 1 Eggs-Oregon ranch. 18c. Poultry Mlied chicken, per pound. 12012c: aprlnt. pound, 14016c: bene, 12VlJc; HfcUKe: turk ey, live. 160 17c; turkey, dretsed, 17422c; ducks, old. dosen, 8Jc; prlnf ducka, If 0 1.60. Honey-Dark. lOHcfJllc; amber, 12 Jllc; fancy while, 16c. Fruits and VsgsUblss. ..Cranberries Pr barrel. 112. Applu Oregon, 60cHt. Tropical Frault Lemon, fancy, 11.00; choice, ll.76OS.00 per box; or Jifta, $1.760100; bananaa, 6o per pound; plneapplea, $1.6004.00 per dot. ol'taloe Oregon, 100 pound. 5 $5c; tomato, California, crate. $2.25; turnlpa. per tack, 11.00; cabbagee. per pound, lUOlHc; carrot, per aack. $1 Oi.lS; bteta. per aack. SI4J1.26; Ore con onlona. 100 poumla, $2.75(11,00; aweet potatoea. $1.6001.75 per 100 pound; coutlflower. per down, 0cO 1.00; celery, per doxen. 650 (5c. Olla and Lead. Coal Oil Peart or 'aatrol oil. case, J-o per gallon; water whllt oil Iron barrel. 16Vc: wood barrcla, none; eo cene til, caaea, 24V4c; elalne oil, caaea, 27Vc; extra atar, caaea, 26Hc; head light oil. 178 degreea, caeca, 24c; Iron barrela. 17Uc. (Washington atata teat burning olla, except headlight, 4c per gallon higher.) Benalne Sixty-three degree, caaea. lie; Iron barrela, 16Hc Llnaeed Oil Pure raw. In barrels, 6t; pure raw oil In caaea, lc; genu ine kettle-boiled, in caaea, 63c; lota of 150 gallona, lo leaa per gallon. Turpentine In caaea. 85c gallon, gasoline, caaea, 32c; Iron barrela or druma, Itc. Lead Strictly pure white lead and red lead In ton lota, 74c: 600-pound lota, 7c; leaa than 600 pound, 8c. Grootrlte, Provlalona, Etc Sugar Oolden C, $5.45; powdered, $4.16; patent cub. $6.80; cane, D. Q., $8.05; fruit augar, $4.15; beet augar. $5.86; extra, cwt.. 10c; keg, cwt., 25c; box, cwt., 60c; (lea Uo pr pound If paid In 15 day.) Salt Bale of 7S-2. bale, $1.(0; balei of 10S. bale, $1.(6; boJta of 40- Gaaollne Stove gaaollne, caaea. 24 Vic; Iron barrela, 18c; 88 degreea 4a, bale, $1(0; balea of 15-10, bale. $1.(0; bags, 60a, fine, ton, $11.00; baga, 60 Iba., genuine Liverpool, ton, $17.00; bag, 60 lb., tt ground, 100a, ton, $7.00; R. S. V. P., 20 6-lb. cartona. $2.25: R. S. V. P., 24 Mb cartona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, $18.50. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $5.37 Hi No. 2, $4.25: Carolina head, $8c; brokin head, 4c. , Coffee Mocha, 26Tb28c; Java, fancy, 6 0 32c; Java, good, 20 0 24c; Java, or dinary, 17020c; Costa Rica, fancy, 13 O20o; Coata Rica, good, KOl8c; Ar bucklea, $14.88 per 100 pound; Lion, $14.83. Provlalona Ham, to alie, 12Vio; ama, picnic, $He; bacon, , regulara, lOHo: bacon, breakfaat, 14018c; dry aalt aldea, 9tfc; backa, dry alt 9c; lard, kettle rendered, tlerced, tc Nut Walnut, Nt, 1, toft ahell, 13c; No. 1. hard ahell, 13V4c; Chile, so! irnonai, iiwiiv, - me: Brasl. 18c: pecan, uhcidc; klckory, loj-Virginia peanut, T07Hc; Jumbo Virginia peanut, Ic; Japanee peanuta, tVaOOe, cheatnuH, Italian 14c; cocoanuu, doxen, 80c. Fl Whlto, pound, 6V0(c; black, (07c, Date Ooldtn, 40-lb boxea, (OCtc: 1-tt) packagea, Ic: Fard, 15-tt boxea $1.40 box. Frteh meet and Fih. IY-h mculaVeol, I1t1i pork. 7ftc; beef, IVi006c; mutton, (07c. Flh Craba, per doxen, $1.25; Shoal water Hay oymera, per aack, $4.00; 707V4c; lw-f. moBc: mutton, 60T"-.. uyatora, gnllon, $2,26; halibut, O; bluck inl, 7c; aulmun, te!lheJ, 10'c pr (miuihI; (tllveraldfta, 7c; bM, pr pound, 12Vic, herring, 5c; flounder, 5c; catflh, 7c; lobatera, per pound, 12Hc; allver amelt. 5c; ahrlmp, lie; perch, 8c; eturgton, 7c; Columbia river amelt, Sc; Chinook aitlmon. 12Vc. Hope, Wool, Hid, Etc Hop 21 0 24c per pound. Wool Volley. 20 0 21c; EaUrn Or ton, 14018c. Tallow rrlme, per pound. 3H04c; No. 2, and great. 