The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 19, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1905.
Atting Aitnt Sontaon
t.S. Marine Hospital Service. '
kMm: 10 to It a-m. 1 to 4: SO p-m.
in OawnercUl Street, nd Floor. .
jtn1 Bid. , KTI Commercial Bt
S24 Commercial St. Astoria, Oreeon.
Pythian Building.. Astoria, Oregon.
Oaly Oae Way Sava Itlaa.
"While the religion of some men I
Intellectual," mid a well known New
Tork clergyman, "the religion of many
Is a UUng of emotions.
"Back la my boyhood day I remem
ber man In the country who used to
go to camp meeting. After singing a
few Inspiring hymns be would become
to outward appearances the happiest
and most pious man In the camp. Hut
his emotion would always die out and
hts. religion wouldn't tide him over to
the next meeting.
"A cynical neighbor of this man
once remarked that the only way to
save his soul was to get him happy and
pious In one of the meetings and then1
kill hlm."-New York Press.
both of which were merely apple skins j
filled rwith a glass bulb, the bulb filled ;
with an explosive, lie chose one of the
apples, and I brought away the other.
The one he took he laid on his desk.
An hour later I heard that there had
been an explosion In his office, but he
was not Injured. My plan had failed.
"But I am only the first link In the
chain," she added. There art many
others. It will be accomplished yet
She offered to return my passport)
lot I contributed It to the canst of I
Russian freedom.
Agonising Bums.
are Instantly relieved, and perfectly
healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C
Klvonhni k, Jr., of Norfolk, Va writes:
"I burnt my knee dreadfully; that It
blistered all over. lmiklen's Arnica
Halve stopped the pain, and healed It
without a scar," Also heals all wounds
and sores. SSo at Chas. Rogers, druggist
Tao Maeh Xaaaa.
A Maryland congressman tells of a I
baptism in a village in the black belt
of that stale. -What Is the nsmer ask-
ed the minister of the child's father. '
"John James George Washington Fits
Hugh Lee Blaine Harrison Smith," an
swered the father. The old minister
Jotted down the names, and then, walk
ing to the baptismal font a crockery
Taa Aatrrtraa Aeeaat.
There Is no such tiling as the "Amer
ica accent" except In a few words such
ss "advertisement" wherein America is
superior as to pronunciation and prac
tice. Nor does the American born man
"talk through his nose." The real dif
ference that we all notice Is a differ
ence lu the general pitch of voice. The
American voice la pitched In a slightly
higher key than the English, and here
you may find ,the reason why the
American assimilates French so easily.
Put roughly, the case Is this: The
OkTtatta the Rales.
Mrs. Flat I always lutdat that my
husband wear evening dress when be
dines at home. Miss Sharp Yes, be
told me thn whs the reason he took
almost all of his meals downtown.
Detrolt Free Press.
." Dr. W. C. LOGAS
178 Commercial St-, Shanahan Building
New stock of fancy goods just
arrived, at Yokohama Bazaar.
Call and se6 the latest novelties
from Japan.
Estate, Insurance, Commission
and Shipping.
133 Ninth Street, Next to Justios
wash basin, said to the janitor: "Moss,
get some more water. There alnt half) Frenchman talks from his palate, the
wivusu iu upi uii i-uim u e out American from the ton of hts throat.
to take in all his names."
Trylaa: ta B Caarltaala.
"Mr. Bligglns means well, but
doesn't stop to think."-
"Perhaps," answered Miss Cayenne,
"he feels that time Is too valuable to
be trifled away In hopeless undertak
ings." Washington 8tar.
the Englishman from his chest and the
German from his diaphragm. Loudon
You can always find the best
15-cent meal in the city at the.
Rising Sun Restaurant.
612 Commercial St
ir 1 5c; nice cake, coffee.J pie, or
ekughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur
ant 434 Bond St
H . GLA.SE R, Prop.
Cooking, Comfortable Btds, Reason
able Rata indJNiccJTrtitmtnt
ConterJScvcnieenth and Diune St.
15 cents a day and up. Meals
20 cents. Board and lodging
$4 per week.
Card wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prloss. Kelly,
aba transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black,
2ar on Twelfth, opposite opera
1 Ha carta wl'
i wooderfW Cbl
karta, nou, bod.
im npitMa
aw mamj mo
wn M .! aev
i ta taia oofutt7.
p - -war
11rooa laa w
m tats ft mum mtaua
iae aoOoa of mt Mf faa
aam, walcn aa aorr rally am la Stftaraal
Saaa, Hpuiwimuin
at, tanf, throat, rknuiuka,
atraaach. Irrar. ktdncn. ate.: a. Itwia axxlaraia. CaU aa
mm Mat. raOeota oat at laa 7 am Sar
Waaks mm areolar. e etaaaa. OUBaCI
The C Gee Wo Chinese Eedkbc Gs.
1SJ AMar SC.
CrMMttaa aaaar.
A Few Precious
YaKhoma - Bazar.
