FRIDAY. MARCH 24, 1905. THK MONIUNG ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OH EG ON. 6 WOOLSOAP A pure white soap nude espscially for WOOLEN AND FLANNEL GOODS. Docs not shrink. Makes washing easy. You have to sec its qualities to appreciate them. ' THREE LARGE SIZE BARS 25c TRY HAND SAFOLIA, SAME PRICE. ?, I ROSS, HIGGINS , Co. The Imperial chop house hat com pleted alt arrangement for regular dinner and are prepared to serve pat ron with thd best dinners In the city. AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. Hltr Theater, vaudeville. Lodua Mattings Tonight. Women's Relief Corps. Ingres of i'ocuhonla. Hons of lI'Tiimn, L'nlled Artlsuns. Woodmen of thti World. Local Brevities. Tin regular monthly mating of the Astoria touchers will be held tfiitutdit) morning ut :30 at the Adair school. . Sec the window display In th Owl Drug Store of the celebrated Eustmnn kodaks and supplies. New stock Just received. '. 1 a-o U-Iiio, h nutlve of .Russia,' and ; IMward Wllk, a native of Krwuy, Wanted -till I to 0 light housework. Inquire lit this olllee. 1 Milium & Hon art selling carpet sweeer at 11.75 wch, I loin -mode aauer kraut, So par lb. ASTORIA GROCERY. wre granted first cltlsenahlp paper yesterday. Tha Occident tonsorlal parlors anJ bath facllitlea art equalled by none. Everything modern and up to data Sat Ftltrton. W. J. Uets has opened the cleanest and beat appointed restaurant In As torla at 120 Eleventh -street Tha bast In the market, anJ the promptest serv ice U II. F. Allen at tton have Just received a carload of wall paper In nil the ln,et puterus Htid designs which they tire exhibiting at their store on Commer cliil street. ' Courteous treatment, an abundance of amusement, together with a Una of all popular brands of liquid refresh merits, haa made tha LaTosca a popu lar rsaort A number of the logging camps thut have been shut down are resuming op erations. The outlook for the Industry Is good find Indications fire for a price for log. The Orman ship Henrietta was taken to the irns company's whurf yes. Mday where she will discharge 1000 barrels of cement which will be taken over to Ft. Cunby. It. M. Oaston carries a full and complete Una of wagons, butties, plows, harrows and all klnJs of farm tools and machinery at 105 Fourteenth I street, Astoria, Ore. 1105 flower seeds now on display at Aatorla Grocery. Come early and get your pick. Ilermiin Hansen mid Miss Stella R. Anderson were grunted a license to wed yesterday, Danslger and Co. art open for busi ness, although the workmen art eilli In charge of the store. Millinery opvulng of spring and summer hats m Mrs. Ross' milliner) parlors today and tomorrow. Start (he day right by drinking Nob Hill Coffee. FOARD A ST0KE8 CO. DONT fall to see the display of Huyler'a Chocolate, Cocoa and Candies at A. V. Al.UC.V8. Some tint queen olivet at 2Sc per pint at ASTORIA. QROCERT. Owing to tha roughness of thenar yesterday there was no movement of vessela along the water front. Rubble Htephen 8. Wise of Congre gational II" th Israel of rortland Is In the city, accompanied by his wife, vis iting Mrs. I. Bergman. Try a can of Shelling! best Spices: every con guaranteed. Tour money back If It don't suit. ASTORIA GROCERY. The Kpworth league of the First M'thodl-tt rhjurrh will entertain Its members and friends with a social to night at the parsonuge. In odv'H'Htlng a license on business, Councilman ltvllnnd characterised the gambling houses as "crime hatcher Ies." There Is more truth than poetry In the statement. N'lte, large, fat mackerel, Holland and Alaska Herring, Uloaters and Schmidt's Smoked Salmon. Every thing In the fish line at . FOARD St STOKE8 CO. Do you know that the McCrea-Ford Co., 638 Commercial street, are making & big reduction on all photographs daring the Lenten season? The steamer St. Paul arrived down from Portland yesterduy, but owing to the roughness of the bar whs un able to gt nut until late. R. M. Oaston, at hit feed stable No. 105 14th street, offers for sale a Landls harness machine; one butcher's wall scales, will be told cheap. Astoria 'merchants arJ the best Judge us to whether gambling Is of any benefit to the city. Their opinion ought to havj considerable weight In solving the question. Families desiring either Colonial or Shoalwater bay oystera can alwaye secure them fresh at the Imperial oyeater house, which makea a specialty of supplying families or parties. The North Slur Is on the beach having some repairs made before pro ceeding north to Alaska for the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company. 8. Danslger expects to have the Im provements In his store completed by the first of the month. In the meantime they pre doing business. Their Im mense stock Is on the way from the eust. Something' Good and Cheap OUR Diamond - Mirror - Dresser $Bf 75 S a EACH. JZ7 Come and see just what these dressers look like. These dressers have no equal in the city for the price. CHAS. HEILBORN SON Complete House Furnishers. A severe storm prevailed nil day yesterday on the bar, the wind attain ing a velocity of 72 miles nit hour, bresklng over the bar and rendering It impossible for ships to either get jln or out. ' . Mrs. C. M. Ci ller and son Fenton will return today from nil extended visit to friends In San Francisco. They will be in coinpnnled by Mrs, Jennie Gold stein of New York, a sister of Mrs Celler. v " ;' .' W. WhyU of Boise. Idaho, has taken charge of the McCrea-Ford studio for a time, and for the next S3 days will make the best $5.00 photo graphs for JJ.50. See our work. Best In the city Wherrlty, 'Ralston & Co. have re ceived a fine line of tidies' and gent's Hhoes in all the newest shapes and styles. Their store wns crowded all day yesterday and they report busi ness good. ' PERFECTION e How true to the name "are our $.5o and: Sa.oo v-nMen's Shoes. 