2Vt03c. Hide Flint dry cow anJ ateer, 140 lCc; flint dry calf, 14015c: eoltaj, 7V4 green and grubby, 807c; aheep pelta, aa to wool, l0O(0c; Angora, with wool on, 2Scfl$1.0. LOCAL PRODUCE. Company. Tht following art tht retail price on local product yeaterdnyi Egg-per doaen, 22 He. Butter Beat, per roll, 70c. Chicken Dreaaed, per pound, 18c. Mallard ducka Pair, $1. Apple Box, 75cO$1.2&. Orange Box, $202.25. Potatoea Sack, $1.35. Turnlpa Sack. JOc. Carrot Sack, $1. BEST SPRING MEDICINE Our Leading Druagiit, Chat. Roger, Out of Hi Vait Stock and Ex tensive Knowledge tf Medi cine Recommend Vinot aa the BeL "At thin mumon of the year." mild Mr. tha. Rngtr the other evening, "there lan't a man, woman or child In Aatorlu who dov not iiwd a medli lne to purify und enrich the blod, to Induce tin ii- tlt, to promote dlgeUn and create atrvngth, and we are aafe In aaylna; we have ncviT aulil anything In our ntor eUl to Vtnol for till purHtn." Thl new way of adinlrilatcrlnK tliti vital prlncliilca of cod liver oil' ha wrought a wonderful t-hnngo In the flflil of nit'dlclne. Tliere Ik no need tn tuke greimy oil, emulaloim or polxon oua ilruKN to purify and enrich tht blood and create health und ftreiiKtli. for we gunrantee thut ur, Mlinplc nml Jf Hi loue prejJirailon, Vliml, will do It, or your money will be returned. 'Mr. Ro tavlgne of BurlliiKtnn Vt write": 'Vino) la the bent Mptlng nieillclne I hiivt ever UHed; It creiitee an appetite, purine the blood and tukcN itNvny nil fe(llng of luxsltuile. My work, which aeemed n burden befdre taking Viiuil, la now a pleasure." Mr. W. J. Htewart of Chelaen, Mua. write: "I wa all run down and In a devltullaed condition: Vlnol quickly built me up and brouxht back health and etrength.'' Mr. J. B. Keener. Auguatn, Oa., wrltea: "When one get all run down, loaea appetite, feela Ilotleaa, worn out and nervoua, I have found nothing ao good na Vlnol to rent ore atrength nnd health." Said Mr. Roger: "I could go on quoting' from hundred of nuch letter, and I wlnh I could peraimdo every per. aon In Aatoria to try Vlnol thin aprlng on our guarantee to return money If they are not benefited." Chan. Rogore, Drugglat. TIDE TABLE, MARCH. MARCH, 1905. High Water. A.M. LAM. hTm.l 1:101 ftfh.m.TftT 7.9)10:50 6 6 1.011:15 7.1 1.1 7.4 8.2 7.8 12:85 8.1 7.8 1:10 8.0 7.9 1:42 7.7 7.9 2:16 7.4 7.9 2:49 7.2 7.8 8:28 I.S 7.8 4:10 C.4 7.7 4:57 1.1 7.6 4:67 1.1 7.5 7:26 5.6 7.3 1:51 6.9 7.4 1:56 6.5 7.810:49 1.8 8.2 11:83 7.1 1.6 1.412:16 8.8 8.8 1:05 8.8 9.1 1:55 8 8 9.1 8:45 8 8 9.1 1:38 7.7 8.8 4:86 7.1 8.4 6:42 6.6 8.0 7:00 6.8 7.5 8:17 6.8 7.8 9:26 4 6 7.210:20 7.0 7.411:05 7.3 Date. Wedneaday 1 Thursday 1 10:13 Friday 11:08 Saturday 4 Saturday 4 0:151 11:551 SUNDAY ....... 0:60 1:19 1:45 3:10 1:33 1:57 l:l( 4:02 4:44 B:38 4:44 1:08 1:22 Monday ......... Tuesday 7 Wednesday ...... S Thuraday s Friday 10 Saturday 11 SUNDAY 12 Monday 13 Tuesday ........14 Wednead.y 15 Thursday ...14 Friday 17 Saturday 18 10:28 8UNDAT l 11:25 Monday 10 :14 0:55 1:14 1:12 1:50 8:82 4:20 5:14 6:18 7:81 1:44 1:51 Tuesday 11 Wedneaday 12 Thuraday 23 Friday 4 Saturday ........ is SUNDAY .......zs Monday 7 Tuesday M Wedneaday tt Thuraday Friday ...i During t h taring month no Home diould ever lwithont bottle of tba Bitter- Paat experience ba proven that uoae in time ba aaved many a lopg tick ipeli. Itoureatpring (ever, Geueral Debility. Iodi K eat lotuly !!) Nausea, Colia, or La (irijipe. Fitters ill Steamer MELVILLE, JORDAN, VAN GUARD, ECLIP8E, WENONA and LAUNCH QUEEN TOWINO, FREIGHTING AND EX CURSIONS. STEAMER JORDAN Will leave Callender Dock, Aatorla, for Knappton, Deep River and Way Landing, dally a follow: Monday, Wedneaday, Friday, :00 a. m; Tuetday, Thuraday, Saturday, 1:1) a. m. and 2 p. m. Sunday. 