Te MaklatT af It,
"If they're both deaf snd dumb, I
don't see bow they could make love."
"No? I should say It was the best
kind all handmade, yon know."
Philadelphia Ledger.
aaew Bllaalaaaa la Tlaat.
To prevent snow blindness the na-
1 dves of Tibet grease their fscea and
then blacken the skin ail around their
eyea with burnt sticks. Most foreign
ers when exposed to the snow in Tibet
wear colored glasses, Douglas W.
Freahfleld tells of aa experience In
the mountains. "My party was over
taken tt the height OM5.0CO feet by a
violent snowstorm. I had provided
spectacles for all, but some had lost
them. The Tibetans resorted to the
primitive precaution; the Lepuchas
wore veils with their long hair. They
suffered more or less, but not severely
and only for the first two days, while
the myriad facets of the new fallen
snow retained a peculiarly burning
power. Though we afterward walked
and camped on the snow for nearly
two weeks, there were no further com
plaints. Hia Naae.
There was once a gentleman who had
had the misfortune to lose bis nose.
"My dear." said the lady of the house
which he was about to visit to her lit
tle daughter. "I want you to be very
particular snd rttake no remarks about
Mr. Jenkins' nose." The young lady
promised. Later in full drawing room
It was noticed that she looked stir
prised snd even bewildered, nnd toe
who- knew, her best waited hopefully
for some remark which would, so to
speak, make the home bright and live
ly. At last it camp. ' Mamma," nhe
said In a clear, resonant voice, "why
did you U'H me to say nothing about
Mr. Jenkina' nose? He hasn't got any.
Japanese Cooraffe.
The little iueu of Japan can give the
world many thrilling stories of courage
and many of clever stratagem as well.
One of the powerful noble of the
olden time was farced to flee from his
enemy in haste. He hid in a barrel and
was borne away by servants, who,
meeting the enemy, declared that the
barrel contained food.
"If there Is anything living lu It
there will be blood on my sword," said
tlie lioMeniaii'ii enemy and thrust bis
weapon into the barrel. It went
thro'.ifc'h the hidden man's lej.'s and
made a terrible woulhL but he, with
'liiick tliuU!,-ht, wiped the Made on the
hen! of Lis garment as it was drawn
out, m that it went out cleu, mid he
Five I'opem.
Th r'- nre five (.-, it religious hc.vlx
1 t!;e f:'.-c ot the gloljo. They are the
jir;i' or tin' I.:; tin church, the wills
t:i- or orthsdox poo of U:e (Jree!;
church, the father of the faithful, rul
ing !'t l.'oiistnntinonle: the none of Ti
bet, who ban iVsi.ijuo.lsm subjects and
the schismatic pope of the ..Mohammed
an world, who reigns ut Morocco.
First of laa Lair Mea.
During the civil war a captain of a
company which bad sixty men In Its
ranks, none of whom was as energetic
as the officer thought he should be,
hit upon a plan which he believed
would cure the men's habits of lazi
ness. One mornlug after roll call the
captain, addressing his command, said:
"I have a nice, easy Job for the lazi
est man in the company. Will the
laslest man step to the front?"
Instantly fifty nine men each took a
step forward.
"Why didn't you step to the front?"
Inquired the commander of the one
man who did not come.
"I was too iaiy," replied the soldier.
-Philadelphia Ledger.
Shopping Traablea.
"Tomorrow Is my wife's birthday,
and I want to buy a present that wul
tickle her."
"We have a nice line of feather
"No, no. I mean something that
would make a bit with her."
"Anything Iq hammers?" ,
"You misunderstand. I want some
thing striking tbat"-
"Ah, you wish a clock."
"That's all."-CIevelnnd Plain Dealer.
rtld III Beat.
The Woman -Oeorgc, this Is the an
niversary of the day on which I prom
ised to le yours. Have you forgotten It?
The Brute No, my dear, I couldn't
But I've forgiven It Exchange,
a ataeaaracsaaeat Per Ulna.
"So she refused you? Well, didn't
She give you any encouragement t
"No, not a bit She told me that lie
fore she'd consider the matter again
rd have to get a Job aud prove that I
had it In me to support family."
Chicago Record-Herald.
Order Your
for 1906
A few counterfeiters have litely been
iiiuklnR nnd trying to etl linitatlorm
of Dr. King's New Discovery for fori
nimptlon, Cough and Colds nnd other
inedk-lnes, thereby defrauding the pub
He. This Is to warn you to bewiu-a of
such people, who seek to piolll through
Mu.tlliiK the reputation of remedies
which hnva been successfully cutinit
diseases for over 33 years. A sure
protection to you Is our name on the
wrupper. Jouk for It on all Ir. klnit s
or liuckleti s remedies, as all others
aro mere linll.nlons. II. K. HI'CKI.KX
CO.. Chicago. III., and Windsor.
Can ad 11.
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Astorio, Oregon.
.ttvM-HaL. 50
Whra ta Plaa Taeai.