1 Darf InVWrtrtmancMfl- I VIIVVI J 1 1 I VI niiiuuguiy Perfect In Fit. Perfect In Style. At a meeting of Cushlng post. O. A. R., It was decided to plant a hedge around the grand army plat' In tho city cemetery and also erect n ling pole or It. nn Memorial day the ashes of the late Henry Gist will be burled there with military honors. Captain M. D. Staples came very near taking h trip to Davy Jones' locker' Wednesdny. He Was on the tug Wallula and stepping from the engine room, a hugh wave broke over the tug, carrying Stupeles nearly over bourd. He was found hanging to tht stern rail with his arm around a piece of hawser. He was pulled aboard and aside from a thorough drenching sus tained no Injuries. The Improvement provided, for around Smith's point by the common council Is necessary arid will accom modate a large number of people, be side giving mi easy road for farmers coming from the Utwls and Clark and other fanning e.tlon. ft Is impos sible for the 1,'nlversal Sash ft Ixor factory to run their mill Until the road Is built as they have no possible chance to get their products to market. It Is poxtlble thut the people of As torlu do not know that when they, build or make any Improvements they must secure a building permit from the com mon council. That this Is not being done Is evidenced by the fit thut up to the present time only 29 building permits have been Issued, while A semtor Cornelius has found 13R new-residence-. The ordinance of the city provides a punishment of a fine not less tna ft 110 nor more than 100 on every rson erecting a building with out a permit and the ordinance will be strictly enforced in ?he future. It Is IoMltle that ttarranN will lie issud for a number of persons who have violate, the law. Ladies! You nre cordially Invited to our grand Millinery Opening on Fri day and Saturday, March 24 and 85. We will show the handsomest hats As toria has ever seen. THE FAIR. I J Star Theater Wd'g. Commercial St. . Martin's Eastern Cream Cheese; Tillamook Brick, Breakfast Cheese. Nice, large, fancy Edam. We have all NE-W; i SPRING STYLES Tailored Suits, Jaunty Jackets and Skirts HaVaWMB .r MaWaMaVaaaMM NOW ON DISPLAY. Spring styles are j making their appearance and women with their natural fondness for dress are wel coming every new fashion idea with genuine joy. The season is one of unusual refinement in dress. Happily the nnusual large number of 'designs afford a most pleasing opportunity to freely exercise per sonal tastes and ideas. Everothing that is new and pleasing is displayed in our cloak department. W.e want you to see them. You'll surely be pleased. Forse Department Store. 508-510 ComoercUl Street. The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade. , kinds. FOARD & STOKES CO, i Millinery oivnlng , of spring and summer hats hi Mrs. Ross' millinery . imriura louuy sirui ivuhhiow. i t I A new Invoice of Eastman's celtf-! brated Kodaks and supplies received ' at the Owl drug fctore. ,( i Just received, some fancy smoked i bloaters. ASTORIA GROCERY.1 : The New ALASKAN WARE THE LATEST AND BEST. FOR SALE BY W. C. LAWS ja .CO. JS& IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE HIM. Subscribe for the Astorlan. The engineer and men working on the conduit of the Astoria water com pany have uncovered about 2000 feet of the wooden, pipe and find it In very bud condition. Most of It will have to be replaced. It Is probable 'that Iron or steel pipe will be used. . A new lot of Australian lump coal Just received. There Is no fuel so con venient, satisfactory and economical at first class coal. Australian coal burnt freely with little ash ana Tio cllnkera. You can havt It tacked oi In lumps. .Free delivery. Ring up phone 1961. ELMORE & CO. ALLlLEATHEKSm BLUCHERS OR LACE. Wherity, Ralston $ Company fr , : The Leading Shoe Dealers.' The weather bureau has sent In strctlons to Weather Observer Beals to discontinue the search for the dis abled cable until the weather condl tlona are more favorable. The steamer John McCracken left for Portland Inst night. It Is probable no effort will be made, to secure the cable for several weeks. , Mrs. Ross announces a grand open ing sale of spring and summer milli nery today and tomorrow. Mrs. Roas and her trimmer spent several week? In Sun Francisco selecting the latest styles and creations In millinery and Is better able than ever to supply the wants of the Indies of Astoria, who de sire to be well dressed. I - . ( -tfe. imiH' piWmruLiqfittm - ! i , s--'v tVf N 1905. That's the way y t find things at the ou'U FOARD L 5TORES i COvS DRY GOODS STORE. You can shop here with perfect assurance that you are getting no old or shopworn goods. The newest ideas of the earliest manufacturers find first exhibition here. That's why our dry goods department is meeting with such great success.' There's scarcely a day goes by that doesn't add something new to the splendid showing we've already made. Among the new arrivals is another Larg'e Shipment of Lace Curtains Rather unfortunate for His but fortunate for our patrons we haven't the room to properly display them. Owing to this fact we intend to close out the entire lot this weeK. Come in and see the new designs we are showing., Spring house cleaning begins soon and there's always a few curtains to be boughL. Buy here this week and you'll save from 25 to 50 per cent off the regular price. 'asK to see the new shades in Kid Gloves at $1.25 to $1.50. Astoria's Greatest Store. i