12:30 p. tn., return 4:30 p. rn. STEAMER VANGUARD Leave Callender Dock for Cathlam et and Way Landing Dally, except Sunday, at 3 p. m. STEAMER WENONA Gray' River. Monday, March 20, a. m. Tueaday, March i), 8:30 a. tn. Wedneaday, March 22, 10:30 a. m., Thuraday, March 23, 11:30 a. m. Friday. March 24. 12:30 p. m. Saturday, March 25, 1 p. m. Monday, March 27, 8:30 a. m. Tueaduy, March 28, 4 a. m. Wedneday, March 29, 4:30 a. m. Thuraday. March 30, 6:30 a. m. Friday, March 31, 4 a. m. Saturday, April 1, 7:30 a. m. C. H. CALLENDER, Manager. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Fart including berth and meal, $15; Round-trip, 2S. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. i. W. KOHKUTS, Agent. Axtorlu, Oregon. A. O. D. KERR ELL, Gtn. Pa. Agent. San Franciteo, Cal. Regular Lint "of Steamer from San Francisco to Astoria & Portland The Flrat-Claas Steel Steamer RBDONDO make regular trip between San Francisco and Aatorla and Portland, Bailing from each end about every two weeke. , Ha excellent passenger accommo datlons, both cabin and steerage For freight or passage apply to TAYLOR YOUNG : CO., General Agent, Portland. S. Elmore L Co. Agents, Astoria or to the owner Swayne & Hoyt Son Francisco, MARCH, 1905. j Low Water. A. M. P.M. Date. " h"m. ft hjn. ft Wednesday 77.... 1 3:31 3.3 4:24 0.3 Thursday 2 4:38 8.0 6:12 0.0 Friday 8 6:35 8.7 5:66 -0.1 Saturday 4 6:22 14 6:35-0.1 SUNDAY 6 7:00 1.1 7:08 0.1 Monday 6 7:35 1.9 7:88 0.6 Tuesday . 7 8:05 1.8 7:68 1.0 Wednesday 8 8:31 1.7 8:16 1.8 Thursday .., 9 1:67 1.6 8:38 1.7 Friday 10 9:30 1.5 9:05 2.1 Saturday 11 10:05 4.4 9:86 1.6 SUNDAY 12 10:47 1.3 10:15 2.1 Monday 13 11:44 1.3 11:05 3.3 Tueaday 14 12:48 1.3 Wedneaday 15 0:15 8.7 1:00 1.1 Thuraday 16 1:66 8.7 8:14 0.8 Friday 17 1:32 1.3 4:18 0.4 Saturday 18 4:40 1.7 6:10 0.1 SUNDAY .19 5:33 1.9 5:66 -0.1 Monday 20 1:22 1.2 6:40 -0.1 Tueaday 11 7:10 0.6 7:11 0.0 Wednesday 22 7:58 0.1 8:01 0.4 Thursday 23 1:45 -0.1 8:45 0.9 Friday 24 9:35-0.1 9:13 1.6 Saturday 15 10:29 0.0 10:19 1.3 SUNDAY 26 11:27 0.3 11:18 2.1 Monday ....... ..27 12:30 0.5 Tuesday , 28 0:27 8.3 1:40 0.7 Wednesday 29 1:50 8.4 1:46 0.7 Thursday 80 8:10 8.2 8:47 0.7 Friday 31 4:13 1.8 4:40 0.7 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will lellytatbt 4( Electric Lfghled. Is tbe Crick Train of tbem all for COMFORT and ELEGANCE- The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Fwtenger Agent. PORTLAND. OREGON. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. s It your ticket read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Lint of tht World." BECAUSE There are ao many scenic attrac tion and point of Interest along the lint between Ogden and Den rr that tbe trip never become tiresome. If you are going East, write for In formation and get a pretty book tiat will tell you all about It W. C. McBride, General Agent. 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON. "BesJ by Test" A trans continental trav eler says: " I've tried them al) and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to he found from const to coast" It's 41 The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Hefnre tattlngon a trip no matter where write ftir Interesting informa tlou about comfortable t raveliug. H.LSISLER. General Agent 132 Third St Portland. Oregon. T. W. THaiULE. (ineral HiMnffer Agent, . l Paul, Minn. A. & C. R. R. T.ME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. inrtTii IIH Lear PORTLAND Arrive 8 00a.m i Portland Union 11.10a. m 7,00 p.m ) depot for Astoria) 90p5 Leave 1 ASTORIA Arrive 7.45 am j for Portland and ll.SOa.m 6.10 p.m I way points ' 10.80 p m SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11.35a.m