Bllmkins No, sir. I tell you most
friends are uucertaln. I want friends
who will be friends In need, nodges
Take a fool's advice, old man, and look
for them before you need them.
Brooklyn Life.
iti-LMn I'tnnuli,
The largest peanut fields In the world
are supposed to be in Guiana, on th
north coast of Africa. There they art
grown by hundreds of tons. The quali
ty hi Inferior, however, and the bulk
Is shipped to Marseille France.
Vhone 2175 Red. Open Day snd,NlghU
The Astoria
MAN MING, Proprietor.
Fine 'meals served at all
hoars. Oysters served in
any'slyle. Game in season.
3U Bond 8treet, Cor. 9th. YAstorla, Ore.
Waa Perfectly Bald Wkn Be Started
to I'ae newbro'a Herpldde
Frederick Manuel), Maryland block,
Eutte, Montana, bought a. bottle of New
bro's Hrplclde. April t, '80, and began to
use It for entire baldness. The hair fol
licles In his scalp were not dead and In
V) days he had hair all over his head.
On July 2 he writes, "and today my hair
Is as thick and luxuriant as any ons
could wish." Newbro's Herpldde works
cn an old principle and with a new dis
coverydestroy the caune snd you re
move the effect. Herpldde destroys the
germ that causes dandruff, falllns; hair,
and finally baldness, bo that with the
cause gone the effect cannot remain.
Stops falling- hair at once and a new
growth starts. Sold by leading
drusrglftn. Send 10c. In stamps for ampt
to Tha Herpldde Co.. Detroit. Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 351-85J Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. F.
Iurln, Prop, "Speoial Agent."
Aa lrlabaaaa'a Dilemma.
They were cracking "hard nuts" in
the smoking room after the tolls of the
day were over. Some difficult cases of
conscience had Just been related where
a conflict existed between duty and In
clination, and one of these stories sug
gested the following "Irish difficulty:"
"As I sat flHhinx one day," said Con
MacMahon, "I fell uslccp. A terrible
thing happened. There was I in a
tiny, wee boat, with two colleens,
Kaihleeu and Maureen. Faith, an'
didn't I dote on Kuthleen, though
sorra a bit she cared for me! This is a
contrary wurrld, especially In Kerry,
for Maureen, it was sisy to see, liked
me betther than any of the other boys,
though inesilf could hardly hear the
sight of her. But, sure, she was Kath
leen's friend, so I bad to put up with
ber company.
"Well, an awful storm came on, the
waves rose mountains hih, an' the
girls called on all the saints to protect
an' save tnlm. There was no chance
with three of Us In the boat It had
to be lightened. What was a body to
do? I was fair distracted. Kathleen I
couldn't part with, an' I darn't throw
Maureen Into the nnjrry waters. Can
any of ye, tell me what I did'"
Con's intelligent and interested uu
dlence suggested different ways of sol
vation; none was correct.
"I awake," f-::ld the story teller.
"Yt all seem to forget I had been
asleep." London TitUUs.
If you don't want to Jeopardise
friendship don't lend money to friends.
When we hear of a person who re
fused to submit to an operation and
got well we feel like cheering.
The youngest girl In a family Is lia
ble to put on princess airs long after
her sixteen-year-old complexion fades.
Elderly men should not Judge young
men by themselves. Young men and
elderly men are entirely different prop
ositions. The colors In a tree don't appeal to a
man so much as the lumber In it, and
all the poetry in the world will not
change blm.
Families should be good and large, so
that every member will bear the real
truth about himself from at least a
half dozen persons.
Old fashioned hospitality Is dying
out Perhaps you are to blame for
killing off some of It Did you ever
visit often and too long? - Atchison
Protectlaa; Arllaarlaa's Traea.
The ladies of Arlington, Mans., had
a very practical and patriotic field day ,
recently. The Tree Protective associa
tion appointed a day to unite forces
end kill moths with creosote and wire
4 Un
CoaymaMTS 4C
Anfrine tenitlng a ikrtrh and merirt m
Qtyrklf wertain our npininii fra whether ail
aifenoaii la r,hallf paiimuble, ( vrnmunlia.
Minrtctlr AiiiSdeiitliil. HANDBOOK 00 ' la
aant frea. oldf-t aireiir? fur fH-urtiia pitfatila.
faieiiia takan through Munn Co. rataWf
tfmat aatka, without chaiva, la lb
Scientific Americans
A handanmely lllnatrmiwl weeklr. ljireaat etr.
rulatien ( mnj arienilDn k,umal. Taruia. 3
tfir: unit m.itiiba, IL Sunt all newwWIarm.
KlifiHCo."'8' New Tork
nraoch tWtoa, its) 9 SU Wuhinaiun. I). C
Fine Line of vSamples
Now Ready.
IWe furuish all the latest designs at
prices lower than Eastern Houses
and save you the freight.
The iL
Most Cohid
No Contract too Large No Job too Small
Book and ..Magazine Binding a Specialty