for Seaside Direct p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive T8.15 a.m fprWarrenton J 10:45a.iu ' Hammond, Ft 5.50 p.m (Stevens, Seaside; 7:40a,m Leavw SEASIDE Arrive 4 :30 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30p.m Leave , SEASIDE. Arrive 67l5 a. m I for Warreoton Ft) 9 25 a7m Stevens. Ham- 9.30a.m ' mond,Astoria ) 7.20 p.m. Additional train leave Aatorla dally at 11:80 a. m. for all point on Ft Stevens branch, arriving Ft. Steven 12:30 p. m., returning, leave Ft. Stev en at 1:00 p. m., arriving Aatorla 1:45 p. in. Sunday only. Through tlcketa and close connec tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and Gobi and O. R. ft N. Co., via. Portland. J. C Mayo, G. P. A. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. fctc .ner "SIE H. ELMORE" fhe Lan?ct. Staanchest. Steadiest and moot SoawWW evei on tiiis route. Ceet of Table and State Room Accommo Will rV- 4.; r v-i g uin.v.av. I- 111 Ui iVUW HI A ST OR I A AiMr TIUUAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia Iiiver R. U. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co.. Gen'l Agts., Astoria, Ore OR TO A. & C. It It. Portland, Oregon Pacific Navagation Company, Tillaniook, Oregon O. It. & X. Company, Portland, Oregon Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via . Chicaeo. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that yonr tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, ltd Railway. N. S ROWt Ctatral Ajeal 134 Br 1 aiiTorma The land of fruits, flower and sun shine, where all tht rammer (ports may be enjoyed In winter. PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklet and folders, descriptive of tht many charm- lug winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pacific Agent, or address W. E. COMAN, Q. P. A., Portland, Ore, ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA To Sptkant, St Paul, Minneapolis ' Duluth, Chioago, St Louis, and all points east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail L SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip across tht Cascade and Rooky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street Portland, Or. 8. Q. TERKES, O. W. P. A, 111 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. Th World! Fair Rout. ATP J UTQ VlOJt UCtWCWU Third Stmt; Portland Oregon axo unionPacific 70 hour from Portland to Chicago. No ehangt of ear. TIME SCHEDULES From PORTLAND Depart Arrive Chicago Portland Special :1S. m. Halt Lake. Denver, Ft Worth. Omaha. Kan- Loui via HuQHCbiago aaa IbeKast lagton ai amic fcxpresj .'Salt Lake, Denver Ftj 0.10 u. in. in una, urasna, Kan via Huut- sa City, Bt Louis, iDgton (;t'hicagoand theKast T:15ai 8t Panl (Walla Walla, Lewie fast Mall ton. gDokano. Vlnna. :15p. m. apolls. 8t Panl, Dulutbl 8:00pm kane 'and st Dally ex cept (Sun day attuiu Columbia River to 4 am Daily ex cept Hon Portland and way landlugs Steamer Kahc- 'a leave Astoria oa the tide DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAT. FOR ILWACO. connecting there with train for Long Beach. Tioga and Nortn Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prta cipal European cltle. ' O. W. ROBERTS. Agent, Aatorla. Or. tiny Capsule are superior to Balsam of Copaiba. Cubebt or Injections sndnaA CURE IN 48 HOURSUraJT tht tame diseases with.' out Inconvenienca. Ecolt's Sffl-Fepsla Capsule? A P02IT!VS CL'HS wot loflunmaUen rCtT T th Bladd-r uij DU( ilcinj4. our pt. Cnri qulckif had Pcm, Bently (b worel Mwt n Jenorrkru ud UlMk. DOauUt rof htr lonf tttft4 Inc. Aliwtrwlv kkml-ia B11J by dragftaU. rt SI (it, cr by a-su. postna SI M, I ,'&. '7E IABTAi-FL?C!l CO. told by Chaa. Roger, tfi Commarclaj w V.- I Tkast